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Knigreich der Schatten: Die wahre Knigin
Knigreich der Schatten: Die wahre Knigin | Sophie Jordan
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Thank you @forestandcrow for my #HHS23 package I‘ve been waiting to read this book for awhile and it has been on my TBR list for awhile too lol. The book sleeve is perfect thank you. @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Awesome book sleeve! 🎃🖤👻🧡 11mo
Gissy Beautiful booksleeve 😱😍 11mo
forestandcrow So glad you love it! I told my husband i almost wanted to keep the book sleeve 😂 11mo
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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This was a pretty good ya fantasy. The story was interesting as well as the characters. Ending on a cliff hanger is a guaranteed way to get me to read the next one. #audiobook #scribd #fantasy #yafantasy

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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A quick adventure. Action, love, monsters, a secluded tower in the wood, a kickass heroine princess, the fight for survival, the necessary elements of a fantasy...it's all here. And with that cliffhanger, how could I not read #2? Onward I go!

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Stayed up till 3am to finish this book, only for it to end in a cliff hanger! Ugh. Overall I really liked this book. It was a fast read with a sweet love story. Not a terribly deep plot, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I made time to open my #scififantasyswap box before work this morning. @HufflepuffGirl90 thank you so much! I love everything! 💕 Reign of Shadows is from my TBR - it looks fascinating, I adore the cover, and it‘s even signed! The Girl With the Glass Feet looks interesting as well. I‘m going to have to hide the candy from my husband and son. One can never have too many pairs of cozy socks and these will be perfect for Easter weekend 😊 cont‘d...

MeganAnn ... the unicorn pin is adorable! I‘ve been meaning to read Ender‘s Shadow for years as I loved Ender‘s Game as a child. My husband and son are going to want to read this one too as we listened to Ender‘s Game on audio last year during our road trip vacation. And you probably didn‘t know it, but you used my two favorite colors for the wrapping paper! 🥰Thank you again @HufflepuffGirl90 for everything!! 💙✨ #sffs (edited) 5y
MeganAnn Also, big thanks to @Avanders for hosting this swap themed around my favorite genre! 😘✨💙 5y
Mdargusch Nice! 5y
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LibrarianRyan The Girl with glass feet is interesting. We had it for our One Summer One Book selection a few years ago. 5y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures I‘m so glad you like everything; I had so much fun choosing it all for you! Plus serendipity with the wrapping paper! 💙💜💙 5y
monalyisha I‘m bizarrely VERY jealous of those socks. 😂 They look so warm & I love the colors! 5y
MeganAnn @LibrarianRyan that‘s good to hear! It wasn‘t from my TBR list (but I love surprise books best of all!) so I was excited to see it. The premise sounds interesting for sure! 5y
MeganAnn @monalyisha they are SO soft and cozy feeling and the colors make me instantly happy. I can‘t wait to wear them! 5y
MeganAnn @HufflepuffGirl90 😘💙💜💙 5y
Avanders 🧬🦄♥️👏🏽👏🏽 5y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Loved it!❤️❤️❤️

Gissy Beautiful photo! 😍 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I‘ve read half of it and so far I adore it🥰❤️. I‘m so in love with the characters, the atmosphere 🌲🌼🦋🌙🌑. I recommend it to lovers of fantasy and romance❤️. By the way,happy woman‘s day🌼👸🏻❤️⭐️🌸

wordzie 6y
Gissy Stunning photo! 😍👌 6y
ReadingRover I liked this book a lot. 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Stopped at the library today👍📖

tpixie 🎉🎉🎉 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Spending my night with a warm blanket and a goodbook. #currentlyreading #bookchallenge #booknumber3 #readingchallenge2019

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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This site is a treasure trove of information for Fairy Tale Lovers!! I‘m so excited to have found it- there are some great book recommendations, info about annotated fairy tales, and topics related to fairy tales I had not considered! http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/introduction/index.html
#happilyeverafterswap #heas

Clare-Dragonfly I love Sur La Lune! ❤️ 6y
Chrissyreadit @Clare-Dragonfly it was an awesome find for me! 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I have to say this book was kind of disappointing? I don't know if I just hyped it up too much but it didn't live up to how great I expected it to be. It's not in any way an awful book, though. I like Luna, I like her a good bit. I'm not even sure what part/parts of the book I didn't connect with exactly but it all just fell a little flat for me. I could see where the author was wanting to take it but, for me, she didn't get me there with her. 3🌟

ReadingSusan Aw that‘s too bad. Gorgeous cover. 6y
InBooksILive Yes, the cover is so beautiful, that is for sure! I'm going to read the 2nd book still cause I really hate to leave a series unfinished so hopefully its goes better for me! 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Here is another one of my new #bookoutlet finds that ALMOST has the same flower on the cover. I guess I had a flower theme for this delivery, quite a few covers had flowers on them! 📚🌸🌼🌷😍

Robothugs That cover though 😍 6y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage ❤️ I'm jealous of your greenery 🌱 We have snow ☃️ 6y
Mommamanzi @Robothugs the cover is sooooo pretty! Haven‘t read what it‘s about yet haha just saw the cover and said “yep! You‘re mine” 6y
Mommamanzi @BookHoarder32 come on over, the pools warm and the sky‘s are blue! ☀️🏊‍♂️ 6y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Interesting but not very captivating. I won't be rushing to pick up the sequel any time soon #ya

3 ⭐️

Captivatedbybooks I saw your email!!! I will respond tomorrow 7y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Took me a few chapters to really get into this one, but I'm interested to see where the story goes!
#fairytaleretelling #Rapunzel

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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This was a book that I went into with absolutely no expectations, because I had not heard anyone really talking about it. In just a couple of chapters, I was in love. When I saw there was a second book, I had to have it 📚 I still haven't seen many talk about it, but I give it a thumbs up!!
#books #bookish #duology #recommendation

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Ich habe mich auf ein neues Fantasyabenteuer gefreut und habe am Ende nur eine Romanze eingewickelt in etwas Fantasy bekommen. Besonders tiefgründig waren die Charaktere auch nicht aber die Geschichte hat Potenzial und der Schreibstil war gut.

I expected a nice high fantasy story but don't get what I want. It was a nice idea but not that well made. I hope the 2. book will be better. The writing style was nice but to much love story!

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I adore retellings, and this was no exception.

As a Rapunzel story it was awesome. As a fantasy story it was super detailed and intense. As a love story it crushed me and made me tear up.

I already bought book 2 🙈

But as a whole, this book was so much more than i thought it would be. I was expecting Mother Gothel but instead found a tyrannical king.

At least there was still a Flynn Rider. 😏


Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Here's yet another book I am super excited to read soon💜 I absolutely love the cover and cannot wait to dive into this one. It sounds like it has elements of a fairy retelling within it, and I'm all for that.
#ya #yabooks #ReignOfShadows #currentlyreading #bibliophile #books #youngadult

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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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One of the best books of 2017 is Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan (german edition here)😍😍

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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Rainy days. Perfect for reading ... Just started this 💓

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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Love this dark fantasy set in a world with almost no light and scary, zombie-like creatures!!! Definitely worth a try if you want a romance-y fantasy set in a unique world!

GypsyKat Great picture! 8y
monkeygirlsmama Stacking! The covers are beautiful. 8y
Foragingfantasy Sounds good!! 8y
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melrailey I loved this series and thought it had a great ending. 8y
Gissy Yes, sounds great 8y
Hikari85 I'm listening to the first book again and I have the second book from the library already too. So excited to get trough this duology. 7y
thatbookishboy This is such a good photo. So jealous and those books looks intriguing. 7y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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This book was so good in the beginning but it kind of fell apart from the middle

#ya #yafantasy #youngadult #review #books #read

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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I got Reign of Shadows on kindle first bringing down the price and making it cheaper having the book in both formats rather than just in one. Also I've been dying for Paw Enforcement cause I can't help myself when it comes to a book with a dog as one of the main characters. 🐾🐾 Shatter Me and Rot and Ruin have both been on my wish list forever so those are excellent finds on sale at $4.95 and $6.95!!!

398.2 I loved Reign of Shadows and the Shatter Me series! So good 8y
ReadingRover @398.2 I'm super excited for those two! I've been waiting a while for them to go on sale so I could get them 😆 8y
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I read this Book today. What are u Reading ? #harpercollins #diewahrekönigin #königreichderschatten #Fantasy #currentreading

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Last one for tonight unless I remember more (why does my digital library not track my check-outs?). Also not what I expected, interesting premise but I disliked the abrupt ending.

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Just finished this audiobook tonight. Loved it! I didn't realize going in that the heroine is blind and it threw me for a loop when I learned that. My ears perked up and I thought "oh this is different."

398.2 I thought the same thing! It was something different. 8y
JoRead She had an Amazon giveaway for this book but sadly I didn't win. Now I want it even more!! 8y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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When your kindle is full of ARCs #preview #yaliterature

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I went to a two author panel. Confession I really went to see the other author Victoria Aveyard (Glass Sword). I instantly wanted to read Reign of Shadows. Sophie was so passionate when she was talking about and I immediately liked the book before I read it. That's why I LOVE hearing authors talk about their work. Reign of Shadows is a twist on Rapunzel. Sometimes retellings can be totally predictable this one definitely wasn't.

melrailey I plan to go see both of these ladies in a couple of weeks. I just finished listening to this one last night and loved it! 8y
398.2 @melrailey They were probably one of my favorites to meet. Reign of Shadows really surprised me. I didn't think I would like it as mush as I did. 😀 8y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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My current Overdrive queue. Plus about five more. 📚☺️ #tbrtuesday

HollyB3 @ahenke nice! I love Veronica Mars!!! 8y
Matilda I need more VM novels! 8y
Jlee745 I like Octavia Butler. Named my kindle oasis Octavia 8y
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annahenke @HollyB3 @Matilda I enjoyed the first one. Love that KB narrates them! 8y
annahenke @Jlee745 This will be my first by her! 8y
Cupofjo Kindred is a wonderful book! One of my all time favorites! 8y
kay89 The Veronica Mars books are surprisingly good! Though it makes me miss the show even more! 8y
Vexingcircumstance I want to read the VM books but haven't gotten them yet. I can't do audio books. I have an audio processing issue that has always made being read to absolute torture. I get headaches and I can't follow the story at all. I have to stick to regular books. I wish I could do audio books. I wouldn't get so behind on my TBR list then. 8y
readinginthedark Firstlife is a good one! Some unique ideas in there! 8y
missjenniferlowe My library limits us to just 5 checkouts from Overdrive! Envious! 8y
annahenke @missjenniferlowe bummer! Our limit is 15. 8y
annahenke @readinginthedark I haven't heard much about this one. So good to know! 8y
readinginthedark @ahenke Yeah, I hadn't either. Just picked it up at work one day and breezed through it in less than a week (very fast for me)! 8y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Holy Cliffhanger!

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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I generally dislike fairy tales but I love Sophie Jordan's dragon series so I gave it a try. Can't do it. Too many ill-defined creepy things and way too explicitly Rapunzel for me. Sorry Sophie!

Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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I love a good fairy tale retelling. Hoping this dystopian-like take on Rapunzel satisfies. Plus love the cover!

LitHousewife Yes! The cover is fantastic. 9y
kgriffith Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Adding to stack preemptively 😊 9y
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Reign of Shadows | Sophie Jordan
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Badass blind protagonist. Creepy creatures and dark fantasy settings, lots of chemistry with the romance. My only complaint is that there's no sequel (yet). #fridayreads

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