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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
168 posts | 88 read | 2 reading | 112 to read
A hilarious debut novel by a BuzzFeed culture writer about the difficulties of real life connection in the heart of New York City's tech world. While Silicon Valley likes to think of itself as the epicenter of the tech universe, New York attracts its fair share of ambitious entrepreneurs determined to make their mark. Among them are Mack McAllister, the it-boy visionary of the moment trying to take his app to the next level; Isabel, a social media ninja working for him a bit too closely; and Katya, an ambitious Russian emigre journalist desperate for a scoop. When a scandal erupts in the lower Manhattan loft building where all three work, they quickly discover just how small a world the Big Apple's tech community can be. Doree Shafrir's debut is a sharp, hugely entertaining story of youth, ambition, love, money and technology's inability to hack human nature.
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

I was not a good match for this book. Glad to move it off my shelves after it‘s 6 year residency. May it find a better suited match elsewhere. #ontothenextone

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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#LMPBC #GroupE here are 6 throwbacks on my #BOTM back list … let me know if you have any preferences.

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kellyann28 I haven't read any! My top choice would be Sing, Unburied, Sing 2y
Catsandbooks Chemistry. Startup. Sing, unburied, sing. Or The summer wives. Would be my choices (edited) 2y
sprainedbrain I‘ve read Startup and Sing Unburied Sing. I‘m happy with any of the others. 2y
JackOBotts I think it‘s Chemistry for the win, @sprainedbrain @Catsandbooks @kellyann28 🤗! I‘ll claim green ink, unless it‘s already spoken for! 💚🖊📚 Looking forward to this round. 💚 2y
kellyann28 Sounds good! ❤ 2y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I read one of my oldest (2017) dust-collecting BOTM books! I absolutely effing hated it, but I read it!

Horrible people being just nasty and self-centered, a plot that I really didn‘t give a damn about, and a stupid ending.


It was short & I persisted to finish—my #BookSpin.😉

Deblovestoread Sounds horrible! I‘m pretty sure this is sitting in the wasteland of my kindle TBR…I won‘t be looking for it based on your review. One down so many to go….😂 3y
elkeOriginal That is the most amazing and honest review ever! 3y
TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!!! 😂 3y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I have this one sitting around here somewhere. Now I'm even less interested in it. 3y
sprainedbrain @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I went to review it on the BOTM and the majority seemed to have liked it? Maybe it‘s a me problem. 😂 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick It's possible, I have reviewed like that, too. I'll forget about the apprehension in a couple weeks. 😆 3y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Oh man, what a bunch of unlikeable characters that made a lot of questionable decisions, coming together to make a juicy little book. I‘d like Shafrir to write more, she sucked me right in with this one.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I just couldn‘t get into this - quit at 47% when I realized I was skimming. Life‘s to short to read a book I just want to be over. The new GA Aiken book is in from the library so I‘m ready to move on!

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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It has been a rainy day, but I have a fresh stack of books from the library. What should I read first?

Rachel.Rencher I really liked Good as Gone, and I've had the Carrie Fisher one on my TBR for a while! 5y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I was not particularly in love with this book about the startup tech culture in New York City. I hated everyone until the end, and didn‘t much care what happened to them. That said, the story was interesting enough that I didn‘t bail. Also, I listened to the audiobook, and the narrator was great! A bit jarring at first because she‘s so fast-paced, but that made it perfect for the world of this book.

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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So this is the book that my dog tried to eat, and as far as I‘m concerned, he can finish the job. This is a book about sexual harassment set in the NYC tech scene and I was expecting something “juicier,” I guess. Also, I just didn‘t give a flip about any of the characters, and the ending was unsatisfying.
The author is co-host of 2 podcasts, so this is for #booked2019 #relatedtoapodcast

BarbaraTheBibliophage Good job on the prompt, although 😰 that the book was such a let down. 5y
Cinfhen Ha!! I love that your dog actually tried to eat your “homework” 😂😂😂 I‘ve seen both highly rated reviews for this book and then some like your‘s. I wonder if it‘s a millennial thing?? Good for you for finishing!! 5y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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This is what happens when you leave a book out in the open and within reach of an unsupervised paper-shredding obsessed dog! Luckily, he only destroyed the cover and front matter pages before he was caught. 😫 #wildcard #anewchapter

DivineDiana Was he remorseful at least? 5y
wanderinglynn 😳😧😢 5y
wanderinglynn But I love your mug! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
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vkois88 Oh no!!! I'm so sorry... 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh no! Notty! 5y
valeriegeary I had a dog eat pages from the middle/end of I book that I was reading!! I had to check out a copy from the library to finish it! 😫😂 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Oh deaaaar!! 😭😭😭So sorry!! 5y
Chrissyreadit Your mug fuc*ing rocks! 5y
Tamra 😝 We had that happen with library books ..... of course they had to be library books! 5y
julesG Guess you made your mug proud. 😁 5y
Hestapleton I just heard Georgie from MFM talk about that book this morning—do you like it? 5y
OriginalCyn620 @Hestapleton I haven‘t started it yet. I was going to a couple of days ago but 2 library holds came in so I had to start those instead. This one is next up though! 5y
OriginalCyn620 @DivineDiana No, he looked rather proud of himself! But when I started to pick the shreds up from the floor, he put his ears back and down (his guilty ears) and gave me the puppy dog eyes. 5y
OriginalCyn620 @valeriegeary If Max had to do this, I‘m glad it was my book and not a library book or one that I borrowed from a friend. 😬 5y
OriginalCyn620 @julesG I really did! Those particular vocabulary words come in handy at times like this! 5y
sk888888 Retrievers in my house have chewed two (yikes) library books, which of course I had to replace. I feel your pain. 5y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Okay...tad bit of a stretch, so bear with me. One of my first #BOTM books (and of course I haven‘t read it yet), this is a novel set in a startup company and examines the rise and fall of said company. When one of the founders is caught doing something bad, it‘s up to others working in the company to handle the fallout and keep the company going. This novel takes place in Manhattan. #TenthAvenueFallOut #WinterWonderland

Cinfhen Hahaha!!! Well done!!! But more importantly, how‘s your dad doing??? 6y
Librarybelle @Cinfhen When I left him last night, he was in such good spirits. I haven‘t seen him that lively in quite some time. Granted, I‘m sure the pain medication helped, but when all of the badness went down in July, even pain killers didn‘t help. I‘m letting him rest a little bit this morning before I text him, but if all goes well, we hope to have him home on Friday. Thank you for asking! ❤️😘 6y
Cinfhen That‘s wonderful news 💜🌻 6y
TrishB Good luck 👍🏻 and great news about your dad 💕 6y
Librarybelle Thank you, @TrishB ! 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Disappointing, as I had expected more from the book. Thought it would have been about how a young writer stumbled on her Watergate, and would bring down a tech bro. But it was really about a bunch of characters with low self esteem.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Finished, 33/50 this year
It was alright. I never got lost in it, never bonded with the characters, I guess I just didn't care. I did care enough that I wanted to know how it would end, it was such an easy read that even without feeling connected to it I still read it pretty fast, which is a good thing. I don't know, it felt like the author had a lot of important things to say about something very important but the characters just felt flat to me.

kristincatastrophic ... something very important (sexual harassment) but the characters all just felt flat to me. 6y
kristincatastrophic Someday I'm going to learn how to write a review in under 451 characters LOL 6y
Eggs Congratulations 33/50! Time to set a new goal? 6y
kristincatastrophic @Eggs Nah, I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. I did think of really trying for 52 so it's a book a week but I didn't even finish the 1st until the end of February so I don't know. 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Halfway through this now and I've come up with an alternate title
"Men Suck: A Novel"
I made this joke at work today and my boss just said "I don't think you needed to learn that from a book." ?
Sorry, not sorry.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Started my next book and dang, another book that's going to have me smoking like a chimney. I'm very easily influenced, if someone says "smoke" or "cigarette" I suddenly and desperately need a cigarette ?I know it's not funny but what else can I do but admit and laugh at my faults.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Started digging through my Kindle looking for a new read and found this. I‘ve been meaning to read this for a while, but I have so many books that things get lost in the shuffle sometimes (I know, too many books, so horrible! 😂😂)Has anyone read it?

BookMaven407 🙋🏻I enjoyed it. 6y
Amor4Libros @BookMaven407 Glad to hear! I am already enjoying the pace of the book. 🙂 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

A satircal look at the lives of a group of characters living in New York in the tech bubble. The apps in the story were suitably absurd. You wouldn't want to be friends with any of the characters but they were a well-rounded, diverse cast. The author makes some good points about the culture of casual sexual harassment and there were some genuinely funny moments.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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thereadingowlvina We're already connected in GR! Yay! 🙋 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I need to read it or release it back to the library!

lucylovestoread I'm listening to one of her podcasts and really enjoying it. Have been wondering if I should pick this up! 6y
ladyonequestion @lucyinedinburgh Enjoying it so far, I'll have to look out for the podcast 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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1. Print or ebooks. I have only just joined the audiobook party - I've listened to 3 audiobooks so far.
2. On the sofa.
3. I mostly drink coffee or wine when I'm reading, although I do like tea sometimes too. Chocolate for a snack!
4. Multiple books. I like to dip in and out like a bee tasting flowers!
5. Anytime, but there is something lovely about reading late at night with no distractions.

@thereadingowlvina #readingfavourites

thereadingowlvina 🍫 + ☕ always a good idea 😁 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Hopefully going to have a read after dinner

Dpotter The tea looks absolutely delightful! 🙂☕️ (edited) 6y
vkois88 Almost too pretty to drink! 6y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

Geographic nostalgia for somewhere you had only faint memories of was such a mind-fuck.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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It's like they can't imagine a world where people have actual emotions or feel sad or angry or frustrated; everything has to be fixed immediately...

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

She also felt like there was something slightly more insidious going on, about how you were now supposed to feel like your work was your everything: where you got your paycheck, yes, but also where you got fed and where you found your social circle.

Everything had started bleeding into everything else.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

Somewhere along the way, she'd lost her ambition. Somewhere along the way, it had just seemed easier to fade into the background, to become unmemorable.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

When she got to the F train, she put her headphones on - she wasn't actually listening to anything, but this ensured that no one would talk to her - and closed her eyes. Even though she was surrounded by people, her commute was the only time when she felt blissfully alone.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

This was a quick, witty, and humorous read. I wish it had a little more depth, but overall I really enjoyed it.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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This is the novel complement for the #MeToo movement and a great book to read over your holiday travels because, although dealing with a serious topic, it offers fast-paced narration and stinging cultural critiques.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

If you like books about the tech industry, or about millennials in NYC, this is definitely an entertaining read!

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir


Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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This book is certainly relevant for a lot of #mygeneration - including myself and my husband. It was fun to read a satirical account of the world that I have recently found myself a part of. An entertaining read!

BarbaraBB Great choice! Recognizable! 7y
Cinfhen Excellent choice and very fitting for so many 👍🏻 7y
ApoptyGina69 I liked it a lot! I‘m going to get a couple copies for Christmas gifts to give. 7y
Reviewsbylola Definitely one of my favorite books this year. 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Book #8 I picked this book because I wanted to learn more about startup culture (despite this being fiction). The book felt very timely in regards to how we define and dismiss sexual harassment in our lives and in the workplace.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

After reading the blurb about Startup, I expected a light read with a fun gossipy story about a young work environment... but it lost the fun and got too serious by the end.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Picked up a few things at the library today. Trying not to go overboard on library books since the Decatur Book Festival is this weekend and I know it will topple my TBR pile!! #DBF2017

Graciouswarriorprincess Have fun. I want to attend one year. I am heading to D.C. for the National Book Festival this weekend. 7y
Kappadeemom Well I live about 4 hours away and have never been to a festival. Do they give away books or do people sell them? Do you get to see books that haven't been published yet? 7y
Well-ReadNeck @Kappadeemom The Festival is free to attend. The books are sold by local indie bookstores. Most of the authors have 2017 released books. There are always some that release at the festival itself. And, there are bookseller vendors that sell books at discount (3 for $10, etc) (edited) 7y
Kappadeemom @Well-ReadNeck thank you!! ❤️ 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I thought this was a fun, quick read.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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I didn't realize how much I would love this book. SO timely just coming off the Google Memo about women in tech. I started it to familiarize myself with tech terminology before a round of job interviews, stayed for the fully realized characters, male and female: sympathetic villains and flawed protagonists. Highly recommend! 5 Peaches 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Reviewsbylola I loved this one so much but I definitely can see how it wouldn't be love for everyone. 7y
AnnieReads @Reviewsbylola It was quirky, I'll give it that. I can see why it appeals to others. 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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This was a fun, quick read about startup company culture in NYC. Based on what you read about Google & Uber lately, it rang pretty true with me!

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Mom I am totally bored.

MrBook Just like #Coale! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 7y
Sassy_Steph What do you expect? The poor sweeties can't read like we can!! 7y
imabusybee @Sassy_Steph So true, Monster is so over it!! Maybe I should get him an audio? 😂😂 7y
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Mariposa_Bookworm That sweet little face! 😻😻😻😻❤️ 7y
Sassy_Steph Audio? Great idea!! 7y
DebinHawaii 🐱❤️ 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Adorable 🐾 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Listening pleasure.

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Thank you Little Brown for these ARCs. I love getting surprise #bookmail!💕📚

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

Maybe I had high expectations for the book, however, I thought it took too long to reach the climax. Then the book tried to quickly wrap up from there. I know that I shouldn't be expecting all the plot lines tied up with a bow, but I really expected more of there was a scandal, and here's the fall out from the scandal.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir

As much as I expected the ending, I loved how triumphant and topical it was. The all of a sudden way that these women realized their own strength and power was very satisfying.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Welcome to the future. 🙆‍♀️🎣💾🆒️

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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My #currentread next to my very first ereader. It feels like a brick, had a whopping 4mb (!) of memory, and had a monochrome screen that gave me headaches. And I loved it. 😊 I blasted through 75% of this book yesterday. It's a quick, super fun read, especially if you're at all interested in the tech scene. 👍

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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An MPL staff pick! John "wishes it was 100 pages longer". We also love the reference to Montclair ??.

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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#BookNDinner! @MrBook brought home pizza & wings to help beat the Monday blues. 🍕 Yum! 😋

Peddler410 The cover has a middle grade feel to it -- am I being deceived? 🙂 7y
MrBook 😍😍😍 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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A couple of chapters in, seems like this will be perfect summer reading!

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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Meh. Unlikeable characters and a plot that ultimately didn't add up to much. I only got through it after purchasing the audio book- the reader was awesome.

sarahs.thoughts.on.books As a completer, it too me 2.5 months to get through it (yes, many weeks where I didn't touch it). 7y
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Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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A fun, quick satire about the tech industry and startup culture in NYC. It was a bit fluffy and the character development was on the lighter side but I found myself engrossed several times during my reading. It's between so-so and pick for me. A good summer fun book to enjoy at the beach!

Startup: A Novel | Doree Shafrir
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Good price for a recent #BOTM