Been waiting for this for over a year now. Absolutely worth every second. I loved the ending
Been waiting for this for over a year now. Absolutely worth every second. I loved the ending
I'm interpreting it as-
At nine o'clock, walk twelve hundred steps in the north direction, then turn left and walk three hundred more.
I think I'm most probably wrong..
"When you tell someone to stay back, it's because you're going into a corner and can't get out."
Pg. 175
"...a girl doing nothing in a fairy tale ends up dead or worse, but a girl who makes a decision usually gets rewarded."
" ..always feeling alone and isolated, always waiting to be chosen by someone who might notice me and reach out to this shy, foreign little girl and make her feel welcome and wanted. I never felt I had time, the power, or even the right to choose my friends. I was always waiting to be chosen."
*sigh* Story of my life ?
"She is quick with her work, as if she knows that forces beyond her control could change her life forever, or end it."
I heard some praise about this #book. I don't even what genre it is, but let's just give it a go. Let me know what you're reading in #quarantine.
Does this medusa look that scary?
Not really
#medusa #quarantine #greekmythology #greek #mythology
Myths are stories that make sense of the world.
Fables are stories with animals who speak and act like people.
Folktales are stories shared through word of mouth before there was writing.
#greekmythology #medusa #shortread #quarantine
"Think of a bored child on holiday, but imagine that holiday is forever."
I hope this holiday is not forever, but we don't know when it might end. Let's all hope for the best and do our best to protect ourselves our loved ones and humanity from COVID-19.
Starting it right now..
Locked in home, got no school or job due to COVID-19.
I wish libraries remain open..
I love maps. Do you?
#mystery startingnow
I really want to finish this book. I'm loving it so much but couldn't read much lately due to college ..
Just checking if I got killed at copernicus too..
How cruel is it that the only person I can muster the steadiness of my own voice for is the one who will be least reassured by it.
So deep.
Fourth year at Hogwarts is rather exciting..
But he wouldn‘t. And I won‘t.
I am less than his crown, and he is less than my cause.
-Ahh! This line...
#warstorm #war #victoriaaveyard #readingrightnow #rrn
A golden cage is still a cage. ~Daedalus.
This book is so so good.
#greekmythology #greek #mythology #madelinemiller #circe
“Whoever invented corporate family days should be shot,” he says without a flicker of humor.
😂 oh god!
“I don‘t want to be Snow White—” I begin, then break off as I see Moira from Accounts miserably being pushed into a big, shaggy gorilla costume. “OK.” I grab the dress. “I‘ll be Snow White.”
😂😂😂😂😂 I never thought I'll enjoy a rom-com.
“Can you believe our luck?” said Ron miserably, bending down to pick up Scabbers. “Of all the trees we could‘ve hit, we had to get one that hits back.”
#readingrightnow #harrypotter #jkrowling
“Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they‘re bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we‘ve forgot,
Just do your best, we‘ll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot.”
#harrypotter #hogwarts #wizard #magic #muggles
“Intentions are the only thing they care about. They try to make you think they care about what you do, but they don‘t. They don‘t want you to act a certain way. They want you to think a certain way. So you‘re easy to understand. So you won‘t pose a threat to them.”
Parents,literally! 🙄Except for the threat thing.
Bought them all today!
I've already read two of them.
But i'm so ready to enter the world of Greek Gods again.
#percyjackson #greekmythology #greekgods #tbr
I don't like Cameron. Plain and Simple. I can only imagine what her brother must be like
I can't handle the ending. Seriously! I can't. The ending was so painful with Mare on a leash. I hate Maven more than I hate bitter gourd.
Anyways, can't wait to start King's Cage, so, bye. 😁
Aaaaahhhh! These lines!
I am hopefully going to finish the book today. Can't wait for the story to unravel.
#readingrightnow #marebarrow #fantasybook #superpowers #victoriaaveyard #glasssword
It's an exciting journey, this series.
#readingrightnow #glasssword #victoriaaveyard #marebarrow #fantasybooks #fantasy #fantasybook #sciencefiction #sciencefictionbooks #dystopian
Our shared memories flash before me, parading every second of our time together. But now our friendship is gone, replaced by the one thing we still have in common.
Our hatred for Maven.
I don‘t need to be a whisper to know we share a thought.
I will kill him.
-Mare Barrow, Chapter-27
Red Queen
Ahh! I finally completed it. I'm so loving this series. Although, it pains me to know that sweet Maven turned out to be the villain and Lucas died.😭
I am enjoying it so much but its around 2 in the morning, i gotta sleep (ugh!) Its Monday tomorrow or more like, today.
#mare #marebarrow #redqueen #victoriaaveyard #prince #princess #superpowers #electric #fantasy #book #fantasybook #fantasybooks #youngadult #maven #cal #kindgom #redblood #red #silver #silverblood #thescarletguard #scarletguard #dystopian #rebellion #mondaysucks #readingrightnow
"Our Freedom Us Worth A Fortune"
- chapter 3
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Started it today. Hope to finish it soon because I have tons of work this week.
#mare #marebarrow #kilorn #redqueen #redblood #silverblood #victoriaaveyard #books #fantasybook #fantasybooks #dystopian #youngadult #redbloodseries
Jace's sense of humour knocks me out. 😂😂😂
#jace #clary #jaceandclary #cassandraclare #cityoflostsouls #shadowhunters #demons #doenworlders #war #lilith #sebastian #jonathanchristophermorgenstern #jonathan #fantasy #books #fantasybooks #valentine #angels #mortalinstruments #themortalinstruments
I love this poem like I love Simon.
#cassandraclare #shadowhunters #simon #jace #clary #jaceandclary #luke #cityoffallenangels #mortalinstruments #poem #fantasy #fantasybooks #fantasybook #book #shadowhunterworld #clare #demons #angels #vampires #werewolves #warlocks #faeries
On my way to expand it...
I wish I had more but I mostly read E-books.
#mystery #suspense #davidbaldacci #agathachristie #leechild #arundhatiroy #suzannecollins #paulahawkins #marktwain #adventure #books #mysterybook #gillianflynn #sherlockholmes #detective #dystopian #romance #thriller #booklove
Hope to love it! Starting now..
#Leechild #jackreacher #mystery #suspense #book #themidnightline #mysterybooks
These will always have a place in my heart...
#catchingfire #suzannecollins #katnisseverdeen #haymitch #peetamellark
I love Peeta. Catching fire is awesome.!!
#catchingfire #katnisseverdeen #peetamellark #suzannecollins #lovepeeta
“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
"You have arrived at this moment to learn what you must learn, so you can become the person you need to be to create the life you truly want."
#morningmiracle #halelrod #juststartedreading #inspiring #motivational #selfhelp #selfhelpbooks #changeyourlife #miracle
Started reading it thirty minutes ago..
Loving it so far!
#thehungergames #suzannecollins #readingrightnow #lovingit
Extremely awesome. Never expected the killer to be who it was. Lol😂i am not giving spoilers..
#murderofrogerackroyd #christiequeen #agathachristie #mystery #suspense