Thanks @Klou for the tag!
1. I liked how the story had multiple POVs, even one of them was the “enemy.”
2. There‘s is a sequel, not sure if I‘ll get to it, but the first was good enough that I may want to see how the story ends. So, I‘d like to see that everyone gets an HEA, especially the Indiri girl to find a mate.
Play along @GondorGirl @StayCurious
My current #Audiobook, listening on #Libby.
It‘s very good and engaging. Only have an hour left!
The multiple person viewpoint was a bit jarring at times. However the story itself was quite interesting and the characters relatable. The world and the way things work in the world are logically consistent - which is important in a fantasy novel. I‘ve read reviews that complain that the world has violence, rape, racism... I‘m not sure that I understand the problem. The darkness in the story is consistent with the world and the lines drawn clear.
High hopes, but it fell short; it‘s very depressing and I couldn‘t see any glimmer of hope. Additionally, there is a lot of talk about sex and justifying rape; interesting, but not cool. And it could have been shorter; the four POV is a bit challenging to read, kinda like whiplash sometimes.
It doesn't happen all that often, but I really disliked this book, and for good reason. From the start, it was full of harmful concepts: a massive focus on racial differences, and disabled babies being thrown away to die. Nothing about the story had me interested in what would happen, as the main character wasn't exactly the most likeable character, nor were any of the others. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
This book? Total eye candy. And the premise sounds really cool too.
This book was a hard no for me... I barely made it through but it was hard. There's just a lot about it that I think wasn't handled well and downright unnecessary. I go into more detail on my blog where I reviewed it today!
I didn't get far at all. I may come back to this later, since I've loved a couple of her other books.
Happy Friday everyone!
If you are looking for a read for this weekend, head over to my blog and catch up on any reviews you missed! #GivenToTheSea by #MindyMcGinnis is my most recent review and I didn't love this book as much as I wanted to but it was still good! Check out the link in my bio for more!
.#books #booklover #bookworm #currentlyreading #currentread #ireadya #bookish #booklovers #bookphotography #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookblogger
I was really looking forward to this book but it didn't quite work for me. Had it had more politics/political intrigue and less sexual tension/relationship drama, I would have liked it a lot more. It had a lot of potential though so I'll probably continue with the series and hope the next one is significantly better.
I haven't read anything by Mindy McGinnis yet. I like the sound of Female Of The Species as well as this.
#yafantasy #fantasy #booksoutside #bookishoutofdoors
my June fairyloot box was waiting for me when I got home today! so I figured I would honor the book from April! April was all about dreams and wishes and this book, like so many others, inspires me. Whether it's something that helps shape one of my own novels or just something that makes me smile, books are the best form of magic we have ❤️
#books #litsybooks #giventothesea #stackthis #tbr #love #dream #mindymcginnis #read #follow
*several blinks with confused face*
I have absolutely no idea what in the hell is going on. There's four POV which are relatively easy to keep organized but the entire plot and appeal is just going right over my head (or doesn't exist).
DNF @40%
Mindy McGinnis is an instant buy for me (I've got her next release pre-ordered and the first book of the Not A Drop to Drink series in the mail too) so I'm definitely bias.
There's been some not great reviews of the book and since I'm a few chapters in...I can understand. It's definitely an odd book and she tends to dance around using words and wants you to fill in the blanks. I'm a little lost but it's intriging me--not deterring me
Such a beautiful cover and a very interesting and in-depth plot line. I can not wait to start reading it this summer!! 🌊🌊
Also that candle smells phenomenal - by far one of the most nicest smelling candles I have ever smelt 🌼❤
UGH i really didn't love this book 😒 i got it in a Fairyloot box and i was so excited because so far i liked every book featured in the box 🙈 i just had some issues with the stories and couldn't connect with any of the characters.
From my summer TBR 💙
#fantasy #ya #epicreads #tbr
I love Mindy McGinnis but this beautiful book has been getting some fairly poor reviews 😞Hopefully I will enjoy it. Great concept though. Anyone read this? Thoughts ?
I don't think I'll ever grow tired of how beautiful this cover is! ? And the "Heart of Tefiti" candle by novelheartbeatcreations.com fits perfectly with it ? I hope I'll be able to read it as soon as I finish Passenger and Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken, which is also about the sea and ocean. Shocking I know ?
I can't even describe what I think about this book because it was just so weird. The story was very unique and there were some characters which I really enjoyed reading about but some parts just didn't feel right. And sometimes it was just really boring. And I didn't like some aspects of the world ...
I was taking part in a book photo challenge yesterday so thought I'd share the pic here too. This is one of my upcoming reads and while it's not one I'd heard of before it popped up in this month's #FairyLoot box I'm looking forward to it. Has anyone read it?
Halfway through this one and honestly not certain how I feel about it. The world created is absolutely fascinating, but the characters are a little juvenile. I'm intrigued enough to keep going, so we'll see what happens. Anyone read this? #maybookflowers #bodyofwater
Our reviewer had this to say about @bigblackcat97's new book, "I loved #TheFemaleoftheSpecies, but #GiventotheSea had so much more. It was fantastical, romantic and heartbreaking; it transported me to another world. McGinnis‘s excellent writing was in full-force, and I could not stop reading."
This book was all over the place. There are four povs but none of them are very strong. Two are first person and two are third. Came across as awkward. The world sounds like it could be really interesting and lovely but there is very little description. Some good dialogue from time to time but it could all be happening in a white room. The talk of babies and sex got tiresome. Glad I picked this one up from the library. #yafantasy #fantasy
Book mail!!!! I've been waiting on this one!!!
Cannot in good conscience recommend this. With the exception of Witt and the Pietra people, the culture and character building fell flat, and the magical elements held little interest for me. Biggest detractor was that literally every problem revolves around who can/wants to/won't have sex and/or babies with various other personages. Politics? Race and heritage? THE FREAKING WEATHER??? All about them babies. 🙄😑😒
I understand why authors show sexual empowerment in their characters, but these motives...
Vincent wants to sleep w/ Dara BUT she won't NOT because they're basically adopted siblings but because she's holding out for a man of her own nearly eliminated race that may not even exist BUT if that doesn't work out then they'll GET MARRIED but she won't just be his lover because she won't be relegated to a "kept woman." Oh and Vincent is the prince.
All I have to say right now is that everyone is very concerned with having babies.
Good news: I got the apartment! Bad news: still having trouble focusing because now I have a move to organize--and potentially will have to move one weekend earlier than originally planned based on when I can get time off work 😬Thanks all for being a sounding board and offering encouragement as I get this done.