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Winter Games
Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Doug breaks his ankle in time for the Winter Games Festival and his dreams of gold medals come crashing down. But Patti says that if her disabled father can participate, then so can Doug!
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Thank goodness for the last book I read REALLY boosting my points with the word search words! This is the first time a broke 20,000 points! Woohooo! Thank you again for another amazing #wintergames, I always have a great time and my family loves helping me get non-reading points! #RestingGrinchFace💙

Julsmarshall Great job! I‘ve made note of your points and will add them to our total. Please disregard the post I just made about points :) 6mo
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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I am so excited that this is back this year… you should join in the fun!!!

#wintergames @Clwojick @StayCurious

Clwojick Thanks for joining! 8mo
JenReadsAlot Me too!! 8mo
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Well, I didn‘t participate in extras as much this last week but I did find 32 word search words in my reading (it is insane the amount of times authors use the words “Christmas” and “snow” in holiday books 😆) and spent 33 hours reading for #bookspinbingo , #dashingdecember and #christmasmyway readathons, #averymerrybingo , and #averymerryreadathon ! #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
DieAReader Great job!🎉🥳 3y
TheSpineView Fabulous! 3y
Clwojick Way to go! Woohoo! ❤️💚❤️💚 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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My New points total for week two of #wintergames2021 is 4857 😁🎄🎅🏻 #teamgamesleighers I‘m looking forward to hearing our grand total @StayCurious

StayCurious Amazing job! I'm working on tallying now... 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Week 2 points wrap-up 14,074

Team Read 50
Holiday Reads 100
TBR Reads 105
Word Search 9470
Festive Photo Challenge 55
Bingo Lines 900
Completed Bingo Boards 400
Game 1700
Holiday TV/Movie 5
Readathons 1270
Posts 19

Total to date 20,978

StayCurious Amazing job! 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Here are my #wintergames2021 totals for week 2! Having @Andrew65 ‘s #dashingdecember readathon and @kimmypete1 , @Eggbeater , and @MidnightBookGirl ‘s #anywayyoureadathon this weekend to add to my #bookspinbingo , #averymerrybingo , and #averymerryreadathon really helped those reading points! So 3,982 for #mistletoemaniacs !

TheSpineView Way to go! 3y
Eggbeater Great job 👍 3y
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Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
kimmypete1 Nice! 3y
Clwojick Brilliant! Way to go! ❤️💚❤️ 3y
candc320 Thanks @Clwojick !! 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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My grand total for week one of #wintergames is 865 points @StayCurious . Next week will be much higher once I finish my current read. The words Christmas and holiday appears A LOT! Not a bad start though. 🎄🌟Looking forward to seeing the total points so far! #teamgamesleighers

StayCurious You are doing so well! Great job! 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Week One stats are in! I found 87 word search words (I‘m only finding the words in my physical books, but In A Holidaze LOVES to say Christmas, Snow, and Holiday in particular 🤣) and read a total of 18 hours and participated in BookSpin Bingo and A Very Merry Bingo. Hoping to read more and watch more this week!

Clwojick Woop woop! Wow! You‘re doing fantastic! Way to go! ❤️💚❤️ 3y
candc320 Thanks @Clwojick !!! 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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There‘s a lot going on this December, and we want to make sure you don‘t miss out on any of it! So we made a Google folder so everyone has access to all the #photochallenges, #bingoboards, mini games, and contests. Hopefully there‘s something for everyone is this plethora of goodies!

If you come across any posts you‘d like me to add to the folder, just tag me in a post 🤩


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GHABI4ROSES Hooray! And OMG on all of your work. You are helping people, truly! Question: will you still be “assigning” the games? Is the folder our Go To type thing? Thank you, darling! 3y
Clwojick @GHABI4ROSES this folder is for all the events/challenges that are open all month long, but we will still be posting one game a week which will be available to play for that week only, and have the option for unlimited points. 3y
Clwojick @GHABI4ROSES I consider this folder to be more of the thrift store collection of the little bingo boards and Xmas themed challenges lol. Browse through, and see if anything peaks your fancy, and we‘ll continue to add to it as we come across more events that pop up around the internet. ❤️ 3y
GHABI4ROSES @Clwojick ☺️perf 3y
FantasyChick You...you...want us to....exercise? At Christmas? Blasphemy!! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
MsRadioSilence is there going to be a masterlist of december readathons available like with scarathlon? 3y
Lizpixie I second @MsRadioSilence 👆 3y
Clwojick @FantasyChick Hahahahah! I figured it makes it more fun! 3y
MsRadioSilence @Clwojick gods bless 🖤🖤 3y
Lizpixie 🙌🙌🙌 3y
Clwojick @Lizpixie Random time to ask, but you get that thing sorted with amazon? i didn't get an email from you. 3y
jenniferw88 Would you mind if I created another TV/movie bingo board? There's several on the named board missing I feel - Die Hard and Love Actually for two and they would work on the other boards too! @StayCurious 3y
Clwojick @jenniferw88 Definitely! The more the merrier ☺️😉 3y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Can‘t wait to browse the folder! 🤗 3y
Lizpixie @Clwojick just sent it now💁🏻‍♀️ 3y
AbigailJaneBlog @jenniferw88 Love actually is my christmas go-to so thanks for thinking of it 😍🎄 3y
deeannloso This all looks like so much fun! 3y
Allydanielle88 This is awesome thank you 3y
Clwojick @deeannloso sign ups are still open if you‘d like to join in on the fun! 3y
deeannloso How do I sign up? 3y
Clwojick I can tag you in the post with the link ☺️ 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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#MistletoeManiacs, this is the #WinterGames2021 schedule. The event will be broken up into weeks, which run from Monday‘s to Sunday‘s. Please post your weekly points, and tag me by each Tuesday. @StayCurious and I will then calculate the team totals, and post the #MistletoeManiacs vs #GameSleighers points on each Wednesday.

If you‘re having an extra busy week, and can‘t get your points in on time, you may add them to the next weeks total. ❤️

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Jemgirl2014 @Clwojick Ooh! For next year could we get points for recommending a great holiday movie or book we've read leading up to the Winter Games? Last night, on a whim, I watched this fantastic Christmas movie and I plan to post later on about it. 😀 3y
Clwojick @katiekat311 ❤️❤️ 3y
Clwojick @melissajayne @Andrew65 here you go guys! This is the schedule for this years events 😊 Happy reading! ❤️ 3y
Andrew65 Thanks 🥰 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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#TeamGameSleighers, here is some info before the start of the games. First, for those who are new to the #WinterGames, this is an event we host each December on Litsy. My name is Renee and I‘m one of your hosts and will be your team leader. If you need anything I can be reached at lebretonr87@gmail.com - tag me in your posts about the event - please keep reading in the comments for more important info about this year‘s games ⬇️

StayCurious 1. Things are a bit different this year so if you have any questions or need clarification please let me know. I will be posting the points breakdown later tonight. It‘s long - but that means there are a ton of ways to earn points. Remember this is a STRESS FREE event - please participate as much or as little as you want. Do not get overwhelmed! It‘s all for fun and to spread holiday cheer! 3y
StayCurious 2. We will have two buddy read options - you can choose to read either one to earn 50 points. If you read both, the 1st will count for those points, the 2nd will be a holiday read. Our choices are The Holiday Swap and Let it Snow. 3. The #TeamMovie will be The Santa Clause - worth 25 points. 3y
StayCurious 4. We will be focusing a lot more on TBR reads this year to help finish those 2021 reading goals. 5. There will also be weekly games posted to help you earn points. 6. I will post a link to all documents related to the event for easy access. 7. Yes, there will be prizes - one for our teams‘ top points earner, and one for an awesome player of my choice. Let me know if you have any questions - and don‘t forget to go after those early bird points! 3y
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MatchlessMarie Hell yeah!! The Santa Clause trilogy is a repeat for me every year! Bring on the cocoa! 3y
BayouGirl85 Yay! This is one of my favorite events. 3y
ChasingOm I‘ve already read one of the buddy reads, but it was super cute, so y‘all are in for a treat! 3y
Roary47 Yay! So excited! 🤩😍 3y
PathfinderNicole Yay!! The Santa Clause is one of my all time favorite Christmas movies! 3y
Pigpen_Reads Awesome! 3y
sblbooks Oh yeah, I'm ready I just downloaded The Holiday Swap and I love The Santa Clause!🎄❤💚 3y
rsteve388 This is fun! Looking forward to it. 3y
aperfectmjk Yay Renee!!! Had so much fun being on your team last year! This challenge is the best, it really brightens my holidays! 3y
SeaToSkyes So excited!!!!! ❤️💚❤️💚 3y
aperfectmjk @StayCurious can you tag the buddy reads so we know which ones exactly? There are several titles with the same name. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
BethM So excited! This is so much fun and takes away the sting of not being able to participate in swaps lol! 3y
BethM I‘ve already read Let it Snow but I‘ll try to find the other one! How many times can we watch Santa Clause lol. 3y
SamanthaMarie Woohoo!!! Can't wait. I am pretty sure I just finished following everyone I didn't already follow. Can't wait to encourage and have fun with everyone. Thank you for hosting this amazing event. 😊📚🌲🎊 3y
PageShifter Hi there! I am more than slightly overwhelmed at this point. Not only this is my first time to participate but I am also new on this platform. I have read Let It Snow, so I am going to read The Holiday Swap instead. I hope that I don't do something really wrong during this events! 3y
Magpiegem Thank you @StayCurious this is so exciting and my first time taking part! I spent the whole day with a sickness bug, looking after my whole family who had the sickness bug too so this has been the 4.30am cheer up I needed! Can‘t wait to start earning our team some points!! 💚❤️💚❤️ 3y
StayCurious @PageShifter no need to be overwhelmed! It‘s very much a participate as much or as little as you want event. It‘s all about having fun! Let me know if you need anything! 3y
StayCurious @Magpiegem hope everyone is feeling better! 3y
PageShifter @StayCurious Thank you, you're kind. I have so many stupid questions, sorryyy -.- But I had so much fun when I read all pictures where were different prompts and everything, haha. I start with some questions: can one movie/book be used for different prompts? And about searching for words: can you use the same word several times? What if one book has some word several times: does it count only once? 3y
Moll I'm so exciteeeeed!! I've read Let It Snow before &lobed it but can't really remember what happens so I'll read that again, and I think I'll read The Holiday Swap too😂 3y
wordslinger42 I'm so excited!! I've already got my TBR list written out and have been itching to start my holiday reads 😊 3y
KristiAhlers I signed up for this but was never assigned a team? Hope y‘all have fun with this! Happy Reading! 3y
StayCurious @KristiAhlers I‘ll check with @Clwojick and we‘ll assign you a team! 3y
StayCurious @PageShifter yes you can use the same word several times and it counts each time you see it. Yes one book or movie can be used for multiple prompts. 3y
Coueriamb Aaaay! I‘m so pumped! 3y
Clwojick @KristiAhlers Hey Kristi! I am so sorry about that! You are on team #MistletoeManiacs. There was a little spelling error in your username, so the tags weren‘t going through, but I‘ve corrected it going forward! Pop over to my profile and check out the posts for team info! Can‘t wait to get my holiday reading on with you. 🌲❤️ (edited) 3y
KristiAhlers @Clwojick thank you! 3y
Kimberlone I‘m so excited! 3y
Crazeedi @StayCurious thank you for doing all this work , especially since you have your new baby!! I'm in awe of you!💕 3y
StayCurious @Crazeedi thanks! It‘s fun and a good distraction but also I couldn‘t do it without @Clwojick 😊 she‘s a star! 3y
coffeewithbooks I‘m so excited to be part in this and can‘t wait to start the books and watch the movie. 3y
peaKnit Do we keep track of our own points on the google doc? Thank you, I‘m sure the answer is in front of my face and I can‘t see it🤦🏼‍♀️ 3y
StayCurious @peaknit you do keep track of your own points - any way that‘s easy for you. Once a week I‘ll remind you to post your current total and I‘ll add it to the team total. (edited) 3y
dainarmb Sorry if this is a FAQ, but do our lists have to solely be Winter themed reads? I see we can focus on our 2021 TBR but mine is very much not snowy 😅 3y
StayCurious @dainarmb that‘s ok! You still get points for TBR reads even if they aren‘t holiday or wintery themed 3y
vonnie862 I was wondering what the team movie and team books were. Good thing I scrolled through your profile. 3y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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I had a fun week despite not a ton of points! #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious #wintergames

StayCurious Great job! Glad you're having fun:) 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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The picture doesn‘t do it justice, but this is a 20x24 sign I made during my last girls night. Using a $4 canvas from dollarama, I removed the canvas, stained the frame, and reversed the canvas. Then I added the vinyl from a cutfile on the cricut. I LOVE how it came out, and all for $4! ❤️ #HolidayCrafts +5 pts for the #MerryReaders

ShelleyBooksie Love this so much 4y
Charityann So cute!😊 4y
Traci1 That is gorgeous! 4y
AmyK1 Love it! 4y
BayouGirl85 Love it. 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Here are a few of the holiday crafts I‘ve made! My favourites being the Cozy Christmas sign, and the Bah Hum Pug embroidery hoop. 😍 50 points for the crafts, and 40 points for the #ornamenthunt as both are homemade and have animals on them. ❄️


ShelleyBooksie I want all of your decos. Beautiful job. 4y
Clwojick @ShelleyBooksie they‘re all super cheap to make 😉 4y
BookDragonNotWorm Cute! 😍 4y
marleed I like it! 4y
i.besteph Beautiful lettering! 😍 I‘ve been trying to learn myself haha 🙈 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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❄ Ready for #wintergames to begin. ❄


tdrosebud Bring on the holiday fun! 4y
Patchshank That snow man is adorable ♥️ 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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😱 The #WinterGames2020 officially starts in less than 24 hours in my time zone and I could not be more excited for it! I‘m ready to read all the books and watch all the holiday movies! Good luck everyone♥️


slategreyskies Me too!!!! I‘m counting down! :) 4y
Allylu I‘m ready!!! Woohoo! 💕😊📚🎶🎄 4y
AmyK1 Me too!! 4y
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Heideschrampf Yes! I‘m surprising myself with how much i‘m looking forward to this 4y
veritysalter 🎄🎄🎅🏻 I‘ve just finished Moby Dick and have my next reads all lined up and ready 🎅🏻🎄🎄 I can‘t wait! 4y
StayCurious Haha great picture! 4y
Traci1 I'm so excited. And I'm just throwing it out there...Valentines Games? 😉 4y
Clwojick @Traci1 Maybe 😏☺️😉 4y
StayCurious @Traci1 I was thinking of maybe doing a readathon around Valentine‘s Day. I love romance ❤️ 4y
Cinsarly Thank you for this and for being captain! I don't know how you keep all this organized!! 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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It‘s one week until December 1st and you know what that means - Bring on the GAMES! #WinterGames that is 😜 To make things a little easier, and to ensure that no one misses a post, we‘ve decided to give everyone access to a google folder with ALL the WinterGames documents in one place. Bingo Cards, Activies, Games and Spreadsheets are all included.

Check it out here!

BayouGirl85 Thank you. That folder make things so easy. (edited) 4y
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AsYouWish Yay!!!! Thank you!!!! That makes it so much easier!!!! 4y
Avanders 💃🏽🎄♥️ 4y
candc320 This is amazing!!! Thank you! So excited, I‘ve already ordered a few Christmas books and borrowed more from the library to try and fill my reading list! This will make organizing all that so much easier. I‘m really getting excited now!! 4y
Emilymdxn @moll I think this folder is the answer to your prayers 4y
Cupcake12 Love the bingo cards...can‘t wait x 4y
Clwojick @moll Sorry! I second guessed myself earlier and changed the tag to Molly. Corrected my list for going forward 😅 4y
Read-y_Picker Omg I don‘t know if I love or hate this folder! Anyone else super excited but also feel like they‘re gonna be sick at the same time? 😂😂 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Read-y_Picker I thought I'd feel that way during Scarathlon but it was fun! If one part gets too overwhelming, skip it and focus on the fun stuff. 4y
Allylu Awesome! 4y
veritysalter Thank you @Clwojick 🎄🎄🎄 4y
Charityann Yay!😁🎄 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh my gosh, what a brilliant idea! 4y
Andrew65 Thanks 😊 4y
Patchshank Wow. Looks like a lot of fun. Thank you. 4y
jessinikkip Awesome! Thank you :) with my anxiety I definitely need help to stay organizex 4y
Traci1 @Clwojick i have a question. For the holiday crafts, can it be something we are making as a gift or does it need to specifically be holiday themed like ornaments or something with a snowman, etc? 4y
Clwojick @Traci1 Anything you make as a gift would count too. Also, if you have DIY holiday crafts/decor from previous years. It doesn‘t have to be something you made this year. ♥️ 4y
Traci1 @Clwojick great, thanks! I'm so excited for December to get here. 😁 4y
Q84 Great, thanks! 4y
Clwojick @CrowvanHalen here‘s the link to the google folder with all necessary pictures and files. 4y
Linsy Perfect thank you!!! This helps ❤️ 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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I don‘t know if it matters, but I calculated that I got a total of 1,658 points. #WinterGames #ReadNosedReindeer I really enjoyed it even though I kind of fizzled out at the end.

Clwojick Woohoo! Way to go. 4y
StayCurious It totally matters! I'm only counting up the total points today. Sorry for the delay! 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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1. 34
2. 3
3. Yes
4. #WGguessthebook or #wouldyourather
Thanks @Clwojick and @StayCurious for hosting this event.
Thanks @BarkingMadRun for being the team leader of #teamfozziwig
I really enjoyed #wintergames.

BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Calling it a day 😴 I won‘t be staying up until midnight so Happy New Year everyone 🙋‍♀️🥳 #24B42020 #wintergames #readnosedreindeer

DieAReader Happy New Year! 🥳 5y
AnneCecilie Happy new year 🎆 5y
Andrew65 Well done on a great total. 👏👏👏🙌😊🥳🎆 Happy New Year. 5y
StayCurious Excellent job! +81! Happy New Year! 4y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Making sure I get the last couple posted.
1.C (on google it says 16 lbs, not 15 or 17. I‘m going with 15).
2.A 3.boy or man 4.C 5.Almond 6.summer 7.B 8.C 9.true 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A #wintergames #thefilthyanimals @rather_be_reading

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Don‘t think I ever posted this. Answers — 1.Q 2.L 3.O 4.R 5.A 6.E 7.G 8.C 9.H 10.N 11.J 12.M 13.D 14.K 15.F 16.P 17.I 18.B #wintergames #thefilthyanimals @rather_be_reading

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Think this will be the only bingo I get, so I‘m posting now. #wintergames #thefilthyanimals @rather_be_reading

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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I was actually a little disappointed because I didn‘t receive a single book for Christmas... and after crying out, “You don‘t know me at all!” To my husband and son, I put on my big girl panties and bought myself these two! 😝😝😝

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading

Curiouser_and_curiouser 😂😂🤣 Well at least you could choose them yourself! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't receive a single gift this Christmas. But I bought myself lots of books during the year and I love my shelf atm, so I'm satisfied. Hope you enjoy your new purchases and your big girl pants, I had to put mine on a few times this year already 😉 5y
BlameJennyJane @Curiouser_and_curiouser big girl pants stink sometimes! Lol. I‘m glad you are happy with your shelves. In the end when we curate them ourselves they have a better shot at being that way! Thats my silver lining, anyway! Cheers to a new year and new satisfactions! 😊 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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The pics don‘t do this recipe justice- not cooked yet. Every Christmas morning my mom made cheese strata so as an adult I‘ve carried on the tradition. My mom doesn‘t cook much because she‘s old enough “I don‘t cook things out of obligation anymore.” It has taken me years to perfect.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #SharedHolidayRecipe #AttemptedHolidayRecipe #HolidayTradition

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading

Crazeedi Looks yummy!! 5y
Tamra My favorite kind of eating - bread & cheese! 😋 5y
BlameJennyJane @Crazeedi it turned out pretty good! Merry Christmas! 5y
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BlameJennyJane @Tamra mine too! Hope your holidays incorporate bread and cheese into them! Lol 5y
Tamra @BlameJennyJane lasagna today! 😋 5y
Crazeedi @BlameJennyJane enjoy! Merry Christmas to you! 5y
BlameJennyJane @Tamra delicious! 😊 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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This is the one recipe I am absolutely required to manifest for Christmas and bring to the big family Christmas every year. They‘ll be gone in 5 minutes. Can‘t claim the recipe as my own. All Recipes, search Nordy Bars. Outstanding.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #SharedHolidayRecipe #AttemptedHolidayRecipe #HolidayTradition

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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This was my final Free Space- Santa Claus: The Movie! This was one of my favorites as a kid because we saw it in the theater and we didn‘t go to many movies back then.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #HolidayMovie #ChristmasMovieBingo

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading @GypsyKat

JamieArc Yes! This is my favorite Christmas movie (along with A Smoky Mountain Christmas featuring Dolly Parton from the 80s)! I always have to correct people that it‘s not the Tim Allen one. 5y
BlameJennyJane @JamieArc yes!! I always say Dudley Moore... not Tim Allen! Lol 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Liatrek Angels 5y
cwarnier Bethlehem 5y
TheDaysGoBy Caroling 5y
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Hestapleton Decorations 5y
mabell Eggnog 5y
BarkingMadRead Fir tree 5y
mabell Gingerbread houses 5y
mabell Icicles 5y
Liatrek Jingle 5y
TheDaysGoBy Kris Kringle 5y
cwarnier Love 5y
mabell Mistletoe 5y
Hestapleton Noel 5y
mabell Ornaments 5y
cwarnier Pine cones 5y
mabell Quince tarts 5y
britt_reads Reindeer 5y
BarkingMadRead Stockings 5y
cwarnier Tinsel 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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While crafting I watched one of my favorite shows, #MakingIt, with Nick Offerman and Amy Pohler. My binge included the holiday episode. It keeps my crafting motivation up as I near #craftingoverload.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #HolidayMovie

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading

Scochrane26 I think I‘ve heard of this but forgot. I def need to watch it. 5y
BlameJennyJane It‘s such a fun show @Scochrane26 think I saw it on Hulu and OnDemand... but I‘m not positive on that. (edited) 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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We watched FX‘s new 4 HOUR A Christmas Carol. It‘s long but @toddred29 and I really enjoyed the new take on a Dickens classic. They really explore the dynamics of Scrooge‘s personality and how he came to be one of literature‘s most despised characters.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #HolidayMovie #ChristmasMovieBingo

@StayCurious @Clwojick @rather_be_reading @GypsyKat

rather_be_reading dang 4 hrs!! im giving u dbl pts. 12 5y
GypsyKat ❤️🎄🎥🍿 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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It took me awhile to think about the best bookish gift (besides books and kindle) that I‘ve received. My sister has gotten me several gifts that I love, but I think I was most excited about this coloring book.
#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @StayCurious @Clwojick

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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12.20 No new games. Just this one for all weekend!
#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

Scochrane26 I‘m so bad at this game. I haven‘t recognized any of the ones that have been posted. 😂 I‘ll try though. 5y
rather_be_reading @Scochrane26 lmao!! ik it is harder than i thought!! 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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I think we are all ready for Friday because we did under 1,000 today but thats what the weekend is for!! Keep it up Animals ❤
#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Ok guys here is another "Track your own points" game called #WGGuessTheBook. It runs FRI-SUN ONLY! ?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?

Every post you make= 10pts
1st Correct answer= 25pts
Per guess= 5pts

#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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12.18 Game 2
5 pts + 5 bonus if u add a pic.
#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

MzTownsend A Ewok mini backpack with a gift card to 2nd and Charles. 5y
Linsy HP wand as a tv remote! 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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rather_be_reading A Grinch cake! 🎄💚 5y
Linsy Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadsticks! 🌲 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. a

#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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1. coca cola
2. cactus
3. blue and white
4. carrot
5. 3
6. 6
7. dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donner blitzen.does rudolph count?
8. 11
9. underneath the mistletoe
10. red
12.santas beard
13. angels
14. mexico
15. alvin simon theodore
16. the nutcracker
17 polar express
18 white christmas
19. we wish you a merry xmas
20.kevin mcalister
21 new york
22.invisibility cloak
#wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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KathyWheeler I must have seen this 1000 times and it made me laugh every single time. 5y
alisiakae Oh, yeah! 🤣🤣 5y
tournevis We sing it all the time! 🍆🎁 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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1. Coca-cola 2. Cactus 3. Gold and silver 4. Carrot
5. Four 6. Six 7. Donner, Dasher, Prancer, Dancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Blitzen, Rudolph 8. Eleven pipers piping 9. Under the mistletoe 10. White or red
11. Eggnog 12. Beard 13. An angel gets his wings
14. Mexico 15. Alvin, Simon, Theodore 16. The Nutcracker 17. The Polar Express 18. White Christmas
19. We Wish you a Merry Christmas 20. Kevin McAllister 21. NYC 22. Weasley sweater #wintergames

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Excuse the hot mess express but here is my selfie w hot coco bc ive been craving it!!
#selfiescavengerhunt #wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious

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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Linsy Yes! 🥳 5y
Clwojick You guys are crushing it! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
InBooksILive Woohoo!! 🥳🥳 5y
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Winter Games | Tim Grundmann, Jim Jinkins
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Linsy Happy to be there — English countryside! 5y
SweetBooks Terrified and happy! I just re-read Harry Potter...... 5y
Scochrane26 Mississippi (sing, unburied, sing). I think want to leave—it‘s too humid. 5y
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rather_be_reading Im reading Busy Philipps memoir...Id def be looking for a way out bc I would never want to be an actress!! 5y
alisiakae Merry & Bright, set in Seattle. Ironically, I lived in Seattle for a year. The rainy winters didn‘t agree with me. 5y
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