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The Queen of Air and Darkness
The Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
176 posts | 142 read | 9 reading | 86 to read
Dark secrets and forbidden love threaten the very survival of the Shadowhunters in Cassandra Clares Queen of Air and Darkness, the final novel in the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling The Dark Artifices trilogy. Queen of Air and Darkness is a Shadowhunters novel What if damnation is the price of true love? Innocent blood has been spilled on the steps of the Council Hall, the sacred stronghold of the Shadowhunters. In the wake of the tragic death of Livia Blackthorn, the Clave teeters on the brink of civil war. One fragment of the Blackthorn family flees to Los Angeles, seeking to discover the source of the blight that is destroying the race of warlocks. Meanwhile, Julian and Emma take desperate measures to put their forbidden love aside and undertake a perilous mission to Faerie to retrieve the Black Volume of the Dead. What they find in the Courts is a secret that may tear the Shadow World asunder and open a dark path into a future they could never have imagined. Caught in a race against time, Emma and Julian must save the world of Shadowhunters before the deadly power of the parabatai curse destroys them and everyone they love.
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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190 of 2021. A good ending to this trilogy in the Shadow hunter world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#stackingtheseries #seriesread2021 #LitsyAtoZ

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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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CoverToCoverGirl Yay! 👏📚 3y
EadieB Sorry your book wasn‘t up to your liking for the readathon! 3y
DieAReader @EadieB Oh it was! More likely my mood didn‘t suit the pace at first🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ Couldn‘t put it down once I got past the first 45% though😝 3y
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EadieB @DieAReader ok you gave it so-so. That‘s why I thought it wasn‘t very good. 3y
DieAReader @EadieB My “reviews” tbh can be very biased to my moods sometimes🤣 I would def recommend it to any fellow Shadowhunter lovers for sure though! 3y
EadieB @DieAReader We all have our own rating system as my so-so means not very good. 3y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Prerelease Tagline of 'Everything Changes' had me worried. Did something I never do. Skipped ahead & read the last Chapter.

***Spoilers - Had to know if all my favorite characters we're safe. Whole Last Chapter was full of goodness for the Shadowhunter gang. And much much #Malec love. Alec Lightwood knows how to plan a surprise.***

Sooo enjoyed reread knowing this ending was coming. ❤💛💚💙💜
#lovewins #reread #shadowhuntersunday

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 77

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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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5/5 for the last in this trilogy! Wow what an ending to this trilogy! I enjoyed it! I love all the details of each storyline. I feel like there could be another story though. Emma is such an amazing character. She is strong and bold! I cannot wait to read more from this author.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Hello everyone!
Regarding my currently reading book/series, I must say I just found out I haven't read #theinfernaldevices series (3 books) which are before #thedarkartifices -the one I'm reading now- 🤭 I'm so excited because I love them. I love Magnus and Alec stories and it seems like this other series it's all about them so Yay!
Happy Sunday reading everyone. Take care of your self, it's the most valuable we have.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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How is this Thursday painting so far?

-Remember it's with your brushes and imagination the art of your life is done!💙

As I read this Cassandra Clare's book I realized how time has passed by, and how youth make you feel like you have the power and nothing bad can happen to you or the ones you care.

Happy Reading🌼📖🌼

(Obviously I had a lot of time in bed yesterday LOL)

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Wednesday is here, my body apparently doesn't care, it still wants to keep resting, hasn't been good days for me, of course I'm trying my best, sometimes even doing more than the body feels like. I believe I have the power! So, trying to stay positive I will try to read as much as I can YAY! Let's read!!!! 🌼📖🌼
BTW, this beautiful painting by Laura Lacambra, captures exactly how my mind and body feels.

#wednesdaymotivation #positivity #momlife

bibliobliss Thank you for saying who the artist is, love that beautiful picture 💗 Hope you feel better; btw, you are doing enough!! 4y
Ellies_Books06 @bibliobliss you're welcome, I felt I love with many of her paintings...and thank YOU!😘 4y
Arvena Beautiful painting! 4y
Ellies_Books06 @Arvena yes, I loved it as soon I saw it! She has many works of a woman reading, and still painting. I looked her up in instagram 😬😬😬 4y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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It was so great to be back in the Shadowhunter world. When I first picked up this behemoth I thought it would take me forever to get through but I should have known better. Once I was back in I couldn‘t put the book down, I had to know what was going to happened next. There were times I had to remind myself that these characters were teenagers and kids who live a very adult life but doesn‘t mean they are adults.


Ellies_Books06 I love this!!! 😍😍😍 4y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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It snowed so the city is closed and I decided to get some more reading in.

I haven‘t realized there was art inbetween the pages of this book! I love getting a glimpse at the scenes being described.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I bought this book used from Powell‘s I think last year but hadn‘t realized the spine was damaged until I took the cover off to read it.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?

Thanks for any tips!

wanderinglynn If you glue it, use acid-free glue. 4y
thebacklistbook I recommend seam tape or double stick tape. 4y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Always love dipping into the shadow hunter world. The pictures drawn in the books were beautiful!!! On to the next series.

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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Yet again another fantastic read. The only two things i will say is that after the big battle i felt the ending was a little too drawn out. Also am i to assume Jace and Clary will be getting another series following thay cliffhanger? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I am so glad to finish this series. Another great trilogy from Cassandra Claire. Now I can move on to the Infernal Devices. #bookseries

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Just sitting in my room...winding yarn and listening to a book. It‘s truly one of the best ways to end my day. #cassandraclare #books #reader #reading

LiteraryinPA I‘m slightly jealous of the gorgeous yarn! I used to knit a lot and found it so relaxing, but with 3 cats I just have set that hobby to the side for the last many years. Maybe I‘ll give it a try again... 4y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I enjoyed all the books I read in March, there were not that would really dissapoint me or where I would regret purchasing them.
My favourite has to be Theft of Swords, it was such a fun and despite its 650 pages quick read. I loved the characters and the warm narrator's tone with which he descibed the world.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I had a feeling the book could have been shorter, the first half dragged a bit too much for me. The second half of the book made up for that with a lot of scenic fights that always have a very cinematic feel to them. On the other hand I feel like all the Shadowhunter series have a very similar storyline in terms of the plot and love interests. I still enjoyed it but I expected a but more from the Dark Artifices.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I loved this shadowhunters novel. Fantastic twists and really action packed. It was great to see Cassandra Clare choosing LGBTQ characters and incorporating so well into the story.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 for this series as a whole since I didn‘t have time to write individual reviews. This series was my favorite of hers so far!

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I love the characters. I love all the love interests. I love the fighting. My favorite character in this world (Magnus Bane 🤩😍) was not in the action much due to the warlocks becoming sick from the blight. I need another book that is only focused on Magnus, Alex, and their family. Please and thank you Ms. Clare.

#PopSugar20 title caught attn (because title was next in series)
#ReadHarder20 doorstopper pub. after 1950 by woman

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Andrew65 You‘re doing great! 👏👏👏 (edited) 5y
jb72 Great time! 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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1. Physical. I use my Kindle sparingly.
2. Most of my books come from the library.
3 and 4. I started Audible for my Christmas. I've listened to two so far.

blank Thanks for playing! 5y
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Looking forward to it. I'm thinking of my stack and snacks. 🤔😊 @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72

Andrew65 Thanks for reposting. 😍 Great to have you with us and the snacks are very important. 😋 5y
jb72 Definitely need snacks! 🍪 5y
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New books 🥰. Belated Christmas gifts to myself! I have been wanting the Dorothy Roberts book for sometime. Also, why is the Cassie Clare book sooooo long (btw I don‘t like this trilogy 🤷🏾‍♀️). #cassieclare #books #reader #needacquistions

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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Happy new year, litsy land! Here's my year in reading as reviewed by Goodreads. But I read a lot of comic books too so it's prob a bit more than that. It was a fine year for catching up on #backlistbooks and discovering new writers. Here's to a grand reading year for 2020 🤭

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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It's been a great year.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I really enjoyed this whole series. I'm glad I waited until the third book was out before reading any of them because I just devoured them all. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

KathyWheeler I hadn‘t thought of reading or listening to these until I saw that James Marsters narrates them. He‘s fantastic with the Dresden Files. 5y
brilliantglow @KathyWheeler his narration is fantastic! He only does the second and third books in the series. Lady Midnight is narrated by a woman but I'm not sure of her name off the top of my head 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Not too bad this year. My goal was 155 and I wasn't sure if I was going to make that because I started University full time this year but I managed to exceed my goal by over 100 books. That would be thanks to audiobooks (which I haven't used since Robert Munsch books when I was a kid) and the 80ish graphic novels/comic issues I read this year.

mariaku21 That's fantastic 🎊🎉 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Another new book started during my overnight “excursion” 📚🎶 So, although the rest of the night was effectively a waste of time...I finally started this lol 😭😴. Now to mess up the rest of my day, I‘m off to bed & I hope this doesn‘t completely flip my schedule upside down.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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This is probably my least favorite of Clare's shadowhunter novels thus far. It was an 900 page book, and was 300 pages too long. Despite that, I love this world and it is fun to see favorite characters. This book also set things up for another shadowhunter series which is always exciting!

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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Magnus Bane winking at me is on my fictional bucket list. *swoon* 😍

What's on yours?

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Happy Monday!

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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The artwork in this book is 😍😍😍😍

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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After working a full shift and then going to a golf tournament, I really wanted a #bookandbath to unwind. But my book is too big for bath time reading, so I am settling for #bookandcorndogandfacemask.

Sace I kind of want #bookandcorndog to be a trending topic... 5y
sammisho @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I eat corn dogs was more than a normal adult woman should so I can totally make #bookandcorndog a thing 5y
Sace @sammisho I'm seriously considering a run to the grocery store tomorrow to get vegetarian corn dogs so I can help! I seriously love the way #bookandcorndog rolls off the tongue. 5y
Bklover @sammisho @RestlessFickleBookHoarder ok, I‘m joining this club! Tomorrow I‘m off to MotoMart for a 75 cent corn dog. Or two. 5y
sammisho @Bklover Yaaaas! Let's start a #bookandcorndog revolution! 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Finally starting the most recent addition to TDA after being out of the country for so long. I only just started Lady Midnight last week and haven‘t been able to put this series down. Excited to see what happens!

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I‘ll keep reading Clare‘s books because they‘re generally enjoyable with decent characters, but I do think this trilogy was her weakest. And this final book was SO LONG. A couple hundred pages easily could have been edited out. I get that there were whole plot threads in service to a storyline for a future book, but I‘m going to entirely forget these before the next one comes out. 😒

mdemanatee This whole trilogy was under-edited. I am fairly sure the publisher is not editing her the way they should be anymore in a way that is doing her a disservice. 5y
cariashley @mdemanatee you‘re so right!! 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare

So, this is exciting & fun for the most part, some of the scenes really did grip me, either the thrill of battle or shock at someone‘s actions or death. And the writing here is def stronger than other CC series. But. TOO DAMN LONG. I don‘t mind a long book but this did not need to be nearly 900 pages. A lot could‘ve been cut w/o hurting the plot. And a lot felt repetitious. But she‘s gonna do what she wants b/c she knows she‘s got us, LOL. 3/5 ⭐️

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Agreed on both points!

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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✅With more than 300 pages (this one has 800+ pages, so definitely over 😆)
✅With a non human characters (yup faeries & demon)
✅With a shiny cover (sorry about the bad photo but it's really very shiny😁)
✅Is part of a series (this is book 3 but also book 14 of the whole #Shadowhunters series)
✅Has a blue cover
✅Where a character dies {spoilers}

P.S. I've posted what I thought about this book few posts back if you're interested 😊

Mccall0113 I have been wanting to read a long book for a while 5y
BooknerdsLife @Mccall0113 Haha You Must try this series then 🤗 I enjoy Big books too, even tho you might risk breaking your wrist reading them 😆🙌🏼📚 So worth it ! 😁 5y
BeansPage WOW!!!! 😲 You go girl! Way to check them off!!!!! 5y
BooknerdsLife @TheReadingMermaid hahaaa Thank you! 🤣 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 5y
RamsFan1963 Hey!! I work for the mighty wizard OfficeMax, and his weaker brother OfficeDepot, and he doesn't like the mockery of his awesome abilities to copy!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
alisonrose @RamsFan1963 😆😆😆 5y
bewareofwords This line totally cracked me up. 😂 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare

“The world can change so quickly,“ Jia said. “One day the future seems hopeful, and the next day clouds of hate and bigotry have gathered as if blown in from some as yet unimagined see.“


alisonrose (Of course, hate and bigotry have always been here. Just not exactly screamed from the highest seat in the land.) 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare

“What hurts more,” Magnus asked, “the love or the hate?”

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Taking advantage of the 3-day weekend by finally diving into this massive fucking tome. Look at the size of it from the side!! Feel like I‘m gonna be exhausted just from holding it 😬

bewareofwords It‘s true, this is a long book! Fortunately the pages pass quickly. :) 5y
alisonrose @bewareofwords Definitely! 5y
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Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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I finally finished this trilogy! I don‘t know if it‘s because I‘m a little older now or because The Mortal Instruments is really better, but I preferred TMI to this series. However, I still loved the characters, the witty banter, and the way that everything always comes together beautifully in the end.
#bookishbingo for Queen of Air and Darkness: Paranormal

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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1. Tagged, The Hangman‘s Daughter, The Cross Gardener, Cinder
2. Left to Tell
3. Watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs last night. 😂

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare
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Yay! Finished this 800+ pages whithout breaking my wrist! The last book of this series. Love Cassandra Clare's #Shadowhunters World building and the characters she created. #TDA has most diverse characters than others, but sad to say, I'm a little disappointed with the overall plot & this one is probably the weakest final book compare to her other series. Nonetheless, can't wait to dive into her next one 🙌🏼 4/5 read.
#LGBTQ #YA #Fantasy