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Il cucchiaino scomparso e altre storie della tavola periodica degli elementi
Il cucchiaino scomparso e altre storie della tavola periodica degli elementi | Sam Kean
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And the last of the year...taking out 2023 with science!

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The history of science is one of those subjects where I‘m always adding titles to my TBR because the descriptions are fascinating, but then am almost never motivated to actually go and read the books. #NovemberNarrative #ChemistryWeek @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

AnnR Another book I keep meaning to read. 2y
rockpools 😂😂 Same. I‘m fairly sure I‘ve been wanting to to read this since pre-Litsy days! 2y
Eggs Sounds so good 😊 🥄 💚 2y
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This was an interesting book that goes over how elements were discovered. The drama on some of these got their place.

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I was one of those kids that Kean describes understanding the periodic table forwards and backwards. Only 20 pages in but a fantastic read and writing style so far. PS Keep your H2O close by during this monster heat wave 😊

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Kindle sale in the US today! I ended up ordering a paper copy because my husband said he was interested too. I don‘t need much encouragement. 😄

Linsy Loved this book! So fascinating 🧪 3y
Schnoebs I‘ve had the audiobook saved on my tbr list on Scribd for like 2 years now 😂 sounds so good but yet I still haven‘t picked it up 3y
quietjenn I really enjoyed this, although I'm sure I've forgotten lots of the fascinating bits! 3y
britt_brooke I‘m pretty sure my husband read this, but I know I haven‘t. Sounds interesting! #stacked 3y
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I am apparently on a long, non-fiction book kick right now! This one definitely gave me the “hey, did‘ya knows” and I thoroughly enjoyed it even though a few of the chapters were a little slow. I think I might even have been boring the in-law‘s dog to tears by the time I was done!

LeahBergen 😂😂 4y
AmyG Ha! The dogs eyes scream (help me). (edited) 4y
Soubhiville He looks like he‘s saying “Um, ok lady, can I go now?” 🤣 4y
Reggie Lol what a perfect pic post. 4y
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So much for neutrality

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Sam Kean has lots of great stories surrounding the elements in the periodic table. History and chemistry made fascinating. You only need a general interest in the world around you to enjoy this #audiobook read by Robert Petkoff. Young Readers Edition is suitable for all ages.

JNSibanda Looks like my kinda book! Thanks! 4y
Lindy @JNSibanda You‘re welcome 😇 4y
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Someone‘s glad to be at home. #chalkdrawings #audiowalk

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Puschkinia (striped squill) is the second bulb that blooms in my garden (after snowdrops). These opened today. #audiogardening

Hazel2019 So pretty 🥰 4y
Lindy @Hazel2019 tiny sweet flowers 4y
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🎧 I‘ve been in a reading slump. Nerd alert!! I loved this book! Seems factual 🤨 loved it! It‘s now on my Amazon List as a keeper!! Recommended if you want an interesting look at the elements on the Periodic Table. The narrator reads the Zombie Fallout books so it was like an old friend reading it to me 😁 you‘re not going to believe this but ... ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

KT1432 That does sound interesting! 5y
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If you are a history buff or a science buff or (like me) just enjoy weird trivia and stories, you‘ll enjoy this one.

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It‘s like a soap opera about the periodic table! Definitely more fun than science class. Adventure, betrayal, scientific achievement, obsession, invention, reputations, investigation, and discovery. A book that‘s hard to put down. It‘ll appeal to both science and non-science fans alike. A truly riveting read. Plus, in case you didn‘t already know, you‘ll learn why Gandhi hated iodine.

#nonfiction #periodictable

Ericalambbrown This sounds awesome! 5y
SW-T @Ericalambbrown It‘s a fun and informative read 😊 5y
rkeo How have I NOT heard of this? I'm a chemistry teacher and love nonfiction! 5y
SW-T @rkeo Litsy will keep you informed! Your TBR list will never be the same 😂😂😂 5y
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Author Sam Kean tweeted ME 🤯
So very cool 😎
And another fan recommended another book he wrote Ceasar's Last Breath... added to my TBR 🙂

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Completely geeking out on the periodic table 🤓. Wish school had made chemistry this interesting. You know a book is good when it opens curiosity and has you look at other sources of information to learn more and this book is just that 💯. 👩🏻‍🏫⚗🧪🧫🧬🔬

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Exhibit A on why I shouldn‘t be left alone at a bookstore. 🤓

In my defense, I donated about 10 books and have already read Stiff (just needed a copy for my collection).

IamIamIam I absolutely LOVED this and I'm someone who doesn't really even understand chemistry beyond mixing baking soda & vinegar! It was such an easy read and I totally expected it to be more difficult! 5y
Karkar All sound good to me! 5y
IamIamIam 🙄 I realized you tagged this book after I posted... LOL... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!! 5y
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JPeterson @IamIamIam I can‘t wait to read it! Science nonfiction is becoming one of my favorite genres to read! 🔬 5y
LauraJ Sam Kean is the male Mary Roach! 5y
Aimeesue My kids fought over my copy of The Disappearing Spoon - both of them think it belongs to them. 😂 5y
Reagan Hahaha I read Stiff to my daughter when she was a baby (in mom voice of course) because she always ate better when I was talking. 5y
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What a fun book this was, even for a dummy like me! If you've got basic knowledge of the periodic table and are ready for some wacky stories about how elements are found, created, fought over and how they can affect humans, this is a great ride! Look for argyria, the Radioactive Boy Scout, Ghandi and iodine and you won't be disappointed!

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#AudioBooking while I treated myself to half price sushi after a field trip with 1st graders! 😳 Lol, they were all well behaved and interested but I still deserved half price lunch sushi! 🍣👍

Tamra Totally! 5y
IamIamIam @Tamra 😉😉😉 5y
Clwojick Mmm spicy salmon and Phili rolls! 🥰🤤 5y
IamIamIam @Clwojick Haha!!! I also had a Boston roll which are my absolute favorite! 5y
Clwojick Nom nom! Now I want to make some sushi. 5y
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Things I learned about chemistry today: bismuth will be the last remaining element on the planet and too much silver in your system will result in argyria, a condition in which your skin turns a blue color.

#Science #themoreyouknow

wordzie 😎 6y
SW-T Speaking of argyria, have you read 5y
IamIamIam @SW-T No, I haven't!!! Totally stacking that one!!! 5y
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Got these little suckers done as thank you gifts for the teachers who's room we invade weekly for Continuing Education. #AudioCrocheting to this new book today but it's really heavy material and I'm having to concentrate quite hard. I keep going back to chemistry even though it's hard for me to understand! 😂

Owlizabeth I loved this audiobook and I love your cacti! 6y
IamIamIam @Owlizabeth Aww, thanks!!! I'm glad you liked this! It's really interesting but so much information! Lol 6y
squirrelbrain So cute! 6y
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LazyDays Adorably cool!! 6y
SW-T Love those! 6y
IamIamIam @SW-T Thanks so much!! 6y
MotionChickness Love them!!!! So cute! 6y
IamIamIam @Stephuhhnieee Aww, thanks!! 6y
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...as he got older and crustier, Einstein came to distrust quantum mechanics. Its statistical and deeply probabilistic nature sounded too much like gambling to him, and it prompted him to object that “God does not play dice with the universe.” He was wrong, and it‘s too bad that most people have never heard the rejoinder by Niels Bohr: “Einstein! Stop telling God what to do.” #Dice #QuotsyDec18

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I'm visiting family for the week, so I had to use my digital books for today's #rainbowstack 🌈🌈😁😁. I have no idea why, but I'm terrible at reading #ebooks. I just keep a print book in my purse at all times instead. Of the titles posted above, I've read 3 of them. And I read the print version first 🙄

#readingresolutions @jess7

Birdsong28 I'm just the same with EBooks, I think it's because with a print book it's there and easy to access at any point. 📚📖 6y
gossamerchild I just realized another reason I don't like ebooks. The covers on some of my books have been changed. Now Fahrenheit 451 has a movie cover. That's so annoying 😡 6y
Jess7 🤗🤗 6y
ladym30 Good selection! 6y
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This book was a bit of a “meh” for me. My eyes tend to glaze over when it comes to certain aspects of chemistry (if it‘s not explained to me in a biological context, I check out mentally) and I want to run at the slightest hint of physics. I was hoping this one would engage me and present chemistry and physics to me in a different way, which it did, but my heart just wasn‘t in it for this one! Not a bad book, but just not for me!

asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
ajshrk90 @asiriusreader Thank you!! ☺️ 6y
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Subtitle: and other true tales of madness, love and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements.

Definitely ⚗️&❤️. Not too sure about ⚗️❤️!

#chemicalheart #marchintooz @Cinfhen @Lizpixie

julesG Yes, a chemical heart. I quite liked it. But, I used it mainly for a course I was teaching, chemistry students wanting to improve their English language skills (English as a second language). 7y
rockpools @julesG Wow - English for chemists sounds quite specialist! I was TERRIFIED by chemistry at school so dropped it asap. Now I kind of feel like I need to catch up, so ONE DAY I'll read one of these pop chemistry books... 7y
Cinfhen Clever😁 7y
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I really liked Kean‘s Dueling Neurosurgeons, but couldn‘t get into this one. Normally I would have kept reading, but I‘m trying to be ok with more bails if I‘m not enjoying a book.

JSW I‘m pro-bail. My TBR is too long!! 😂 7y
Kristy_K @JSW Exactly my reasoning! 7y
julesG Used this for a language class but only in tiny bites. 7y
Kristy_K @julesG Did you like the book? 7y
julesG @Kristy_K In a "I studied chemistry and am teaching chemistry students right now" sort of way. I did not read it in one sitting, rather like an encyclopedia, I flicked through the elements. In Litsy terms I'd give it a so-so. 7y
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Good. Interesting. Not something I would have picked for myself, but a friend recommended it and I enjoyed it. I think this is the first science-y book I‘ve read since my college textbooks, so I‘ll take it as a win!

*Took me awhile to finish since I lost it for over a year, moving between CA and AZ three times, and instead of starting over I picked up where I left off. Going to reread and will update review, if my thoughts change.

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This was a thought-provoking read and I learned something in each chapter. I'm definitely looking forward to picking up another book by the author. I forgot to take a picture of the book, so I present to you, my reading companion for the day - Nimbus.

PurpleyPumpkin That face!😻 7y
Leelee.reads I have this book and really liked it too! It's perfect for picking up and reading just a chapter at a time here and there. (Not my usual reading approach!) 7y
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Well, it's true! 😜 Spending a little more time with The Disappearing Spoon and #audiocoloring making good progress with both!

pocketmermaid What is this coloring book? I love it! Also, I recently got a copy of the tagged book. 😀 7y
bookdrunkard78 @pocketmermaid it's called Bookish - I got it from Amazon and it's pretty cute! 🙂 7y
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Doing a little #audiocoloring in my #EdgarAllanPoe coloring book while listening to The Disappearing Spoon. Which happens to be my frequently challenged/banned book selection for the #bookriot #readharderchallenge

Owlizabeth I loved this audiobook!! 7y
bookdrunkard78 @Owlizabeth I'm enjoying it so far, and the narrator really makes it! 7y
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When things in the world & news get overwhelming I turn to reading science based books. It's my background & profession & I find it soothing to read things that are fact based & to see how we gained knowledge despite setbacks. This is my version of self care I guess. So I will sit in the sun, wait for my bread to rise, & read about chemistry so that I can face the world tomorrow.

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Back to my nonfic reading after spending the morning doing chores.

amyrabbitt Have you read The Violinist's Thumb? So good 7y
BkClubCare @amyrabbitt - I have not. Will tbr. 7y
amyrabbitt I have The Disappearing Spoon TBR 😊 7y
BkClubCare For pop-science, it is what it is. Always find amazing interesting stuff no matter how informally(?) presented. 7y
Irisheyz77 I have this on my TBR as well 7y
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Well, let's hear it for ballsy chemists. #sarcasm

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Next up: a non- #tob17 book! (Feels like a certain kind of freedom?! 😜). This is for the What's in a Name challenge for the utensil category. #wian2017

BethFishReads Awww so happy see ppl doing What's in a Name challenge 8y
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Rating this might be a bit unfair, as I'm not sure anyone could make chemistry truly exciting to me -- I know I need it for biology, but bah. That said, if you are interested in chem and the history of science, I'm going to guess you'd enjoy it.

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Bedtime with a book. Yay, science!

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It's a four hour drive. Think I have enough reading material?


Always a fan of this author. Interesting stories a nice nonfiction read.

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Never underestimate spite as a motivator for genius.

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The Disappearing Spoon and Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements: my pick for #booktober "Long Title!" Really entertaining read, also, if you like popular science as much as I do (A LOT).

Texreader I think my ten year old son who loves science would like this. Age appropriate? 8y
eva_lution @Texreader I guess that depends! :) There are some fairly dark bits here and there, related to such things as Nazi Germany, chemical warfare, thalidomide... but I will say none of it is gratuitous or sensationalist. It's not a light popular science read, it's on the scientifically denser side. But perhaps he might like that! What type of pop-sci has he already enjoyed? 8y
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Such a cool, interesting book!

Lea Just started it! 8y
TheBookkeepersApprentice That's awesome! 8y
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My other before-bed reading :) I love reading non-fiction before bed.

TheWordJar I just ordered this book!!! Did you enjoy it? I love that I can find other lovers of weird science books here on Litsy! 8y
TheBookkeepersApprentice I'm not done with it yet but I'm really enjoying it-so cool and interesting! 8y
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Totally absorbing, reminds me of The Professor and the Madman in how it tells such bizarre and engaging stories about a body of knowledge we take for granted.

Lea Love your mug 8y
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Birthday haul! Thanks to my sweet family and Poor Richard's Books