1️⃣ Multiplayer, Tokaido; solo, Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden.
2️⃣ Antarctica.
3️⃣ Very well, because I had not set any!
4️⃣ I can't think of one right now.
5️⃣ How's the weather?
@howjessreads #friyayintro
1️⃣ Multiplayer, Tokaido; solo, Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden.
2️⃣ Antarctica.
3️⃣ Very well, because I had not set any!
4️⃣ I can't think of one right now.
5️⃣ How's the weather?
@howjessreads #friyayintro
1️⃣ None that aren't work related. In terms of fiction, I'm too busy to read for fun. Have my refular Friday tag.
2️⃣ None that were cute, polite or not meant to hurt, unfortunately.
3️⃣ I'm guessing you're not meaning actual hors-d'oeuvre here, so onion rings.
4️⃣ Leaving for our annual. we-rented-a-cottage-in-the-middle-of-nowhere shinging with friends.
5️⃣ At this time of the morning two. Ask me later today.
1️⃣ Other than numbers, 👏😁😘
2️⃣ No. But that's an American thing. End of secondary school is just that, no more. And in June.
3️⃣ ComicCon with friends.
4️⃣ First.
5️⃣ 👍
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1️⃣ ⬆️ Igrec
2️⃣ Fanfic
3️⃣ My parents are visiting so I'll be entertaining them
4️⃣ Rainy and nippy
5️⃣ That's a very good question
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1️⃣ Siocnarf, a fantasy series on Radio-Canada from 1979. This is the only image available I can find: https://images.app.goo.gl/LsUriUzMe128CJFb8 @BarbaraTheBibliophage
2️⃣ Antarctica @Melissa_J
3️⃣ Mood, feeling @emtobiasz
4️⃣ Not sure @youneverarrived
5️⃣ How tired are you? I sure am today.
@howjessreads #friyayintro
1️⃣ None. I'm a historian. It's NEVER been this good. Ever. Trust me.
2️⃣ By necessity, ebooks.
3️⃣ Older.
4️⃣ Nope!
5️⃣ 👍👍👍
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1️⃣ I live in Ontario.
2️⃣ I want to move back to Québec.
3️⃣ I'm in between reads.
4️⃣ Ottawa? Perhaps, beavertales (the pastry). Québec has the clichéd poutine, but it's a cliché. Acadians have entirely different dishes called poutine/poutine râpée/râpure, which I prefer.
5️⃣ Will do!
#frideas @SailorMoon
1️⃣ Igrec the Miniature Schnauzer and Madame Blanchette the betta fish.
2️⃣ Maybe go to the Geek Market?
3️⃣ Writing, arting.
4️⃣Other than all the ones I'll be visiting already? IDK, Nova Scotia, BC, Yukon.
5️⃣ What is your favourite boardgame? Mine is currently Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden
@howjessreads #friyayintro
1️⃣ SF 🚀
2️⃣ Not anymore! I beat those neuroses! I have others. 😋
3️⃣ A horse. See above.
4️⃣ -14ºC (but the low was -20ºC)
5️⃣ Yup!
#friyayintro @howjessreads
#friyayintro @howjessreads
1️⃣ I make a very good stuffing.
2️⃣ Vietnamese, but I'm not too shabby with phở either.
3️⃣ Yes. Many. You get jaded about it very quickly.
4️⃣ November has been meh so far.
5️⃣ My newest friends: @tealwish @noellereads
1️⃣ SF
2️⃣ Tomatoes. Even if they are a fruit.
3️⃣ They would be 112, 112, 100+, 100+
4️⃣ Magdalen Islands, idem, a very small village in rural Québec, idem.
5️⃣ 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺
1️⃣ Loki. The original Trickster, not the gorgeous but unfortunately mischaracterized MCU version.
2️⃣ Élisabeth Vonarburg.
3️⃣ Norway.
4️⃣ One.
5️⃣ 'Kay! Hey @posierope ! How are you this morning?
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Anything chocolate
2️⃣ NO!!!!
3️⃣ Nope!
4️⃣ Radio or poscasts
5️⃣ Will do.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Neither. You, you here, everyone, everybody, or you folks.
2️⃣ Three. It's not actually an English word, by the by.
3️⃣ Litsy.
4️⃣ Surviving my son's heartbreak that my husband is elavong for 10 days for work.
5️⃣ At random: @Jocelyn73c Hi. I don't think we've met. Would you like to join the fun?
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
1️⃣ 🖤💜💙
2️⃣ If fastforwarding through Mortal Instruments to get to the Malec scenes counts as binging, that. Otherwise, my son had been binging Spongebob.
3️⃣ That hasn't happened in a while.
4️⃣ Ketchup, mustard, relish. Past that, whatever I feel like having and is available.
5️⃣ Past routine? Hell if I know. My husband works all day and evening Sunday, so.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ The love and support I got from fellow #Littens. I love you right back! Also, being allowed to have caffeine again.
2️⃣ One sister.
3️⃣ Nope, not since 1979.
4️⃣ I wrote a book on (a longitudinal study of) genealogists in the 19th and 20th centuries. So I guess the answer is yes.
5️⃣ East.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Haven't heard it. Don't really care either. I'll wait until one of the science blogs explains the auditory illusion.
2️⃣ Podcasts.
3️⃣ June 22nd for primary schools.
4️⃣ My son is in 2nd grade.
5️⃣ Sure! 🎓
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Turns out the changes I had made to my train reservation in order to leave a day early were never fully put so into the system and it looks like I'm not leaving today. I'm leaving tomorrow. On the plus side, I was never charged. On the down side, I'm not leaving today. So, Ihanged my arrival at the hotel, again, and I on a bus home. I guess I'll be reading. *shakes fist at the sky*
1️⃣ Leaving later today for Montréal for the Boréal con, where I'll be hanging out with buds, participating in two round tables and hopefully meeting @Neuvel
2️⃣ Is that even in question?🍩🍩🍩
3️⃣ Nope!
4️⃣ The dying non-edible crabapple tree in my backyard came down!
5️⃣ Why not? At random: @Happylilbooknook Hello! Nice to meet you! ☺️
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Such a good idea @JoScho ! #myfridayface
Igrec makes this face when he can't stand on my husband in the morning. He just lies on his blanky and sighs. Or looks at me like he's wondering why we don't love him. Because he's obviously not loved. Obviously.
1️⃣ Oldest
2️⃣ I have one sister and 51 living first cousins, so I would say that's a no.
3️⃣ One younger sister.
4️⃣ I don't really know, but the Beaudelaire children come to mind right now.
5️⃣ @Jerdencon! Hi! 🖖
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
To take my mind off current events!
1️⃣ Puns.
2️⃣ Yes, please.
3️⃣ Chaussette the cat.
4️⃣ Real crime. Memoir. Romance.
5️⃣ I love you all! You are a haven of sanity in this world of doom! ❤️💙💚💛🧡💜
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ This is going to be my weekend. My son doing nothing because he is being hornery, because my husband is working. Easter week is the most important and busiest period of the Christian year, so I am a Church widow. The refrain is "I'm bored!" and "I'm hungry!"
2️⃣ Not allowed. Still reading for the Jacques Brossard Prize. If you are wondering why so long, it's 61 authors, many with more than one work.
3️⃣ #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Do reading apps count? I have no games on my phone.
2️⃣ SF.
3️⃣ Chocolate.
4️⃣ My sister. We live 6h away from each other, sadly.
5️⃣ @Jabberwocky, the #MooseMoose crew @BookishTrish @FantasyChick @dixi_e There are so many others!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ It's not really a thing for me. I don't crush.🤷
2️⃣ Dark purple, black.👻
3️⃣ Not allowed to talk about it.🤫
4️⃣ Why would a historical anthropologist be on a mission to Mars? Honestly, why? 😕
5️⃣ @SilversReviews said the same thing!🖖
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Same as usual, laundry, groceries, Sunday dinner.
2️⃣ 165 cm.
3️⃣ 2.5y in this house, 11.5y in this city, 15.5y in this province.
4️⃣ Short stories for the Jacques Brossard Prize.
5️⃣ ⬆️
#friyayintro (but on a Thursday) @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Unless I'm reading for a lit prize or a review (I get trades and paperback for those), I read e-books only. The books I loved, I buy again in paper.
2️⃣ 5.5 US men's, 7.5 or 7W US women's
3️⃣ Chocolate
4️⃣ Star Trek TOS
5️⃣ 👍 @Jabberwocky @CouronneDhiver
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Boycotting, demonstrating.
2️⃣ Élisabeth Vonarburg, Ursula K. LeGuin, Octavia Butler, Nalo Hopkinson...
3️⃣ June
4️⃣ The Last Jedi
5️⃣ It's my husband's birthday today!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Current read, trying to keep up with the Goodreads reading challenge 🌺
#fridayfrigesday on a Saturday morning! @SpeculativeFemale
1️⃣ Crying when reading for me does not happen often, and I don't remember it happening for a death.? Yeah, no.
2️⃣ Neither. Solid colours, please.
3️⃣ Poutine. It's only civilized. ?
4️⃣ Boisson gazeuse. Or jokingly "des bulles".
1️⃣ Nope. We are boycotting the NFL and we have a lot of more important things to do, like groceries.
2️⃣ -18ºC, -28ºC with windchill
3️⃣ Can't tell. It's for the Jacques Brossard Prize
4️⃣ That I've been to, Vietnam. That I've never been to, Norway or Japan.
5️⃣ I LLAP'ed a bunch of Littens. 🖖
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1️⃣ Star Trek TOS, obviously.
2️⃣ None
3️⃣ Tomatoes
4️⃣ My husband's birthday, my next medical appointment (I'm old)
5️⃣ 👍
#friyayintro @jess.how
1️⃣ A pre-digested Star Trek tie-in novel. Mmmm.
2️⃣ Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart. Talk about Prince Charming Syndrome, why don't you?! Urgh!
3️⃣ Define family. I have 51 living first cousins, plus their spouses, kids and grand-kids, on top of my parents, sister, aunts and uncles. So I buy/make presents for those at Christmas Eve, plus a few friends.
4️⃣ I did not set goals. I just read.
5️⃣ ✋
1️⃣ Stuffing. Specifically, my home made stuffing (it gets all eaten before I ever get to it; I resent that)
2️⃣ SF, every time
3️⃣ No sure. It used to be twitter. Now, I'd say Instagram, I guess
4️⃣ No babies. I have a 7yo, who reminds me daily that he is "not a baby, maman!!!" And I don't think of my dog as a child either.
5️⃣ Easily done! ???
@jess.how #friyayinfo
#friyayintro @jess.how
1️⃣ If Cégep counts, La Détresse et l'enchantement (G. Roy). If not, Racine's Britannicus
2️⃣ Pyjamas, actually
3️⃣ Then (The Faery Queen)
4️⃣ Oliphants
5️⃣ Ok
https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/192312/mr-cabbageheads-garden 5y