Next up for reading. At around 870 pages, it's likely going to take a while to get through.
Next up for reading. At around 870 pages, it's likely going to take a while to get through.
Aaaaahhhh I found a Friends of the Library bookstore and most of their books are $2 and I would get in soooo much trouble if they were closer to me, LOL. Colonize This! and Battle Cry of Freedom have been on my TBR list for quite some time, so those made me really happy. The Kathy Love books look fun, and Brandon Sanderson is a favorite author of ours. The bottom book is a college level history book, and I should brush up. #bookhaul
Tour de force. I recommend this for anyone trying to make sense of our country today.
Today is Memorial Day in the US, a public holiday to remember those women and men of the armed forces who died while serving their country.
The holiday began as a day to specifically remember those who died before and during during the American Civil War, but was expanded to include all conflicts after World War 1.
Lincoln considered Rosecrans "confused and stunned like a duck hit on the head."
A duck? Do they get particularly stunned when whacked on the noggin? More so than a person? Or a goose?
And how does Lincoln know?
Lincoln too considered secession the “essence of anarchy.” He branded state sovereignty a “sophism.” “The Union is older than any of the States,” Lincoln asserted, “and, in fact, it created them as States.” The Declaration of Independence transformed the “United Colonies” into the United States; without this union then, there would never have been any “free and independent States.
Learned today that the phrase "wage slave" was popularized by Southern slaveowners, to show that their type of slavery was kinder than the Northern variety.
Me last night. For a long time.
I never understood people (everyone) who say they can only read one book at a time. How is reading multiple books any different from watching multiple TV shows? Do you get Game of Thrones confused with The Simpsons confused with America's Got Talent?
This is the jumbled pile of everything I'm reading, just finished, or about the start, excluding stuff on the Nook.
Starting to pack for vacation. I read slowly and won't have tons of time to read... But I don't want to run out of books...... I think I've got 4,000 pages already as suitcase liners.
It's Fun Friday Photo time! Today's photo: What do you like to read books about? I like reading about sharks, bats, Francis Bacon, books about books, the Black Death, and the Civil War. This is my CW book collection. Show me what you're interested in! And be sure to tag me in your photo!