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The Golden Fool (The Tawny Man Trilogy, Book 2)
The Golden Fool (The Tawny Man Trilogy, Book 2) | Robin Hobb
'Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. Martin The second book in Robin Hobbs thrilling fantasy series returns readers to the Six Duchies and the magical world of the Fitz and the Fool.
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The 2nd in the Tawny Man trilogy is definitely a middle book, but it really advances the lore and our main characters gain depth and complexity. Fitz is still insufferable but he does gain some much needed humility and learns some tough lessons. I really love the Realm of the Elderlings world! 5⭐️
#bookspin pick complete!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3w
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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I'm late with my #bookspinbingo card for April @TheAromaofBooks but I promise I haven't peeped at the numbers or card yet 😋

Will sort out a grid soon!

Although there are some serious books here, I think I'm going to prioritise reading for pleasure over the next few months. I've been ruminating too much on heavy topics and I just want to sneak around a few Victorian or Gothic mansions and solve some murders.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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Book two of the Tawny Man trilogy. This is largely a place marker where the events of the last book are mostly resolved and the scene for the next is set up. Fitz becomes further entrenched in Farseer plans as he becomes a mentor to the prince. His relationship with his foster son is stressed, but most of all his friendship with the Fool is strained to the breaking point. Great stuff. Hoping to get to the last book this year! 🤞


TheSpineView Great job! 8mo
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On to book 2 of The Tawny Man trilogy ❤️ Loving this trilogy so far 🐺💔🐉❤️

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

TrishB It‘s wonderful ♥️ 2y
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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Hugely enjoyable/enjoyably HUGE & always compelling, this middle book of trilogy didn't suffer, as some do, for being the set-up for the big finish. LOVED the connecting of Farseer & Liveship Traders characters - experienced a delicious headspin as the 2 stories merged! Lots of spying, Skilling & political maneuvering. Lots of juicy revelations & character interactions. Oh & Fitz being a total jerk to the Fool! Could slap him at times!!!

Ruthiella Good to know there‘s no middle volume sag in this trilogy! 3y
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First of trilogy done in just over a week (each book of the Liveship Traders trilogy took me over 4 weeks during the first lockdown - my concentration was shot) and now on to the next! I'm loving it so far.

Ruthiella Wow! That is fast! This is my next trilogy too, but I haven‘t started yet. 3y
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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Bloody brilliant.
I was hesitant to begin this one, as I was (and am) still recovering from Fool‘s Errand. But it‘s just so easy to fall right back into this world and into Fitz‘s life again.

The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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Torrential rain all weekend has allowed me to make some serious headway into this one. So good - I can‘t put it down.

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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 53.

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Yet another immersive and wonderful fantasy from Robin Hobb. There were some twists that shocked me- a really big one I want to go back several books and see if I can see...
I loved the progression of many of the characters. The last scene was touching. I really hope I can squeeze book 3 of this series in to February!


BethM This looks lovely! What book does it start with? 4y
Soubhiville @BethM this is the 2nd book in the third trilogy. Start with Assassin‘s Apprentice. A 25th anniversary illustrated edition was released in October and it‘s beautiful. 🙂 4y
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Morning plans 😊. I have under 200 pages left, it feels like the home stretch in this #chunkster! @Mitch , was it you who told me there were big reveals in this one? Oh my gosh, the thing you find out around the middle about Lord Golden floored me! I stayed up 2 hours past my bedtime because I just couldn‘t stop reading! 💛 I will likely go in to book 3 in Feb. after I read my bookclub books.
#cozy #Sietje #petsoflitsy

Eggs I thought I recognized the dog....😊 4y
Soubhiville @Eggs 😊💕 yep, you sure do! 4y
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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As with all Robin Hobb books, the characters drive you to keep turning the pages. What might appear mundane and micro details actually build to really nuanced and complex pictures of both characters histories and motivations. She a really gifted story teller and I‘m so grateful to have discovered her writing! This book is solid not spectacular.. it‘s a middle book in the trilogy and it stirs the pot nicely in anticipation for book 3.

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Oh my goodness - are we going back to Bingtown! Bring back the ships and all my favourite characters - I‘ve missed you!!

TrishB 👍🏻❤️ 5y
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Having a lazy breakfast - my swimming instructor showed no mercy this morning so feel I‘ve earned every morsel of this bacon bap!

julesG Looks cozy! Enjoy! 5y
TrishB With a great book 😁 5y
Palimpsest What a great cover. I‘d pick it up for that alone! 5y
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1- Fish finger sandwiches and doughnuts are high on the list!
2- Die Hard and anything in period costume from BBC
3- Nordic noir
4- Home spa, with candles and face pack. Equally pizza I‘m front of a good box set

5 - jump in @RatherTooFondofBooks @CuriousCaterpillar

heikemarie Oh goshhhhhh you reminded me that fish finger sandwiches are a thing and now I really want one! 5y
Mitch @heikemarie when Mr K phones and says he‘ll be lay home and go ahead and have dinner without me my heart does a little fish finger sandwich leap! 5y
wanderinglynn Die Hard! I love me some Bruce! 😍 Thanks for playing! 💜 5y
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Mitch @wanderinglynn there‘s nothing like a bit of Friday night Die Hard with pizza and Haribo! 5y
CuriousCaterpillar Cake 🎂, Wild Orchid, Les 100 Facettes de Mr. Diamonds 💎 5y
Mitch @CuriousCaterpillar oh you can‘t go wrong with cake! 🤣 5y
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Settling in for 4.5hr train journey up to Scotland. I‘m sure the time will fly by! #startinganewbook

julesG Enjoy your trip! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Safe travels and enjoy! 5y
Mitch @erzascarletbookgasm @julesG Thanks Guys. There are two Transport Police walking through the carriage periodically, which is a bit strange. The conductor has just announced they‘re real police officers on routine patrol and not strippers! 🤣 5y
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teainthelibrary Have a great trip! I'm sure it will be very scenic 😍 5y
Cathythoughts I can think of nothing nicer ... book & train ! Enjoy 5y
julesG Was someone worried of a hen night starting early? 😂😂😂 5y
Deifio Real police officers instead of strippers?! 😂 Enjoy your book, it's awesome! 5y
scripturient Enjoy!! Are you only going to Edinburgh or are you traveling around? 5y
Mitch @scripturient just a quick impulsive overnight trip! 5y
scripturient @Mitch Still lovely!! :) You should do another one in August for the book festival. Then we can fangirl together about all those amazing writers. 😂 5y
Mitch @scripturient if train prices are good I might just to that 🤣👏🏻🤣 5y
scripturient @Mitch 👏🏻👏🏻 I‘m there 16-19 August. 😉😂 5y
rabbitprincess @Mitch Haha I love that the train crew had to announce that 😂 5y
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I love Robin Hobb‘s Realm of the Elderlings series. Her writing style is so conversational and effortless to read, even while she is putting her characters through the wringer. As always, Fitz doesn‘t heed the counsel of those wiser and creates what may be insurmountable problems, even though he seems to be growing. The Fool and Queen Kettriken are characteristically rational, patient and wonderful! We meet several from Liveship. 4.5/5.0 ⭐️ #2019

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As I‘m reading about dragons right now, I feel I need to repost this. 🐉 🐉🐉

thegirlwiththelibrarybag 🐉 it‘s still funny no matter how many times I see it @julesG 5y
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1. Chocolate hazelnuts 😍
2. I bought two Robin Hobb trilogies due to Litsy- Go big or go home 🙈
3. So many! Horses, cats, rabbits, rats, mice, dogs, pollen - basically the natural world wants to kill me! 😂
4. Somewhere in between - super organised at work, slightly haphazard at home 🤷‍♀️
5. Murder on the Orient Express- yes, I loved it 😄 (I don't go to the cinema often, so haven't seen any new films in ages!)
#Humpdaypost @MinDea

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I couldn't not go for Fitz and The Fool for this one, from Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series. Their love exists on so many levels, and their story is both uplifting and heartbreaking. They go through so much together. Therefore, #IShipIt! @hermyknee #YAgiveaway #giveawayspree
(Image from google, don't know the artist!)

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Robin Hobb does #bittersweet so well 👌


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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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More of the Fool, please please please. 😍

Siannalyn I love the Fool! 7y
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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Shades of autumn. #fallintobooks
(I just LOVE photo prompts like these! 😍)

The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb

How do you deal with the feeling of KNOWING things are about to go horribly horribly wrong, when there's nothing you can do to protect the characters you love? 😖

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And onward we go!

Be kind to my heart, pretty. I think I'm all cried out from the last one.

(I say this with full knowledge that Hobb is perfectly capable - and inclined - to wrench my heart out in the first three chapters. Sigh.)

#RobinHobb #TawnyMan #Farseer #RotE #Realmoftheelderlings #fantasy

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The second book in The Tawny Man trilogy was as enjoyable as the first!

My only complaint is that the blurb on the back made me believe that there would be more action - which there wasn't. Hobb's fantasy is more slow than many other I have read, which I love, but it always annoys me when a blurb doesn't represent the book very well.

KCorter You are in for a treat with the third! It is one of my favorites by Robin Hobb. 7y
Kalalalatja @KCorter I am just about to start it now, I can't wait! 7y
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The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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Breakfast, coffee and reading in bed - perfect vacation morning 👌☕️


Lacythebookworm Perfect! 7y
HKGirl At first glance I read that author's name as Robin Hood! 😁 7y
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This is me today, and I am an emotional wreck because of it.
#FitzandtheFool got me like 💔

Smrloomis 👍🏽💕💕💕 7y
Lmstraubie Isn't it amazing how some books just melt into your soul? 7y
Sophoclessweetheart This is hilarious . I love it 💗 7y
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I am so glad I took my time reading this.
It was a delight to read and I enjoyed returning to Buckkeep again!
Robin Hobb's character development is just flawless. And, although it is the second book in a triology, it did not seem to have the certain 2. Book feel, like some others do.

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I just started this one and I am sure Robin Hobb will take me away into the Six Duchies again. Thankfully, we have books #AllIsNotLost
And the wonderful owl bookmark always makes me smile😊


TrishB Never seen that cover! Enjoy 😀 7y
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I got so many #bookishgifts / books for christmas! 11📚!!
And I gave 6 books as presents to my family.
I had a veeery bookish christmas. What about you?

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The Fool is my #favouritesidekick. Fitz would be nothing without his loyal friend. The Fool is witty and mysterious, the perfect combination. You never know what he will do next and he speaks in riddles. These books would not be nearly as good without him. #booktober @RealLifeReading

TrishB I nominated the Fool too......Fitz and the Fool are amazing 😀 8y
I-read-and-eat @TrishB Their friendship is so wonderful! 8y
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I sound like a broken record when I talk about Robin Hobb, but seriously, this lady can do no harm...in my mind she is queen of fantasy fiction. I got to the end of this book and realised to my surprise that not a lot of 'action' had actually happened but this did not matter at all.

Trav This has been on my TBR list for ages. Might need to bump it up. 8y
LauraReads Have you read The Assassins Apprentice (first book in the Farseer Trilogy) Id definitely recommend doing that series before this one @Trav 8y
Trav @LauraReads Robin Hobb has been on my radar for a while now, I just haven't had a chance to read anything from her. I'll definitely start with that one though -- thanks for the recommendation! 8y
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Don't let the horrible cover Litsy has on record fool you, this book is amazing so far...Hobb has yet to disappoint me

Trav Yay! Welcome to Litsy. It's great, you're going to love it 👍🏻 8y
LauraReads Thanks @Trav I am keen...now I just have to build up my collection, if only there was a way to connect with Goodreads haha 8y
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