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The Adults
The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Two divorced parents. Their daughter. Their new partners. A family holiday...of sorts. What could possibly go wrong? Meet The Adults. Claire and Matt are no longer together but decide that what's best for their daughter Scarlett is to have a "normal" family Christmas. They can't agree on whose idea it was to go to the Happy Forest Holiday park, or who said they should bring their new partners. But someone did--and it's too late to pull the plug. Claire brings her new boyfriend, Patrick (never Pat), a seemingly sensible, eligible from a distance, Iron-Man-in-Waiting. Matt brings the new love of his life, Alex, funny, smart, and extremely patient. Scarlett, who is seven, brings her imaginary friend Posey. He's a rabbit. Together the five (or six?) of them grit their teeth over Forced Fun activities, drinking a little too much after bedtime, oversharing classified secrets about their pasts and, before you know it, their holiday is a powder keg that ends where this novel begins--with a tearful, frightened call to the police... But what really happened? They said they'd all be adults about this...
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Hilarious dark comedy about a divorced couple trying to give their child a magical Christmas by having a holiday together with their new partners. Ripe for disaster, the breakdown of the adults is very human. I felt sad for and exasperated by each character. Throw in an imaginary bunny that says whatever he‘s thinking, and you‘ve got a fun holiday read about dysfunctional families and the love that can be shared among them. 4⭐️ #wintergames2021

BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Jadams1776 This was my AVMB prompt 14 - a fun read 3y
Jadams89 🎄🎉 3y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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It‘s my first day of holiday break, so I took myself to one of my favorite bookstores (Village Books, Bellingham, WA) to celebrate the Solstice! #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs #selfiescavengerhunt #favoritereadingspot

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This was a fun read. I also enjoyed the author being British with “Happy Christmas” and other touches.

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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The characters in this book were insufferable and I didn‘t care about their situation at all... I also didn‘t laugh once, even though the book is marketed as a ‘hilarious debut.‘ 2⭐️

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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This quirky Christmas read finds two exes and their new partners holidaying together for the sake of the couple‘s seven year old daughter. Things go terribly awry and the trip ends with a call to emergency services—which is where the book begins.

I enjoyed this one, but it is a bit dry. Fortunately it moves rather quickly! I would love to see it as a movie 😁

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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I know, I'm late to the Christmas game. I'm so glad I didn't wait until next Christmas to read this! It was perfectly dysfunctional. What else can you call a couple of exes celebrating Christmas at a Holiday resort with their significant others, their 9 year old daughter and her invisible purple bunny friend? 😂

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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For the sake of their daughter, two exes decide to spend a week on vacation together over Christmas. They bring their new partners along. What could possibly go wrong?

A dysfunctional family drama with plenty of dark humor.

I read this right after Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris and they paired quite well.

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Day 6 of #bookadventcalendar The cover says “They should have stayed home for the holidays.” And an ornament as a bomb? With luck this will be an explosive read. (Sorry, not sorry.) @LeahBergen

LeahBergen 😆😆 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

This book about a blended family Christmas with plenty of uncomfortable moments was a quick read. I liked that it was set up to contain a mystery, beginning with a 911 call and continuing to fill in the gaps leading to the call by jumping to different characters‘ perspectives. Fun, but only okay rather than great.

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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This was a quick and easy read about a blended family Christmas with plenty of cringey moments. I like stories that start at the end and fill in the gaps as you go along, and while this was pretty good with honest characters who were flawed and not always nice, I think it was just okay rather than great

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Snuggled with a blanket over my knees and this new read. Ready for something a bit lighter this time, so this one should do the trick

LiteraryinLawrence I enjoyed this one! It gets pretty crazy but in a good way. 5y
Laru79 Cool! I can see it heading that way... the archery 😬 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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My book from this round of #LMPBC made it home! @EH2018

EH2018 Glad it got there! Thanks for sharing 📚 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Good pick for #lmpbc, @kstadt929 ! I actually really liked this one in spite of the flawed characters and pretty outlandish plot. I felt the tone of the writing was just right and I like the way the story was interspersed with interviews. I felt very sucked into the story. I probably would not have liked it as much if I was the first reader, because part of the fun was chiming in to the indignant comments from @kstadt929 and @BennettBookworm 😋.

LiteraryinLawrence In the mail to you next @Mem_ugh 5y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards I shared books for literature classes with my friends whenever possible, and reading the other commentary was half the fun! 5y
BennettBookworm Love it!! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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“What are you thinking?“ Matt said. “You look thinky.“

🤔 😂

jb72 I just got this from the library and hope to start it next. 5y
JoyBlue @jb72 Hope you enjoy! 😀 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Not bad/not great earns a so-so from me. The characters are certainly flawed (being generous here). Overall, the book wasn't as funny as I needed it to be in terms of either the book's events or providing a fun escape from reality. 😉

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

I'm sorry. I forgot to post that I sent the book out. Did you ever get it? I lost the tracking number.

aroc Hi there! Sorry I got it! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I really enjoyed reading this for #lmpbc ! I agree with @kstadt929 that some of the characters were infuriating- your comments were so wonderful to read 😁 I still found myself hooked and wanted to stay up late reading tho ☺️ The little girl and her imaginary friend was definitely my favorite plotline; as an elementary teacher I found this spot on. Hope you enjoy it @LiteraryinLititz and @Mem_ugh ! Thanks @Kaylamburson for recommending this!

kstadt929 Wow that was a fast read! 😋 Glad you enjoyed! 5y
Kaylamburson I'm so glad my recommendation made you want to read it! I loved the imaginary friend aspect and really thought it set it apart. 5y
BennettBookworm @kstadt929 I know, haha! I got so excited! 5y
BennettBookworm @Kaylamburson I totally agree! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Look what #bookmail just arrived! So speedy!! Excited to read this for #lmpbc 😄💌🖍 @kstadt929 @LiteraryinLititz @Mem_ugh

LiteraryinLawrence So exciting!! 5y
kstadt929 Yay it got there early!! Hope you enjoy!! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Just shipped this out to you @BennettBookworm and it should arrive on Wednesday!!

@Mem_ugh wondering if you mailed out mine yet or when you plan to mail - I‘ll have to send you my new address for this one or next month!! 😁 #lmpbc

Mem_ugh I haven‘t sent yours out yet, I‘m a little behind, as usual 😂 I‘ll get it out to you by Saturday though 5y
kstadt929 @Mem_ugh That‘s fine! 😁 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I really wanted to like this book and I did enjoy parts, but others were so frustrating and unreal to me. There was a character I couldn‘t stand! I don‘t want to give too many details because my #lmpbc will be reading next, but it was between a pick and a so-so for me. @Mem_ugh @BennettBookworm @LiteraryinLititz

ShyBookOwl It's so hard for me to focus when I dislike a character. That's always a let down 😔 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Really hoping to finish this #lmpbc pick in the next few days and get it shipped out before all the moving craziness begins!!! @Mem_ugh @BennettBookworm @LiteraryinLititz

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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@Patchshank be on the look out for some book mail on Thursday. I sent the #LMPBC book out today!

Patchshank I got it! Super excited to start it this weekend. 5y
Lovesbooks87 @Patchshank yay! I was going to ask if you got it. I lost the tracking number and couldn't track it! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Divorced couple Matt and Claire go on holiday together with their daughter, AND new significant others. What could go wrong?
Well, it ends with a call to the police!

#LiteraryLuck Day 18 Awkward reads

TheSpineView That book was a funny, quirky read. 5y
vkois88 Oh boy lol... sounds like a fun adventure! 5y
Paperback.Propensity @vkois88 It's pretty funny! 5y
Paperback.Propensity @TheSpineView Yes, I enjoyed it. 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This was between a pick and so-so for me. Not something that I normally read. Not going to say much about it because it is my #LMPBC book. Can't wait to hear what you guys think about it!

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Time to get this next round of the #LMPBC started!!!

aroc Woot woot! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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✔️ New bookmark (made by my husband on Shutterfly)
✔️ New book (picked by my #lmpbc group)
Off we go! 😁 @Mem_ugh @LiteraryinLititz @BennettBookworm

BennettBookworm Happy Reading!! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This Peach Crown Royal is smooth... Yeah I couldn‘t resist & wait, why not??? I like it more then the Apple Crown Royal... 🥃🤷🏻‍♀️

#peachcrownroyal #ilikethepeachtaste #mynewsippingdrink #moveoverciroc #readingandsipping #theadults #carolinehulse

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

I think this was supposed to be a comedy and yet I found parts of it profoundly sad. A divorced couple and their new partners plus seven year old Scarlett and her imaginary rabbit friend away together for Christmas. WhT could possibly go wrong? None of the characters are particularly pleasant although some more sympathetic than others

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Fourth flight in six days. Pretty tired but for a fair bit of reading done! This book is very well written but I feel like I want to scream with some of the carrying on from the apparently grown adults in this one. The kid talking to her imaginary giant rabbit friend is as mature.... (also night flight should sleep but have a star is born and the favourite on inflight entertainment... decisions decisions)

AlaMich Three words: noise cancelling headphones. That is all. 5y
saguarosally Did you get to experience what the locals are calling just a bit more than a dusting of snow? 5y
RadicalReader Love your ereader case I have the same one for my iPad 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

Not sure how to categorize this one. I guess it's a comedy. It made me laugh and I found the scenes between little Scarlett and her imaginary bunny rabbit friend to be especially endearing. The ending is so weird and over the top though. Since I was entertained throughout the book I will give it a "pick"rating.

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Alright guys, you know the drill! Tell me your thoughts!! 😁 @LiteraryinLititz @Mem_ugh @BennettBookworm I hope it‘s okay I added The Adults to my stack too?? #lmpbc

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BennettBookworm Yay!!! Round 5! I am SO cool with the repeat of The Adults! That‘s my top pick and I won‘t pick that for my own book, and my second is Horse Dancer. The other two sound too scary for me so hopefully @LiteraryinLititz and @Mem_ugh like one of those 😁 5y
LiteraryinLawrence Great choices! My top 2 are The Adults and the Louise Penny. I tend to find her books a little gentler than the typical thriller because of the charming people from Three Pines. But it‘s totally ok with me not to do mystery/thrillers this round! 5y
Mem_ugh @BennettBookworm @kstadt929 @LiteraryinLititz I‘m so excited for round 5!! I‘ll put up my choices tonight, sorry for being MIA! I think of these choices I‘d would go for The Adults or The Nature of the Beast 5y
BennettBookworm So pumped! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

The Adults was a fun quick read. A divorced couple want to make the best Christmas for their child and what could go wrong when you both bring your current significant other plus one imaginary rabbit? Family holidays are so joyful!

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

This book was an entertaining quick read. I especially liked the conversations between Scarlett and her imaginary friend Posey. But OMG, no one in this novel deserved to have a loser like Matt inflicted on them. Run, Alex, run!

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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It took me several rereadings to make sense of that sentence. The culprit: an errant comma (and a clumsily written sentence). 🤦🏻‍♀️ Be still, my inner grammar nazi!

Crazeedi Sometimes we just have to.... things like this drive us crazy... 5y
Clare-Dragonfly Ack! So confusing! 5y
Kodak2057 Ok I read this as her being unable to help because of dragging her mental etc etc but is it supposed to be that she was unable to avoid dragging her blah blah blah? Lol 5y
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BookishMarginalia @Crazeedi @Clare-Dragonfly @Kodak2057 I thought initially that she couldn‘t offer help... but no. She‘s in a spa, by herself, and she can‘t help thinking about how she started dating her boyfriend! I‘m telling you, that comma is doing bad things there! 5y
Kodak2057 Omg no lol 5y
Clare-Dragonfly The next sentence is a fragment, too. 😐 5y
Kar2b Wow... I would‘ve used a different word altogether. I‘m not a fan of writers trying to pull off complicated sentences when easier ones can be used. 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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“Being always right... was usually more of a comfort than it felt like this weekend.” #Truth 😂😂😂

Tove_Reads Unrelated, but did your amazing swap package reach its destination? 5y
BookishMarginalia @tove_reads Yes, according to tracking 👍🏼 5y
Clare-Dragonfly Relatable! 😂 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I think I may have lost my book to #BonBonCat! 🤷🏻‍♀️ #CatsofLitsy

gradcat Yes, I think you have, but oh! how Bon Bon deserves a good read...Litsy cat love 🐈😻😍 5y
Crazeedi I ❤️❤️ Bon Bon!! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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#BonBonCat keeps me company as I read 💜💜💜 #CatsofLitsy

Crazeedi Your fur baby is beautiful, I had a kitty a few years ago who looked a lot like yours...I miss her so much. 5y
Soubhiville I 💙 those crossed eyes! 5y
Aussie4paws Really beautiful kitty💕 5y
BookishMarginalia @Crazeedi 💜💜💜 @Soubhiville @aussie4paws Thanks! He‘s such a good purrer too! 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Ah, to read a classic or pick up a bestseller, that is the age-old reader‘s question. Me? I say read both! (Though even as a lit major I have never been able to bite into Joyce‘s Ulysses —insert shudder here)

cariashley Haha agreed, I wish I HAD read it, but have no interest in actually reading it 😆 5y
Octoberwoman I tried to read Ulysses once. I think I made it 30 pages in. 5y
BookishMarginalia @cariashley Me too! @Octoberwoman That‘s about 25 pages more than me 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Sounds like an interesting life skill: Matt “dealt with complicated thoughts like he dealt with his post,” by stuffing it into little nooks and crannies and forgetting about it.

Lindy I once lived with someone who dealt with mail that way. I found unopened envelopes all over the place, including mail for other people that had been misdelivered to our place. 🤪 5y
LeahBergen @Lindy That gives me immediate anxiety 😆😆 5y
Lindy @LeahBergen I found her behaviour baffling, but it was a lesson for me that everyone doesn‘t do things the same way as was done in my family. 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Good morning, dear Littens! This one is due back at the library in a couple of days, so let‘s see if I can get it read 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

MommyOfTwo Love that mug! 5y
Zelma I keep picking that up at the library and putting it back. I‘ll be interested to hear what you think of it. 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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A dysfunctional, blended "family": Matt & Claire are parents to Scarlett, a 7yo best friend to a talking rabbit, who lives w/ Claire & her boyfriend Patrick, while Matt lives w/ his girlfriend Alex, seeing Scarlett intermittently during the year. Hoping to spend another Xmas as a family Matt suggests a trip to Happy Forest Lodge with Claire, Scarlett +their new partners. The ensuing story answers the question: "What could go wrong?" again & again.

IamIamIam That looks like a Christmas story I can finally relate to!!! Lol, stacked it!! 5y
mrozzz Right?? @IamIamIam soooo relatable! 5y
Erinreadsthebooks I LOVE this book! 5y
mrozzz It was wildly entertaining @Erinreadsthebooks 😊 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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The Adults by Caroline Hulse from Random House is an interesting book. I think the title is a bit ironic because most of the characters act anything but on their blended Christmas family holiday. Also someone gets shot with a bow and arrow.

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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There's something special about crazy people who put themselves in dysfunctional situations and hope for the best, knowing there's no way shit's not going to hit the fan. I'm starting to think those ridiculous characters are in the books I love the most. I loved this laugh-out-loud funny, snarky look at a blended family's holiday vacation. Patrick's quirks and the conversations between Scarlett and her imaginary friend had me rolling. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I'm loving this book so far. Scarlett is seven and already has her dad's girlfriend's number. "Prison Sensibilities" ??

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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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I read 72 books in 2018

A few stand-outs:
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Little Fires Everywhere
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
Simon vs The Homosapiens Agenda
You Think It, I'll Say It
The Woman in the Window
Lean In
Love and Other Words
And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer
The Kiss Quotient
Hurricane Season (spring '19 release!)
The Adults

I'd love to hear your favorites from the year!

BennettBookworm Epic list! Thanks for sharing! 6y
Kaylamburson Thanks, @BennettBookworm ! Definitely fantastic reads in the list! 6y
Marina_h Little Fires Everywhere really surprised me last year. I didn't expect much but ended up really enjoying it! 6y
Kaylamburson Yes! I loved it much more than her first book. @Marina_h 6y
RadicalReader @Kaylamburson loved landline read that in four days couldn‘t have been more enjoyed by a book. One book I really enjoyed last year and highly strongly recommend for its catapult chapters of how you‘re intrigued to find out more from the last sentence of the chapter is 5y
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The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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Enjoying a cozy fire and reading.

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse
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This was my first audiobook. Overall, I enjoyed the experience but definitely prefer reading over listening. This book was light hearted and comical - it lacked depth but was a fun, easy read. I could easily see this becoming a movie. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Adults: A Novel | Caroline Hulse

Perfect read for this time of year. I love a multi-POV. This feels a lot like The Nest another great read.