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Vendredi Ou les Limbes Du Pacifique
Vendredi Ou les Limbes Du Pacifique | Michel Tournier
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1️⃣ Multiplayer, Tokaido; solo, Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden.
2️⃣ Antarctica.
3️⃣ Very well, because I had not set any!
4️⃣ I can't think of one right now.
5️⃣ How's the weather?
@howjessreads #friyayintro

Susanita Cold! 5y
tournevis @Susanita Here too! 5y
ImperfectCJ It's November and I live in San Diego, so I avoid talking about the weather with people who live elsewhere. 🤫 5y
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night_shift Clear with cold wind. 5y
Jerdencon Too cold for November 5y
tournevis @UnidragonFrag @Jerdencon Overcast here and normal cold. 5y
tournevis @ImperfectCJ *snort snort snort* 5y
vivastory Way too cold for typical November weather here. It's usually in the 50s still around Thanksgiving & we've already had accumulating snow. If I wanted to be this cold in the beginning of Nov I could have stayed in Minneapolis. 5y
tournevis @vivastory *translates Fahrenheit into Celcius* Ok, so it's fall weather. 😜 😜 😜 😜 😜 Kidding. If it's cold to you, it's too cold. It's below freezing here. 5y
gradcat Wow! I don‘t know any of your games!! My weather? Still too humid & temps are just starting to drop...into the 60s (Fahrenheit)! Too warm still for me. Ugh! 😑 5y
coffees i wanna go to Antarctica too!! one day. the weather is CHILLY. it looks like a nice fall day but it's been very cold lately, today we're at 27F 5y
tournevis @Crimson613 It would be great to go there, IFF it's not a cause for further pollution. Which it might be. It's freezing outside since Wednesday. Winter has come. 5y
wanderinglynn It‘s been really nice because it‘s been sunny. Temps in the mid-50s F during the day, low 40s/high 30s at night. 5y
xicanti It‘s snowing, which has me UPSET, but at least the temperature‘s risen to -3. It was -14 earlier. 😭 5y
tournevis @wanderinglynn @xicanti It's winter! ❄️☃️🌨️😕 5y
wanderinglynn @xicanti that‘s cold! 🥶 Come out to the Pacific Northwest! It‘s rather mild here. I‘m just in a long-sleeve tee and a fleece jacket today. 5y
tournevis @wanderinglynn @xicanti That would be cheating! 😆😆😆 5y
xicanti @wanderinglynn it‘s °C, so it may not be as cold as you‘re envisioning, but yeah. I‘d much rather be on the west coast. 5y
wanderinglynn @xicanti Nope, that is cold. I really dislike anything below 40F/4C. I miss living in Southern California where 50F/10C was considered cold. 😂 5y
xicanti @wanderinglynn I loved wintering in Auckland, NZ, where it never dropped below 4°C. Everyone born there moaned, but I had the best winter ever! 5y
tournevis @wanderinglynn @xicanti I was thinking it was nice today with the -4ºC today. Cooler than average, sure, but quite nice still. 10ºC, that's the high life! 5y
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1️⃣ None that aren't work related. In terms of fiction, I'm too busy to read for fun. Have my refular Friday tag.
2️⃣ None that were cute, polite or not meant to hurt, unfortunately.
3️⃣ I'm guessing you're not meaning actual hors-d'oeuvre here, so onion rings.
4️⃣ Leaving for our annual. we-rented-a-cottage-in-the-middle-of-nowhere shinging with friends.
5️⃣ At this time of the morning two. Ask me later today.

Crazeedi Number 4 sounds like a glorious time, and a well deserved rest for you! Enjoy 5y
sudi Hope you Enjoy your cottage in the middle of nowhere 😊👍 5y
LibrarianJen Same for #2 and #5. 5y
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tournevis @Crazeedi @sudi It'll be fun! 5y
Susanita The only funny part of the Bean movie several years ago was the scene where he slices onions and sticks toothpicks in them to make “hors d‘oeuvres.” 5y
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1️⃣ Other than numbers, 👏😁😘
2️⃣ No. But that's an American thing. End of secondary school is just that, no more. And in June.
3️⃣ ComicCon with friends.
4️⃣ First.
5️⃣ 👍
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Areader2 😘😘🤗 5y
tournevis @Areader2 😘👋🖖 5y
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1️⃣ ⬆️ Igrec
2️⃣ Fanfic
3️⃣ My parents are visiting so I'll be entertaining them
4️⃣ Rainy and nippy
5️⃣ That's a very good question
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Erofan 🐶❤ 5y
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1️⃣ Siocnarf, a fantasy series on Radio-Canada from 1979. This is the only image available I can find: https://images.app.goo.gl/LsUriUzMe128CJFb8 @BarbaraTheBibliophage
2️⃣ Antarctica @Melissa_J
3️⃣ Mood, feeling @emtobiasz
4️⃣ Not sure @youneverarrived
5️⃣ How tired are you? I sure am today.
@howjessreads #friyayintro

Eggs Bone 🦴 tired 5y
cobwebmoth Very. The insomnia has not let up. Hope you can get some rest soon.❤ 5y
CouronneDhiver So ready for my weekend off! 5y
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AsYouWish Very tired!!! 5y
DGRachel Exhausted. I hope you feel better! 5y
Megabooks 1 nap day, so not too bad, but I did have a double shot latte 5y
Lizpixie Fatigue level-zombie. Pretty much.🧟‍♀️ 5y
Megabooks Yikes!!! I‘m sorry you‘re so tired! 5y
tournevis @Megabooks Life, you know... 5y
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1️⃣ None. I'm a historian. It's NEVER been this good. Ever. Trust me.
2️⃣ By necessity, ebooks.
3️⃣ Older.
4️⃣ Nope!
5️⃣ 👍👍👍
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Megabooks I‘m really glad to hear things are better, and I agree with you. It‘s easy to gloss over past difficulties. 5y
tournevis @Megabooks Any period before 1945 (i.e. antibiotics) is a no go for me. Nope. 5y
Lauram Antibiotics! I‘m so glad I‘m not the only person who thinks this way. 😂 5y
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tournevis @Lauram Most female historians I know think this way, of course, but it's our job, so it's kinda sad!? 5y
Lauram It‘s not sad at all! I‘ve ended discussions with friends about living in other eras by saying “a cut could kill you.” 5y
tournevis @Lauram -I'd love to live in the Middle Ages! -Really, now. How old are you? 28. If you'd manage to survive to adulthood, you'd have had three or four pregnancies by now and probably have died at the last birth. Or, you know, the Plague. Sure. (Average female age at marriage in 1350 was 23-25) 5y
Lauram 😂 5y
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1️⃣ I live in Ontario.
2️⃣ I want to move back to Québec.
3️⃣ I'm in between reads.
4️⃣ Ottawa? Perhaps, beavertales (the pastry). Québec has the clichéd poutine, but it's a cliché. Acadians have entirely different dishes called poutine/poutine râpée/râpure, which I prefer.
5️⃣ Will do!
#frideas @SailorMoon

SailorMoon Thanks for playing!!! 💕🤟🏻🌙 5y
tournevis @SailorMoon Thanks for asking! 😘 5y
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Look at that! A #selfie. Ok, you can look away now. 😛
#friyayintro @howjessreads

howjessicareads 👋🏻👋🏻 5y
julesG I love the glasses! 5y
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CouronneDhiver Feeling any better today? Hope so! 👍🏽 5y
tournevis @julesG Thanks 🤓 5y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver A bit. Thank you for asking! 😘 5y
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1️⃣ Igrec the Miniature Schnauzer and Madame Blanchette the betta fish.
2️⃣ Maybe go to the Geek Market?
3️⃣ Writing, arting.
4️⃣Other than all the ones I'll be visiting already? IDK, Nova Scotia, BC, Yukon.
5️⃣ What is your favourite boardgame? Mine is currently Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden
@howjessreads #friyayintro

ShananigansReads UNO I know it‘s a card game but it‘s always so much fun. 5y
CouronneDhiver Hmm... Monopoly. But there was another one I liked a lot growing up... 1313 Dead End Drive 😈🖤 5y
mhillis We‘ve been playing Ticket to Ride lately! 5y
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tournevis @Bookjunkie57 It counts! 5y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver Looking up that one... 5y
tournevis @mhillis Excellent choice! 5y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver So you played the 1993 original or the 2002 implementation? There seems to be quite a few differences between the two. 5y
CouronneDhiver I can‘t be 100% sure but the 2002 version looks right. So I would have been a teen and my sister a preteen when it came out. I remember having a lot of fun with it. 5y
Catsandbooks My favorite game is Sorry! 5y
julesG Currently, Azul. It's a fun game where you have to tile a floor in colourful tiles, outsmart your friends by making them pick up more tiles than they need, score points. 5y
batsy Cluedo 🕵🏾‍♀️ 5y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver Then you got the better version with collaborative play and variable powers. The original was basically a roll and move. 5y
tournevis @julesG Currently getting rid of a bunch of games so Incan get this one and a few others in. I love love Azul! Simple and restful, but with strategy. 5y
tournevis @batsy Classic! 5y
SaturnDoo We like to play Skipbo,Phase 10 and Scattergories. 5y
tournevis @SaturnDoo Classics! 5y
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1️⃣ SF 🚀
2️⃣ Not anymore! I beat those neuroses! I have others. 😋
3️⃣ A horse. See above.
4️⃣ -14ºC (but the low was -20ºC)
5️⃣ Yup!
#friyayintro @howjessreads

TrishB Cold 🥶🥶!! 5y
tournevis @TrishB Yup! Today too. 5y
CouronneDhiver Chilly!!! 🌬❄️☃️ 5y
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tournevis @CouronneDhiver Chez-vous aussi? 5y
CouronneDhiver Oui! Je cache sous une couverture 🥶 avec des gants et une tuque 5y
tournevis @CouronneDhiver J'ai même pas ce luxe: je suis à Kinsgton dans la bourrasque! 5y
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#friyayintro @howjessreads
1️⃣ I make a very good stuffing.
2️⃣ Vietnamese, but I'm not too shabby with phở either.
3️⃣ Yes. Many. You get jaded about it very quickly.
4️⃣ November has been meh so far.
5️⃣ My newest friends: @tealwish @noellereads

tealwish I share the pho love!! 6y
tournevis @tealwish Phở is life. 6y
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1️⃣ SF
2️⃣ Tomatoes. Even if they are a fruit.
3️⃣ They would be 112, 112, 100+, 100+
4️⃣ Magdalen Islands, idem, a very small village in rural Québec, idem.
5️⃣ 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺

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1️⃣ Loki. The original Trickster, not the gorgeous but unfortunately mischaracterized MCU version.
2️⃣ Élisabeth Vonarburg.
3️⃣ Norway.
4️⃣ One.
5️⃣ 'Kay! Hey @posierope ! How are you this morning?
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

posierope Hey howdy hey! Maaan I'd LOVE to go to Norway!! 6y
tournevis @posierope Me tooooo!!!! 6y
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1️⃣ Anything chocolate
2️⃣ NO!!!!
3️⃣ Nope!
4️⃣ Radio or poscasts
5️⃣ Will do.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

robinb I should‘ve said anything chocolate....so true. 😩 6y
tournevis @robinb Not too late. 😋 6y
robinb @tournevis I have a huge sweet tooth...pretty much anything sweet I‘m up for. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
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1️⃣ Neither. You, you here, everyone, everybody, or you folks.
2️⃣ Three. It's not actually an English word, by the by.
3️⃣ Litsy.
4️⃣ Surviving my son's heartbreak that my husband is elavong for 10 days for work.
5️⃣ At random: @Jocelyn73c Hi. I don't think we've met. Would you like to join the fun?
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro

CarolynM 2 Good point! 🙂 6y
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1️⃣ 🖤💜💙
2️⃣ If fastforwarding through Mortal Instruments to get to the Malec scenes counts as binging, that. Otherwise, my son had been binging Spongebob.
3️⃣ That hasn't happened in a while.
4️⃣ Ketchup, mustard, relish. Past that, whatever I feel like having and is available.
5️⃣ Past routine? Hell if I know. My husband works all day and evening Sunday, so.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Kaye 5 😁. Sounds like our house. Routine. But I like it that way. Usually when the routine gets thrown off, it‘s always by something bad. 6y
tournevis @Kaye We have so little family time, i.e. Saturday, that it wouod be nice if we did *something* other than groceries. 6y
Bklover 2. The days of Spongebob have disappeared at my house and I find I miss the little guy! 6y
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Kaye Yes, I understand. In my younger years, I felt the same. I was usually glad if the husband got overtime, as we always needed extra money when the kids were home. 6y
tournevis @Kaye Younger days! My younger days were busier! 6y
tournevis @Bklover Watching Sponge Noir episode (season 10) right now! 6y
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1️⃣ The love and support I got from fellow #Littens. I love you right back! Also, being allowed to have caffeine again.
2️⃣ One sister.
3️⃣ Nope, not since 1979.
4️⃣ I wrote a book on (a longitudinal study of) genealogists in the 19th and 20th centuries. So I guess the answer is yes.
5️⃣ East.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

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1️⃣ Haven't heard it. Don't really care either. I'll wait until one of the science blogs explains the auditory illusion.
2️⃣ Podcasts.
3️⃣ June 22nd for primary schools.
4️⃣ My son is in 2nd grade.
5️⃣ Sure! 🎓
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Kaye It‘s stupid, you‘re not missing anything. Sshhhhhh.....don‘t tell anybody I said that. 6y
tournevis @Kaye I won't. 🤫 6y
OrangeMooseReads I agree it is stupid and I‘m sad that I know about it and disappointed in myself for listening. 6y
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Bostonmomx2 There‘s already an explanation online. I didn‘t care enough to read it tho. 6y
tournevis @OrangeMooseReads @Bostonmomx2 If/when I come across the explanation, I'll peek. But it's a little inane, for sure. At least for the dress, there was a whole neuro-ophtalmo issue, which was cool. 6y
OrangeMooseReads @tournevis I may look up the explanation or find a YouTube that explains it, but it‘s not a priority. I‘m slightly more interested in how the hype builds around stuff like this. 6y
tournevis @OrangeMooseReads Someone linked to it in their post. The audiogram is clear: Laurel. 6y
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Turns out the changes I had made to my train reservation in order to leave a day early were never fully put so into the system and it looks like I'm not leaving today. I'm leaving tomorrow. On the plus side, I was never charged. On the down side, I'm not leaving today. So, Ihanged my arrival at the hotel, again, and I on a bus home. I guess I'll be reading. *shakes fist at the sky*

cobwebmoth Aw, that's so frustrating. 6y
tournevis @cobwebmoth Indeed. That's the most polite word I find I can say about this. 6y
cobwebmoth *hugs* 6y
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Kaye Sorry. So are you stuck far from home or stuck waiting to go on a trip ? I missed the beginning of this. 6y
tournevis @Kaye Stuck waiting to leave. Back to the original schedule. Leaving tomorrow 6y
tournevis @cobwebmoth 😘😘😘 6y
Kaye Well that‘s too bad. Hate it when plans change at the last minute. 6y
Trashcanman Who do I need to poke in eye? 6y
tournevis @Kaye Weel it's back to hat it had been originally, but hey, it's sucks. I've ordered out dinner to compensate 6y
Kaye Hope you ordered something tasty. Read a book , eat a good meal, and maybe it won‘t be so bad after all. You and @Trashcanman Funny. He‘s gonna poke your mom in the eye ! 😁 (edited) 6y
tournevis @Kaye Indian! @Trashcanman *hands you the pocker* 6y
Trashcanman @kaye I need to borrow a ski mask so I won't get caught. @tournevis my preferred poker is my left index finger. It's harder than 100 year old gum. Should I poke her right, left or both? 6y
Kaye I‘m glad I‘m not in the middle of this one ! In one corner , we have @Trashcanman . In the other , we have @tournevis‘ mom. 6y
Kaye Oh @Trashcanman . I was hoping I wouldn‘t be in the middle. If you run fast just poke her quick then run for it. Maybe she won‘t get a good look at you if you poke her in the eye. 👁 🏃 6y
tournevis @Kaye @Trashcanman 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
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1️⃣ Leaving later today for Montréal for the Boréal con, where I'll be hanging out with buds, participating in two round tables and hopefully meeting @Neuvel
2️⃣ Is that even in question?🍩🍩🍩
3️⃣ Nope!
4️⃣ The dying non-edible crabapple tree in my backyard came down!
5️⃣ Why not? At random: @Happylilbooknook Hello! Nice to meet you! ☺️
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

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Such a good idea @JoScho ! #myfridayface

Igrec makes this face when he can't stand on my husband in the morning. He just lies on his blanky and sighs. Or looks at me like he's wondering why we don't love him. Because he's obviously not loved. Obviously.

knittedgnome Haha! Love him!! 6y
JoScho I love that face! 6y
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DGRachel ❤️🐶❤️ 6y
batsy Omg 😂❤️❤️ 6y
BookishTrish Priceless! 6y
Kappadeemom He is so precious!! 6y
tracey38 So cute! Reminds me of the face my schnauzer gives me! 6y
tournevis @tracey38 Schnauzer have personality in droves! 6y
tracey38 @tournevis yes they do! 6y
Karkar Too cute! #schnauzersoflitsy 😍📚🐾 6y
tournevis @Karkar *nods* 6y
Jess7 🤗🤗🤗 (edited) 6y
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1️⃣ Oldest
2️⃣ I have one sister and 51 living first cousins, so I would say that's a no.
3️⃣ One younger sister.
4️⃣ I don't really know, but the Beaudelaire children come to mind right now.
5️⃣ @Jerdencon! Hi! 🖖
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

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To take my mind off current events!

1️⃣ Puns.
2️⃣ Yes, please.
3️⃣ Chaussette the cat.
4️⃣ Real crime. Memoir. Romance.
5️⃣ I love you all! You are a haven of sanity in this world of doom! ❤️💙💚💛🧡💜
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

BookishTrish Back at you! 6y
Kaye ❤️❤️❤️Never fear. It‘ll get better , you‘ll see. People have gotten through rough times before. We can too ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Eggs ❤️ u 2 6y
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1️⃣ This is going to be my weekend. My son doing nothing because he is being hornery, because my husband is working. Easter week is the most important and busiest period of the Christian year, so I am a Church widow. The refrain is "I'm bored!" and "I'm hungry!"
2️⃣ Not allowed. Still reading for the Jacques Brossard Prize. If you are wondering why so long, it's 61 authors, many with more than one work.
3️⃣ #friyayintro @jesshowbooks

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1️⃣ Do reading apps count? I have no games on my phone.
2️⃣ SF.
3️⃣ Chocolate.
4️⃣ My sister. We live 6h away from each other, sadly.
5️⃣ @Jabberwocky, the #MooseMoose crew @BookishTrish @FantasyChick @dixi_e There are so many others!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

BookishTrish Awwww, back at you babe! 6y
FantasyChick Yay ❤❤❤ 6y
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1️⃣ It's not really a thing for me. I don't crush.🤷
2️⃣ Dark purple, black.👻
3️⃣ Not allowed to talk about it.🤫
4️⃣ Why would a historical anthropologist be on a mission to Mars? Honestly, why? 😕
5️⃣ @SilversReviews said the same thing!🖖
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

SilversReviews @tournevis Ha ha...no crushes here. :) 6y
tournevis @SilversReviews Even as a teenager, didn't have any then. 6y
SilversReviews @tournevis I don‘t think I did either. 6y
tournevis @SilversReviews My friends did not understand why I was not in love with any singer or movie star. I liked their work fine, and I though many were hot, but I never crushed on any of them. I didn't see the point. 6y
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1️⃣ Same as usual, laundry, groceries, Sunday dinner.
2️⃣ 165 cm.
3️⃣ 2.5y in this house, 11.5y in this city, 15.5y in this province.
4️⃣ Short stories for the Jacques Brossard Prize.
5️⃣ ⬆️
#friyayintro (but on a Thursday) @jesshowbooks

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1️⃣ Unless I'm reading for a lit prize or a review (I get trades and paperback for those), I read e-books only. The books I loved, I buy again in paper.
2️⃣ 5.5 US men's, 7.5 or 7W US women's
3️⃣ Chocolate
4️⃣ Star Trek TOS
5️⃣ 👍 @Jabberwocky @CouronneDhiver
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Dulcinella I recognize the reading stuff 😃 6y
SilversReviews My friend will only read e-books too. 6y
tournevis @Dulcinea @SilversReviews In my case, it's because holding books open for any length of time is painful. I don't have to hold an E-reader at all. 6y
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HOTPock3tt Totally agree with you about e-books!! 💖I hate holding the book open too. I also like the fact that it‘s easy to bookmark on e-books and re-read a favorite scene without flipping thru a million pages to find it 😑 @tournevis I read physical books only when I get them from the library... (edited) 6y
tournevis @HOTPock3tt I find bookmarking easier on paper books, but the pain forces me toward e-ink. 6y
SilversReviews @tournevis Makes sense. 6y
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1️⃣ Boycotting, demonstrating.
2️⃣ Élisabeth Vonarburg, Ursula K. LeGuin, Octavia Butler, Nalo Hopkinson...
3️⃣ June
4️⃣ The Last Jedi
5️⃣ It's my husband's birthday today!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

readsusieread Happy birthday to your husband! Any cool plans?? 6y
tournevis @readsusieread Ordering in, probably. He is not the birthday partier. At all. He forbids gifts and will grump for days if you give him one. He's his daddy's boy in that. 6y
Kaye Your husband sounds like me. I‘m not much for partying myself. Just so I have cake. 6y
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tournevis @Kaye Not sure he'll want cake! He's grumpy this morning... 6y
Kaye Maybe skip the cake then. Do you think it bothers him that he‘s getting older ? My mother was like that. We all hated visiting on her birthday. She was VERY angry every year. We‘d buy the cake and gifts and cards. She 🤬about all of it. But if we wouldn‘t have done it, my father would have been angry. Bit of a lose/ lose situation. 6y
readsusieread @tournevis my husband has a bit of that. Hopefully his day gets less grumpy! 6y
tournevis @readsusieread *knocks on wood* 6y
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Current read, trying to keep up with the Goodreads reading challenge 🌺

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#fridayfrigesday on a Saturday morning! @SpeculativeFemale

1️⃣ Crying when reading for me does not happen often, and I don't remember it happening for a death.? Yeah, no.
2️⃣ Neither. Solid colours, please.
3️⃣ Poutine. It's only civilized. ?
4️⃣ Boisson gazeuse. Or jokingly "des bulles".

Melissa_J Yay for poutine 👍🏻 6y
tournevis @Melissa_J Once or twice a year! 6y
tournevis @Melissa_J Actually, I just remembered I'm in a documentary about poutine. It was a while ago. 6y
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Melissa_J Really? What did you say about it? What‘s your favourite poutine place in Ottawa? 6y
SpeculativeFemale I really want to try poutine, but I'm going to have to take some time to travel to do it! 6y
tournevis @Melissa_J There are no really good poutine places that I know of in Ottawa. It's better to go to a La Belles Province, or even to a Valentine in Gatineau. I spoke on the history of the dish, where and when it most likely came from. 6y
tournevis @SpeculativeFemale It's the cheese curds that are hard to find outside Eastern Canada. 6y
SpeculativeFemale @tournevis Yep, we found that out the hard way. We tried so hard to get cheese curd to make poutine at my fiance's family's restaurant, but not one of our suppliers could get it for us. 6y
tournevis @SpeculativeFemale Hard! There is one place and Paris, one place in Kuala Lampour and one place in Hanoï that I know who have poutine, and in the case of Hanoï, they get a small creamery to make them for them! 6y
Jaimelire ❤️Poutine with real cheese curds...I hate it when they use grated cheese and call it a poutine. No sir, that is no poutine! 😜 (edited) 6y
tournevis @Jaimelire Grated cheese! At least cut up small cubes! That would at least count then! Urgh! 6y
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1️⃣ Nope. We are boycotting the NFL and we have a lot of more important things to do, like groceries.
2️⃣ -18ºC, -28ºC with windchill
3️⃣ Can't tell. It's for the Jacques Brossard Prize
4️⃣ That I've been to, Vietnam. That I've never been to, Norway or Japan.
5️⃣ I LLAP'ed a bunch of Littens. 🖖

GatheringBooks norway is gorgeous! :) 6y
tpixie Good point on the boycott! I‘m very disheartened with this ‘ Not Standing for the Anthem ‘ also. 🇺🇸 ✋🏻 🇺🇸 6y
tournevis @tpixie The systemic racism in the NFL is only one of the reasons. The general toleration for major crimes, including rape and battery are others. 6y
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Lcsmcat I‘d boycott, but since I‘ve never paid any attention to football, they wouldn‘t notice 🤷🏻‍♀️. But I won‘t be watching! 6y
tpixie @tournevis also good points! 6y
tournevis @Lcsmcat I used to _play_ football. That's how important this boycott is to me. They manage to b worse at this that even the MLB! How sad is that. 6y
YouReadMyEyes ❄️❄️❄️brrr - Stay warm! 6y
tournevis @YouReadMyEyes Indeed, though it's not so bad, because it dry and sunny. 6y
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#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

1️⃣ Star Trek TOS, obviously.
2️⃣ None
3️⃣ Tomatoes
4️⃣ My husband's birthday, my next medical appointment (I'm old)
5️⃣ 👍

CocoReads Oh I hate tomatoes too! It‘s a texture thing. I love tomato sauce, etc but I can‘t stand biting into an actual tomato. 6y
tournevis @CocoReads Exactly! If they are really well cooked, with other things, I'm in, but raw and such, barf! 6y
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#friyayintro @jess.how
1️⃣ A pre-digested Star Trek tie-in novel. Mmmm.
2️⃣ Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart. Talk about Prince Charming Syndrome, why don't you?! Urgh!
3️⃣ Define family. I have 51 living first cousins, plus their spouses, kids and grand-kids, on top of my parents, sister, aunts and uncles. So I buy/make presents for those at Christmas Eve, plus a few friends.
4️⃣ I did not set goals. I just read.
5️⃣ ✋

Krisjericho Oh, there is a Star Trek TNG novel called Imazadi that I have read countless times. Definitely a comfort read. 7y
tournevis @Krisjericho Yes, that one, indeed! 7y
DebbieGrillo Someone else with as many first cousins as me! My mom had 11 siblings, 12 in fam including her. All married and had children. 7y
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2BR02B I'm about to read Star Trek: the New Voyages, which is apparently just a collection of short fanfiction, mostly written by women. It sounds great! 7y
tournevis @DebbieGrillo 12 siblings and all but one had kids. The other was a nun! 7y
tournevis @2BR02B It is. There are many many volumes. 7y
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1️⃣ Stuffing. Specifically, my home made stuffing (it gets all eaten before I ever get to it; I resent that)
2️⃣ SF, every time
3️⃣ No sure. It used to be twitter. Now, I'd say Instagram, I guess
4️⃣ No babies. I have a 7yo, who reminds me daily that he is "not a baby, maman!!!" And I don't think of my dog as a child either.
5️⃣ Easily done! ???
@jess.how #friyayinfo

OrangeMooseReads My 9yr old tells me all the time he‘s not a little boy or a baby. I just tell him “you will always be my baby even when your 45.” He rolls his eyes. Lol 😂 7y
tournevis @OrangeMooseReads My grunts and stomps away! 7y
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#friyayintro @jess.how
1️⃣ If Cégep counts, La Détresse et l'enchantement (G. Roy). If not, Racine's Britannicus
2️⃣ Pyjamas, actually
3️⃣ Then (The Faery Queen)
4️⃣ Oliphants
5️⃣ Ok

TrishB 🙌🙋 7y
MidnightBookGirl 🖐 Oliphants! 7y
Melissa_J ✋🏻😉 7y
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tournevis @Melissa_J Hello! 👋 7y
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