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La catedral del mar
La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones
Creble y fascinante... tan maravillosamente estructurada que las ltimas sesenta pginas se detonan como un cordel de fuegos artificiales. The Washington Post En el siglo XIV, la ciudad de Barcelona se encuentra en su momento de mayor prosperidad. Ha crecido hacia la Ribera, el humilde barrio de los pescadores, cuyos habitantes deciden construir, con el dinero de unos y el esfuerzo de otros, el mayor templo mariano jams conocido: Santa Mara del Mar. Una construccin que es paralela a la azarosa historia de Arnau, un siervo de la tierra que huye de los abusos de su seor feudal y se refugia en Barcelona, donde se convierte en ciudadano y, con ello, en hombre libre. El joven Arnau trabaja como palafrenero, estibador, soldado y cambista. Una vida extenuante, siempre al amparo de la Catedral del Mar, que le iba a llevar de la miseria del fugitivo a la nobleza y la riqueza. Pero con esta posicin privilegiada tambin le llega la envidia de sus pares, que urden una srdida conjura que pone su vida en manos de la Inquisicin... La catedral del mar es una trama en la que se entrecruzan lealtad y venganza, traicin y amor, guerra y peste, en un mundo marcado por la intolerancia religiosa, la ambicin material y la segregacin social. Todo ello convierte a esta obra no slo en una novela absorbente, sino tambin en la ms fascinante y ambiciosa recreacin de las luces y sombras de la poca feudal.
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Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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This was my #FoodAndLit pick for #Spain and took me a little while as it was 750 pages 😱

I had a brief pause just before the 50% mark as I did get a bit annoyed with some of the choices the MC was making and couldn‘t be bothered watching it blow up! But I am glad I persevered as I did enjoy the story overall!

It follows Arnau from childhood through to adulthood in 14th century Barcelona, a period including the plague and the inquisition.

Catsandbooks That's a chonky one! 🇪🇸 4mo
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Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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Yes it was an epic masterpiece but it was also just a bit too much. There is only so much cruelty I can take with the racism, classism, feudal systems of oppression, religious oppression, treatment of women, and the brutality of the Inquisition. It‘s an amazing read but I was racing just to get it over with.
How is your read?

#BookedInTime #SpanishInquisition

dabbe I'm way behind and am still with the Celts in Ireland! 😜 5mo
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Cuilin @dabbe I‘d stick with the celts if I were you, Denise. I don‘t think I‘m likely to pick the Inquisition for #BookedInTime ever again Lol 5mo
julieclair I haven‘t started mine yet, but I was thinking I really wanted to read it. Now I‘m not so sure. Maybe I‘ll start, and if it‘s too violent & depressing, I‘ll give myself permission to DNF it. My book is 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Oh that is too bad. There really needs to be balance in these books to make them bearable. 5mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures I just got a lupus diagnosis and I‘ve been pretty sick so I think this made me more sensitive to the darker aspects of the novel because there‘s no denying it is a good book. 5mo
Cuilin @julieclair what a dark time in history, whoa. No judgment if you DNF. 5mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Cuilin so sorry to hear! Lupus is a beast, hoping you can get on a plan that helps you feel better soon, and that next month's book is happier! 5mo
Aimeesue Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Autoimmune stuff is so hard. Hope you find a med that works well for you quickly! 5mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures @Aimeesue thank you both. It‘s certainly a learning curve. 5mo
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Cathedral of the Sea | Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra
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Here are some of my chunksters waiting to be read!

Tove_Reads Yes!!!! 2y
Andrew65 Child of the Phoenix and Kingdom of Shadows are two of my favourite all-time books, along with Lady of Hay (not pictured). I would be more than happy to read them again and still have my copies. Love Barbara Erskine. Think I have a copy of Green Darkness and Hiding From the light too.

I don‘t own them but like the look of the other two.
EadieB @Andrew65 ok I‘ll read them together with you just let me know when. @Tove_Reads (edited) 2y
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Tove_Reads I just checked and I have access to Green Darkness and Hiding from the Light, so I vote for those. Sounds good? @andrew65 @EadieB (edited) 2y
EadieB @Tove_Reads ok sounds good. When and which one will we discuss? @Andrew65 2y
Andrew65 I‘m happy to go with the books @Tove-Reads can get hold of. 2y
EadieB @Andrew65 sounds good. Check out @Tove_Reads books to see what ones you can get a hold of. 2y
Andrew65 @EadieB Have done that I can get hold of any of them. 2y
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La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones

It has everything you could ever hope in a book. I laughed, cried and felt in love with the characters.

Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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This month‘s #ReadAroundTheWorldChallenge country is #Spain- so I dug this rather hefty novel out of my TBR stacks after it being unread for at least a decade! It‘s an epic piece of historical fiction with a lot of 14th century packed in from the economics of the feudal system to the plague and the Inquisition. Arnau‘s life includes a lot of different careers and relationships. I wish the characters were a bit more fully developed though!

Crazeedi It sound good, but not as good as Follett?? 4y
TorieStorieS @Crazeedi Funny you mention that! The author is hailed as the “Spanish Ken Follett” in the blurbs! But, yes- I think it‘s in the same vein but not as strong with the characters! 4y
Crazeedi @TorieStorieS it kinda sounded like him! 4y
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Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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622 pages. Cruel and impressive, realistic story in the medieval Catalonia.
#cathedralofthesea #falcones #medieval #feodalism #barcelona

La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones
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I hadn't planned on participating in the #tometopple readathon but three of my #currentreads fit the requirement so I guess I'm participating. 🤣

La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones
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If I can stay focused and read, I could actually use the tagged book for #ReadingEurope2020 #Spain

La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones


Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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@Andrew65 Pretty sure this is right up our alley! Building a church, medieval Barcelona... 751 pages.

Andrew65 I saw this recent,y, not even sure whether it was on one of your posts and agree should fit the bill very nicely. 😊 How many Pages has this one got? 7y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 Yes, my post. 751 🙃 (edited) 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Only 751 Pages, after Rutherfurd that seems nothing 😂 Good News is there is one copy in our library system that I can order in. 7y
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Tove_Reads @Andrew65 It‘s basically an epilogue🤪 A fast read, methinks. I will start reading it soon. Will go to Barcelona in four weeks, so that‘s why. A highly recommended book as well! Plus, I already miss reading about building churches 🤣 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Yes this was what was missing from A Column Of Fire, there was no building in it. Passed near Salisbury Cathedral last weekend (Kingsbridge Cathedral is based on Wells and Salisbury Cathedral) which is so massive and impressive, have to admire their skills to build such cathedrals! 7y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Passed by Salisbury Cathedral on my way to Wales from Brighton a few years ago. I wonder how many slaves have died around the world building churches... 7y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Possibly hundreds of thousands! If not higher, especially if you include Pyramids and such like. 7y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 You will definitely enjoy this one! I‘m 112 pages in, and it definitely has the feel of ”Pillars in Barcelona”, including building a church, and good peeps vs evil arses. 7y
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La catedral del mar | Ildefonso Falcones
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Reading on the road. #Ildefonsofalcones #bus

Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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The best part of the end of the year is planning next year's reading intentions.

Notafraidofwords This is awesome. 8y
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