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Deadline | Mira Grant
Shaun Mason is a man without a mission. Not even running the news organization he built with his sister has the same urgency as it used to. Playing with dead things just doesn't seem as fun when you've lost as much as he has.But when a CDC researcher fakes her own death and appears on his doorstep with a ravenous pack of zombies in tow, Shaun has a newfound interest in life. Because she brings news-he may have put down the monster who attacked them, but the conspiracy is far from dead.Now, Shaun hits the road to find what truth can be found at the end of a shotgun. Newsflesh FeedDeadlineBlackoutFor more from Mira Grant, check out:ParasitologyParasiteSymbiont ChimeraNewsflesh Short FictionApocalypse Scenario #683: The BoxCountdownSan Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California BrowncoatsHow Green This Land, How Blue This SeaThe Day the Dead Came to Show and TellPlease Do Not Taunt the Octopus
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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#WinterGames2021 #HolidayLaughs #TeamGameSleighers here is your weekly reminder to post or tell me your current up to date points total - what you are at so far in the event. I will post our team total on Wednesday🎄😊 you can comment here, make a post, or email me at lebretonr87@gmail.com

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Kshakal I am at 125 points for the week 😊🎄💗 3y
sblbooks Week 2 total: 2832 3y
ChasingOm Week two: 162 points 😄 3y
Crazeedi Week 2 265 points, I'm not very productive! Did you get my points from last week?(I gave them to you late) 3y
audraelizabeth 3063.1for week 2 and 472.71 for week 1. 3y
rsteve388 850 pts. 840 for the words game. I'll.post a photo of it after. And one book finished for 10 pts. Impulse read. 3y
vonnie862 Week 1- 260; week 2- 4859; total- 5119 3y
LitStephanie This week I made 3867 points, which added to week 1, which I didn't post on time, puts me at 7727 total. 3y
Dilara Week 2 : 1204 points 😁 3y
Moony Week 2: 87 points 🙂 3y
galueth28 Got 1288 points this week. 3y
Hestapleton Week 2: 7,570. Thanks word search! 3y
audraelizabeth 3063.1 for week 2 3y
sebrittainclark Apologies for running a little late this week. week 2: 731 total: 2094 3y
StayCurious @Kshakal great job! 3y
StayCurious @ChasingOm Great job! 3y
StayCurious @Crazeedi Yes I got your points! Thanks so much - and great job!! 3y
StayCurious @audraelizabeth Excellent job! 3y
StayCurious @rsteve388 Wonderful! 3y
StayCurious @LitStephanie you're doing so great! 3y
StayCurious @Hestapleton Wow amazing job! 3y
StayCurious @sebrittainclark no worries! I am too - great job! 3y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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this sequel is a significant step up from the 1st book. I think it helps that the book doesn't have to stop and explain the technical stuff and can focus on the plot. stakes are way higher by the end of this book and Grant is excellent at ratcheting up the tension as new story events start popping up in rapid succession. I'm glad I can jump straight into the last book with this trilogy collection.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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Holy. Cow. Definitely faster paced than the first book. That ending is 😱. On to book three with all enthusiasm! I‘m glad I decided to continue this series, so far anyway.

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Deadline | Mira Grant
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Do you have a favorite booktuber or book podcaster that you'd like to shout-out? A friend who always adds to your TBR? A book store you can't refuse? I'm looking for people who can record audio blurbs no longer than 2 minutes for my 200th episode about where they get book recs. Thanks for considering. http://readingenvy.blogspot.com/2020/06/ill-have-what-youre-reading.html

Ruthiella I‘m going to do it soon Jenny, promise! 😀 4y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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Holy shit y‘all, this book was so good. Mira Grant somehow always manages to surprise me with her endings (which is quite a feat trust me) and still have them Be Good and Make Sense.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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Georgia Mason, a bit too good at following her own advice really.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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“Be good. Be kind to each other. And if there‘s somebody you love, tell them. The world always needs more love. — From Dandelion Mine, the blog of Magdalene Grace Garcia, April 12, 2041”
I really love these little blurbs that Mira Grant puts in between the chapters because they show how characters other than the MC are reacting to the events. They also often make me tear up.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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4/5⭐ I mean, I can't complain about more action and horror and humor all rolled together perfectly. It was interesting to follow a main character who is (understandably) less than stable. The twist at the end wasn't entirely unpredictable, but I still picked up the next book immediately upon finishing this one because I MUST know how it all ends.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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The pace is fast, furious and exciting. The world and character building is extraordinary. A plot that only thickens-I could not put this down. I had to keep reading because I want to know the answers. I want to find out the truth. I want to know how it all began. all in for Newflesh!

This is amazing. I can't get enough. There are short novellas between books, with more info and alternative endings that I hope to find. I'm all in for Newsflesh!

TieDyeDude She also writes a fantasy series Wayward Children under her other name. I love those, this series is on my TBR 4y
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Deadline | Mira Grant

Stayed up reading this one late last night. I‘m finally back into the story. The first one in the series, Feed, had me on book hangover for the last quarter of 2018! Still have a ways to go but the characters are still awesome!

Deadline | Mira Grant
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October Wrap-up

Deadline 🌟🌟🌟🌟
You May Now Kill the Bride 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Sadie 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
From Dark to Light (ebook) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

#miragrant #deadline #rlstine #youmaynowkillthebride #courtneysummers #sadie #isabellamurphy #fromdarktolight

Deadline | Mira Grant
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I didn‘t think it was possible, but this may have been more action packed than the first!
And the ending! What a cliffhanger. Can‘t wait to dive into the next one 🧠🧠🧠

#Zombies #AfterTheEndTimes #Politics #CantStopWontStop #BingeReads

Dragon I enjoyed Feed so I really should read this one. 🧟‍♀️ 6y
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Deadline | Mira Grant

'Be good. Be kind to each other. And if there's somebody you love, tell them. The world always needs more love.'

#miragrant #deadline #quote #bookworm

Deadline | Mira Grant
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October TBR

As usual I have chosen one book to get straight into and then I'll decide later on what else I want to read this month. Deadline is the second book in the Newsflesh series, I read the first book last year and I really enjoyed it even though it made me have lots of zombie dreams 😂

#miragrant #deadline #bookworm

ApplesandSpindles These socks! 5y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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#12INTWO @Samplergal

I did not make it to 12 hours but had fun anyway. I think my official time should be 10 hours 15 minutes. My husband woke me up at 10:30 last night after I fell asleep reading. I had intended on reading till I reached the 12 hour mark but my body had other plans. 😋 Great fun!

Andrew65 Well done, that is still a great total!👏 (edited) 6y
TheSpineView @Andrew65 Thanks! I enjoyed this challenge. 😊 6y
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Deadline | Mira Grant

I couldn‘t put it down.

Deadline | Mira Grant

I think my wife made the smart decision reading this on vacation -- I could stayed up all night with it. Saving 100 pages to help me get up and do work in the morning! (Yay, bribery!)

Deadline | Mira Grant
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#fiercefeb #ithinkImparanoid. Here‘s a short stack of different genres that usually have somebody thinking someone or something is out to get them. Maybe it‘s Zombies 🧟‍♂️ or evil geniuses or giant robots 🤖 or wicked classmates or mean souls - 🐉

Cinfhen Nice sampling of paranoia 😊😂 6y
Dragon Thanks @Cinfhen I didn‘t even delve into the romance and fantasy novels that are dripping with paranoia 😀🐉 6y
batsy What @Cinfhen said, love the variety 😁 6y
Dragon Thanks @batsy 👍🐉 6y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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'Our story opens where countless stories have ended in the last twenty-seven years: with an idiot --- in this case, Rebecca Atherton, head of the After the End Times Irwins, winner of the Golden Steve-o Award for valor in the face of the undead --- deciding it would be a good idea to go out and poke a zombie with a stick to see what happens.'

#miragrant #deadline #bookworm

Deadline | Mira Grant
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Morning coffee with some zombies and the new kitten 😍

Mdargusch So sweet. 6y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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A bunch of zombie fights mixed with corruption and a super surprise ending. I was yelling at the end of this!

Samantha.1020 One of my favorites!! 7y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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Finished listening to this one on my ride home. A good creepy series if you like zombies with a touch of government conspiracy.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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The second book in the Newsflesh series we find that we are only just uncovering what the truth really is and that it goes deeper then we could ever imagine.

A lot of people gave this book flack for having 'Second Book Syndrome' but as someone who has already read this series I can say the speed and character development of this book is perfect for the overall plot and is a necessary book to make this series as great as it is.

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Deadline | Mira Grant
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"She would have gotten better"

Guys this line goes straight to my gut every time I read it. I wouldn't change the series in any their way except part of me wants for George to have gotten better. Damn you Mira Grant for being phenomenal.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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It's almost time for the #Readathon! Who else is participating on Saturday?

I'll be carving out some time to read DEADLINE by Mira Grant. I finally finished FEED this week, and I nearly tripped over myself to grab the second installment in her Newsflesh series. (Yes, even though it's an ebook. I am that clumsy.)

Ysabet It seems unfair that I can only like this once. 8y
xicanti AW YES 8y
BethFishReads Great series. Can't wait to get to the newest book 8y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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Finished this on my drive home today. Cue yelling and swearing for a good ten minutes. 😱😡🤔❤️
This one has definitely kept all the things I love from Feed, plus so much more. 🙌
At least I blended in with the rest of DC traffic. 💁

BookishFeminist I have to read these! They sound great for October. I feel you on the traffic. 😂 it's always awful here but it feels like it's been worse lately! 8y
BethFishReads I thought these books were great. 8y
JPeterson @BookishFeminist Absolutely perfect for November! I'm just now on the search for the third one in audio. People are once again forgetting what happens when the weather changes (i.e. rain) so are freaking out 😒😂 @BethFishReads 🙌🙌 8y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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I'm giving this a "pick," even though it was a slow buildup. Not as good as FEED, but once we got to the heart of the book, I was invested. Love the conspiracy theory aspects of this zombie story and the way it fits into a familiar world setting. And the ending means I'll be listening to book 3 soon. Nicely done audios. Worth the listen.

Soubhiville Gah, I really love these books! 8y
BethFishReads The end of this one 😮 8y
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Deadline | Mira Grant
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Started this audio tonight. Loved FEED, but am keeping expectations down for this sophomore outing. I've heard there's a slump.

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Deadline | Mira Grant
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I love listening to Shaun go crazy. I'm glad Georgia is still around.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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This series managed to captivate me. Good narrators for the audiobook are icing on the cake. Over halfway through and all I can say right now is fuck the CDC. I cried when Georgia died in the first book and it kill me to learn that her retinal KA means she had a chance of recovering. The switch in female narrators from the first book threw me for the first few chapters but that can't be helped.

Deadline | Mira Grant
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I like Shaun Mason a lot & listening to his internal dialogue as he goes completely off the rails is fascinating. Unfortunately, Deadline suffers from Middle Book Syndrome and drags out its few plot points to a ridiculous degree. The final reveal is truly spectacular, but isn‘t worth the long ride.