DNF. I just can't. Maybe high school/college me would have loved it. But not my thing.... #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
DNF. I just can't. Maybe high school/college me would have loved it. But not my thing.... #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
A great start of another urban fantasy series by the awesome Seanan McGuire. Looking forward to next in the series. A pick!
@PuddleJumper: This is a March #Roll100 pick for me, a bit late but happy to clear one more of my long list of unread picks.
@TheAromaOfBooks: #15 read in the #PromptMaze v2 list (F2).
This was so fun! I smiled, laughed, & ordered the next two in the series before I finished this one. All Verity wants to do is competitive ballroom dancing but she‘s a Price & that means she‘s a cryptozoologist—someone who hunts cryptids, creatures whose existence hasn‘t been proven by science. And cryptids are going missing…just as member of the Covenant of St. George shows up in town. Magical creatures, murder & mayhem, lots of laughs. Loved it.
I know this isn‘t on your #nywd list @ozma.of.oz but I figured I should start at the beginning of the series! This was a lot of fun to read and made me nostalgic for Buffy and Supernatural and all those other shows I used to watch back in the 00s. Also, how do I get my own Aeslin mice???
It‘s time to get a little niche with our genres! ✨
1. I really enjoyed this, and I‘m looking forward to the rest of the series! Learning that McGuire started writing the series because she was upset at specific deaths in Supernatural makes it all the better.
2. The idea that it‘s our world, recognizable and familiar, BUT ALSO MAGIC.
3. Something in New Zealand. Queenstown or Auckland. ❤️🇳🇿❤️
#SundayFunday Have an fantastic day and tag me!
I dnf'd this one last year but decided to give it another try. I am so glad that I did - I really enjoyed it this time around! The main character is a zoologist except for non human species like basilisks and dragons. Refreshing read.
Read for Hugos last year and lives it: funny, loved the action. Since I don‘t read that much urban fantasy/, I didn‘t run into the problem of finding it too much like other series that some did. So I‘d suggest it as a starter series for urban fantasy.
I think I like this series even better than the October Daye one🤩
It feels original, I love the dancing angle, and I sure don't mind the little pinch of romance😉
I really enjoyed this snarky adventure story. Many of the plot elements would sound ridiculous if I tried to explain them - but they work! I especially loved the overly enthusiastic aeslin mice with their religious observations - my favourite one being the holy feast of ‘I swear, daddy, I‘ll kiss the next man that walks through that door‘ (even if I could guess where that was going 😂)
Continuing to cough all my lungs up.
I‘ve been coughing up a storm and watching Murder, She Wrote under a pile of blankets - but it‘s time for a spot of reading and then some sleep!
Loving these chapter quotes 💅
I know the author so this was quite expected but... I loved it! It's funny, fast-paced, intriguing and the mice are adorable! A great start for an UF series!
I really love urban fantasy with a kickass snarky main character and some serious world building.
So good!! Totally a guilty pleasure!
Can't wait to get my hands on #2!!
📚Urban Fantasy
📚Snarky wit with sarcasm
📚Worshipping Rodents!
What's not to love!?
I did it!!! With 4 books finished, 1 more in progress, and just over 24 hours spent reading, my #24in48 is complete.
Don‘t mind me, just squeezing in some #24in48 reading at the reference desk.
Lunch and a new book! Recommended by @Avidan a long time ago but I finally have it and just started it!
Interesting characters, fun fight scenes, and romance! I loved it.
Recent #bookhaul from an outdoor rack of mass market paperbacks labeled “beach books” in Hawaii. The only Seanan McGuire I‘ve read is Every Heart A Doorway...anyone read this InCryptid series? #beachbooks
#seananmcguire #incryptid #notwildaboutthecover
A thoroughly enjoyable romp through the world of bogeymen and dragons. Verity Price is a likable heroine with a penchant for rooftop running. The story was fast paced and the characters interesting and unusual. A big thumbs up from me 👍
I had to share this quote just because it made me smile at the mischievous mice.
This working for a living thing is getting in the way of my reading time 😡
Slow start,which is to be expected at the start of a paranormal series that needs to introduce characters & do some worldbuilding.The pace picks up halfway & we‘re squarely on the side of the heroine—waitress, dancer, & cryptozoologist Verity Price.Her opening act involves finding a sleeping dragon, saving some otherworldly creatures from a fanatical order of knights, and shtupping one of said knights.Sentient mice and excellent fight sequences.
Fantastic vacation read. It‘s like reading about Buffy if Buffy decided to make her alter ego Anne a ball room dancer instead of a waitress. Fun stuff!
Me: I should really have a nap.
Also me: These books aren't going to read themselves, are they?
I'm not eligible for #stackedup , but thought I'd show you my pile anyway 😂
A fun fantasy read with a kick ass female lead. Perfect holiday reading. I loved the Aeslin mice especially.
Couldn't find any books in my collection featuring #rain! However, I am reading on my couch waiting for the much needed rain we're supposed to get here tonight. Reading when it's raining outside is the best 🙌🏼
Using the code "PrimeBooks17" will get you $5 off a book $15 or more for the rest of Prime day.
And another sale! The first book in a really fun urban fantasy by Seanan McGuire. The boogeymonster is real and working at a club in NYC, along with dragons, werebeasts, and a cryptozoologist-slash-ballroom dancer.
Beginning my #litsypartyofone with a cup of tea (Earl Grey, hot) and the first book in my great audio "reread" of Seanan McGuire's Incryptid series.
Verity Price comes from a family of cryptozoologists. She lives in New York and is trying to take care that no magical creatures are harmed by humans. Or vice versa. She is very bad-ass. She's also the current high-priestess of the Aeslin mice, which are definitely worth the price of admission! She can also do a helluva tango. #badassheroines #riotgrams
#riotgrams #kissingbooks All my Romance-romance reading is digital (apart from library books), but there sure is kissing in urban fantasy romp Discount Armageddon, too. Here it is with my VDay present for my husband. We don't really celebrate this particular holiday, so it's chocolate, crockpot pork ribs, and no other plans. Our second anniversary is in May and that's the day we celebrate with a slap up dinner out.
Meeting a friend for "coffee"... In a book shop!
#herebedragons - sexy, kick-ass, female gold-loving dragons. A fun and fast read. I love this series for the Aeslin mice. They're the best! #photoadaynov16
I cannot tell you how little I care about competitive dance competitions or how much I despise NYC, and yet I still loved this book. Such is the power of Seanan McGuire. Toby Daye is still my homegirl, but I'd be down for a night with the Price girls.