The writing in this book. I cannot.
The writing in this book. I cannot.
This was an important read, and I definitely recommend pairing the read with A Mother's Reckoning by Sue Klebold. The two accounts give a deep understanding of what happened that day and how it has impacted both the victims and the families of the killers. Cullen's account was incredibly detailed and well researched and gave light to how the media often twists these tragedies and provides false accounts. This is a must read for that insight alone.
My #BOTM haul got a little carried away this time around but I can't help myself with such good deals! Where else can I get these beautiful new hardcovers for only $10 extra? I can't decide which one I want to read first once I finish my current read!
This might be unfair, but I wanted more from this. I deeply enjoyed the sections about his childhood and how his mind responded to different situations and how logically, his actions made sense to him. However I feel like the story got lost a bit in his career and just different experiences. I understand his asperger's influenced his career choice and some of those interactions, but I wanted more of the specific details of how his mind works.
I almost gave this a "so-so" but this brought me too much enjoyment for that. I briefly debated just because I felt some of the sections dragged, but that was mostly on me since I'm married and didn't need the dating or hooking up advice. However, her humor is fantastic and I found many other sections informative, such as cooking, cleaning, dealing with family, etc. I missed the memo on many life tasks and Kelly graciously walked me through them.
It's tech week as we open the national tour of Fun Home on Sunday! I love watching great books come to life! We have a pretty bookish Broadway season this year! Excited for Finding Neverland and Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time!
Help! I started this book and I love it, but I'm reading about how it started as an app and I want to know if I should get the app to enhance the reading. Has anyone read this or something that originated in a unique format such as this one? It's so interesting and it seems like the app adds depth to the story. I hope someone out there is familiar with it and has some input!
This book was zany and fantastic. I absolutely loved the use of letters, emails, reports, etc to tell the story. However, I do wish that would have continued throughout the entire book instead of switching to the narrative 2/3 of the way through. That's my only complaint though, as I think this was a fantastic story about a daughter's unconditional love for her unique and eccentric mother.
I went a little overboard at my favorite local bookstore today! So many treasures! Any recommendations on any of these?! #BKLovesLitsy
When I heard Maria Semple wrote for Arrested Development, I knew I had to dive into something of hers. Super excited to get into this! I need some laughs after finishing "A Little Life"!
I got my September Book of the Month! This cover is gorgeous and I'm excited to get to this one!! Does anyone else belong to Book of the Month?
To clarify: this rating is based on the audiobook. I definitely think the book was well researched and informative. I learned a lot of things and was heartbroken for Tilman's family and all they went through. However, I found it hard to follow at times, but I think this is strictly because of the pace and narration of the audiobook. It's also a lot of terminology that's unfamiliar to me and was hard to keep track of. Still worth the read!
This book has been through a lot. It's been beat up, cried on, highlighted, and thrown across the bed. I loved this book. It's become one of my all-time favorites. Such a beautiful depiction of truly unconditional love and friendship and how the pain in our past needs to be talked about and shared. This was so hard to read at times, but the pain and sorrow was so worth it. This won't be for everyone, but it was for me and the words were a gift.
My TBR on Goodreads is overwhelming so I try to keep a smaller stack of what I have coming up next visible! So excited for these! Any recommendations on what should be next? #TBRTuesday
Is this beautiful paragraph for real? I want to live in this scene.
I finished my fiction, nonfiction AND audiobook all in a span of 3 days so I'm on new book overload. I've been so anxious to start this and I'm thankful for lunch breaks so I don't have to wait until I get home!
My next audiobook! I'm looking forward to some Jon Krakauer, as I've never read any of his before but have heard great things! Any other recommendations of his or reads that are similar? Missoula is on my radar soon as well.
This book was weird and awesome. Definitely reminded me of a Welcome to Night Vale type environment at some points. I was concerned at first the book would just be weird with no real plot, but about half way in the plot grabbed me and I was sucked in to the end. Definitely recommend this weird little read!
Finished out my night on a great note. I just love Don Miller. I think this showed some real growth in him not only as a writer but as a person. He's honest and real and open and there are some real practical things I will take with me from this book, all while not making it feel instructional or "teachy" at all. I'll always pick up a new Donald Miller book.
This is my new reading tracker to give me a visual of where I'm at for the year. What tracking methods do you find most helpful?
This man matters and his story matters. This book will stay with me for sure. It's easy for us to pass judgements or make assumptions when we see a headline reading, "Killed in apparent drug-related shooting, Yale alumnus remembered for leadership." This book will make me challenge these headlines and stories, because this man is so much more and deserves more. He inspired so many people and I hope this book has changed more people than just me.
A Little Life is up next after having just finished Imagine Me Gone so this is basically always me.
Did this book remind anyone else of Welcome to Night Vale? I'm a fairly regular listener and recently read the book and I can't help but think of Night Vale while reading this book! I'm about half through but I'm loving it!
I need a break from heavy topics after Imagine Me Gone before I dive into A Little Life. Workplace settings are my thing and so excited for this! Especially since the description says "Phillips enters the company of Calvino, Murakami, Bender and Atwood..." Can that company get any better?
This was heartbreaking and wonderful. I can't remember the last time I was this connected to characters lives and their emotions. Serious trigger warning for suicide, but as someone who has lot someone to suicide, I felt this was such an honest look at living with and loving those that struggle.
I just started this audiobook as I've been wanting to read it for a while. I'm only in chapter two, but I'm so drawn in and invested in Robert's life. It breaks my heart to know a little about the outcome, but this is already turning out to be an important recommendation to have for the future.
I loved this, and am super glad I listened to the audiobook. I really don't think I would have like it as much if I had just read it. Sedaris' voices and tone added a lot to his stories. I preferred some stories over others, but overall super awesome!
It's my birthday! So, that obviously means more books. Meet my birthday book haul! So excited about all of these! Let me know if you have any recommendations in this stack of where I should start! I only have a couple more in my TBR before I tap into these newbies!
Okay, I'm starting this because I've loved The Santaland Diaries and I've always meant to read his work because his humor is on point for my style. Any other recommendations of his work or thoughts about his style? I'm excited!
If you like The Office it's great because she references it often and a good portion of her stories revolve around her writing and career with the show. I appreciate her writing about her weight and size. I just identified with her "in-between" but somehow not acceptable body type. Quality humor.
This was good. Not amazing, but really good and refreshing. You absolutely do not need to be a runner to appreciate his memoir, because I'm not. He was interesting and kept my attention despite not knowing anything about running or marathons. I'd love to read a fuller memoir of his one day.
There are currently 1.3 million people flooding the streets of my city for a parade which gave me an unexpected day off. I've been watching the chaos live, but now it's time to dig into this gem. I've heard so many good things. Thank you for extra reading time today, Cleveland Cavs!
This book is important. Sue offers no excuses and doesn't try to explain away what her son did. She is respectful to the victims and their families. However, I look at tragedy differently now. I hurt for her as someone who has to live with losing a son and the pain of knowing what he did. Read this.
Sooooo good! This book was exactly my type of humor and the alternating narrators along with the historical file excerpts made the book flow really well between the actual attack on the regional office and the backstory. I loved this!
Trying out this audiobook because I loved 1Q84 and I wanna try out some more Murakami, so the memoir grabbed my interest. I need something lighter after coming off of Sue Klebold's A Mother's Reckoning. I'm letting that sit before posting a review so that will come soon!
"What strange and thrilling times we live in." - Late night reading by book light at its finest.
"There were five of us left and one of us was an intern, so really, there were four of us left, since in these situations the intern was always one of the first to go."
I love the way I can visualize the scenes in this book. That paragraph is perfect and I can't help but laugh at this scenario. Pardon the f-bomb but it's close to impossible to quote this book without getting at least one swear word.
"I didn‘t want to like the Klebolds, because the cost of liking them would be an acknowledgment that what happened wasn‘t their fault, and if it wasn‘t their fault, none of us is safe." - The introduction alone has so many thought provoking statements. I'll be quoting this book a lot.
I've been wanting to start this for a while, but haven't felt it was the right time. I started today and was drawn in immediately. As a sociology major, I've been eager to read something like this, and I'm thankful for the different perspective of those we often overlook in these tragedies.
Jenny Lawson is hilarious and I appreciate the way she can make me giggle while talking about some hard topics. I feel her crazy and appreciate her transparency and honesty. Everyone will likely be offended by something in her book but we all should lighten up and learn to have a sense of humor.
This audiobook is the best decision I made today. Jenny Lawson is hilarious. This will be my commute/gym/work companion again tomorrow for sure!
I haven't even officially started this book and I'm giggling pure delight at how fantastic it is.
Wooooo! So excited to start this!
This translation was beautiful. I cannot get over the imagery and descriptions. I got so connected to the characters and the details of their lives. I definitely recommend, although my only thing is it took me a little to adjust my brain to follow some fantastically long sentences. So good, though!
"She'd had to learn a new language to understand her own, so she wondered if this new heart would allow her to better understand herself: I'm clearing a space for you, my heart, I'm making you a home." - The words and imagery in this book are reaching deep.
Mini book-haul from vacation thanks to the cutest little community book store. Definitely going back to Writer's Block Bookstore in Winter Park, Florida next time I'm there! "Eat Sleep Read Local"