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Small Town Sonata | Jamie Fessenden
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Mind of My Mind | Octavia E. Butler
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This was my least favourite Butler so far - but it's Buterl. it's still pretty good.

#WickedWords @AsYouWish - 1 to go

#Booked2023 #InMemoriam (could also be About a Monster!) @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @alisiakae
- 2 to go

#ClassicSF #NoShameReadathon23 @Nessavamusic - none to go! Completed!

Cinfhen Would it also work for #Afrofuturisim ??? 12mo
Lauredhel @Cinfhen I don't know about this particular book -the series as a whole probably is. Her Parable duo definitely is. 12mo
Lauredhel @Cinfhen oh, yes - it's a good adaptation. Very gruelling. 12mo
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All The Devils Are Here | David Seabrook
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27/23 I will never stop thinking about this book. Strange, dark, full of characters blurred somewhere between truth and fiction. It sucks you in and spits you out at the end, unsure of what has just happened. It was a wild ride. So much happens within is 200 pages. This is my #booked2023 #inmemoriam pick. Seabrook sadly died young and had only written two books.

Cinfhen I‘m intrigued 🤓 1y
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I decided to read this today as my #inmemoriam pick for #booked2023. Beverly Cleary was one of my favorites as a kid, but I‘d never read the Ralph books! Loved the letter at the beginning written by Kate DiCamillo. Beverly Cleary was such a gem 💚💚

TheBookHippie Now you have to watch the original movie ♥️ (1986) 1y
CBee @TheBookHippie oh my gosh, there‘s a movie?? I definitely need to find that. Thank you! 💚💚💚 1y
TheBookHippie @CBee should be on Amazon yet I think it‘s a dollar 🤣 1y
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CBee @TheBookHippie a dollar! That‘s expensive tho 😂😂😂 1y
Cinfhen I agree!!! Beverly Clearly really was a gem!!!! Her books our timeless 🙌🏻💜 1y
jesseastin Oh, I remember reading this as a child! I‘ll have to revisit it again. Thanks for the memory! 1y
CBee @jesseastin 💚💚💚 1y
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Love how Daunts Books are publishing forgotten classics and giving new life to them. These stories are full of quiet female rage, written in a time when this was even less acceptable than it is now. Penelope Mortimer writes so brilliantly about the ennui and dissatisfaction of women of her era, feelings of being trapped, having no voice, being both under and overwhelmed by opportunities, marriage and motherhood. (Continued below)…

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The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty | Anne Rice, A. N. Roquelaure
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I have no words. Oh, wait, yes I do. Degradation and humiliation are NOT sexy. At least not to me. I enjoy erotica now and then and I don‘t consider myself a prude by any means, but this was not the erotica for me. It‘s very repetitive…I mean, enough with the spanking! Move on. BDSM is okay if the parties are consensual but that wasn‘t the case in this book. For me, there was nothing fun or sexy here.

TheAromaofBooks Oh dear, sounds like this one was a big miss! 1y
Cinfhen Excellent review 🫶🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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Steinbeck‘s last novel had been sitting unread on my shelves for years until #authoramonth gave me the incentive to finally pick it up. While it did not unseat my favorites of his, it did remind my why I have listed as one of my favorite authors for decades. #booked2023 #inmemoriam

Suet624 Congrats on finally getting to it! 1y
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The Diviners | Margaret Laurence
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I am so glad I finally picked up this one. The final #Manawake novel offers a fascinating dive into #Canadian history and introduces a bunch of fantastic characters. We all need a Christie, Jules, Ella and Pique in our lives and a Morag of course. Narrator of this great book and what a woman! She is tough and authentic and a real literary heroine if you ask me.

#Roll100 #192025 #1974 #Booked2023 #InMemoriam #1001books #ReadingTheAmericas 🇨🇦

Cinfhen Cool photo - glad the book delivered!! 2y
TrishB Interesting, not read this one but have read others by the author. 2y
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BarbaraBB @TrishB All her books are great I think! 2y
squirrelbrain Love the pic! I‘ve only read one by this author and I should really read more! 2y
batsy Great review! Your last sentence—I absolutely agree. Morag's a tough, prickly character and I first read this about 20 years ago and I've never forgotten her. 2y
vivastory Fantastic review. The read through of Laurence's books remains one of my favorite buddy reads. I loved seeing all of the connections from previous books in this one. 2y
LeahBergen Wonderful review! And just what @vivastory said: this was such a great series to read together. 🥰 2y
Librarybelle Great review! 2y
Leftcoastzen Love the photo , I need to read her ! But I say that about so many authors. 2y
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#AAM EXCELLENT audio narration by the talented Gary Sinise❤️‍🔥Steinbeck‘s writing is so vivid and descriptive - and his love for California really shone through these pages. He made want to get in my car and cruise the roads and lanes that snake across the USA. This was a meditative read especially knowing how a few years later the country was to undergo big changes. So grateful to @Soubhiville for choosing this iconic author.

JamieArc I really enjoyed this one too. Whenever I hear people say they don‘t like Steinbeck, I want to urge them to try this one first. 2y
Soubhiville I didn‘t choose him, you all did (if you voted 😉). I enjoyed my book by him though and hope I have time to read another this month. Glad you liked this. I‘m always a fan of a book with a dog! 🐩 2y
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Cinfhen I‘m planning on reading Grapes of Wrath this month too @JamieArc but I might squeeze in another NF by Steinbeck that someone recommended but of course I can‘t remember who 2y
Cinfhen I actually did NOT vote for Steinbeck so thanks to the folks who did 😂 @Soubhiville 2y
KathyWheeler I really liked Travels with Charley. I had first read it in 7th grade and liked but reread it with a much greater appreciation last year. 2y
Cinfhen Agreed, reading Steinbeck at 50 is much different than reading Steinbeck at 15!!! @KathyWheeler 2y
KathyWheeler @Cinfhen It really is different reading it when you‘re 12 than when you‘re 65! 2y
Cinfhen Im amazed you can recall anything about it 😂😂😘 i can‘t remember what I had for lunch on Friday @KathyWheeler (edited) 2y
SamAnne I love is travelogue on Baja. I must read this. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen What‘s the travelogue on Baja called @SamAnne - I‘d like to read it too! 2y
SamAnne @Cinfhen The Log from the Sea of Cortez. I took it along on a trip to Baja and it was a beautiful read. It was the January after Trump‘s election and I was feeling so fearful for the country. He and his best friend Ed were launching from Monterey CA when the U.S. was entering WWII and it just felt so timely. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen Oh, haha 😆 I didn‘t read the comment clearly @SamAnne im looking forward to Sea of Cortez 😄 2y
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How to rate a book like this??? It‘s like rating Rickman‘s experiences and thoughts about life. The diary format was clunky for me - pro tip, don‘t try to power through, take breaks - but his insights got me to see the man behind Colonel Brandon. At times super positive, and other times a bit catty, Rickman describes working on films and plays, as well as his constant health battles. I was exhausted just reading about his jet setting ways!

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rmaclean4 I loved him! 2y
Bluebird Great actor. So many wonderful roles. My favs: Colonel Brandon, Hans Gruber and Snape. Think I need to read his book. Stacked! 2y
Librarybelle @rmaclean4 @Bluebird I felt a little invasive reading his diaries, but it was also a nice sneak peek into some of his movies and the interactions on set! 2y
Bluebird 🤔 do you know if he authorized the publication of the diaries? I don‘t think I‘d want to read it if he didn‘t. 2y
Cinfhen Excellent review! I was going to use this book for the same prompts but I‘m not really a fan and I wonder if I‘ll “enjoy” or appreciate this one?? I might look for another option. 2y
Cinfhen @Bluebird good point!!! 2y
Librarybelle @Bluebird @Cinfhen There is not a specific statement anywhere that he authorized this…his wife worked with a collaborator to put this out. So, I‘m not sure. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks, Jess 💜 2y
Bluebird Thanks! Hopefully he and his wife discussed this before his death. 2y
LibrarianRyan I have heard such good things about this. 2y
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