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The First Mistake
The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
103 posts | 87 read | 1 reading | 63 to read
From Sandie Jones, the author of the Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club Pick and New York Times bestseller The Other Woman, comes an addictively readable new domestic suspense about a wife, her husband, and the woman who is supposedly her best friend. THE WIFE: For Alice, life has never been better. With her second husband, she has a successful business, two children, and a beautiful house. HER HUSBAND: Alice knows that life could have been different if her first husband had lived, but Nathans arrival into her life gave her back the happiness she craved. HER BEST FRIEND: When Alice met Beth, her best friend, it was the icing on the cake. A friend without judgement, to celebrate with, commiserate with, Beth is the most trustworthy and loyal person that Alice knows. So when Nathan starts disappearing for stretches of time, Alice turns to Beth. But soon, she begins to wonder whether her trust has been misplaced... Praise for The Other Woman: "One of the most twisted and entertaining plots."Reese Witherspoon "A perfect beach read."Kristin Hannah "Whiplash-inducing."New York Times Book Review "Such fun you'll cheer [Emily's] chutzpah."PEOPLE "This thriller will hit close to home."Refinery29
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Finished one book from my #JoysofJune Readathon Now on the next. Going to read Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards. @Andrew65

Andrew65 A great start 👏👏👏 13mo
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This book was very good. I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. This author knows how to keep you on your toes. I got another one of her books because i was enjoying this one so well. Great characters.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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“Sophia, let‘s go,” I call out from the hall. #FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This book is good. Im almost half way through n i love this author already. I will be a fan of Sandie forever.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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My book haul from the library. Cant wait to start reading them. Which one should I start with first.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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I picked this ending a mile away 😎

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Finished this one on Dec. 8th. I enjoyed this one a lot! It had twists that I didn‘t see coming. I must admit that I felt more sympathetic towards Beth and I enjoyed her part of the story more than Alice‘s. I‘ve checked out another audiobook by this author to listen to. I recommend this one.

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This novel took me awhile to finish because.......I was bored out of my mind. 🤣 No really the writing style was getting on my nerves so my review is bias but it wasn't my type of novel. #LMPBC #GroupF #Round12 @magyklyXdelish @Alfrazier21 @Reynosa8701

SilversReviews A good one!! 3y
monalyisha Hi, Sharon! I‘m leaving you this comment here, too, so it doesn‘t get buried in the comment thread on my #NewYearWhoDis sign-up post: You have to submit a list of Favorite Books (title & author) in order to have a valid registration. Take a quick peek at the piece I‘ve written on top for how to do that before submitting your form. I‘m going to delete your registration & you‘ll have to resubmit, unfortunately, as that‘s the most important part. 😬 3y
monalyisha @sharread Also, just as a heads-up: your spot isn‘t saved! So haste is recommended. Sorry for the pressure! 3y
sharread @monalyisha okay thanks 😊❤ 3y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Landing in the middle on this one. Parts of it were predictable and the characters made such horrible decisions I rolled my eyes a lot. Lol but it was still entertaining enough to finish #LMPBC

Being a thriller/mystery this gains me 15 points for #TeamSlaughter

sharread 🎃🎃🎃❤❤❤👻 3y
Alfrazier21 That‘s kind of how I felt about it too. #meh 3y
magyklyXdelish @sharread I mailed this out to you today! Sorry for being late!! 3y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Sending out my book today #lmpbc12

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Finally finished my thriller for #Round12 of #LMPBC 📕 This one was an ok ready for me. Parts of it I really liked and parts felt a bit rushed. Interested to see what you all think! I‘ll get this in the mail first thing tomorrow!

@suvata @Reynosa8701 @sharread @magyklyXdelish

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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A woman learning more about her husband than she ever expected. A quick and enjoyable one-day read that kept me fully invested in the outcome. Not thrilled with a few far fetched twists but it was fun to be thoroughly engrossed.

Cathythoughts Sounds good 👍🏻 3y
BarbaraBB Sounds like a book for me. Stacked! 3y
Suet624 @BarbaraBB it‘s a borrow, not buy. 😊 3y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Suspensefully written , it had me hooked from the very start. Twisty, dark, the last few chapters packed the most punches and left me thinking wtf did I just read in the best of ways. You know a thriller is good when you finish it wondering how you had no idea as to where it was heading. It will leave you being very cautious of who you trust and let into your life. #sandiejones #thefirstmistake #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #amazonkindle

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Hey #GroupT! Excited to start #Round11 of #LMPBC 📖 These are some of the books I‘m thinking of for this round. What do you all think?

@Tattooedteacher @Kappadeemom @EliNeedsMoreShelves

Tattooedteacher They all look great to me. 3y
Kappadeemom I‘ve read The First Mistake but good with the others! 3y
EliNeedsMoreShelves I think I'd choose The New Husband or A Nearly Normal Family. 3y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones

This was decent ⭐⭐⭐. It kept me guessing.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Here is my review for another book I listened to.

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Highly recommend if you are in the mood for twisty story... well written with a surprise twist at the end!

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones

Highly recommend. A complex story surrounded by lies and deceit. A wife whose second husband may be cheating. The first husband dead for over 10 years in a terrible accident. Children struggling to cope. The best friend is a single parent with a sad background. The story is suspenseful.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Background picture credit: @bookapotamus (Instagram)

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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The First Mistake is a cleverly written, compelling, character driven psychological thriller that has a good dose of family drama thrown in. Primarily told from the present day viewpoint of Alice, there are a few chapters told in the past from her best friends POV and together a deliciously dark, tangled web of a tale is crafted with interesting twists and unsettling turns that made for an addictively suspenseful read.

Cathythoughts Beautiful cover 4y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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An irritating female lead who suspects her husband is being unfaithful. What it turns out to be is much more twisted.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Currently reading and listening. Anyone else switch back and forth between audio and ebook? This one is ok so far.. I didn‘t like how part 2 felt extremely long, boring, and disconnected from part 1. Part 3 at least connects the two previous parts, but the main character, Alice, annoys me. Has anyone read this? Did you like it? Does it get better? (I‘m at about the 75 percent mark)

#sandiejones #thefirstmistake #thegreeneyedreader #thriller

Tianarose I switch between audio and physical books. I dont like e-books 4y
Marni I switch between too. And physical books. All depends what I can get my hands on! 4y
trueisa4letterword I switch between ebooks and physical books usually. Lately, I find myself trying ebooks on Libby before checking out the hardcover from the library. 4y
Mrs_B I seem to always have one of each on the go too, glad it‘s not just me. Audiobook for chores and commuting, ebook for sofa reading time! 4y
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First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Reading this next by Sandie Jones. Loved her other book called The Other Woman.

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Judged a book by it's cover. I shouldn't have, it was quite good!

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Finished listening to this one yesterday. I didn‘t like it as well as The Other Woman but it was still a good psychological thriller. I found myself yelling at Beth before she “invested” her mother‘s money. The twists at end kept me guessing.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Loved Sandie's first book The Other Woman so was so thrilled when this came out.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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I‘m sorry to say that I‘m actually going to return this Audible book, having made it to chapter 35 of 48. This is the kind of book that makes me wish that books had ratings like movies do. The sex scenes are graphic. Beyond that, I find the drawn-out internal (and waffling) dialogue almost torturous. Midway through the book, I started disliking both of the protagonists for being some combination of promiscuous (unfaithful) and stupid.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Author Sandie Jones is really good at the plot twist!

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Enjoyed this one well enough. Maybe I‘ve been reading too many similar books, but I wasn‘t that invested in finding out what the heck was actually going on. As with most physiological thrillers, the authors makes it easy for the reader to get confused with who‘s going to be the twisted psycho in the end. 😂

#summersendreadathon #24b4monday
Currently sitting at 41 hours💪🏻 To stay on track, I‘m hoping to sit 50 by midnight.

Lisa0223 I totally struggled to finish this book. I had to keep rewinding chapters but FINALLY finished. I hate that I wasted an audible credit on it. 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Starting on book 14 for the #SummersEndReadathon (1 was bailed after an hour). I‘ve seen this one all over Litsy, so hopefully it‘s good. 💕

Bookzombie You are awesome! 14! 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones

I have a few book hang ups and one is the book description. It has to tell me enough to keep me interested but not the whole story. This description interested me but I thought I knew the story. I definitely didn‘t. It was just enough foreshadowing to question/think you know what‘s going on; but not enough to give it completely away. I really enjoyed it. 🙂

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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All things considered I'd say this was a pretty good book. I would recommend it to those who like a romantic thriller.

Please read my full review here:

EadieB @TheReadingMermaid Nice review! I agree this book does need fleshing out! 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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When you go to the bookstore and you have no self control. I just bought a bunch of books and ordered two but I cannot wait to read it. Knitting now but reading definitely tomorrow.

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This is one you will either love or hate. It‘s slow in the beginning but rather predictable in the end with a major twist that I would consider unbelievable. You just have to read it for yourself and decide what you think. Read carefully as the premise of the story is a bit confusing. For all these reasons, I can only give 3 stars which may be a bit generous from me.

#TheFirstMistake #SandieJones

BeansPage Damn girl I'm totally reading this one right now... 😲 5y
EadieB @TheReadingMermaid Let me know what you think! 5y
BeansPage Will do 👍😃👍 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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I'm finally getting through all my ARCs! 🎉🎉🎉

Starting this one today. Has anyone read it yet? 😃

MeganAnnabell Yes! I liked The Other Woman by this author better but this one wasn‘t bad! 5y
ashsbookmarks I have this too and haven‘t read it 🤭 5y
Alfoster I liked it!❤️ 5y
Kappadeemom I enjoyed it! 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This is a fun twisty thriller. It‘s a quick read and I didn‘t figure out the twist too soon.
Book 3 of #BFCr2

tammysue Happy to see you enjoyed it too 🖤 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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GIVEAWAY on my IG hollyreadsalot

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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I really enjoyed The Other Woman but this one just wasn‘t my favorite. There were plenty of twists and surprises but I feel like it was missing something.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Oh man, this one was a struggle for me! That‘s partly my fault - I‘m in the middle of a serious reading rut - and partly because I just couldn‘t get into this one. Taking a short break helped somewhat and I started to enjoy it more once I went back, however I still found the twists very predictable and didn‘t particularly connect with any characters. I did think the premise was interesting and think others might enjoy it more. 🌟🌟🌟

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This has so many twists and turns, add to that a possible double (yes, double?) identity how could I not like it! An excellent written domestic thriller with an ending I didn‘t see coming (which I love!) This book started a tad slow for me but I stayed with it and once I got into the book it was difficult for me to put down. 4 ☆

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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This picture is a few weeks old and my older cat was getting up so she‘s blurred but let me introduce you to Nala the newest member of the family

Clwojick 😍😱 5y
Melli We have a resident cat in the block who had kittens and hubby rescued her when she finally brought them to the neighbors porch that feeds the momma cat 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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I was late to this party but I am glad I joined it! I enjoyed The Other Woman, but this one was better!

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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones

This was a quick and satisfying read with just enough wicked, just enough suspense and the perfect amount of twists. Told from multiple points of view, Jones' writing is unflinching and astute. Her characters are carefully crafted and believable. She tells a mesmerizing story and I couldn't put it down. Jones was fresh and exciting. That Hitchcockian ending will have readers second guessing what they just read. Brilliant!

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Excited that my name was included in the acknowledgments of the First Mistake by Sandie Jones!!! #ivemadethefirstmistake

DebinHawaii Very cool! 😎 5y
robinb 🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏 5y
Sarah83 Do you know the author? 🤩 5y
Mowen036 @Sarah83 I was on her launch team for the other woman and the first mistake so she thanked all who helped with both. 😄 5y
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The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Killer book! Loved the dual storylines - both Alice and Beth's pasts were captivating. Although I figured out the big twist early on, it was still worth the read for all the hidden twists and surprises throughout! Fun ending too...
Thanks @Mowen036 for the giveaway. 👏👍

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Now this one had me hook, line, and sinker from the start. It was a little easy to predict but for me that didn‘t take away from the story. Man the storytelling was GOOD. I liked Alice right away and was rooting for her the whole way. The First Mistake was available to purchase starting yesterday, June 11, 2019!

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones

Alice has questions about her past. Her past was not what she thought. I loved this book, there was so many twists and turns.

The First Mistake | Sandie Jones
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Happy #bookbirthday to these three books! 🥳🎂🎈#TheFirstMistake #ThePaperWasp #TheGrandDark