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Dark Saturday
Dark Saturday: A Frieda Klein Thriller | Nicci French
49 posts | 24 read | 24 to read
One of the worlds most acclaimed suspense writers, Nicci French delivers a fascinating story of old sins and fresh blooda riveting thriller perfect for fans of Gilly Macmillan, Jane Shemilt, and Fiona Barton. She hadnt realized the stabbing was happening, even though it was with her own knife. Shed stolen it and kept it beneath her mattress and brought it with her, tucked in her waistband. But it has all gone wrong A decade ago, eighteen-year-old Hannah Docherty was arrested for the brutal murder of her family. It was an open-and-shut case, and Hannah's been incarcerated in a secure psychiatric hospital ever since. When psychotherapist Frieda Klein is asked to meet Hannah and give her assessment, she reluctantly agrees. But what she finds horrifies her. Hannah has become a tragic figure, old before her time. And Frieda is haunted by the thought that Hannah might be as much of a victim as her familythat something wasn't right all those years ago. As Hannah's case takes hold of her, Frieda begins to realize that she's up against someone who will go to any lengths to keep the truth from surfacingeven kill again. Utterly compelling and enthralling, Nicci Frenchs thriller takes readers down a labyrinthine trail of secrets, suspense, and murder.
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The 6th book about Frieda Klein.

In this book Dr. Klein gets involved in a 13 yr old murder case. The supposed murder is doing time at a psychiatric institution. When Dr. Klein starts looking there‘s several things that doesn‘t add up.

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I forgot to post my reading last weekend. This is a very enjoyable series and here frieda is repaying a favour from the last bk by visiting a young woman convicted of killing her family and being mistreated in a psychiatric unit. As she delves deeper she uncovers more misdeeds while her old enemy Dean is getting closer and closer.

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I think this series just keeps getting better. I‘ll be sad when I finish it!

TrishB I was sad when it finished! 3y
Cazxxx @TrishB It‘s such a good series, I‘ll really miss Frieda! 3y
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Whoa. These keep getting better and better

Cathythoughts Nice picture ❤️ 4y
Shemac77 @Cathythoughts thank you! 4y
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Can‘t stop reading this series

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Read the most recent volume (Sunday Morning Coming Down) and loved it, so I‘m working my way backwards while waiting for the next in the Frieda Klein series. Very bad habit of mine;going backwards provide many ah ha moments. Frieda is asked to assess Hannah, who has spent years in a mental facility after killing her family. Frieda senses a dissonance and soon finds herself threatened as she investigates. Gritty, grim, but satisfying. Rains a lot!

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I'm in the mood for dark material right now. The holidays are difficult for me (and many others). You'd think I'd gravitate toward lighter stuff, but, no, let's talk about crime, death, human nature, and years-old mysteries. 🤷‍♀️

Ashley_Nicoletto The holidays are so hard for so many. 🖤 enjoy your crime all you want! 6y
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I love the maps of the hidden rivers of London that are featured in these books. This one is a bit more personal to me as the River Effra was the river closest to where I spent the first 20 years of my life. I lived between Tulse Hill and Christchurch Road on this map. Spent many hours in Brockwell Park. #MapsofLitsy

jb72 I love maps in books! I visited London many years ago after I graduated high school. 6y
Andrew65 @jb72 This portion of London brings back memories! Got to love maps in books. 6y
BeansPage Hey you! Where's your selfie? 😀 6y
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Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid I wouldn‘t want to risk a selfie, wouldn‘t want to break the camera! 😂😂😂 (edited) 6y
BeansPage Sadness ☹️ 6y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Tigger is a much better image of me. 😂 6y
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Started Saturday Requiem which I am reading with @Tove_Reads . This is now book 6 in the series. This is really an excellent series as each book is quite unique and different, yet forms part of an overall story.

skaiareads It looks so suspenseful 6y
Andrew65 @skaiareads It is a great picture, and portrays that suspense well. Always a strong suspense element / psychological aspect to Nicci French books. 6y
kspenmoll I just read the first in the series, which has made me want to read more. 😀 6y
Andrew65 @kspenmoll I hope you enjoy them. I‘ve read books 2-5 since August and planning to read the last three (including this one) before the end of the year. 6y
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Time to move on to Saturday! November 13 Chapters 1-11, November 14 Chapters 12-21, November 15 Chapters 22-31, November 16 Chapters 32-40. #buddyread @Andrew65

Andrew65 I can get to this from tomorrow but due to other commitments will need to read it over four days. 6y
Andrew65 I will pick it up tomorrow. Do you wa t to put a schedule together for it if you already have the book. 😊 6y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Again a totally different book. So different from the last one. Enjoying it and how no clue where it‘s heading. Nice to have the police so strongly involved in this one. 6y
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Andrew65 Thanks for the schedule, currently finishing last three chapters for 13th. This once again feels very different. Each book in this series is quite unique! 6y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 So, oops, I finished the book. Just had to keep on going! Let me know when you‘re done. 6y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads That was quick with high levels of work commitments at the moment that just isn‘t an option for me. 6y
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Maybe my streak of never winning a GR giveaway is finally coming to an end. It‘s been three years since my last win, so this is a pleasant surprise. 😂

Lmstraubie Yay! 🙆 6y
ralexist So there's hope 🙂. I haven't won in eons either. 6y
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tammysue 👏🏻👍🏻 Congrats! 6y
sudi Yay!!, congrats 🎉🎉🎉 6y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
LeahBergen GR can suck it, in my opinion. They stopped doing giveaways in Canada. 😭😭 And I used to win quite a few! 6y
LeahBergen Oh, but ... congrats. 😂😂😂 6y
Mdargusch Ha! I won a GR book yesterday too! 6y
Reviewsbylola Yes, there apparently is hope! I‘ll be annoyed though if it‘s 3 more years before I win another. 😂 @ralexist 6y
Reviewsbylola That‘s so annoying!! @LeahBergen 6y
LitsyGetsGraphic Yeeey! Congrats 🍾🎊🎈 6y
minkyb Great win! 6y
BooknerdsLife Awww Congratulations!! 🎉 6y
DivineDiana Fantastic! 👏🏻 6y
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A random stack of books I pulled off of my TBR stack. :)

Have you read any of them? Or plan to read them?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Wicked City!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #BeatrizBinge 💚 6y
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SilversReviews @Pamwurtzler Please tell me how you get the book to show up in a comment. :) Thanks. 6y
Pamwurtzler @SilversReviews when you enter a comment- see the little tag and skull right below? Click on the tag & the book will show. Or the skull if you want to flag your tag as a spoiler. 😀 6y
SilversReviews @Pamwurtzler THANK YOU so much. 6y
Pamwurtzler You‘re welcome! 6y
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1.) Laundry ugh
2) One, really good pineapple corn salsa.😂 I live in the south, none of the men cook down here, they all grill or eat cereal.
3.) More because my dad is here to occupy my niece, she does NOT let Aunt Kadie read.
4.) I read A Child Called It in a few hours because I wanted it over with 🙁
5.) high Fantasy!
6.) 0 (on my porch)
7.) Crime Fiction
8.) I'm not a horror girl really but I love IT.

#saturdaynightspecial @Kaye

Kaye The Southern men sound a lot like the ones around here. Cooking is a woman‘s job. I‘m glad to hear of someone who doesn‘t necessarily like horror but likes IT . I‘ve been pondering giving that one a try. Enjoy that weather if you can sit out on the porch. Sure wish it was warm enough here to do that. Maybe a few more weeks. (edited) 7y
blithebuoyant @Kaye it dropped 50+ degrees yesterday in like 12 hours ? F'n Texas. No joke when I was in high school, my grandmother wanted to know why my brother was washing dishes because it "wasn't his job, and his future wife would do that for him" ? 7y
Kaye Wow, weird weather, huh ? Ours just steadily increases this time of year. Once in awhile we get a beautiful sunny day, but not very warm, but the temps gradually increase. Then occasionally we still get a bit of snow in April. Cannot wait for good weather ! 7y
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1. Cleaning anything in the bathroom
2. My husband does pretty much all the cooking. He's good at it, and enjoys it.
3. More
4. When I was a teenager, I could polish off several books in a day.
5. I am a librarian! I order books and catalog them.
6. 2
7. Not really
8. Eye of the Dragon


Kaye Thanks for participating. So lucky to have a man that likes to cook ! And also, what a cool job to get to order the books. That‘d be so much fun. 7y
tonyahoswalt @Kaye I really enjoy it. Cataloging is a lot of fun too. 7y
Kaye How do you ever choose which books to purchase ? So many to choose from ! Do you get ARCs to read ahead of time ? 7y
tonyahoswalt @Kaye We get review journals (Library Journal, School library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus, VOYA) and use other popular sources of reviews to choose materials. We have standing orders of popular authors. We do get ARCs, and I'm in charge of those! I get excited when they come in. I've been trying to encourage more staff to read them, but so far only a few of us do. I find out about a lot of debut and buzzed. About books this way. 7y
Kaye That‘d be great to get first crack at the ARCs. 😊 7y
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🍵🍁📖🏡 #CrimeThriller #TeaTime #SundayFunday #HomeSweetHome

Another great & gritty Freida Klein crime thriller!

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🤓📖🍤🐙🍚 #LunchtimeReading #CurrentRead #Series #CrimeThriller

Lunchtime reading:

Diving into the latest Frieda Kein thriller (love this series!) over a lunch of seafood fried rice. 😋

TrishB Love that series! Frieda is a great character 😀 7y
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#itwasagoodday #90sinjuly
@Cinfhen @Robothugs
A good day is always made better with a good book 😀

Cinfhen Is Nicci French your #autobuyauthor?!?! 7y
Cinfhen And I see that day of the week thing going....clever 💡💡💡💡 7y
PirateJenny Love Nicci French! They are brilliant! 7y
minkyb Good one! 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen one of them 😀 it's a husband/wife team. This is a series with some great characters. 7y
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This one lost stream pretty quickly. I took lots of unplanned cat naps while reading and had to push myself to finish. Dialogue felt stilted. Characters seemed shapeless. Story lacked depth. I haven't read any of the other books in the series and now I don't care to. A solid meh.

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The view from my reading spot today! Have to get some manuscript reading done and then I get to dive back into the Frieda Klein series :)

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Lunchtime reading. I was good and remembered to pack my lunch today. Almost finished with this book. 😬

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Short version: I loved this one! I'm starting completely in the middle of this series but still couldn't get enough of this book or these characters. This is a series that I need to go back to the beginning on. Highly recommended!

Bookladylinda I just picked this up at my library on audio, I didn't realize it was part of a series! 🤦🏾‍♀️ back to the library for book 1. 7y
Samantha.1020 @Bookladylinda I read this one out of order and didn't mind at all. But I really want to read book one soon! 7y
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Poolside reading while the kiddos swim ☀️☀️

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Helluva start!

Yanes Wow! It is a hell of a start! 7y
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Starting a new book over lunch. Also, fits for today's #junetunz prompt! #Thriller 😰

Cinfhen Hope it's good! Enjoy 😊 7y
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Happy mail day for me! I'm thinking this is going to turn into my next print read! #bookmail

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I got some #bookmail today! Woot! Woot! I'm also about 200 pages into D.O.D.O. It's a chunky monkey. Hoping for more magic, time travel, and mayhem.

Bser Samstag: Thriller | Nicci French

Frieda Klein ermittelt erneut auf eigene Faust und das macht sie hier wieder auf ihre typisch unkonventionelle Weise. Der Fall selber ist sehr düster, die Auflösung kam mir aber etwas zu hopplahopp rüber. Das macht allerdings nichts, denn der Spaß besteht darin, Frieda zu begleiten. Und natürlich gibt es ein Wiederlesen mit Friedas buntem Haufen Freunde.

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Frieda Klein's adventures never fail to disappoint. And WOW, that ending! Totally did not see that coming.

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My goal is to finish this today...but then I will be waiting impatiently for the Sunday book 😏

[DELETED] 2232195534 Good luck!! 8y
Jhullie @kaysreadinglife what a great ending! Didn't see that coming! 8y
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Stayed up reading way too late last night...woke up this morning thinking "what the hell is that noise? It's the middle of the night." And realised its my alarm. Bad day ahead!

MarticaMustRead Been there, lol....😪 8y
Michelle_mck Good luck 8y
Jhullie I am so tired but I'm going to do it again. I just want to know what happened! 8y
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Last day of holidays, seizing my last chance to lose myself in my book 📖🔍

[DELETED] 2232195534 I found it pretty hard to put down as I got closer to the end. 😀 8y
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I love my bookish fridge magnets. Actually my whole house is bookish 👍💖

britt_brooke Love them!! 8y
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Not enough hours in my day lately but definitely time for a sneaky read with my tea ☕️📚

[DELETED] 2232195534 I finished this one yesterday. I was very pleased, but now I want the 'Sunday' book...now!!! 8y
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These are my #bestreadsofsept #somethingforsept
My favourite was undoubtedly In a Dark Dark Wood by Ruth Ware, exceptional storytelling❣
@RealLifeReading @TheSpinecrackersBookClub

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My two week break is coming to an end and I am sadly preparing to leave my world of books and re-enter the real world. Ho hum back to alarm clocks and deadlines.

Kazen Here's hoping your transition back to real life is as painless as possible 😊 8y
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Haha I can totally relate to this! 😣

OSChamberlain Me tooo 😂😂🤘🏻 8y
Shaunesay Mine does currently look like that, it's getting stabbed and seeded this weekend. What I think us really funny is how trampled it us right under the bird feeder. Don't birds fly, not stomp?! Must have been a good concert! LOL! 8y
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11:20am breakfast - we'll just call it brunch!

Texreader Yum!! 8y
courtney How does that egg look so perfect?! It looks so perfect! 8y
Jhullie I am a perfect poacher @courtney 8y
courtney My poached eggs look like sad ghosts haha. Now that I know they're poached I'm even more impressed (also I want eggs) 😂 8y
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I am always excited to get my hands on a Nicci French book. Saturday Requiem is no exception 👍🤓

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Not much reading done today, but what I did read was enthralling! These Frieda Klein stories just keep getting better and better❣

Sweettartlaura I've heard there are two left, but with only a Sunday book missing, I'm not sure about that. Do you know? Two is definitely better than one 📚😍📚 8y
Jhullie Yes, there are supposedly 8 in the series, lucky for us 👍 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 I've heard 8 as well. So Sunday and then what - Monday again? Hmmm....🤔 8y
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I am positive hubby is trying to kill me - took me on a 4km walk through the bush. I will need copious amounts of water and books, while reclining beneath the ceiling fan to recover 😨

Jhullie I was waiting for the grammar nerds to correct my spelling but I just couldn't stand it any more and changed it myself. 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 And when you listen to audiobooks while you walk, you can do both!! 8y
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I love this series. Just started Saturday's volume 📚☕️

[DELETED] 2232195534 That what I'm reading right now! 8y
MarticaMustRead Yes!! Absolurelt love the Frieda Klein series! I have to wait till October here in Maryland for 'Friday on my Mind'....[sigh]😔. 8y
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Yesterday was an exciting book day for me...I found a copy of Saturday Requiem (I love this series), and my book badges arrived.

[DELETED] 2232195534 Love your book badges! Love the Frieda Klein books and also enjoyed the Ware book!! 8y
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I made this last as long as I could, but eventually I tore through the pages to get to the end 😌
I LOVE how Frieda Klein comes to life in this series. Just reading about her calms me - imagine if she were a real therapist. The world built around her & her companions is one I could inhabit full-time, Dean Reeve and all.
If you haven't read this series, pick it up -you'll love it❤️

[DELETED] 2232195534 Yes, I definitely recommend this series too. My copy of this is patiently waiting for me. I'm keeping it for a treat before long. 8y
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The dog days of summer are a perfect time to catch up on some series. Freida Klein, Tess Monaghan, Inspector Gamache, Jackson Brodie, Odd Thomas... How many can I get through in 31 days???

brendanmleonard Fantastic lineup - it's like the Avengers of crime fic! 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 Great list of series! Dare I say you need to hear to Three Pines? My favorite place! 8y
Sweettartlaura @brendanmleonard Hah 😂. ❤️ it!! I also have Harry Hole & Leonid McGill to catch up on, but there is no way I'm getting to those this month. 8y
Sweettartlaura @kaysreadinglife I'm in London now, then heading to Baltimore. If there's time left, I'll be going to Three Pines after that 😊 8y
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This is my #TBR ... Uh, shelf? Bookcase? Pile? Tell me I don't have a problem, please 😮

AnnieReads I don't see a problem with a healthy TBR pile. 8y
LitHousewife I see nothing wrong there. I'd love to have a TBR house. 😂 8y
LauraBeth I need to come over and borrow some books 😀 8y
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[DELETED] 2232195534 What I see is lots and lots of fun!! And what @LitHousewife said! 8y
EsquireGirl That looks great to me! I'm jealous😉 8y
LeahBergen No problem that I can see. You should see MY TBR shelves. Eep! 😁 8y
Sweettartlaura Aww, you guys ❤️. So nice to have such great company in my addiction 😜 8y
DebinHawaii That's why my TBR pic was a close up on a shelf! You should see my shelves & piles. ❤️📚📚📚📚 8y
BookishMarginalia Looks fab! 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag We share this un-problem 😂 8y
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August's reading plan is to catch up on all my series😍. Laura Lippman's Tess Monaghan; Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache; Jo Nesbo's Harry Hole; Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas; but first... Nicci French's Frieda Klein. Love love LOVE this series😍❤️😍
#24in48 #readathon
@24in48 @Litsy

[DELETED] 2232195534 Yes, yes, yes!! Love this series too and I'm going to read my copy, which I am so excited to have, in the next week or so. August will be a great month of reading!!😀😀 8y
Jhullie I just got my copy of Saturday Requiem, I adore this series. I gave a copy of Blue Monday to a friend just so I would have someone to talk to about it. Pre Litsy days obviously. 8y
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Book mail from England - yay!!!