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Emily's Quest
Emily's Quest | L. M. Montgomery
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"I love Emily."-Madeleine L'Engle Will Emily's Dreams Ever Come True? High school is over and Emily Starr is ready to find her destiny...but she's not quite ready to leave the safety of New Moon farm. She knows that she doesn't need New York City or some other exotic locale to help her become a famous writer. But as all of Emily's friends begin moving away to pursue their own aspirations in exciting places, she wonders if she's made the right choice. After suffering through a devastating illness, receiving rejection notices from multiple publishers, and nearly losing Teddy, her childhood sweetheart, Emily realizes that her quest for love, acceptance, and happiness is far from over. This new edition lovingly restores the original, unabridged text and includes an all-new, exclusive introduction with special memories from L.M. Montgomery's granddaughter. What Readers Are Saying: "Emily's Quest is my favorite of the Emily books (probably of all her books), and a wonderful real for any romantic like me." "Wonderful. As with all the Montgomery books, the beauty of the world captures you. Emily's Quest is a brilliant end to a most charming series of books." "Emily's Quest is truly a wonderful ending to one of the best stories ever written."
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Devoured the final Emily book in one day somehow. It was very very good. The relationships, the growth, and especially creativity struggles were very well written. The only drawback for me was probably the way the ending was wrapped up, but still it was a very good conclusion of the trilogy, and the saga was a pleasure to read.

Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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I just stayed up a little too late to finish this. I got to a certain point and had to know how it ended. I love Emily, and I'll definitely reread this trilogy in the future. I, too, was in love with an artist from childhood on (we've now been married almost 20 years), and there is NO WAY pride or anything else would have kept me from showing up if he'd whistled to me like Teddy does for Emily. I always had zero pride when it came to John. ❤️

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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LMM is *clearly* basing these bad reviews on actual reviews of her own books, right? Because this one sounds like it's describing one of the middling Anne books. (Ahem, I'm so sorry, but I do not miss Cornelia Bryant.)

BarbaraJean Ha! I wouldn‘t be surprised if these were based on reviews she herself received. (I‘m fine with Miss Cornelia, it‘s Aunt Mary Maria I cannot abide.) 7mo
lauraisntwilder @BarbaraJean I didn't like Aunt Mary Maria, but it feels like the reader isn't supposed to like her. Miss Cornelia is supposed to be someone we like and, I mean, she's fine, but I'd have preferred more Anne and less Cornelia. 7mo
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery

This is probably a bit too conveniently ended, but sometimes I need that in a book, especially for one where I identiy so strongly wih the main character 😂 Love this trilogy!

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I‘ve loved re-reading the Emily books for the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead. This third book was more muddled & problematic than I remembered, and I do think in the end Montgomery wasn‘t quite able to reconcile Emily‘s writing & her love story. But Emily is still my favorite L.M. Montgomery heroine, and I‘ll return to New Moon and Shrewsbury with her again… even if she breaks my heart along the way like she always does.

Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Emily and I didn‘t get a good start but as I‘ve read her story I‘ve fallen in love with Emily and her aunts, uncle and friends. After finishing school Emily returns to New Moon to start her writing career, while her friends continue out into the world.

The ending had me in tears (but to be honest that doesn‘t take too much)


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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Emily‘s Quest discussion part 6:

There are some lighter moments in the book, as well as some triumphs for Emily. What were some of the high points of this book for you?

What are your thoughts on the series as a whole? Which book was your favorite, and why?

rubyslippersreads Emily‘s treatment of her beaux was amusing. And I‘m glad she bought Lofty John‘s Bush. (I like to think that Emily and Teddy eventually bought New Moon.) And this was one of my favorite lines: “A huge, round, striped ball unrolled itself on her bed and opened wide pink jaws.” It‘s so catlike. 😸 3y
rubyslippersreads I love the series, but not as much as I 💜💜💜 Emily of New Moon by itself. It just has something that the other two books don‘t have. It‘s probably also that I read it first, as a little girl; my mom and I discovered it in an old bookstore, and she remembered having loved it. 3y
Jerdencon Having just read these for the first time I have to stay the first book was my favorite but I did like the third also… it just felt real to me. I liked Emily as a character and thought she had good insight into herself. 3y
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sblbooks Some of Emily's proposals were comical. Ranked in order book 1, 3, 2 I probably won't reread these. Overall, it was a disappointment after reading the Anne of Green Gables series. 3y
BarbaraJean I remember New Moon being my least favorite, but on this read, I loved it the best. I love Emily's spirit, the “flash,“ her sweet letters to her father, and her NEED to write. The back & forth with Teddy and awful Dean hit me differently this time, and I missed the Emily of the first book much more. @rubyslippersreads Oh, I 💜 that line about the cat! This book needed more Daff--more cat overall!😸 I loved that she bought Lofty John's Bush, too! 3y
Bkwrm7 The proposal from the writer that she had never met before in her life! I think that was my favorite part. I actually really enjoyed Ilse's dramatic exit from the wedding and her happily ever after with Perry as well. And I was bemused by the throwaway comment at the end about Andrew being a widower - poor Andrew's wife - she died awfully young! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Apparently the unpopular opinion here, but I actually rather enjoyed the second book. I thought it was good for Emily to get out into the wider world & I felt like she grew to appreciate her family & understand them better, while they understood her better as well, beginning to accept her writing & allowing her to become more of an autonomous adult. She was so serious as a child, the 2nd book felt more like her getting into some regular teenage ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) shenanigans! Overall, I really enjoyed reading these and am glad I did, but don't see myself revisiting them. There's a definite melancholy tone to them that just isn't for me, although I can see why it appeals to many. @rubyslippersreads @Jerdencon @Bkwrm7 @sblbooks 3y
quietjenn It's interesting that this is the by far the shortest, but it's the one I remembered the most of, so it has to get points for that. I'm glad that I've revisited it and I do still love it, although I'm certainly more frustrated with it as an adult! Not sure how I'd rank the books individually, as it feels very much like “one book in three volumes,“ as opposed to individual books, to me. 3y
rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks I like the second book more than the third; this one is almost claustrophobic to me. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads - I did feel like this book was somewhat repetitive - Emily realizes she loves Teddy; Emily misunderstands something Teddy says/does so she gets all prideful & snubs him; Emily is devastated when Teddy leaves... & repeat! 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Emily‘s Quest discussion part 5:

This book is far darker than the previous two novels, with Emily‘s sleepless nights, her illness and giving up her writing, the emptiness after she ends her engagement, and her anguish over Teddy.

Do you see Emily grow through these times of sadness and despair?

Were they worth it, in light of how things come together by the end—or does this time feel wasted to you?

rubyslippersreads This book is the most melancholy of the three (I wonder if LMM‘s own experiences with depression influenced it?) I don‘t know if Emily‘s dark times were wasted, but I think if things hadn‘t turned out as they did with Teddy, she would have been extremely unhappy. 3y
Jerdencon I think they helped her grow and it made the story a little more realistic. Life is not easy and there are always ups and downs and I think this showed how Emily‘s downs helped shape her. 3y
sblbooks Emily's dark times definitely changed her, and made her more mature. I do not feel like it was a waste, for example she did start writing again and was able to sell her book. I wish that she could have got together with Teddy sooner though. I thought she would have told him how she felt after Ilse ran out of the wedding. I was disappointed when that didn't happen. 3y
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BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads I think it's a great point that LMM's depression likely contributed to the melancholy tone. @Jerdencon @sblbooks I was actually frustrated by what I saw as a lack of growth in Emily--she retreats inward, hiding her true feelings & needs even from herself for so long. The Emily we see in New Moon & Emily Climbs is so sure about who she is & what she wants, but in this book she lets her Murray pride (and Dean!) ruin so much. 3y
Bkwrm7 Again, @BarbaraJean you've expressed much of what I feel. Even at the end of the book I was still mad about her lost novel and, while I was pleased the disappointed house got its happy ending, the wind-up with Dean felt anticlimactic. 3y
rubyslippersreads @Bkwrm7 I‘d like more about Emily writing more books, and less “Whistle and I‘ll come to you, my lad.” 😏 (edited) 3y
TheAromaofBooks Now that I'm thinking about this question, I think it may be Emily's lack of growth that frustrated me about this book. I don't think her dark times were meaningless, but I feel like the lesson she took out of them was to share less & to be more self-contained, despite the fact that over & over this proved to be detrimental to her long-term happiness. There were SO MANY TIMES where ONE conversation could have made things better, but she ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) continued to hang on to her pride - even when the last time she hung on to her pride ended so badly. It began to frustrate me when the pattern repeated itself so many times. And like @Bkwrm7 I'm still mad about her book! Dean got off way too easily. @rubyslippersreads @sblbooks @Jerdencon 3y
quietjenn The fact that these books are a bit darker and melancholy - especially in comparison to the Anne books (well the Anne-centric Anne books) - is part of why they appealed to me so much. It felt far more realistic and natural to constant scrapes and hijinks. And the fact that she lets her pride get in the way of things and makes the same dumb mistake over and over seems pretty realistic to me too. 3y
rubyslippersreads @quietjenn I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who prefers Emily to Anne (though I love Anne). @TheAromaofBooks I think honest communication with people would have improved Emily‘s life immensely, but she was brought up with the importance of “the Murray pride” over almost all else. I wonder how different she might have been if her father had lived to raise her? 3y
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads - Oooo what a good question! Because we do see certain aspects of Emily's personality were shaped even by the few years that he was alive. It's rather sad to think that Emily's dad had to die in order for the Murrays to take notice of her. :-( 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Emily‘s Quest discussion part 4:

How did you feel about Emily‘s friendships with Perry and Ilse in this book? (How frustrated were you with Ilse and/or Emily?!?)

What did you make of Emily‘s friendship with Mrs. Kent?

rubyslippersreads Her friendship with Ilse seemed shallow in this book, probably because they couldn‘t be honest with each other. Her friendship with Perry improved once he accepted that she would never want to be more than friends. 3y
Jerdencon I felt that her friendship with Ilse could have been developed more in the book - not sure why she never went to see Ilse all those years … I always liked her relationship with Perry even when he thought he wanted to marry Emily. 3y
sblbooks I never really felt like Emily and Ilse had a very good relationship. They were definitely not the Kindred Spirits type. I was frustrated with the lack of communication between the four of them. I like to Emily's in Perrys relationship, even though we didn't see much of it in this book. I like how Emily and Mrs. Kent were able to build a friendship. I just wish they could have been honest with Teddy. 3y
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BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads @Jerdencon I agree; Emily & Ilse's friendship was lacking in this book. I wanted them to have a big blowup fight like they used to, and get everything out in the open. @sblbooks I loved Emily & Ilse in New Moon, but Ilse frustrates me more & more as the series goes on. HOW can she be so self-absorbed & not pick up on how Emily feels about Teddy?! But I loved Emily's friendship with Perry. Probably because it was the most honest! 3y
Bkwrm7 I had forgotten how much time this book spanned and how old they all were by the end. I don't have particularly strong feelings about the friendships between Emily, Ilse and Perry although I agree that everyone should have just had a decent conversation. The depiction of Mrs. Kent troubles me some. It mostly worked for me that she and Emily reconciled, but the excuses for her behavior just don't quite land right for me. 3y
rubyslippersreads @Bkwrm7 I think it‘s a little weird that Emily and Mrs. Kent had a friendship based only on their mutual “unrequited love” for Teddy. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I always liked Emily's friendship with Ilse, but in this story it felt a little clunky, with Ilse being so blind to Emily's feelings. Perry has always been a bit of a likable rapscallion and honestly think he would have been a great match for Emily - I think E & Teddy are just going to spend all their time nattering about poetry 😂 @rubyslippersreads @Bkwrm7 @Jerdencon @sblbooks 3y
quietjenn I've always enjoyed Emily's friendship with Perry and agree with @TheAromaofBooks that he would've been a more interesting pairing for Emily. Teddy is pretty boring 😉. As for Ilse and Emily, they are pretty terrible friends to each other this book. Neither of them are honest with one another and too much of their relationship is focused on just the surface and having fun (although fun has long been Ilse's motivation, so it's in character). 3y
rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks @quietjenn Teddy always seems rather one-dimensional to me. We know he‘s handsome and sensitive and artistic, but it seems to me that we know more about other characters through their actions than we do about Teddy. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Emily‘s Quest discussion part 3:

Let‘s just rant about Dean and how awful he is. Go ahead; get it all out.

Or does he have any redeeming qualities? Do you find anything sympathetic about him?

rubyslippersreads It‘s hard to find anything to like about Dean, and what he did in regard to A Seller of Dreams was unforgivable. I think the only good things he did were saving Emily‘s life in the first book, and giving her and Teddy the Disappointed House in this one. 3y
Jerdencon I didn‘t like him at all - thought he was very selfish at times and completely unrealistic … but was happy he gave the house to Emily and Teddy at the end. 3y
sblbooks I was actually yelling out loud to Emily, no do not marry this guy... what are you doing... I can't believe you agreed to marry him... ECT I was so relieved when she finally called it off. Like others have said, at least in the end he came to accept Teddy and Emily together. 3y
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BarbaraJean @sblbooks Seriously!! She was in such a fragile place and he took advantage of that (AND he was the one who crushed her in the first place when he LIED to her about her book). The lies and condescension about her writing were beyond the pale for me. 3y
BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads @Jerdencon I do like that he finally accepts Emily & Teddy and gives them the house. It takes him way too long to give up his possessiveness & jealousy toward Emily, though. I have to admit, I felt a TINY bit sad about Emily breaking the engagement.....because of the house. Clearly not a good reason to stay, but the descriptions of all the little things they brought in to make it a home...her losing the house broke my heart! 3y
rubyslippersreads @BarbaraJean @Jerdencon It‘s like me kind of wishing she‘d marry boring Andrew just to get New Moon. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I honestly would have been fine with Emily ending up with Dean if Dean had actually “played fair“ - but instead he used his situation to manipulate, undermine, and trick her. What a jerk. @rubyslippersreads @Jerdencon @sblbooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads - I thought the same thing about Andrew! And even though this story technically has a happy ending - I'm honestly still sad deep inside because New Moon is going to go to Andrew someday, someone who obviously doesn't appreciate the “old ways“... I didn't like that part!! 3y
quietjenn I am in no way Team Dean, but in fairness, he had no idea that his lying about Emily's book would cause her to destroy the whole thing in a passion and then injure herself. I am probably more sympathetic to Dean in this book than in others, even though he still has all those qualities that irk me on full display. But Emily should never have accepted his proposal or started to plan a life with him. 3y
rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks I think it‘s mentioned that Andrew would sell New Moon when he inherited, so that would give Emily and Teddy a chance to buy it. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead - Emily‘s Quest discussion part 2:

Emily has episodes of “second sight” in each of the three books—here, when she “calls” to Teddy to prevent him from boarding the Flavian.

What did you think about this episode, especially in comparison to the other two times we see this uncanny ability of hers?

BarbaraJean In a previous discussion, someone mentioned parallels between the Emily books and Jane Eyre, and I definitely thought of Jane Eyre when I read this scene. Emily's “second sight“ felt more natural in book one, then forced in book two. This scene really worked for me, since LMM had already established this type of thing in the two previous books. It recalled that moment with Teddy in the John house, and a very Bronte-esque twinning of souls. 3y
rubyslippersreads Yes, this is very Jane Eyre-ish, as well as being much more natural than the scene in the second book. 3y
Bkwrm7 Agreed that the episode from the second book didn't fit as well. For both the first and the third, the episodes were focused on people very close to Emily which I think is why they seemed more natural to me. She'd never met the people in the 2nd book before she had the vision about them. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Bkwrm7 - I think you've hit it with the difference between Emily knowing or not knowing the people involved. Especially here, the idea of Emily's subconscious knowing that Teddy is in danger & doing what it takes to save him - I actually felt like it fit better with the story than either of the other two episodes. @rubyslippersreads 3y
quietjenn These psychic moments are maybe my least favorite thing about these books. But, it's a such a smart observation the @Bkwrm7 makes. I'd say that this one is the most convincing of all, given the depth of the relationship between she and Teddy. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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#KindredSpiritsBuddy read discussion for Emily‘s Quest - part 1

What‘s your interpretation of the title? Do you see Emily‘s quest as one for career or for love? Or something else?

Are love and career mutually exclusive pursuits for Emily?

How do you think Emily‘s writing would have been impacted if she and Teddy had sorted things out sooner (or if they never had)?

BarbaraJean I struggled with the love/career theme this time. In the past I've been caught up in the Emily/Teddy will-they-won't-they, but this time I was more concerned by Emily losing so much of herself because of both Dean & Teddy. I'm not sure whether Emily herself sees career & love as incompatible by this point in the series (as she seems to do in Emily Climbs); I think LMM wasn't able to sort this out consistently within the narrative, so it's muddled. 3y
rubyslippersreads I see it as Emily‘s quest for the Alpine Path, as well as for happiness, in whatever form it takes. 3y
Jerdencon I see it as a quest for happiness too - but it often felt like that got lost sometimes. 3y
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sblbooks I agree with @Jerdencon and @rubyslippersreads I think it's a combination of both of those things. 3y
Bkwrm7 @BarbaraJean Your comment above expresses my thoughts almost exactly. Watching Emily's ambitions be pushed aside by the last third of the novel was frustrating to me. It was as if once her book was published her career quest was complete and her passion for writing just......disappeared from the page to make room for the love story. I found myself thinking that Ilsa's story might have been more interesting! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I think that maybe one of the reasons this story frustrated me was that I think that if Emily and Teddy had worked things out earlier, Emily wouldn't have found her writing to be incompatible with love. Dean manipulated her into thinking that she couldn't have both for his own reasons, and I hated that. I think it's also possible that LMM felt like she could have both, but society at the time thought a woman couldn't, leading to the muddled ⬇ 3y
quietjenn I agree with what others have said. I think the nature of the quest shifts a bit throughout the story, but ultimately it's about Emily coming into her own, both as a person and a writer. Love and career do feel a disjointed and incompatible for most of the book, although I'm not convinced it was more in Emily's mind than in reality. I think *a lot* would've been avoided if Emily and Teddy just talked to each other and were honest with one another. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Just a reminder for all you #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead-ers out there: Monday will be our wrap-up discussion for Emily‘s Quest. I‘ll post discussion questions around mid-day Pacific Time.

And anyone who‘s interested is welcome to join us for Chronicles of Avonlea story-a-day, starting November 1st! (If you haven‘t already, let me know if you‘d like to be tagged for the Chronicles buddy read)

Daisey I haven‘t been good about keeping up with the reading, but I‘d like to keep being tagged in the posts. (edited) 3y
Jerdencon I just finished today! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Somehow I didn't own the Chronicles yet (although I've read them in the distant past)?? So this was a great excuse to add them to my collection 😂 3y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Finished the tagged book #KinderedSpiritsBuddyRead. Continued with Hood Feminism #SheSaid and The Warmth of Other Suns #OtherSuns

I read the book by Ragde and I‘ve read over half of Babylon Berlin.

Cinfhen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Much as it pains me to get a Montgomery book a so-so, Emily just wasn't for me. Even though this wasn't a long book, it seemed to take forever without a lot happening beyond Emily mooning around and making poor decisions about men. I also wasn't a fan of Montgomery cramming "years and years" passing into the last chapter before letting Emily marry the right guy. I'm very glad to have finally read this trilogy, but I doubt I will reread these.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey! I sent you a package and just wondering if you got it or if it‘s lost! ❤️ 3y
TheSpineView Excellant! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - I did get it!!! It came Tuesday but I haven't posted it yet 😂 I even took a picture of the book today so I could let you know it arrived!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - Then my husband got home from work when I was typing that and I got distracted and hit send before saying - Thank you!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheAromaofBooks you‘re very welcome! I‘m glad it arrived safely! Sometimes things get lost ! ❤️ 3y
BarbaraJean Aw… in spite of all its issues (and I think this book has the most issues of the series!), I still love Emily so much! And yet, as I think I mentioned to you before, Anne is a much more frequent re-read for me. It‘s always interesting to see which books resonate more (or less) and why. Glad you joined in for this buddy read—I‘ve enjoyed reading along with you! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean - I also think that so many books we come to love or dislike depending on when we meet them in life - I may have felt really differently about Emily if I had met her when I was in my late-teens/early 20s & also mooning around making poor decisions about men 😂 But my almost-40-year-old self grew a little impatient with her. I also think I would have enjoyed it more if we had gotten a little more time of her actually being happy ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) with the right guy instead of so much of the book being them miscommunicating!! 3y
rubyslippersreads @BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks I love Emily, but the first book is the only one I read over and over again. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Well, it‘s been a long day and this is the first chance I‘ve had to sit down with a book. So much for the #BirthdayBash readathon. 😕 BUT, I will be spending the next hour with these two, rather appropriately: #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead & my October #BookSpin pick! Sarah, thank you for all you contribute to Litsy—I hope you had a simply wonderful birthday with so many people reading in celebration! I hope you got some reading in today as well. 😊

GypsyKat Oh Emily! 💖💖💖 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Thank you for reading me. And I MAY have finished Emily this morning 😂 3y
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Well, I MAY have finished Emily last night… in honor of your birthday, of course! 😂 3y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Continue buddy reading Hood Feminism #SheSaid, The Warmth of Other Suns #OtherSuns and Emily‘s Quest #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Then I want to read the book by Ragde and read a good chunk of Babylon Berlin.

Cinfhen Sounds like a plan!! Hope it was a good week 3y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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I continued buddy reading Hood Feminism #SheSaid, started The Warmth of Other Suns #OtherSuns and I‘m still catching up on Emily‘s Quest #KindredSpiritsBuddRead

I read The Mermaid of Black Conch, Bewilderment, Kumukanda and Maybe the Moon.

I‘ve just started the Ragde book.

So another great reading week.

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Here‘s the final section of the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead Emily chapter-a-day! I needed the schedule reminder today… somehow I‘m two chapters ahead. And eager to keep reading ahead, because this part of the book just begs you to finish it!! Looking forward to discussing with everyone in a little over a week!

quietjenn As usual, I couldn‘t resist finishing once I got near the end 😅 3y
Daisey I haven‘t even had a chance to start this yet, but I do hope to reread soon. 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“Not marry me? But you must! I have never before asked a woman to marry me. I am the famous Mark Greaves. I am rich.”

🤣 L.M. Montgomery really does have a talent for writing ridiculous and hilarious proposal scenes…

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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“I suppose you wouldn‘t have him because he didn‘t propose romantically,” said Aunt Elizabeth contemptuously.
“No. I think my real reason was that I felt sure he was the kind of man who would give his wife a vacuum cleaner for a Christmas present.”

😂 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Here‘s Part Two of our #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead chapter-a-day schedule! I‘m having a hard time sticking to just one chapter per day, when certain things happen that I‘d like to see the other side of…😬 How‘s everyone else‘s reading going?

Jerdencon Im on track - but it is hard to stop - and sometimes it takes Montgomery so long to get to the action! Lol 3y
Clare-Dragonfly Tech issues have thus far prevented me from loading this onto my Kindle. Maybe I‘ll try again tonight 😕 3y
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Bkwrm7 I'm keeping up and wow, is Dean more infuriating than ever!!!! It's been a long time since I read this the first time, so I don't remember for sure, but I cannot wait for what I'm hoping is the other shoe to drop and for Emily to kick him to the curb 3y
TheAromaofBooks Oh my gosh, Dean's obvious manipulating Emily by lying about whether or not her book was any good - I couldn't hardly bear to read it! 😣 3y
quietjenn I'm a day or two behind, but I remember this one way better than EC. 3y
rubyslippersreads Dean is much worse in this than I remembered, but so is Teddy. 😏 3y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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I set out to read the chapters for yesterday and today for the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead and somehow found myself devouring the rest of the book instead. 🙊🙈🙉😬 This is my favorite of the trilogy and now I find myself with a book hangover. I don‘t want to give away spoilers so I‘ll just say this book was a journey with Emily in her low lows and very high highs. I loved the ending. Can‘t wait for the group discussion! 5⭐️


BarbaraJean It‘s really hard for me to stop myself from bingeing this one!! 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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This is infuriating, and possibly the biggest reason I despise Dean more & more as the series goes on: he moves from grooming to gaslighting. And it‘s centered on what he knows means most to Emily: her writing. (More parallels to Teddy‘s mother!!) He‘s condescending & patronizing—and later, objectifying, as he tells Emily she can do more with her smile than her pen.🤬 I just want to punch him in his smug, patronizing face. #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Regarding Dean:
“Aunt Elizabeth doesn‘t like my friendship with him any more than she ever did.”

Finally something upon which Aunt Elizabeth and I wholeheartedly agree!!

JenlovesJT47 Dean is such a creep. I liked him in the first book and it just went downhill from there. 😒 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Thinking of taking an early lunch today, just so I can start the final volume of Emily Byrd Starr! #kindredspiritsbuddyread

Andrea313 Gorgeous edition! 😍 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Tomorrow begins the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead chapter-a-day of Emily‘s Quest, the third and last Emily book! Hope everyone‘s continuing to enjoy Emily‘s adventures.

What I remember about the last book is getting worried about how things will turn out in the end. A friend recently told me she feels the same way & always has to binge-read the last half of the book to reassure herself! So I‘ll have to see how well I stick to the chapter-a-day format!

BarbaraJean Also, if anyone is waiting on a library copy or just looking for an electronic option, Emily's Quest is available via Project Gutenberg Australia here: https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0300161h.html 3y
BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads Thank you!! @Clare-Dragonfly I‘m not sure if you‘re looking for an electronic copy of Emily‘s Quest, but you have multiple options this time! (edited) 3y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Finished my first book for #nutsinmay, completing my re-read of the Emily series. Emily and Teddy's romance still makes me cry. What a comfort these books have been over the last month! Perhaps time to re-read Anne.
#readathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Loved this reread. All the female characters have wonderful ambition and confidence. Emily, Ilse, Teddy, and Perry all come into their own. The ending was very satisfying...I couldn‘t remember how it came about and I was getting nervous it didn‘t end the way I remembered. L.M. Montgomery always meets my need for a nostalgia filled reread. #reread #childhoodfave

LeahBergen I need to do a reread, too! 5y
Blaire @LeahBergen it was so enjoyable! Perfect escape reading. 5y
BiblioLitten I think I need this right now! 5y
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Emily's Quest | L. M. Montgomery
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I really loved all the Emily of New Moon books by L.M. Montgomery. I enjoyed the Anne of Green Gables books too. But, Emily is a little darker than Anne.

Shley9225 I had no idea these existed! 5y
suvata @Shley9225 it‘s a three book set and I really liked them. Check them out. 5y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Not a bad book but somewhat rushed compared to the first two novels. It felt like Montgomery knew how she wanted it to end but had no idea how to get there.

Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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5 ⭐️!! Such a great ending to the series. This is how I wished Anne of Green Gables had been- 4 books would have been plenty! Going to be on the lookout for some pretty editions of this wonderful trilogy! Will start #AudioListening to AoGG soon!

Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Audio cooking!! Italian meatballs for tonight‘s spaghetti, and meal planning 💙

zzz Yum😋 6y
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Emily's Quest | L.M. Montgomery
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Second day into recovering from an awful Stomach-Bug/ Virus. Monday it came out of nowhere and lasted most of the night. Missed the first day of school today, but definitely on the road to recovery and will be back at the library tomorrow. In the meantime will be listening to this one while regaining my energy🛌🎧🍵

RealLifeReading Feel better soon! 6y
LeahBergen Yuck! Poor you. 6y
Reviewsbylola Oh no, stomach bugs are the absolute worst. 🤢 Glad you‘re on the mend! 6y
suvata Oh no! Feel better soon. 6y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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It‘s a white night for me.

cobwebmoth *hugs* 6y
Libby1 ❤️ 6y
hermyknee ♥️ 6y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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It was so nice to revisit these books. I finished this today (and started it today.) Still just as good when I first read it years and years ago. I need my own copies again.

I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping and my anxiety is through the roof. So I'm trying to do everything I can to take my mind off of things. Reading is helping, but now it is finished and everything I have is for next year.

DivaDiane I‘m sorry you‘re feeling anxious! Have you tried SerialReader? Also there‘s a ton of fiction online for free if you can stand reading it from your computer or tablet or even your phone! 6y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I finished the first and second book last night/early this morning. Now that I have all my important real life things taken care if, I'm starting in the third book. I didn't get to use my bookmark from the last book so I'm using it for this.

I'm trying to keep my mind as busy and occupied as I can so I don't think. I think it is working, but I feel exhausted.

cobwebmoth When you have a spare minute could you email me, please? It's cobwebmoth at gmail. Thank you!🙂 6y
WarpedSweetness @cobwebmoth Sure! But if I'm in trouble, I didn't do it! 6y
cobwebmoth @WarpedSweetness No trouble!😄 6y
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rubyslippersreads ❤️❤️❤️ Emily! 6y
LeahBergen I second what @rubyslippersreads said! 6y
WarpedSweetness @rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen I know! It was so nice to revisit Emily again. Next year I'm revisiting Anne Shirley. 6y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I love getting #Litsypenpal mail! After a rather long day at work, it was nice coming home to some lovely mail.

Libby1 Lovely! Enjoy! ☺️ 7y
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Emily's Quest | L. M. Montgomery
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My vintage Emily. 😊 #someoneelsereading #fallintobooks

Emilyrjones22 L. M. Montgomery wrote a book about an Emily?? 😍 7y
rubyslippersreads @Emilyrjones22 Three of them! And they are wonderful! The first one is my all-time favorite book: 7y
Emilyrjones22 Thanks! Definitely going to read them! 7y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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The pictures on the left are of a few of my paperbacks that only I have read. Notice that they all look brand spanking new. Not a single crease on any of the spines. The picture on the right are my books that looked brand new, until I lent them to one friend. The came back in such poor condition. 😕 Don't crease my spines! 😡 #BookishPetPeeve #MarchIntoReading #BeNiceToMyBooks @RealLifeReading #ThisIsWhyiDontLendBooksAnymore

Melissa_J I think maybe we were separated at birth. My friends make fun of me because my read books don't look like they've been cracked open. I happen to like new looking books 😊 7y
TheLibrarian I always yell at my fiancé for doing that. He thinks a book should look read and I'm like NO it has to stay in perfect condition. 7y
GypsyKat @Melissa_J Haha! Same! I learned years ago to never lend books (especially a paperback) to my mom, the first thing she does is crack the spine open. On the other hand, my brother once lent me a paperback that he had read, and it looked brand new. I then read it, and it still looked brand new. Then my dad borrowed it and it STILL looked brand new. So there are at least two people in my life that I can comfortably lend books to! 😂 7y
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GypsyKat @TheLibrarian Haha! Yes! I needs to stay beautiful! 7y
saresmoore Oh, that's terrible! Poor Emily! 7y
rubyslippersreads How could anyone do that to Emily? 😢 7y
GypsyKat @saresmoore @rubyslippersreads Right? I hurts my heart! 😢 7y
RealLifeReading Poor books! 7y
Suzze Ack! My books always still look new. Luckily the main person I lend to is the same. 7y
GypsyKat @RealLifeReading @Suzze I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one this bothers! I get picked on a bit for it, lol. 7y
JessClark78 That drives me crazy. A girl I used to know folded one of my paperback books open and a bunch of the pages fell out. 7y
GypsyKat @JessClark78 Ugh! That is the WORST! But I like how you refer to her now as "a girl I USED to know" ?? 7y
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Emily's Quest | L. M. Montgomery
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Finished Emily Climbs today and decided to just dive in and finish the trilogy.

BookishMarginalia I loved these books! 7y
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Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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Why I love this girl so much.

Emily's Quest | Lucy Maud Montgomery
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I found this in my parents' attic, but the first two haven't turned up yet and I'm pretty bummed (although there are ~12 bins of books I haven't sorted through yet 👀). I read these books so many times when I was younger

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