Since you asked @ravenlee
Here‘s our year in books! #SheSaid
*They are all tagged below in the comments if anyone wants to find them and can‘t read the tiny type in the picture.
I was going to post this tomorrow, but since it came up in our #SheSaid discussion today!
Happy Anniversary!
Here‘s to our first book, 1 year ago!
To all the great books since!
And to many, MANY more! 💙
Thank all of you, whether you‘ve been in one discussion or a bunch, our discussions are always the best!
In my mind, voter suppression is the number one issue of equality today. Its history is long and bloody. Now it may be less gory, but it‘s def no less oppressive. Anderson lays out everything up until about 2018. Then the daily news takes over. Necessary reading for every American. She makes it easy to wrap your brain around the unwrappable.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2021 #resistlist #socialjustice #readresistvote
Long past time to start this. But more relevant than ever.
Thank god! First thing they need to do is dig through McConnel‘s desk, dust off the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and pass it.... because after this the suppression laws and loopholes are going to quadruple from state legislatures and once they are passed it takes forever to overthrow them through the courts.
Pace yourselves tomorrow!
Be prepared not to know the results tomorrow.
Some counties in PA will not even BEGIN to count their mail-in ballots until Wednesday!
Deep breath, it‘s going to be a long haul!
And if you haven‘t already, no matter what state you live, GO VOTE!
While 9 times out of 10, I‘d rather have the hardcover or paperback version...there are some undeniable perks to having an ebook. Like almost hands free reading, for example.
Last night of our mini-vacation. I am very sore from lots of trail walking and am spending tonight reading in the big cozy bed our cabin luckily has.
Took a road trip to Southern Illinois for what might be our last chance for some wilderness adventures before winter sets in. Rented a super cute one bedroom cabin with nothing nearby but a trailhead (avoiding humans as much as possible was a must). Got in around dinner time, ate some vegan Mac n cheese, then it was time to relax. Jotted down a few things in my travel journal and now am sitting down with my book. Perfection. But I miss my cats. 😿
The GOP has admitted to placing the false ballot boxes in CA and is defending their actions. 🙄 They have been ordered to remove them. The question remains, what happens to the ballots that have already been dropped in those boxes?
So the GOP says one ballot box is enough for all of Dallas County, but their aren‘t nearly enough boxes in Los Angeles. Hm. I smell BS.
We definitely read this book at the right time! It‘s definitely made me more skeptical about these kinds of accidents.
Unofficial (fake) drop boxes are popping up now! 🤯🤬
A truly astonishing look at just how far some people will go to win an election. It‘s a shocking read, but it‘s not something we can change if we don‘t know how far it goes. Luckily, it ends on a hopeful note. Required reading for everyone who loves democracy.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
Organizations that work to preserve voting rights:
We all need more of those!
We‘ve reached the end of our 1st read and this last chapter gave me a bit of hope about chipping away at the problem on piece at a time, and keep chipping.
What did you think of this last section? Our 1st book? The format for discussions? Anything else?
@JHgotham @vlwelser @KVanRead @SamAnne @GingerAntics @tenar @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Short and loaded with information on racially-targeted voter suppression in America, beginning with a brief history, then focusing on modern examples. Clear, concise, thoroughly footnoted, engaging & infuriating, it had me reading references and recommitting to voting rights work.
After this book you‘ll think twice when you hear things like, “young people don‘t care enough to vote” or, “black voters just weren‘t enthused by the candidate.”
This book was so concise and informative, I think everyone in America should read this, especially those concerned about the current state of politics in this country. Key takeaways: we need the VRA replaced, we need policies to combat disenfranchisement, & we need boots on the ground to make that happen from every level in government to helping our neighbors get the documents they need & get to the polls in areas that are curtailing access.
And hey, if the gerrymandered districts, and closing polling places, and giving them no functioning voting machines doesn‘t work...just make it impossible to register new voters, and a felony to assist disabled or non-English speakers at the polls.
That‘s what happens when you purposefully close voting places in predominant minority districts.
Any state that has a change in leadership after this census and election, needs to work on non-partisan commissions to fix the districting & gerrymandering issues.
I don‘t know about you guys, but this chapter was very infuriating to me. I‘m glad we are reading before the election, because I just couldn‘t handle it afterwards I‘m afraid. I took lots of screenshots of passages to share, but held off until after our discussion, I didn‘t want to post spoilers until everyone had read it, but I‘ll post sone of those this afternoon too.
I al@so glad I don‘t live in the DFW area anymore.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
This is the perfect description of the situation.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
But it doesn‘t, because the Republicans have literally (and I mean what the dictionary says literally means) rigged the system.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
There is no other conclusion than that this was intentional. Period.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
This is equal parts disturbing and disgusting.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
This makes no sense. This is NOT democracy. This is so rigged, I‘m seriously wondering if it‘s even actually possible, in reality, to vote these 🤬wipes out of office? They‘ve made themselves little fiefdoms and little kings, right here in America. It‘s disgraceful. I. Am. TERRIFIED!!!
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
This is terrifying. I don‘t think I want to know what this scale would say about America in 2020; although, it‘s probably important to actually know.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
Oh yeah, the republicans are the “good guys” in Washington. 🙄 Who is dumb enough to fall for the rhetoric of these idiots?
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid
This is against the spirit of the America voting system if not against the law. That information has NOTHING to do with election integrity and everything to do with figuring out who should be prevented from voting. Republicans will do anything to win elections, including forcing a new SCOTUS judge through before the election so if it ends up back in the courts, they‘re guaranteed another term of Trump.
#CarolAnderson #OnePersonNoVote #SheSaid