Was hoping to break 10,000 but, I‘ll take it. Not too shabby.#Wintergames2024 #XmasChaCha
Was hoping to break 10,000 but, I‘ll take it. Not too shabby.#Wintergames2024 #XmasChaCha
Snow Day are the best words to a teacher. Curling up to finish my first winter read while my kiddos still sleep. Not looking forward to shoveling 🥶 #XmasChaCha #wintergsmes2024
Although not holiday themed, this is my most anticipated December read. My cousin and I have been wanting to read it, so we figured why not tandem read when we have break! +10 #XmasChaCha #wintergames2024
Anyone else make a list and realized they missed books AFTER making it? Just got our first snow and I am SO looking forward to cozy winter reads. My family, they are pumped to help #XmasChaCha earn some points! +25 #wintergames2024 #bookspin #doublespin
My reading buddy and I finished this book this morning! A plot rooted on the basis of Greek tragedy, in the modern era. Lots of twists, turns and “who could it be?”. +86 #DeadSerious #HauntedShelf
I wonder if the book is as creepy as the cover..🤔 animal. #BookScavenger Hunt #DeadSerious #HauntedShelf
I read The Anonymous Girl and really enjoyed it. I hope that this one has the same effect..when I ever get to this TBR that is 🤣📚 Purple, +15. #BookScavengerHunt #HauntedShelf #DeadSerious
Statues = art deco, right! Well, I think so. It‘s my current read doubled as a Book Scavenger Hunt prompt! +15 #HauntedShelf #DeadSerious
Dusting all my shelves is helping with the Book Scavenger Hunt for #HauntedShelf. Orange. +15. #DeadSerious
Book Scavenger Hunt: Figure
This is also my current read for spooky month.
#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious
I have been so busy with teaching, coaching, second job working and mom-ing that even the thought of reading is exhausting. Thankful for a few quiet moments before another full day. A fun fall mug, a spooky read to kick off #HauntedShelf and get me back in the groove👻🎃🍂 #DeadSerious
Here is my August #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo, including #Roll100. My oldest son wanted to partake since he sees me do this every month. I told him if he gets a BINGO, I‘ll give him $5. He said “alright! But I want to spin for the BINGO board.” So, as much as I usually wait, I conceded..I can‘t tell him no and he‘s so excited to do this with me! A nice balance of more summer fluff and some good thrillers! 📚📖
Well, what a twisty turny adventure this was. Full of little surprises that weren‘t expected. Everyone in the apartment is suspiciously quirky or give off the creep vibe, adding to the whole feel of the book. Short chapters from each characters perspective keeps it moving fast and interweaves their story so you don‘t know what, or who to believe.
This book made me realize exactly why I take a pause between series. Finishing the first, I NEEDED more of these characters, so I dove right in. Don‘t get me wrong I adored this story in every way possible. I LOVE Atlas and Lily, as well as their journey. BUT, diving right in after the first, I found moments of not appreciating their story as much as I wanted or should and I HATED those moments, they deserved more from me. Still, so VERY good.💕
I never jumped on the binge Colleen wagon, so don‘t mind me just treating her and her books like any other. 🤣
What an emotional toll this takes on your heart. I fell in deep love with all of the characters. I needed to know their stories, how they connected and what shattered them personally. What a bravely bold and beautiful book with some of her natural 🌶️, of course. Raw and real, this book definitely doesn‘t let go of your heart.
Thanks @thegreensofa for putting this on the #AuldLangSpine list for me! You can‘t help but get so deeply attached to these characters; love them, hate them, want to shake some sense into them. Beautifully written; compassionate and heartbreaking all in one. I couldn‘t help but yell, “WHAT?”, reread the same sentence 5 times and have to take a pause before finishing. Heartbreakingly beautiful and moving this book. ❤️
Waiting for my (hopeful) last appointment EVER with my hand surgeon, starting my first #AuldLangSpine read! Thanks @thegreensofa for the recommendation. 💕
First completed read of the year did NOT disappoint.
Stressed out mom riding the hot mess express, throw in a murder mystery.
Frustrations & triumphs of life abound in this witty, heartfelt & fast-paced read.
Thank goodness for the last book I read REALLY boosting my points with the word search words! This is the first time a broke 20,000 points! Woohooo! Thank you again for another amazing #wintergames, I always have a great time and my family loves helping me get non-reading points! #RestingGrinchFace💙
✨Pj‘s all the way
✨Stay Up
Typically for NYE I stay at home cozy with the kiddos. We play board games, build puzzles, drink cocoa and maybe a few close friends come by to join in with a potluck dinner. We countdown and text are immediate family at midnight before crashing hardcore into bed. We are all about low key at home for New Year‘s celebrating!
Happy New Year, Everyone! 🎉✨
#wintergames #RestingGrinchFace
Little one wanted to color together, so I took advantage of the time. I promised my husband I‘d commit to the bookshelf TBR this year, so my lists are LOADED with #Roll100 reads. Also features some #AuldLangSpine choices andddd one VERY long book club book to start off the year. Hoping to be a busy bookworm and kick off the years starting to tackle some major 2024 reading goals! Thank you, hosts!#bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo #Roll100
Should I be trying to clean up post Christmas? Yes. Am I behind in reading for #wintergames..absolutely. Time to get moving, but not before I had to finish following Beat and Melody‘s love drama. I was encapsulated in my cozy Christmas pants. What a love. 🎄🎅🏼 #restinggrinchface
I came out strong week 1..then, life. Looking forward to hopefully passing this number the next two weeks, especially with Christmas vacation! #restinggrinchface #wintergames @Julsmarshall
A looming migraine is trying to offset my progress. Made this and forgot to post last night! #dailyphotochallenge, ornament challenge and #DecemberDreams, day 7: green font, Scrooge, an ornament good enough to eat…coffee isn‘t an “eat” but tends to be a lot of my meals so it‘s applicable 🤣 #RestingGrinchFace #wintergames
Got some mom TLC tonight so I‘m late posting and didn‘t get to watch a family Christmas movie. I‘ll make it up to them! 😉 #dailyphotochallenge and ornament challenge, day 6: North Pole character and green font! #wintergames #RestingGrinchFace
#dailyphotochallenge #DecemberDreams and ornament challenge, day 5: holiday, book tree and remembrance. I just bought this shirt, I‘m so excited! I lost my uncle this summer and he LOVED fishing; he didn‘t but my son this ornament, but man I think of him every moment I look at it❤️
#wintergames #RestingGrinchFace
First book of #wintergames finished. Cute hallmark vibe book with an older MC love story. I‘m also a sucker for regal anything. Love knows no bounds.
Total points for this book: 2,010
We wanted Jim Carrey‘s Grinch, the 3 year old wanted “his grinch” so we compromised and watched his.
Here‘s today‘s complete haul. #dailyphotochallenge #snow #DecemberDreams #ornamentchallenge #reflection #RestingGrinchFace #wintergames
#dailyphotochallenge, ornament challenge and #Decemberdreams, day 3. My husband and I had a Harry Potter wedding so the ornaments were hand made by family for our first Christmas married. My 3 year old is OBSESSED with the trombone playing Santa andddd Michael Bublé, he‘s just my favorite. #santa #fromfamilyorfriend #faveholidaysong #wintergsmes #RestingGrinchFace
Around our crazy nightly schedules, my son and husband want to try and do a holiday movie a night; we weren‘t able to get one in last night so we made up for it today. #RestingGrinchFace #Wintergames #holidaymovies
#Wintergames photo and ornament hunt, Day 2! My parents and in laws get us and my children each an ornament every year; because of this we have two trees. One is our “personal tree” with the collection of ornaments from every year and our real Christmas tree for Santa! 🎄🐧🐨🎅🏼
#RestingGrinchFace #love #animal
My goal is to try and actually keep up with the daily photo challenge and ornament hunt. I start off strong and fall off, but not this time! 🤞🏼
Day 1: red cover (well, red ON the cover) and ornament that sparkles ✨
#wintergames #RestingGrinchFace #Day1
Clearly having genre discrepancies this month. I built this list this weekend and feel like I missed things 🤦🏻♀️ The family is already ready to help wrangle points for team #RestingGrinchFace! Let‘s get the holiday cheer flowing, I sure could use it! Ready to start #WinterGames, December‘s #bookspin and final month for #Roll100. Ho, ho, ho let‘s gooooo🎄🎅🏼❤️
Well, the last few books for the #Scarathon event did not do well in terms of upping my numbers like I had hoped. Thank goodness for the bonus games. I love this event and as usual have had such a great time participating. Thank you to everyone that helped make this a success and keeping it going. Looking forward to next years! But for now, I'll prepare to rock #WinterGames2023! #TeamCreepinItReal #Scarathon
Had to do it now, so I‘m ready..Halloween chaos awaits! Hoping to clear off some TBR, Kindle reads, and bookshelf space (Christmas is coming!). I fell off with #Roll100 so I‘m looking forward to knocking out a chunk to catch up! Keeping it a little spooky ish this month to get ready for all the cozy Christmas reads! Looking forward to time off from work to dedicate to books 😝 #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo
I love Bob‘s Burgers. I love Halloween. Combining them is my happy place. I think my favorite Halloween episode is “The Hauntening” but tonight I‘m on “Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street” 🍔🎃
I read this entire book and still have no idea what happened. I was so confused. Vampires, lots of vampires. #scarathonphotochallenge #purple #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal
Pete is a fan favorite for my 3 year old. We read this one tonight, cute as always with fun surprises under the lift the flap. The repetitive language was good for the #scarathon word search! 🎃👻 #TeamCreepinItReal
Although I maintained consistency the first two weeks, but hoping for better points in the next two. Hopefully I have a little more down time to rack up points! Happy Reading!
Welp, definitely messed up the days. 🤣 I was so excited to have one that covered both #scarathonphotochallenge #dark and #shadow this is still one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies and I always love Johnny. #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal
This was a low pick for me, but a so-so didn‘t seem fair. I thought this book was about something else entirely, so that may play a role in this. The MC Autumn was kind of irritating, yet, the accurately depicted what high-school kids, their minds, the drama. Seemed quite repetitive and drawn out sometimes, but wasn‘t miserable to read either. +15 for a photo challenge read #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal #day25 #autumn
This was the PERFECT read for this very fall morning. How absolutely lovely in every way this book was. I loved Deja and Josie as characters, their adventures. The pictures were beautiful and captured the true essence of a pumpkin patch. Rave reviews from me with this one. #scarathonphotochallenge #day7 #pumpkin #TeamCreepinItReal #buddyread #scarathon
This has been on my TBR, but my husband got to listen to it and RAVED about it. Can‘t wait until I can get a copy and dive in! #scarathonphotochallenge #shadow #day6 #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal
It may not look very bloody, but I promise you it is. Today‘s #scarathonphotochallenge photo correlates with my team‘s buddy read! This is also one of my all time favorite movies. Can‘t wait to feel not so sleepy so I can enjoy it this spooky season! 👻🎃 #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal #day4 #blood
It‘s well past my bedtime but I needed to finish. I must say, I nailed the kick off to spooky season. 😱😳 I really don‘t have words, I‘m still wrapping my head around it. Round of applause to Stephen. 👏🏼 #scarathon #TeamCreepinItReal #Falling4Books
Just a cute little ghost guarding his “boo”ks! 👻#scarathonphotochallenge #day4 #TeamCreepinItReal #scarathon
Shout out to today‘s #scarathonphotochallenge being #death/dead so that I actually remember there is a 3rd book in a series both I, and my daughter, enjoy. 🤣 #day3 #TeamCreepinItReal #scarathon
Sometimes, this is the vibe on a Monday. #skeletonandbones #day2 #scarathonphotochallenge #TeamCreepinItReal #scarathon
The amount of times I've had this to read and haven't actually been able to, is too high. One day I will actually clear it off of my TBR! #black #Day1 #Scarathon #ScarathonPhotoChallenge #TeamCreepinItReal