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The Ballad of Perilous Graves
The Ballad of Perilous Graves | Alex Jennings
17 posts | 15 read | 26 to read
In a fantastical version of New Orleans where music is magic, a battle for the citys soul brews between two young mages, a vengeful wraith, and one powerful song in this vibrant and imaginative debut. Nola is a city full of wonders. A place of sky trolleys and dead cabs, where haints dance the night away and Wise Women keep the order, and where songs walk, talk and keep the spirit of the city alive. To those from Far Away, Nola might seem strange. To failed magician, Perilous Graves, its simply home. Then the rhythm stutters. Nine songs of power have escaped from the magical piano that maintains the citys beat and without them, Nola will fail. Unexpectedly, Perry and his sister, Brendy, are tasked with saving the city. But a storm is brewing and the Haint of All Haints is awake. Even if they capture the songs, Nolas time might be coming to an end.
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Second #BookstoreCrawlBingo stop for #PortlandBookWeek was White Rabbit, which conveniently shares a space with Black Ink Coffee & Tea. I ordered a Spring Honey Latte (bonus points in my book for any coffee shop that has decaf espresso) and enjoyed browsing their gifts and board games as well as their books.

Tagged book is the audiobook I listened to on my drive there!

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Welcome to Nola. It's a city a lot like New Orleans, except filled with magic, music, and wonders. But as magical songs start to disappear, the city is in danger. It's up to Perilous Graves and his friends to rescue the songs before it's too late.
This was such a lovely adventure. It reminded me of the Phantom Tollbooth mixed with the Starless Sea. Definitely one to reread and get more out of each time.
#TitlesandTunes #Blues @BarbaraBB

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#ScarathlonPhotoChallenge Day 19 🪦 #Grave
Starting this one today on audio. Reviews recommended the audiobook since there is so much music involved in the story and I'm really glad I switched 🎶🎹🎶
#Scarathlon #TeamBOOkLovers @Bookwormjillk

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I struggled with how to rate this book. It‘s either a soft pick or a positive so-so.

My full review is on GR: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4917977103

Book 2 for #trappedinaspookyhouse

marleed I get that feeling. For me and my rating system, that‘s a 3.5. Meaning today I gave it a so-so (or maybe a pick), but yesterday I‘d have given it a pick (or maybe a so-so). It actually happens a lot! 10mo
wanderinglynn @marleed 👍🏻 I gave it 3 stars on GR because I kept waivering. 10mo
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I love books with maps!

Diving into my next #trappedinaspookyhouse book

AlaMich Maps! ❤️ 10mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
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My #TitlesandTunes October pick for #Blues is the Ballad of Perilous Graves. I don't know that blues specifically is involved, but music in New Orleans is the focus which I thought was pretty close.
My song is Black Magic Woman by Fleetwood Mac ✨
@BarbaraBB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Love the song choice!!! And the book sounds like a great fit 🙏🏼💙🩵 10mo
BarbaraBB Wow, so happy with Fleetwood Mac in our playlist! 10mo
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I wanted to love this musical fantasy novel about a magical version of New Orleans but it was so disjointed and long that I only barely managed to push through. And I think I didn't connect to the story or characters as much because of it either. I could see lots of people loving it, but it fell short for me which was dissapointing because there were a lot of really cool concepts inside.

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I honestly had no idea what was going on for most of this book…
But, it was one of the most creative and unique books I have read in a very long time.
Still not sure I understand what actually happened.

kyraleseberg I loved this one also! 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡🤍🖤 2y
Eggs 🖤🧡🖤 2y
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I managed to limit myself to only two new books today, plus an adorable tote bag

HeathHof That bag! 😻 2y
Nutmegnc I resisted that bag but I wanted it. Hard! 2y
AmyG Love the bag! 2y
LiteraryinLawrence I have that bag too! 😋 2y
Moll So cute👜😍 2y
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This. Was. WILD. I haven't read a book like this in years. Ambitious world-building and fascinating characters. A magical NOLA, a young but brave MC, and a story that blazes ahead while you desperately try to keep up. It was an experience, more than just a book. Trying to distill it down to a couple of sentences is impossible.

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This is one weird and wonderful book! Reminded me of Terry Pratchett‘s work - audacious characters and a multi-level plot that is pretty much impossible to follow so you just have to enjoy the ride!

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Saw this in my local B&N and it looked really good. Figured I‘d get it on kindle and give it a go. I am not disappointed in the least. NOLA, but not. A magical alternate version of NOLA.
Charged by the magical Doctor Professor to find some songs that escaped from his piano, Perry Graves, his younger sister Brendy, and their friend Peaches get more than they bargained for as the Storm is coming.

#TheBalladofPerilousGraves #AlexJennings #kindle

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Two bingos for June!! A few books that I ended up loving snuck in towards the end of the month; tagged is my favorite.

I‘m happy to be working my way slowly through old challenges! Yay for #roll100 #bookspin and #booked for keeping me trying new things. Next to catch up on will be #camplitsy - the library wait lists for these have been bonkers, so I read ahead with Either/Or and will do what I can with the rest 😁

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In an world where magic and music are so intertwined that they can‘t be separated, 9 of the songs of Nola have been stolen and it‘s up to Perry Graves and a group of other powerful people to recover the songs and keep the city from falling.

Bit of a slow start, but lush descriptions of New Orleans, fun and distinct characters, magic and music and art, oh my! And child protagonists where the adults aren‘t incompetent, evil, or dead! 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern Release date: June 21st, 2022 #ARC #NetGalley CW 👇🏻 2y
BookmarkTavern General warnings for gun violence and children in peril, and specific warning of a mass shooting described in Chapter XXVI, XXVII, parental death and child death in Chapter XXXII 2y
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This is a really interesting urban fantasy. Parts of it are homage to The Phantom Tollbooth (an all time favorite), and it‘s set in New Orleans with a really interesting magic system based around music and spirits. Dual narrator: one kid (Perry Graves) and one adult (Casey, whose graffiti is magical). Enjoying it so far! Out tomorrow.

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Absolutely a wild ride. Set in a version of New Orleans and full of music and haints and sky trolleys and magic. It‘s unlike anything I‘ve read. Such a solid debut. Out in June! Preorder through your local bookstore!

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