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Reading Women: How the Great Books of Feminism Changed My Life | Stephanie Staal
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When Stephanie Staal first read The Feminine Mystique in college, she found it a mildly interesting relic from another era. But more than a decade later, as a married stay-at-home mom in the suburbs, Staal rediscovered Betty Friedans classic workand was surprised how much she identified with the laments and misgivings of 1950s housewives. She set out on a quest: to reenroll at Barnard and re-read the great books she had first encountered as an undergrad. From the banishment of Eve to Judith Butlers Gender Trouble, Staal explores the significance of each of these classic tales by and of women, highlighting the relevance these ideas still have today. This process leads Staal to find the self she thought she had lostcurious and ambitious, zany and criticaland inspires new understandings of her relationships with her husband, her mother, and her daughter.
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Having finished #readharder2019 and #aussiesrule2019, I move on toward finishing #readingwomen2019. Here is my challenge so far. Any recs for books in Appalachia, Lambda winners,books from 2018 Reading Women shortlist? Prefer SF, YA, romance, maybe mystery /thriller.

Lindy You might enjoy this Lambda winner: 5y
Butterfinger Congratulations on your finished challenges. I should know some titles for the Appalachia prompt. I'm thinking Kingsolver wrote one that we had to read in college (History of Appalachia course), but it was 20 years ago. 5y
Lindy PS. Ignore the book description when you link to The Gilda Stories. They aren‘t personal essays. Well, maybe they are, if the person writing them is an African American vampire who has lived for centuries. 5y
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Scochrane26 For Appalachia, you could count The Animators- it‘s partly set in the area. Or kingsolver—animal, vegetable, miracle. George Ella Lyon writes poetry and shorter books, I like With a hammer for a heart. I might think of others in a few min. 5y
Scochrane26 I knew I was forgetting an important one—Kim Michele Richardson wrote The Book woman of Troublesome Creek. She has a few others, but I think this is her best one. And a nonfiction one I like is What we‘re getting wrong about Appalachia by Elizabeth Catte (?). (edited) 5y
Butterfinger Denise Giardini was the other one we read for my Appalachia course. 5y
Laughterhp I‘m trying to read this one for Lambda winner 5y
Laughterhp I read this for the Shortlist 5y
Lauredhel @Laughterhp oh yes I've read Terra Nullius long ago, it was amazing. Got a signed copy of The Old Lie at a Coleman author event last week! 5y
Jillylovesbooks I read this for the Lambda winner 5y
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I don‘t *actually* want this job (for a whole bunch of reasons: it‘s part-time, it‘d be an hour & a half commute *at best* [this is me talking myself out of applying]). But, oh man! (Assistant) Children‘s Librarian at a “Ladies Library” (in a seaside town)? Fuck yeah! 🙌🏻 If only...

Honestly, I think if it were full-time, I‘d do it & just eat the commute. Sigh...

julesG Apply for it. Maybe part-time can mean 3 full days a week. 6y
monalyisha @julesG I wish! The hours are laid-out quite clearly in the posting. But maybe I‘ll think about applying & trying to sway them with my overwhelming amount of charm. 😉 6y
julesG Fingers crossed! 6y
Branwen Go for it! You never know, it could turn into a full time position once you get your foot in the door! 💕📚 6y
monalyisha @Branwen On second thought, full-time would mean making the commute on a daily basis. I can‘t even imagine how long that would be with summer beach traffic... Alas, I think I must pass. But what a great gig for the right person! (edited) 6y
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For the month of Dec we have “Idle Tears”🤔 by Edward Robert Hughes.

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I have my books planned for the 2019 #ReadingWomenChallenge now, too. 😃 Almost all are from my existing tbr, and every one of them is by a female author.

Together with my planned books for #Booked2019 and #Popsugar2019 I have exactly 100 books scheduled for next year. That should still leave me time for at least 50 other books I can choose as I go. So, I‘m probably done signing up for 2019 challenges now. Possibly. Maybe. 😂

sammisho @LoverofLit I wanna do this one too!! 6y
LoverofLit Man come on! You're killing me! But this one does sound for real so good. How can I pass up an amazing woman challenge?! 👯💪❤ 6y
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sprainedbrain @LoverofLit @sammisho If you go to the website, they even have helpful ideas for some of the prompts. 😬 https://www.readingwomenpodcast.com/reading-women-challenge-2019/ 6y
sammisho @LoverofLit we can overlap with #pop18 and #booked18, right? Thanks for the tip @sprainedbrain 6y
LoverofLit I love helpful ideas...Dangit! It means I'm definitely doing 3 challenges 😅😍 #Booked2019 #pop19 #readingwomenchallenge 6y
sprainedbrain @LoverofLit 😂😂😂 6y
BarbaraBB It sounds great. But I‘ve also planned the Around The Year (ATY) challenge of Goodreads (and Booked and Pop) which is already way too much and will frustrate me by March... but I so love the planning 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 6y
mreads I'm doing this challenge too! Plus the #booked2019 and I started a century read challenge that I'm supposed to complete by July 2019 6y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB I was thinking of doing ATY casually with my ‘extra‘ books if they fit... that was actually the first ever reading challenge I did years ago, and I love it. I started out this year with ideas for 6 different challenges, but I‘m only going to finish 4. I don‘t use the same book for more than one challenge/prompt, though... Some of the best books I‘ve read this year have been for challenges—I just love them. 😃 6y
sprainedbrain @mreads is that the #192019 challenge? I started that one last hear but I don‘t think I‘m going to get it done. 😬 6y
LauraBeth I need to finish up my selections for the Reading Women challenge! I‘m looking forward to seeing what you‘ll be reading 😀 6y
BarbaraBB That is tough, not reading one book for multiple prompts! Cool! ATY looks very nice. 6y
mreads @sprainedbrain not familiar with #192019 just heard a few podcasters mention a century read and I wasn't interested at first thinking eh I don't want to read books by a bunch of white guys but then around June decided I would do the challenge but keep to majority women or poc if male. Its been a good challenge 6y
sprainedbrain @mreads that‘s an excellent approach. 😃 6y
sprainedbrain @LauraBeth can‘t wait to see your choices! 6y
Liz_M Ooh, this looks like an excellent challenge! 😍 6y
kspenmoll Thanks for posting! 6y
alisiakae I want to do this one too, but not sure if I can manage 3 year-long challenges! It‘s tempting me to take a break from #pop19 6y
Cinfhen I tried to bite off more than I could chew last year so I‘m only doing two this year but I see a lot of crossover here.... maybe I‘ll see what books I can knock off with my other challenges. Thanks for sharing 💚 6y
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@thereadingwomen have a photo challenge going this month! Woo hoo! #readingwomenmonth

MirrorMask Thanks! 6y
Weaponxgirl @MirrorMask your very welcome, I just found out about it on the blog 😊 6y
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I‘m not keeping up with any photo challenges this month but I had to share for #ReadingResolutions #bookishpodcast 🎉🎉 Simply the best!

writerlibrarian Love this podcast 💜 6y
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I'm so happy that @thereadingwomen podcast is now available on Spotify - I'm a fierce Spotify user and now I'll be sure to never miss an episode by downloading them on my phone! If you've never listened to this podcast, be sure to go check them out 📚❤

ReadingEnvy How did you make it happen? Are they still curating or can you submit? 7y
ephemeralwaltz @ReadingEnvy I'm not sure what you mean but @kdwinchester and @autumnprivett ARE still curating! The podcast just wasn't available on the Spotify podcasts platform, but was added a few days ago! 7y
ReadingEnvy @ephemeralwaltz oh doh sorry, thought it was one of them I was responding to 🤭 7y
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Lidia Great news! 7y
kdwinchester @ReadingEnvy Our host, Libsyn, now has Spotify as a destination. I just filled out the form and submitted it. 7y
ReadingEnvy @kdwinchester wonderful! Nice to be wherever you can be. 🌟 7y
UrsulaMonarch Love this podcast! 7y
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@MrBook 's list of #booksaboutbooks reminded me of this gem. To this day one of my favorite books, the author talks about the books she read in her Women's Studies classes and how they affected her life. It's a wonderful little book with lots of breadcrumbs to feminist classics. (Many of which I bought because of what she wrote about them.) If you don't know where to start with #FeministLit, start here!

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This year I'm making reading a number one priority. I'm participating in 7 reading challenges, 2 real life book clubs + an online book club. My goal is to read at least 75 books + graphic novels with at least 60% female or femme authors, 25% authors of colour + 10% LGBTQ+ authors or main characters. I'll be using each book I read across all 7 challenges (where possible) + trying to slot the book club books into reading challenge prompts if I can.

ofbooksandme Since last year I formed a booked club with some friends and we decided we wanted to read only books written by women in any genre other than realism or romance (aka read genres in which women are not generally praised) and I have to say it's a wonderful idea. This year I'm going for more geographical diversity and more POC also. 7y
Cinfhen Impressive!!!! #multitasking #multiplayer 😍🙌🏻 7y
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merelybookish Easy peasy! 😀 7y
UrsulaMonarch 👏👏👏 7y
tif @ofbooksandme I think diversity is so important! If we only read people who are the same as us we can never expand our world view 😊 7y
tif @merelybookish 😂😂 7y
tif @Cinfhen let's see how I go 😆😆 7y
tif @Lkelly ✊✊✊ 7y
Cathythoughts Go for it 👍👍✨ 7y
tif @Cathythoughts go hard or go home is my motto 😁😁 7y
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Love my new small calendar, fillled with pictures of works of art portraying women engaged in our favorite activity! #newyear

batsy Lovely 😍 7y
Tamra Awesome! 7y
merelybookish Oh nice! I love paintings of reading women. 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm From your description, I know I‘ll love it too 😊 7y
bedandabook Beautiful! 7y
DivineDiana @merelybookish I actually created a Pinterest file to collect them! 7y
Christine11 That‘s lovely 😊 7y
Tanisha_A Wow, that picture! 💚 7y
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Came across another 2018 challenge worth sharing. This one is hosted by The Reading Women and it‘s appropriately called the #ReadingWomenChallenge 💁🏻‍♀️ This seems like a fun way to read more female authored books. I‘m not sure how many of these I‘ll get to in 2018, but I‘ll certainly tag the ones I do! 🤗 Who is participating in this one?

For more info visit: https://www.readingwomenpodcast.com/reading-women-challenge-2018

Captivatedbybooks Lol with all the challenges ive found and wanna try the first 15 pages of my bujo has to do with books LOL 7y
Jeannie I‘m doing this one too! I‘m excited that I can fill almost all of these categories with books I already own and haven‘t read. Anything to help me tackle my gigantic TBR is great :) 7y
mhillis I‘m doing this challenge! Already finished one book🤩 7y
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Jess7 Perfect!! @Captivatedbybooks @Jeannie and @mhillis !! @britt_brooke did you know about this one? 7y
amvs1111 I'm so ambivalent about challenges other than overall total because I like to pick my next read by mood. That being said, this one is very appealing. 7y
Jess7 I think there are enough descriptions that you could make most of them just by reading what you already were planning to read. I thought it looked fun! @amvs1111 7y
britt_brooke @Jess7 I didn‘t know about this one, but I‘m SO bad at challenges, lol! 7y
amvs1111 @Jess7 Good point--especially when there are so many amazing women writers out there! 7y
Jess7 If you look at the prompts, I bet you will read some books in 2018 that will meet the descriptions anyway, so you could add the hashtag whenever you do. That‘s how I‘m planning to do it, at least. @britt_brooke (edited) 7y
Jess7 I agree! @amvs1111 7y
tracy.m.ng Great challenge! uprooted could satisfy the fairy tale challenge! 7y
tracy.m.ng Local author: if anyone lives in NJ, I would suggest March Forth by Deirdre Hopkins. This is her first book and it‘s very cute and witty! 7y
WarpedSweetness I'm doing this one! I'm really excited about it. :-) 7y
Deborah42 I‘ll be doing this one. 7y
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These are some of my favorite books written by women--at least the ones I own!! 😄😄😄 This stack is crowned by my #currentread that I KNOW will be a favorite. 😍 #readathon #thereadingwomen #readmorewomen #deweysreadathon #minichallenge

cathysaid Mrs. Dalloway 💕💕 7y
Jas16 Beloved was one of my picks too! 7y
Oryx The Interestings was great 7y
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Natasha.C.Barnes @Oryx Yes!!! I loved it--I even went and followed people on Litsy who had posted favorable reviews of it, as a way of finding ppl with similar tastes! I wonder if that's how I ended up following you! ☺️ 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @cathysaid 😍😍😍 I totally agree. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Jas16 Did you read it in print or audio? I adored the author-read audio, her voice was perfect. 7y
Jas16 @Natasha.C.Barnes print but I will keep the audio in mind for my next reread 7y
LA_Mead I ❤️ "The Wangs vs. the World." Such a great book! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @LA_Mead YES! I'm so glad you liked it, I've seen a lot of lukewarm reviews. 7y
Oryx @Natasha.C.Barnes I've done that too, for my favourites. I've definitely posted on that book, so could be! 7y
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My 2017 #ReadingGoals:

*Read 50 books
*Read at least 30% authors of color
*Read at least 50% women authors
*Finish the #ReadHarder Challenge
*Finish the #LitsyAtoZ Challenge

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Tonight's project is working on a 2017 reading journal. It is loosely based on a bullet journal format, but I'm doing it my own way. I've color-coded the challenges, and am making a list of all the books I've selected, leaving room for more as I continue to fill in challenge categories. The plan is then to make notes and comments on everything I read.

Peddler410 I plan to do the same thing! Tomorrow I will start. Happy Year 🎩🎉 8y
SharonGoforth @Peddler410 Happy New Year to you, too!! 🎉🎉 8y
mhillis Good idea! 8y
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SharonGoforth @mhillis Thanks 😊 8y
rubyslippersreads ❤❤❤ this! 8y
christineandbooks I have color-coded my challenges and my TBR list to go with them also! So fun! 8y
readinginthedark I like it! I should do that! 8y
SharonGoforth @readingjnthedark Thanks! Hope you do 😊 8y
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