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Frost Burned
Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
41 posts | 131 read | 17 to read
Mercy Thompson returns in the seventh novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.Mercy Thompsons life has undergone a seismic change. Becoming the mate of Adam Hauptmanthe charismatic Alpha of the local werewolf packhas made her a stepmother to his daughter Jesse, a relationship that brings moments of blissful normalcy to Mercys life. But on the edges of humanity, what passes for a minor mishap on an ordinary day can turn into so much moreAfter an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy and Jesse cant reach Adamor anyone else in the pack for that matter. Theyve all been abducted.Through their mating bond, all Mercy knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adams disappearance may be relatedand that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from any ally she can get, no matter how unlikely.
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Solid 3.5 ⭐
I have to give it to Briggs, with my time lapse from the last book to now, it felt like I lost a few minutes between books as Briggs didn't reference too much into the past six books but moved right into this new chapter for Mercy Thompson which still has me shaking my head at her and her quick wit that leads her into trouble.

#fromthetbr #bookdsreadsin2024

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ another great one in this series ❤️❤️ and getting Adam POV chapters were the best! Would more of those ❤️

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Great continuation of one of my favorite series.

#mercythompsonseries #frostburned #patriciabriggs

wanderinglynn I love Mercy! ❤️ 3y
BacklistReader @wanderinglynn me too. I‘m binging the series so I can be all caught up for Soul Taken when it comes out 3y
wanderinglynn Smart thing to do. And I can‘t wait!!! 3y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Entertainment while I‘m at the laundromat….let‘s see if I can‘t finish this one in the next couple days.

#frostburned #mercythompsonseries #patriciabriggs

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Maybe I‘ll actually get to some of these this year...🤷‍♀️

Whiteout. Books with white spines.


Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy is such an awesome heroine. Lots of action in this book featuring a vampire who‘s also a necromancer. 😱 And Lorelei King is a marvelous narrator.

Book 12 for #screamathon and #scarathlon #teamharkness + several other IG readathons & challenges

10 hrs for #littenlisten audio-thon & #october24in4

Book 1 for #outstandingoctober

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
Bookgoil I‘ve only read a few in this series and love her maybe someday I‘ll pick it back up! 4y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I just like this series. It's sort of ridiculous, but a fun palate cleanser.

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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So I have finished this one of my re-reads. Not long until I catch up and start on the new ones!

This is a sad one, but I love the introduction to Asil (who is one of my favourite wolves) and am glad Tad is back :)

Now I can concentrate on my monthly book club reads for a bit!

#MercyThompson #ReReads

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Started the first couple of chapters of my next Mercy book over lunch. This is one that I find very sad though :(

#ReRead #MercyThompson

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Night planned 🥰

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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The theme “Mercy and Adam get separated and bad shit happens“ seems to be developing. Asil makes his way into this one, which was interesting.

#Pop20: Pun in title
#MonthlyKeyWordGXO: Water

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

Finished this little gem on my way to work this morning. I really enjoyed it and have liked this series so far :)

#24B4Monday Readathon
Go #TeamStoker ! #Scarathlon

1 point participation + 10 points theme book (were, shifter, vampire) =11 points

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Was able to start this one on my way back to Houston yesterday and listened to this on my way into work today.

#TeamStoker #Scarathlon

1 point participation

ElizaMarie @TheReadingMermaid reminding you about this post 5y
ElizaMarie @TheReadingMermaid bothering you again on this one 5y
BeansPage I got you honey 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

I still like this series a lot! And I like Tad, hope to see more of him in future books.

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Honestly this book had gotten very blurry for me. But upon reread I really enjoy it and picked up on more than the first time I read it.

ShyBookOwl I really wanted to love this series but book 1 felt any too overly romantic, with all the "mate" talk. It turned me off. Is that the case all throughout the books? Or should I try book 2 one day? 5y
KeepCalmWithBooksAndCoffee @ShyBookOwl I was just talking about this with someone. The first book isn‘t the best intro to this series. There continues to be a lot of mate talk and romantic relationships. However I really like Mercy and how she tends to defy the “mate” tropes in the series. So maybe? 5y
ShyBookOwl @KeepCalmWithBooksAndCoffee hmmm... ok. Maybe I'll look for it at the library one day, rather than buy it, like I excitedly did for book 1. Thx! 5y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Not as epic a “read stack” as my February Reads, but Feb was kind of an anomaly. Still pretty great with 14 completed reads! And I finished my Mercy Thompson reread with time to spare before the newest one drops in May! Frost Burned was my #BestOfMarch. It‘s probably the most empowering point in Mercy‘s arc. She‘s always a badass, but I consider this book peak badassery. Conversely, it also serves up one of the bigger punches to the feels.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Awesome job! 📖💖 6y
Nichelle I was wondering when the new Mercy was coming out. Thanks! I can‘t wait! 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego thanks! @Nichelle You‘re welcome! It‘s been a little confusing because it was supposed to come out in March but she had to push the date back to May, so there were two dates floating around for a while. 6y
iread2much I love Mercy, she‘s so awesome! 6y
Michollio 💜💜 Mercy 6y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

Jesse is the best

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Book four of the vacation! Love this series.

Anitareads Love this series too, I'm currently at book three ☺ 6y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I took the ninth off each shelf. A varied selection! #9thbookontheshelf #AprilinBooks18

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I'm not familiar with the series she's reading but thank god my brother married a girl who reads ❤️❤️❤️

ThatNerdyBookwyrm Not a huge fan of her writing but she‘s a really popular urban fantasy/paranormal romance writer. 7y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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This book is fun and keeps the ending twist hidden despite some light hints through out the story. I also enjoyed the change in point of view to Adam as I felt it helped the story and supported his character development. 4/5 Stars

Heretherebedragons I agree. I love Briggs's storytelling style. I also love her way of pacing and unfolding of the plot. She's got "show don't tell" down to an art form, imo. 7y
iread2much @Heretherebedragons I agree! She respects the intelligence of her readers while not trying to over impress 7y
Heretherebedragons 😸Her humor is so sly and mischievous. I love it. 7y
TricksyTails 😍🐶 7y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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So I ended the month with 16 completed reads and well into 6 current reads! I also finished my Mercyverse reread and it was glorious! My pick of the month was Frost Burned. Mercy gets her bad assery on in a big way, and it‘s where Mercy meets my favorite vampire in the series, Thomas (sorry Stefan, I love you too, but he‘s too cute!) And that final showdown? Too good!

PurpleyPumpkin Wow, great month!👌🏽 7y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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So, I just reread this and realized as I was reading that I remembered almost NOTHING about it! As I read, I kept thinking, how is it possible that I don't remember this?! But, getting down to brass tacks? This book is truly fantastic! Mercy is extra kickass in this one! I love it! As for the mystery of who is doing what and why? - I had no clue up until it was all revealed! And I've read this before! (Exasperated with myself here) So very good!

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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I would pick Mercy and her merry band of werewolves! They're resourceful, viciously protective, they have experience with kidnapping, many of them have military back grounds, and I mean, werewolves! Not mention that Mercy can be counted on to not only get the job done, but with sass and humor to boot! 😘

Who would you pick? And why? Use the hashtag #BooksToTheRescue and don't forget to tag me so I can see your picks!!!

Zelma Great choice! 👍 7y
Clwojick Oh my gosh, Han Solo, and Chewie too! 7y
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the.bookish.valkyrie @Clwojick ha! Perfect! I love it! 7y
Crewgurl I think I have to go Harry Potter. Who better to save you than some bright resourceful wizards and witches? 7y
the.bookish.valkyrie @Crewgurl excellent point! And Hermione is truly brilliant! 7y
Crewgurl She is by far my favorite. Plus Emma Watson in real life is also amazing. 7y
iread2much Not to mention their adopted son is a crazy fire mage and Mercy‘s vampire friends 😉 7y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

I loved this book. The pop culture references after great and I live the direction the series is going.

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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This is #7 in the Mercy Thompson series, and I've enjoyed reading every one so far. This one (imo) did not have the excitement level that some of its predecessors did, but it was still an original, well-told story and further advanced Mercy's growth and development as an Alpha mate and heroine in her own right. Love this series! #romantsy #osrbc

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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OK, I've always been one who doesn't give up on a book. The last two days, I've called it quits on 2. One because I felt it degraded women (I'm starting to understand why I veer away from a lot of modern romance), and the second because well, it simply didn't hold my attention, and I didn't like the direction it was going. So I'm back with Mercy...HER, I can count on! ❤ #romantsy #osrbc

Spacegirl Somehow the part where Mercy gets under the influence of the "peace and quiet" reminds me of those week characters? 8y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson #7 continues to be action packed, putting Mercy under several competing pressures and culminating in the kind of boss fight that seems as close to realistic as you can get in an urban fantasy. By this point it helps if you've read the first two Alpha & Omega books, but it isn't vital. Pigeons continue to come home to roost & Mercy continues to grow and appeal as a strong female lead. Fabulous stuff!

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

This one wastes no time in getting started and remains steady throughout. Such a good addition to the series!

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I dunno if she's the #mostbadassheroine but Mercy is pretty cool and I also have a soft spot for the series!

#riotgrams #library

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Most of my favorite reads for the year. I really developed a love for fantasy series this year.

robinb #Christy2318 I've also discovered some great fantasy this year....total new genre for me. Kate Daniels, Kingmaker Chronicles, Wraith Kings, etc. I've never read Patricia Briggs. Do you recommend the Mercy Thompson series? Any others? 8y
Christy2318 @robinb - The first few Mercy Thompson books aren't as strong as the rest of the series but by book 4 or 5, I liked them as much as Kate Daniels. I have the first Kingmaker Chronicles book out from the library now. I was late to the party reading Mortal Instruments and The Lunar Chronicles this year. I loved them as well. Also Sabaa Tahir An Ember in the Ashes & A Torch in the Night 8y
robinb Thanks for the recommendations! I loved the first Kingmaker and am anxiously awaiting the second one next week. 8y
BeveragesAndBooks Yes to both The Hating Game and Dumplin'!!!! In my top as well. 8y
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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

NOOOOOO! That feeling when you've reached the end what's available at the library. I have enjoyed Mercy Thompson so much...I don't want to wait for new audiobooks!

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Gave up on the Couple Next Door. Picked up one of my favorite series. Although, she has these chapters going 20 pages and she could really trim them down.

Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy has really grown on me.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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Is it just me, or does this series get more predictable and underwhelming with each book? I enjoy them, but I want some new stuff.

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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs

The bald man froze, and I patted Ben on the head. "Sorry, Ben," I murmured. "No eating the bad guys when they are tied up, and the police are on the other side of the door."

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Frost Burned | Patricia Briggs
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I got less than a 100 pages to go and I love the characters so much! I'm meeting the author this Saturday for a signing and I got one more book to go! Super excited!

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