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Peace Talks
Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
HARRY DRESDEN IS BACK AND READY FOR ACTION, in the new entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling Dresden Files. When the Supernatural nations of the world meet up to negotiate an end to ongoing hostilities, Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, joins the White Council's security team to make sure the talks stay civil. But can he succeed, when dark political manipulations threaten the very existence of Chicago--and all he holds dear?
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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#Peace ☮️✌️ #DecemberDreams 🎄🎅🏻🦌☃️❄️

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Eggs 🩵🕊️🤍 9mo
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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This felt a bit off. Maybe because it's book 16. Maybe because it's building up to what happens in book 17.

Anyway, I think it would have worked better as a novella. (just like Ghost Story)

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

Low pick

TheSpineView You are killing this series!👏👏👏 2y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I'll be doing a lot of reading at the weekend. Just not for pleasure. There are 39 speaking exams to get through on Saturday and Sunday. By the end of it I'm going to be able to sing the script dancing a merry jig when you wake me in the middle of the night.

In other words, I'm going to do have to do all my weekend reading today. 😂😂

Book 16 of the Dresden Files is on.

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Enjoy your reading day! 2y
TrishB Sounds fun 😁 2y
Andrew65 Best of luck with the exams 👊 2y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Oh my goodness, this one basically ended on a cliffhanger and there is only 1 more published book! I started reading this series in 2016 (first book was published in 2000). Can‘t believe I‘m almost going to have no more to read.

This was book 16 in the Dresden Files. The world is completely different than the beginning of the books. And I kind of miss characters from the beginning.

#SeriesLove2023 #JumpStart2023

TheSpineView Good job! I need to finish this series at some point. 2y
Clwojick Way to go! Hopefully the next book holds up! 🥰 2y
Andrew65 Wow! Well done 🎉 I‘ve still only read the first two, but know that angst from being up to date and having to impatiently wait for the next one. 2y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 2y
Eggs 💙🖤💙 2y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I haven‘t been feeling so great lately and my furry cuddle team has been in full effect. We spent a little time listening to Dresden files together while I worked on this gorgeous Swan today. #audiocrafting #catsoflitsy #lennox #huey

LiteraryinPA I hope better times are ahead! 2y
Johanna414 I love that blanket! Hope you‘re feeling better soon 💙 Cat cuddles always seem to help 2y
VeganCleopatra Beautiful. Your own pattern or are you following one? 2y
jen_hayes7 @LiteraryinLawrence @Johanna414 Thank you both so much!! I really appreciate the well wishes. ♥️ 2y
jen_hayes7 @VeganCleopatra Thank you!! This is a pattern by Hook Line & Tinker. They have beautiful stuff!! 2y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Have a couple assembled so far! Not the easiest thing I‘ve made but they look pretty cool. The back fabric is vintage kimono fabric from Kyoto. Pretty neat! #audiocrafting

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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A little #audiocrafting today. Getting ready to assemble these Sashiko coasters and listening to some Dresden files. Happy Saturday, Littens!

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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🎧 This book is really the first half of a chonker that was broken in half. Happily I didn‘t have to wait for the second half.

I‘m so far behind in my reviews. Work‘s busy.

Well this book gets grief. Maybe for being less action-packed than others. There a lot of backstory that‘ll be used in book two. If you‘re a Dresden fan you‘ll enjoy the book. Harry 🖤 Murph. James Marsters is a fabulous narrator!

I enjoyed this book!


Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I know this artist that does original art remarks for certain books (Dresden Files for sure). I just got mine today and it‘s so awesome!

BookishMarginalia That‘s amazing! 3y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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“That‘ll put marzipan in your pie plate.”

Got to love a Buffy reference. But the nod to James Marsters who reads the audiobooks is even better. #BTVS #BuffyNerd

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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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#oppositeday #war

Day 3: War

TheKidUpstairs ❤📚 3y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Definitely wished I had re-read more of the previous books before picking this one up as it was a lot of previous characters that I was struggling to remember. Overall really enjoyed it, pretty classic for the Dresden Files. Now about to dive into Battle Ground next!

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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"Home, like love, hate, war, and peace, is one of those words that is so important that it doesn't need more than one syllable. Home is part of the fabric of who humans are. Doesn't matter if you're a vampire or a wizard or a secretary or a school teacher; you have to have a home, even if only in principle--there has to be a zero point from which you can make comparisons to everything else. Home tends to be it."

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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Day 5: Magical

This series is about a wizard named Harry Dresden. 🧙‍♀️

🖤The Dresden Files!

TheKidUpstairs I enjoyed the first, but never continued with the series. So many books, so little time! 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I finished this almost a month ago. I just haven‘t had time to post anything. Here‘s the short and sweet: if you like Dresden, you‘ll love this. It‘s pure, unadulterated Harry. Maybe a tad softer than usual, but close. Having family will do that to you. It‘s lots of fun and it‘s a fast read. I know I‘ll probably get some hate for this, but I (so far) do not see the point of splitting this novel in two. We shall see when I get to the second half.

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Another one off the TBR mountain. #WinterGames2020

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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@Tove_Reads - here is a small sample of my bookmark collection. Friends have brought me bookmarks from their world travels, I treasure homemade bookmarks and the little red "Holiday Prayer" is the oldest in my collection- it is from my parents in December 1991.

DinoMom Someday when I at your house I would love to your bookmark collection! 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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A few years in between books, then two back to back! Needless to say I was a little worried, but he did a good job catching me up with the major factions as they all gathered for an unprecedented peace talk. However the next book is entitled Battle Ground, so it was safe going in to assume that the “talks” might not go as planned. Still quite a few surprises, and left all the players on the field for the battle to commence....all except 1!

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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After needing to finish some less than stellar books first and...spending a few hours reading through recaps of the last book, I get to sink into this. I just don‘t have the time to do rereads. Series these days are making me crazy that way. I‘ve been reading these books for over a decade, but I can‘t keep track when there‘s years between books. It‘s becoming commonplace.😤 Anyway, loving it so far! No big surprise. It‘s so much fun!

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Peace Talks by Jim Butcher
Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟 1/2

What I liked: All of the magical action and Harry's smartass mouth.

What I didn't like: I feel like the story didn't really get started until it was almost over. I know another book is coming out soon but I just wasn't fully interested in this particular story. I don't know if he meant to use Peace Talks as a set up for Battle Ground, but I was a bit underwhelmed.

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Generally speaking, I‘m quite a merry DNFer - don‘t like it? Banished back to the library or into a box for the op shop... so it was quite the predicament when I stalled reading Peace Talks - the SIXTEENTH book in The Dresden Files 🥺 my main issue is that I have no memories of what happened in the last book- which isn‘t unreasonable when you consider it came out in 2014....

Bookzombie When that happens to me I go look for a review with spoilers of the book I can‘t remember, lol. 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Bookzombie, I read the synopsis and none of it rang any bells 😅🤔 I should see it the reviews are helpful 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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🎧 I saw The Dresden Files TV show 1st. Love Harry! The 1st books followed the TV show. I admit to skipping 12 books. Let me tell ya, I was afraid to pick up book 16 but here are my thoughts ...

Didn‘t have to read books 5-15! LOVED IT! James Marsters ROCKS! Yes it‘s 1/2 the story! There are whiners reviewing this book 🤨 just buy the next book if you want the ending! If you‘re a casual fan you‘ll probably love it! Die hards? IDK 🙄 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/3

BookmarkTavern I saw the show first too! I had no idea it was based on a book series until like a month later! 😂 4y
Twainy @ozma.of.oz ditto!! I imagine the books surpass the show so I‘m going to dig in to that stack of 12 books & probably dust off the tv season on dvd 😁 4y
BookmarkTavern I read the first one after, but I didn‘t really continue. But knowing that James Marsters reads them, I may have to now! 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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We went for a drive and sat by the bay for a little bit. It was nice being out for a bit even though I‘m not quite up to walking yet. James Marsters is the perfect narrator for the Dresden Files books.

wanderinglynn Yes, he does a fantastic job narrating. 👍🏻💜 4y
Seekingtardis Yes!! I third this!! 4y
KathyWheeler @wanderinglynn and @Seekingtardis — my other favorite narrator is Kobna Holdbrook-Smith who reads the Rivers of London series, also about a wizard. 4y
LinesUponAPage I‘m glad you got out. Water always heals. 😉🌻 4y
KathyWheeler @Lifeisasnap It really does. 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I cannot think of a better time than to have a Harry Dresden book to read. Of course this one was just as fun and exciting as any other with Harry and his band of fun friends and frenemies.

This one ends in a cliffhanger, and we are waiting patiently for the next book in September.

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Harry Dresden made a Harry Potter joke and it‘s the best thing ever! 🧙🏻‍♂️

KathyWheeler Love it! I‘m reading Peace Talks right now but haven‘t gotten to that point yet. 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Six long years since the last book & I think time away did the series some good. Peace Talks has that earlier feel, something I can't quite codify, but it brought me back to what I loved about the books. It's also only half the tale as I believe the rest will be in Battle Ground. Hopefully then we'll see how Dresden saves his vampire brother, fulfills his promise to the faerie queens, & defeats the bad guy who plans to wipe Chicago off the map.

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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1/ Peace Talks, the latest Harry Dresden novel
2/ in the recliner in my new home office or at the beach. For audiobooks, I like to be either walking somewhere or on a drive.
3/ I honestly can‘t think of any.

Eggs 👏🏻📚🎶🤗 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I was so excited to finally get this... until I realised I have no memory at all of the last book 😬😬😬

cleoh I‘m just starting this series! Currently on book 2 and enjoying it 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @cleoh, it‘s a fun series ☺️ but a 6 year gap between books has my memory scrambling... 4y
cleoh @thegirlwiththelibrarybag ah yes that would do it 😅 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Finally finally finally!!!

I loved the subtle Harry Potter reference...well played Jim, well played!!!😉

Super enjoyed it and can‘t wait for “Battle Ground”!

KathyWheeler I didn‘t know it was out yet! Yay! 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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My reading buddy today as I attempt to finish my book. He doesn't seem to be to worried about Harry and the mess he has gotten himself into 🤔🤷‍♀️🤓

tpixie So sweet 🐱 4y
sharread So cute! 😻💝💞💕 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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It's finally here!

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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Took the morning off, but I'm here at the library this afternoon. And these are the books I will be cataloging today. 😁📚

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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6 years we have been waiting for this!
All I can say now is: Do not disturb!! 😁

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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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This is my favorite series of all time and the author that most influences my own writing.

I've waiting 6 years for this book and I'm in tears of joy on this wonderful LAUNCH DAY! I've never been so excited to clean my house so I can listen to this book.

wanderinglynn Ooh, I can‘t wait to read it 👍🏻 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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It has been six years waiting for this book. I downloaded it the minute it was available. Good news is we get another book in September! 🎈🎉 Love this series! 💗
#dresdenfiles #jimbutcher

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Us Dresden Files fans have been waiting for this book for 6 whole years!! And now we are getting 2 new books in one year!! 🎉🎉🎉
I have been so excited and am dying to get my hands in it!
This book has to break my reading slump 🙏

RachelAmphlett Mine‘s ordered! 4y
Katerina @RachelAmphlett Mine too! I hope I really do get it on Tuesday. 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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It's not covered or even in the system yet but it is here!!! Do you think anyone will notice if I just take it home for the weekend 🤔😜🤓 #librarylife

Branwen I say go for it! 😁👍 4y
jackilynn @Branwen if the head of circulation wasn't such a stickler for doing things the right way I probably would lol 4y
Branwen @jackilynn Booooooo that stinks! 😣 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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First place: Harry Dresden to Burger King! He is currently my favorite character and I may or may not have a little crush on him ☺️. Burger King is his favorite place next to McAnnally‘s Pub and IHOP, but we do not have either of those (and in Mac‘s case something similar) in South Adrica🤦‍♀️!

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I‘ve seen a lot off these...but this one is my favorite!!!

And yes I can‘t wait for Peace Talks & Battle Ground!!! 😍😍😍

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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I can‘t wait!!! I can‘t wait!!! I can‘t wait!!! 😱😍😱😍😱😍😱😍😱😍😱😍😱😍

Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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Chapter 2 was released today on Jim‘s website...do I dare?!?!?
I soooo badly want to read it...but the community are already buzzing and making references that make me think cliffhanger and will they keep releasing chapters or will we have to wait for the release?


KathyWheeler I‘m waiting for it to be released. 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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The first chapter of “Peace Talks” are up on Jim‘s Website...head over and give it a read, if you dare! 😎😎😎

RachelAmphlett Omg can‘t wait for my pre-order to turn up! 😀🧙‍♀️ 4y
ShelleyBooksie I just love this series 4y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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‪To celebrate Jim Butcher‘s release of the new Dresden Files book, Peace Talks, Penguin RandomHouse is giving away a signed set of every book!


robinb Good series? I've never read him. (edited) 5y
wanderinglynn @robinb 👍🏻 Yes, I‘ve enjoyed the Dresden files. I also like Butcher‘s fantasy series, The Codex Alera, which starts with (edited) 5y
robinb @wanderinglynn Thanks for the info! 🙂 👍 5y
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TheAromaofBooks Still haven't read the Dresden Files, despite the fact that I absolutely loved the Codex Alera. 5y
TheLibrarian Thanks for the info! My boss is currently reading the series and loving it and now it‘s on my radar. 5y
wanderinglynn @TheAromaofBooks the Dresden Files are quite different than his Codex Alera series. Still fun, but different. 5y
wanderinglynn @TheLibrarian my pleasure! I always hope a Litten wins these sweepstakes. 😉 5y
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Peace Talks | Jim Butcher
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The 2nd most anticipated thing in 2020 (for me) is the release of Peace talks and today the COVER WAS REVEALED and we got an excerpt from the book!


#Majorfictionalcrush #FavAuthor #FavSeries


ralexist It's about time! 5y
Laughterhp I should continue with this series. I‘ve read 7 so far! 5y
AutumnRLS I'm so excited! Harry Dresden is my book crush forever. ❤❤❤ 5y
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