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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
On the world called Hyperion, beyond the law of the Hegemony of Man, there waits the creature called the Shrike.There are those who worship it.There are those who fear it.And there are those who have vowed to destroy it.In the Valley of the Time Tombs, where huge, brooding structures move backward through time, the Shrike waits for them all.On the eve of Armageddon, with the entire galaxy at war, seven pilgrims set forth on a final voyage to Hyperion seeking the answers to the unsolved riddles of their lives.Each carries a desperate hope--and a terrible secret.And one may hold the fate of humanity in his hands.From the Paperback edition.
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I was a little worried about leaning in to my chunkster curse with the BookSpin pick being number 2 (I made my list starting with the chonky bois) but apparently 2 had already been picked so Hyperion is not as chunky as I'd feared! Hopefully I can knock both of these off the list this month.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 5mo
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Finished one book this week and made good progress on most of my ongoing reads with exception of the tagged.

My goal this week is to finish Magician before it‘s due at the library.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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jedy94 Absolutely True! 12mo
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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The first of the quadrilogy Hyperion Cantos, Hyperion by Dan Simmons made me completely exhausted and feel like my mind was properly mind ducked. Oh my goodness is this A LOT to take in.

Join us for the longest episode on the podcast so far to discuss 6 short stories in depth and try to find out whether we love or hate this book.

Mind Duck Books Podcast ep.47: https://bit.ly/3rk6j7W

#hyperion #dan #simmons #cantos

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Maybe I ingested too much hype. I‘ve read a lot of Simmons back catalog. Like his writing style & twists. This book threw me into the deep end of a story that I went into blind.

Hyperion - not Earth.

We‘re on the way there. Why? 6 people tell their stories/secrets/connections to Hyperion &/or the shrike. Maybe they can figure out why they‘ve been chosen.

I loved half of the stories.


Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Bk5 of my #BookHaul (Booktopia had a sale🤷🏻‍♀️)is a classic SciFi I‘ve been wanting to read for years.It‘s highly recommended profusely. Hopefully it lives up to the hype! On a world called Hyperion, on the edges of the Hegemony of Man, waits the Shrike. Some worship it, Some fear it & others want to destroy it. When Armageddon beckons & the whole galaxy at war, 7 pilgrims search out answers to their lives, one may be the saviour of us all.

Leniverse That's been on my TBR for years as well. I've managed to pick up all four books in the cantos on Kindle daily deals over the past year or so. I should probably actually read it soon. 😅 1y
Ruthiella I‘ve also had this on my TBR for years. I even checked it out from the library once! Still not read it! 😂 1y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons

This one just didn't really do it for me. It didn't like the structure and found two of the tales told my people I didn't like and didn't care about.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons


Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Oh boy, all… I‘m faltering on this. I‘m maybe half-way through the Soldier‘s tale, and there are literally pages I‘ve ‘read‘ and have had no idea what I‘ve read… I don‘t do well with sci-fi for this reason. I get the premise. But man… I didn‘t make it through The Canterbury Tales either… 🤦‍♀️ This might be my second DNF of Simmons‘.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Gotta get a Dan Simmons read in each year. Next book club theme is a Hugo award-winning book!

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

1️⃣ Tagged.
2️⃣ Not really. My reading depends on mood and available time.
3️⃣ Flowers and the first thunderstorms.

Want to play? @eggs @EadieB @Andrew65 @wanderinglynn @ozma.of.oz @CoffeeNBooks

vivastory How is Hyperion? 2y
TracyReadsBooks I have Hyperion languishing in my TBR…Interested to know what you think. 2y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 😘 2y
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TheSpineView @vivastory @TracyReads I am listening to it on audio. I am struggling to get into. 2y
Eggs ❤️🤩❤️ 2y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🌷☺️📚 2y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"The Hegemony Consul sat on the balcony of his ebony spaceship and played Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-Sharp Minor on an ancient but well maintained Steinway while great, green, saurian things surged and bellowed in the swamps below."

What a run on sentence!

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I‘m back with this huge book. So far I really like it. It‘s slow but it has something captivating about it. Nice for Sunday reading.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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This was a re-read so that I can (finally) read the next book. Hyperion, irritatingly, ends abruptly and does not satisfactorily stand alone - something worth knowing going into it.

It's one of the most breathtakingly ambitious sci fi works I've ever come across and I loved it just as much as I did the first time.

In my opinion, a work of poetic genius and a masterpiece of storytelling.

Don't let me down, sequel.


Branwen What a cool cover! 3y
braddsibbersen His Summer of Night is one of my favorites. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @braddsibbersen I've not read that one.. Will check it out! 🙂 3y
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BiblioLitten I bailed because I‘m looking for a stand alone and a good ending. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would have kept going otherwise… nothing else was putting me off. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BiblioLitten I still haven't got round to reading the second one... Even without it standing alone, it's one of my favourite sci fi books of all time! 2y
BiblioLitten I‘m reading the Priest‘s story. Having read the Canterbury Tales I‘m familiar with the format. To read or not to read… 🤔😅 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BiblioLitten I like the Priest's Tale, but my favourite is the story of Sol Weintraub (the Scholar's tale?) They are a mixed bunch. Some great characters! 2y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Halfway through and I've just finished The Scholar's Tale.

This is where Hyperion really gets me in the feels ??

These stories are such a mix of horror, sci fi, adventure, "romance" (sort of) and fantasy, but this story (for me) is where it all gets real.

This is the second time I've read this far and the storytelling is every bit as masterful as the first time. Gorgeous writing, depth and variety.

This time, I'm reading the sequel.

vivastory I hope to read this one this year. I love these editions! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory I'm re-reading it so I can (finally) read the other books in the series. It's (one of) my favourite sci fi books ❤ 3y
TheNeverendingTBR I've been meaning to read this one 3y
RaeLovesToRead @TheNeverendingTBR Do it! 😁 Seriously, it's amazing! 3y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I‘ve heard great things about this book for years and am finally getting around to reading it. Today‘s reading finally introduced me to the character of The Shrike. When the narrator was in its presence for the first time, it was a religious experience for him. Then, Simmons blasted me away with this line. The whole scene was completely absorbing and astonishing, uncanny and sublime.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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"...but for those of us who live by the Word, our muses are as real and necessary as the soft clay of language which they help to sculpt."

"No true poet has been able to explain the exhilaration one feels when the mind becomes an instrument as surely as does the pen or thought processor, ordering and expressing the revelations flowing in from somewhere else."

(He captures what it feels like to write poetry so succinctly ?)

slategreyskies Wow, I like that! 💕 3y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Good read, some stories are not as captivatly as others but some are fantastic! Will defiantly have to read the second book after this.

RaeLovesToRead I'm re-reading this now so that I can read the sequel. Loved it first time round! 😊❤ 3y
SRWCF Love the cover art! 3y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I'm about to do something unusual for me... a re-read!!

I loved Hyperion the first time around, but never got round to reading the rest of the Cantos. I need to refresh my memory before embarking on the next part of the voyage..

I'm not sure if I love or hate this cover. It looks like a spiky bottom 🤨🍑😂

rabbitprincess Hahaha I totally had the same thought! 3y
Ruthiella That‘s where my mind went too! 😬 I‘ve not read this book but I want to! 3y
zezeki That cover is...interesting, to say the least. And I also had that thought about it. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @rabbitprincess @Ruthiella @zezeki 🤣🤣🤣 it's an interesting book - a bit like the Canterbury tales set in space! 3y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons

By the time I was halfway through this book I had already decided that this was one of my favorite books of all time. The world building was great, it kept me in constant suspense, I loved how the stories were independent yet connected to each other. It was almost as if each character‘s story was a different genre. It‘s a great sci-fi, it has action, romance, mystery and everything in between. Cannot recommend enough.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Yes! Probably in my Top 10 - 15 of All Time. All 4 books in the Hyperion Cantos are amazing. 3y
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Anna from Gustine
Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Both moving and disturbing almost from the very beginning. The concept of the shrike scared the hell out of me and still does, but the characters were the most compelling. I was moved to tears a few times, although, strangely, the story I thought would be most interesting turned out to be the most boring. Although this is science fiction, Dan Simmons also writes horror and you can see that influence throughout the whole story.

The_Penniless_Author Definitely check out The Fall of Hyperion. It ties up the story nicely and might be even better than the first book. 4y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 154

I decided to post books in a series together instead of one post for each.

#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet

LeahBergen My husband and brother are fans of this series. 👍🏻 4y
RamsFan1963 @LeahBergen I'm planning on joining @audraelizabeth #Stackingtheseries reading challenge for 2021, get around to several series I've been meaning to either start or finish. 4y
Sweetkokoro This is a series I‘m hoping to get my hands on next year, every time I see it, I have an urge to read it. 4y
The_Penniless_Author Read both of these over the past year. They're very good. The 'Endymion' sequels are a little more uneven, but these two rank up there with Dune and Book of the New Sun. 4y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons

“Metal teeth click shut in a steel vagina, missing his glands by a moist millimeter. Kassad slumps on his side, rolls away, hips moving, unable to stop his ejac--“

Why do I have this luck with fiction selections....? hahaha ugh. On to the next.


sharread Ouch 🤣 4y
llcoolnate @sharread 😂 😂 4y
coffeenebula 😂 4y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sounds romantic! 🤣🤣🤣 4y
Bette That‘ll kill the mood 😳🤣 4y
llcoolnate @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Hahaha yeah I think it's a romance novel disguised as science fiction 😂 4y
llcoolnate @Bette Not for Dan Simmons 🤔 🤔 😂 😂 And the scene continued much longer than needed lol 4y
RedJhon Wtf lmao 4y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Finally getting around to this epic.

Ruthiella That‘s been on my list for forever too! 4y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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About as far from the real world I can get.

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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Well, after several years of starting and stopping, I‘ve finally finished Hyperion! Did I like it? Yes! Did I love it? No. It‘s clear that Simmons is a genius. He‘s able to write each character‘s story in a completely different way. But I had two (small) issues: I never felt close or bonded to any of the characters, and this book (which is 500+ pages long) doesn‘t actually resolve the story, requiring you to read the next in the series!

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Operation “Make sure I have new books in addition to my existing, and already substantial, piles of books in the event I get stuck at home because I must have OPTIONS and wow the world is crazy right now” is underway! Today‘s #bookmail is the first part with a couple more expected tomorrow. The Star Wars book is for my son (shhh, it‘s a surprise). Not pictured are the two books I already gave him. We all need something good to read!

intothehallofbooks I loved Burial Rites!! 4y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Read this a long while ago and loved it, and there‘s still a lot good about it - the use of metafictional techniques in order the interweave stories, the manipulation of narrative time, the pacing, the literary devices in play ... but ... on second read with fresh eyes, the use of Trisomy 21, writing of women, of relationships with minors ... these leapt out at me and undid a lot of the good in the plotting.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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A re-read on audiobook ahead of reading The Fall of Hyperion for #NewYearWhoDis. I‘d forgotten how good this is ... which makes me feel better about burning an audiobook credit on it when I couldn‘t find where I‘d put my paperback copy 😂🤦‍♀️

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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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So, I'm seriously rethinking the two Simmons books on my TBR, the last two books in the Hyperion series, after reading his tweet completely bashing a 16 yr old girl. The thought of a 72 year old "man" cyber bullying a child just boils my blood. #Magathugs #Magabullies #jerk

Greta is a role model.
#Greta #climatechange #gutsywomen #standup #beheard #rolemodel #nasty #persist


alisonrose Ugh what a massive douche. How gross 😠 5y
RainyDayReading Yeah I‘ve been rethinking reading the books of his I have on my TBR as well. 5y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons

One of the best and most complex sci-fi novels ever written. Simmons, with a horror background, creates an antagonist in The Shrike, that is like no other. Highly recommend.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Highly inventive sci-fi novel centring round a three-way standoff between the Hegemony (world government), rebel human Ousters and the AI entities. Steeped in Keats lore, and the structure nods to Chaucer with each pilgrim recounting a piece of the puzzle of the fearsome Shrike and the mysterious time tombs. Gripping once you get into it.

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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Highly enjoyable – if it wasn‘t for that cheap (non-)ending...

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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At the beginning, I was worried. Shortly after that, I fell in love. This is a phenomenal read. Beautifully spun tales that keep one fully engaged and unable to put it down. Reading older sci-fi and seeing how on point it can be is always a treat. This is no exception. So glad I finally picked this up. Started a filler book, but immediately reading the rest of this series after that.

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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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After years of avoiding it (based on reading SO many love/hate discussions) I finally decided it‘s time. It just felt right. So far, it a very enjoyable read. The storytelling makes it very interesting and keeps the pace. I can‘t say I am enraptured like so many people have. But it‘s early and I‘m holding out hope.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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(Spell March With Book Titles).

Now I wanna re-read Hyperion after pulling it off the shelf for this... 😅

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻 5y
vkois88 💚 5y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Almost done super good so far. I definitely prefer this cover over the older one.

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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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I remember reading this in a few days, 🥰 it so much. Many, many years later, I'm not sure I would love it so much. Still, #spacemancametravelling to this planet in search of something. 😉

@TrishB @Cinfhen

TrishB I loved it many years ago too 💕 6y
Cinfhen I love your graphics💕💕💕 6y
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Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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Day 4 of #RRSciFiMonth prompt: favorite sci fi series.

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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All 4 star reads this month. 😊

Total books read: 4
Ebooks: 3
Physical books: 1
Borrowed: 3
#booked2018 prompts completed: 3

Average rating: 4 stars

#OctoberStats #OctoberWrapUp

Hyperion | Dan Simmons
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The short stories woven into the main narrative format was not what I was expecting going into this book, but it worked (just don‘t expect the most satisfying ending). Some of the stories were stronger than others (I loved the priest‘s and the scholar‘s tales. Absolutely stellar ⭐️), but that‘s to be expected. It did take me a little while to get absorbed in the overall story. Simmons just drops you into the world and starts using terms⬇️

shadowspeak17 ...that are unfamiliar which made things a little confusing and hard to get into, but it did get clearer. Once I made it over that hump, I was hooked to the end.

#catsoflitsy #Ember
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