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The Postcard
The Postcard | Anne Berest
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WINNER OF THE AMERICAN CHOIX GONCOURT PRIZE WINNER OF THE RENAUDOT YOUTH PRIZE WINNER OF THE ELLE MAGAZINE READERS PRIZE FINALIST FOR THE GONCOURT PRIZE Brilliantly told, Anne Berest's luminous, moving, and unforgettable new book The Postcard is the most acclaimed and beloved French novel in recent years. At once a gripping investigation into family secrets, a poignant tale of mothers and daughters, and an enthralling portrait of 20th-century Parisian intellectual and artistic life, The Postcard tells the story of a family devastated by the Holocaust and yet somehow restored by love and the power of storytelling. Heartbreaking, funny, atmospheric, and a sheer joy to read, The Postcard is certain to find fans among readers of Irne Nmirovsky's Suite Franaise, Kate Atkinson's Life After Life, and Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See. January 2003. Together with the usual holiday cards, an anonymous postcard is delivered to the Berest family home. On the front, a photo of the Opra Garnier in Paris; on the back, the four names of Anne Berest's maternal great-grandparents, Ephram and Emma, and their children, Nomie and Jacques--all of whom died at Auschwitz in 1942. Almost twenty years after the postcard is delivered, Anne is moved to discover who sent it, and why. Aided by her chain-smoking mother, countless family, friends, and associates, a private detective, a graphologist, and many others, she embarks on a journey to uncover the fate of the Rabinovitch family: their flight from Russia following the revolution, their journey to Latvia, Palestine, and Paris, the war and its aftermath. What emerges is a thrilling and sweeping tale that shatters her certainties about her family, her country, and herself.
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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What to say about this book? I was so mad at first that the family stayed in France and it did such a good job showing how evil the Nazis were in hiding what they had planned. Of course they didn‘t believe the worst would happen. Unbelievably sad and sobering. I thought I‘d read all of the WWII books by this point but I‘m glad I read this one too.

tpixie This book was so powerful 💔 1mo
Bookwormjillk @tpixie it was. I didn‘t really know what to say about it. I‘m just grateful I read it. 1mo
kspenmoll I had a similar experience & had to sit with this book- how to explain its impact in words? 1mo
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tpixie @kspenmoll exactly! 1mo
atenelli @Bookwormmjillk Thank you for posting this review. I moved to a new town about three months ago and found a bookclub. I will soon attend my first meeting, and every member will bring a book suggestion to be voted on for a future meeting. I think The Postcard will be my suggestion. 1mo
Bookwormjillk @atenelli good luck with the new book club! 1mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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“You remember when I told you the Russians could have more than one first name?” she asked me.
“Yes, like in the novels. ‘You end up getting lost in it.‘”

Still confused by #TheBros #HashtagBrigade

Ruthiella I don‘t know what you mean? Dimitry = Dima, Dimakha, Dimasha, Dimulia, Dimusia, Dimusha, Mitra, Mitrasha, Mutriukha, Mitria, Mitiunia, Mitia, Mitiay and don‘t forget the patronymic! 🤣 (edited) 1mo
Bookwormjillk @Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 1mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella I‘m NEVER going to forget the patronymic! 😂 1mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Lunch at work. At 16% on this book and really mad at Ephraim right now!

kspenmoll Just loved this book! I get it… 1mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Unpopular opinion: I thought this was ok not outstanding. Yes, an important story, especially for the author (this is her family and family history) and the times we‘re living in (antisemitism is on the rise again, Jews and Jewish authors and artists are boycotted - again). But I couldn‘t connect to the characters and the big mystery/the big reveal of who wrote the postcard fell flat for me.

Hooked_on_books I agree. The reveal fell flat for me, too. 2mo
Aimeesue Agreed about the reveal. I did think most of the rest of it was very well done, at least the parts about the past. The sections in the present didn‘t work well for me, but thankfully they weren‘t the major part of the book. I‘m just not that into dual timeline stories. 2mo
Anna40 @Hooked_on_books @Aimeesue I hate giving it such a low rating but it just wasn‘t the right book for me and that‘s odd because these kinds of books/stories are right up my alley. Maybe it‘s a case of “it‘s me not you” or not the right time to read it… (edited) 2mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Hey, #europacollective Littens - this looks great! And it‘s free!

Hopefully the link below works:


Unfortunately the timing doesn‘t work for me (it‘s way past my bedtime here in the UK!) but hopefully some of you can make it.

BarbaraBB That must be great indeed! Thanks for sharing yet way past my bedtime as well 🥱 2mo
CSeydel Oh how exciting - thanks for sharing this! 2mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain thanks!!! Some of book passages author interviews are on you tube- hopefully they will tape this one!! I‘ve got it on my calendar just in case Work is slow… 2mo
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jlhammar Thanks Helen! I‘m hoping Book Passage &/or Europa Editions will end up adding a video of the conversation to their youtube channel🤞 2mo
squirrelbrain Hopefully they will put it on YouTube! @tpixie @jlhammar 2mo
squirrelbrain Yes, even further past your bedtime @BarbaraBB as you‘re an hour ahead of us! 😴 2mo
Aimeesue Thanks for sharing! I might actually be able to see it! 2mo
LeahBergen Thanks for sharing! 2mo
Cathythoughts Thanks for the tag Helen ❤️ 2mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain yes!!! That is what I was just going to post! ** I registered for the Postcard event with 2 different emails & never received a link. Hopefully it will end up on YouTube, since at least some of their other interviews do. 2mo
squirrelbrain Oh no, that‘s a shame @tpixie, that you can‘t get on. 😞 2mo
squirrelbrain Thanks @tpixie - I‘ll have a look later. 2mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain you‘re welcome! It was interesting- and they used an interpreter who did a great job. 2mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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What can I say about this book?! The Littens know what they're talking about. I couldn't put it down until I *had to* because it was so distressing. And then I picked it up again. It's taken me ages to write even this paltry nothing of a review.

What I don't understand is how the whole of Litsy seems to have read it, but I was first in the holds queue at the library. 🤷

TheBookHippie I walked in the library took it off the shelf. Librarians never heard of it. 😵‍💫 3mo
BarbaraBB We‘re ahead of things 😉 or at least on top of them 3mo
squirrelbrain It‘s because we respect and appreciate each other‘s reviews so we know when a book‘s going to be good. Other non-Littens just don‘t have that lovely circle of book-friends. 3mo
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Tamra We have good taste. 😊 3mo
jlhammar What they all said! It really is an all-consuming kind of read. So glad you were able to get your hands on a copy. One of my favorites this year so far 💚 3mo
Suet624 I‘m always thankful to Litsy and all the Littens who recommend books I‘d never have selected on my own. I‘ve read some excellent books as a result. 3mo
Cathythoughts I have this one. Must get to it. Litsy is great ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I'm going back in.
I had to put this book aside for a few days because it was so distressing, and rightly so.
Picking up another book meanwhile just felt disrespectful.
So here we are...

squirrelbrain Yes, I completely understand your feelings. 💔 3mo
kspenmoll I had to do this as well- this book time for me to read.💔 1mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Eggs Brilliant 💓 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ❤️ 3mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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It took me a month to read this harrowing & beautiful “biofiction”.I had to put it down at several points,as evil in the past & present merged.I resumed reading when I recovered & felt strong again.
A must, must read.
#generationaltrauma “ I carry within me, inscribed in the very cells of my body, the memory of an experience of danger so violent that sometimes I think I really lived it myself, or I‘ll be forced to relive it one day.”
Please read!

BarbaraBB You nailed it either way this review. And you‘re right: please read it 🤍 3mo
jlhammar Fab review! Harrowing and beautiful is a perfect way to describe it. 3mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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kspenmoll Thank you so much for this. I signed up. 😀 4mo
Soscha Antisemitism is the worse I‘ve ever seen or at least noticed before. It‘s bad if not RAMPANT on college campuses. 4mo
Soscha Can you guess why? 4mo
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Soscha עם ישראל חי 4mo
TheBookHippie @Soscha It‘s bad everywhere. My adult daughter is hiding her Hebrew Tattoo and someone said to her at her work “you‘re Jewish, I can tell by your nose..” 😵‍💫. 4mo
Soscha Ugh. I‘m not Jewish but proud to be a Zionist. Which isn‘t a pejorative no matter how some children believe it to be. All it means is you believe the nation of Israel exists & deserves to exist. There are THREE generations of born-in-Israel Israelis with a 20% population Palestinians that have the right to vote, worship the religion of their choice, be LGBTQ+ & serve on the Shin Bet. That‘s the reality. Let them live in peace. 4mo
Soscha I get preachy about this, sorry. No I don‘t hate either Palestinians nor Gazans. Bring home the hostages; let EVERYONE live in peace. 🇮🇱🕊️🇵🇸 4mo
TheBookHippie @Soscha I agree 💯 4mo
IMASLOWREADER can anyone sign up for this? 4mo
IMASLOWREADER cool tnx 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I finished this today -it was very hard for me personally to read. I generally do not read fictional Holocaust stories because there are so many nonfiction deserving of my witness. The enduring impact of trauma is hard to describe. This comes close. Much more to say but … I‘m tired of trying to explain why this matters. In other weird news this was on the shelf in our public library. No holds, no one taking it out. Librarian didn‘t recognise it ..

StaceGhost I‘m taking a grad class called trauma and the holocaust and some of us are learning Yiddish so we can read and translate great Jewish poets. I thought I knew a lot about it but now I feel like an old writing desk crammed with a thousand stories, about to come apart. 4mo
mcctrish What I think this book did an amazing job of, and maybe it‘s just where I am in my learning/processing of the holocaust, is talking about the bystanders. How it wove underneath the story, I‘m almost in tears writing this thinking about the layers of systematic plotting Hitler did in eradicating anyone he thought worthless and the relief people felt at “it‘s not me” and voila, the bystanders are born 4mo
TheBookHippie @StaceGhost How wonderful. I bet it‘s fascinating. So many stories. It‘s hard to grasp the entire scope of it all😭……Yiddish is fun, I know quite a bit of it. I‘ve done that as well with poetry and short novellas. 4mo
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TheBookHippie @mcctrish Yup. Same thing is happening now. That people don‘t see it never ceases to amaze me. 4mo
BarbaraBB I feel you. These are such scary times and I can imagine the book must hit hard for you. 🤍 4mo
StaceGhost @TheBookHippie that‘s so cool! Any recs? 4mo
TheBookHippie @StaceGhost An Anthology of Modern Yiddish Poetry: Bilingual Edition An Anthology of Modern Yiddish Poetry: Bilingual Edition https://a.co/d/d5Eh8yR (edited) 4mo
TheBookHippie @StaceGhost http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/zychlinski-rajzel this is who got me started Rajzel Zychlinski I wanted to read her. (edited) 4mo
StaceGhost Thank you! I‘ve been translating Yehoash and Anna Margolin— I love her work. It‘s nice to see more women! I‘m working on some Sutskever right now. 4mo
TheBookHippie @StaceGhost oh I love Anna. Enjoy. I find it fascinating. 4mo
Anna40 It might take a while for people to pick this up. No holds in my library on the book a few weeks ago. I didn‘t finish it and am now on a wait list to borrow again. 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Soooo good! Best book I have read this year! What an amazing story! #europacollective

jlhammar Amazing is right! Happy to hear you loved it too. 4mo
mcctrish @jlhammar what‘s next? I am addicted to these Europa books! I need to start buying them, it‘s breaking my bookish heart to give them back to the library 4mo
jlhammar Our next #EuropaCollective pick also sounds wonderful! In June we‘ll be reading 4mo
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mcctrish @jlhammar I‘m going to order a copy now 4mo
tpixie @jlhammar please add me to your list. This book was awesome. ( how often does #Europacollective read books together?) 3mo
mcctrish @tpixie I want to say quarterly - this is my third - we read Our Fathers in October and Novel Bookstore in December ( at least I did ) Postcard was March but I couldn‘t get my hands on it in time. I‘m totally buying them now so I don‘t have to wait 3mo
tpixie @mcctrish thanks!! That sounds doable!! Thanks for the backlist! 3mo
jlhammar @tpixie Great, I‘ll be sure to include on future posts! Yes, it is quarterly. In June we‘re reading The Road to Dalton by Shannon Bowring, in September A Long Way from Verona by Jane Gardam and in December 3mo
tpixie @jlhammar thx!!! ☺️ 3mo
tpixie @jlhammar Belle Greene sounds great! Last year I read about her in Marie Benedict‘s 3mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Enjoying my day off ( PD Day because of the eclipse) so I‘m cracking open Snow White, I hit the grocery store with every other person going out before the solar eclipse show starts, now for some sushi and Lego. I LOVE this story, I want to inhale it but I need to savour it

bookandbedandtea Excellent book and i LOVE your Snow White lego! 4mo
mcctrish @bookandbedandtea I am so excited about Snow White 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Bag 3 of Wildflower Bouquet while I listen. This book 🤯💔

Sargar114 My friend got this Lego set for me when I was recovering. It‘s perfect cause I kill real flowers lol 4mo
mcctrish @Sargar114 I want more sets 🤷🏻‍♀️😆 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I‘m at 68% and I‘m so moved.

BarbaraBB 💔 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Not my usual type of audio ( I usually do non-fiction) I‘m obsessed with this story and because it‘s talking to me, I‘m talking back to it #europaeditions #europacollective

BarbaraBB ❤️ 4mo
jlhammar So good, isn‘t it? I did print, but felt the same—once I started I didn‘t want to do anything else (and was rather annoyed with life getting in the way)! 4mo
mcctrish @jlhammar my old phone keeps dying, I am some mad 😡 4mo
tpixie @mcctrish yes! We really need iPods to come back so we don‘t waste as much battery on our phones by listening to audiobooks for hours!!! 4mo
mcctrish @tpixie that‘s the truth 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Mesmerizing. Brutal. Poignant. And so very important. I am so glad I read this book.


jlhammar Me too. Great review! 4mo
Cathythoughts Lovely review ❤️ 4mo
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BarbaraBB Wow. That nails it! 4mo
tpixie Yes! 4mo
julieclair @tpixie Thanks! 💙 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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My hold FINALLY came in so it was time for a walk. This brutal photo is of our boulevard grass that I‘m trying to turn into a wild garden. Some of my gifted and transplanted plants seem to be finding their way back 💚💚💚 I think it might be time to clean up the ‘beds‘ #europacollective

tpixie Fun project!! 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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#SpringSkies Day 1: This was our #BkClubRead #BookClubRead for #EuropaCollective for March which I enjoyed tremendously.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 4mo
Eggs Lovely photo 🌿💚🪴 4mo
tpixie It was a great read! 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Another excellent choice by #EuropaCollective
Very well written book about a dark time in our history, the Holocaust, and how it impacted the author and her family. Identity, antisemitism, loss, legitimacy are themes present in this book. When trying to find the author of the postcard, she actually learns about her lost relatives, she talked about their aspirations, which is quite touching. And the end... just a well-needed slap in the face.

BarbaraBB Great review! 4mo
Anna40 Agree! Great review 4mo
tpixie Perfect review 🇫🇷💔 4mo
jlhammar It really was excellent. Wonderful review! 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I‘m posting early because what I‘m currently reading will not bump Enter Ghost from the top spot for this week. I think my reading mojo is coming back and it‘s partly due to these fantastic books and the #WomensPrize longlist.

Love your graphics and the ease of choosing a favorite over a whole weekly book report. @Read4life I won‘t post them but have gone back and made January and February so I will have a great reference for 2024.

kspenmoll The Postcard is the best book I have read so far in 2024. Just finished it. 4mo
squirrelbrain Glad to see Enter Ghost and Defence on your list - those are the two I‘m saving for the end as I hope they‘ll be the best from the list! 🤞 4mo
BarbaraBB I loved all four of these too 👯‍♀️❤️ 4mo
Read4life That‘s awesome. Thank you for posting! 💙💙 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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“Nature isn‘t just scenery,” he would say. “It‘s not around you, but within you. It is inside you, just as you are inside it.”—Uncle Boris
#naturalitsy #litsolace

Cathythoughts Beautiful quote ❤️ 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Myriam & Vincente hike up a steep slope to hide out in “The Hanged Man‘s House.” There they make beds out of Spanish Broom. With so much horror, trauma, heartbreak & generational bone deep, cellular sorrow, this image of beauty spoke to me.

jlhammar Beautiful. 4mo
Cathythoughts Beautiful, I‘m anxious to get to this one. ❤️ 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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The first half of this book, following a Jewish family as they try to avoid the Russian purges and eventually end up trying to navigate the hell of the Holocaust, is heavy and affecting but definitely something I‘ve read before. The second half, however, is incredible, from exploring being Jewish in our current era to the desperate attempt to find family members at the end of WWII. It‘s a powerful read.

The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Heart breaking. Absolutely adds significantly to cannon of holocaust literature. Astoundingly personal. Should be required reading to understand life and the human heart. Potent in the writing. The names, the names - the pull of generations in our lives. So relevant to today. Emotional dna. #europacollective is the cover photo Noemi?

TheKidUpstairs Totally agree. And yes, the cover is Noemie's photo 4mo
jlhammar Yes to all of that! 💔 Fantastic review. 4mo
BarbaraBB Fantastic review indeed. I loved the book too. 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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#EuropaCollective pick for March: deserving of all the accolades it has received, from critics & our Litsy book group. finished reading it last night while on a 6 hour layover in Istanbul from Bologna en route to Abu Dhabi. Found the perfect spot in the lounge after I took a shower. Harrowing and thoughtful, the memoir depicts the aftermath of Holocaust in a way no other book has for me. The contemporary conversation about racism was raw & honest.

tpixie Great review! Happy travels! I want to travel with you!! ( even with a long layover!) 4mo
BarbaraBB Fab review and one I agree with on all points. Safe travels 🤍 4mo
squirrelbrain Great review! ❤️ 4mo
TracyReadsBooks Great review! I loved this book and had my book club read it—unsurprisingly, everyone liked it and we had great discussion about it. 4mo
jlhammar Yes, such a special book! Wonderful review. 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I finally received my copy. Looking forward to starting this one.

Tamra Enjoy Cathy! 4mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Thanks X. 4mo
jlhammar Wonderful! Look forward to your thoughts. 4mo
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Cathythoughts @jlhammar I know. I‘m delighted to finally have it 😁 4mo
BarbaraBB Enjoy Cathy ❤️ 4mo
LeahBergen I‘ve yet to pick up a copy but all the reviews on here are making me want to read it! 4mo
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Thanks Barbara ♥️ 4mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Yes , me too. That‘s why I got it . It took ages to come. Makes me really miss Book Depository… they had everything and delivered everywhere so quickly. 4mo
CatMS I loved this book, one of my favorites in 2022 4mo
Cathythoughts @CatMS Oh thats good to hear. 😁👍🏻 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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As others have said, this is an incredible novel, & Berest has captured what it must have been like to live through the Holocaust in Europe, surviving from day to day, the heart pounding terror of near escapes and the numbing sameness of hiding/not drawing attention, of not knowing what has happened to family & friends, but holding out hope that they‘re still out there, somewhere. Terrifying and devastating in equal measure.

Aimeesue Litsy won‘t post the tag list for some reason. 😕 4mo
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Aimeesue Apparently, I just need shorter tag lists. 🙄 4mo
jlhammar Yes, so devastating. And she tied that to the present day with her look at identity and intergenerational trauma in such a thoughtful and moving way. Great review! 4mo
tpixie @Aimeesue great review! 4mo
squirrelbrain Yes, you have to break tag lists into shorter chunks. 😃 Great review! 4mo
Cathythoughts Great review. Just going to start this afternoon. 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest

Sometimes all you can do is listen to the echoes of the silence.

The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I have been saving this #europacollective March selection for my long drive to Ohio. I am about a third in and haven‘t gotten to anything about the postcard, but I am engrossed in the background of the family members. What a stunning portrayal of the collective and individual denial of the world in the early days of the holocaust.

jlhammar Good thinking saving this! Hope being engrossed in a great book makes your drive more pleasant. 4mo
tpixie I love listening to audiobooks as I drive! Safe driving and have a fun trip! 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Litsy made me do it! #bookmail

jlhammar You won‘t regret it! So good. 4mo
BarbaraBB What @jlhammar says ❤️ 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Honestly, I don't know what I can add to the rave reviews from the #EuropaCollective for this book. If you have been wondering if it really is that good, just know that it is.

BarbaraBB ❤️💔❤️ 4mo
jlhammar It really is! So glad we read this one. 4mo
tpixie Great summarization! ❤️💔❤️ 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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jlhammar Yay! So glad you‘re enjoying it so far. 5mo
squirrelbrain It is amazing, isn‘t it?! 5mo
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BarbaraBB It has it all this book. It develops in such a great way 5mo
Cathythoughts Oh great! I havnt even started 5mo
tpixie So happy you are enjoying it! It covers so many important topics 🩵🦋🩵 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Oh my goodness, that ending! The whole book was fantastic -- poignant, compulsively readable, wonderful characters -- but the ending was so beautiful. I've told my mom and sister they need to read it, too. I think the most powerful part, for me, was when she addresses the idea of “only being Jewish when it suits her.“ The ever-present fear she described was so palpable. #EuropaCollective

jlhammar Yes, loved the ending! Great review. Sure to be one of my favorite reads this year. 5mo
squirrelbrain I loved the ending too - sad, but kind of not, in some way. 5mo
BarbaraBB Yes that was such a powerful part, when that woman accused her of being Jewish only when it suited her. And that ending, so beautiful 5mo
tpixie Great review. So many feelings! This will surely be one of my favorites of the year! 4mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I don‘t think there‘s anything to add to everyone‘s reviews. A totally engrossing, poignant read. Made even more poignant when you know it‘s based on facts. That cover just stirs up so many emotions too.
A brilliant read.

charl08 Just if you haven't read it yet, definitely pick it up! 5mo
Librarybelle Everyone‘s wonderful reviews of this one has made me add it to my list to get at the library! 5mo
AmyG I just bought it. Thanks @TrishB 5mo
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jlhammar I agree, having Noémie‘s photo on the cover and the novel being autobiographical made everything hit harder emotionally. 5mo
TrishB @charl08 @Librarybelle @AmyG hope you love it too ♥️ 5mo
TrishB @jlhammar you just couldn‘t look away. 5mo
BarbaraBB Great review Trish. A book that needs to be read by many 🤍 5mo
quietlycuriouskate Waiting impatiently for my library hold... 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review. I‘m hoping to get to it soon X 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I can‘t find the words to describe how profoundly good and important this book is. Told as fiction, it is the story of the author‘s own experience when her family receives an anonymous postcard with the four names of family members that were killed during the Holocaust. #europacollective ⬇️

Gleefulreader It tells their story in the first half then describes trying to find the author of the postcard in the second half. However the deeper story in the second half is the experience of the generational trauma and unique experience of being both Jewish and living in France and what that has meant for this author‘s family. I thought it was exceptional how it explored the impact of the Holocaust on the generations that followed. Important and compelling. 5mo
TheKidUpstairs I have a HUGE stack of library books out right now, but everyone's reviews are making me super itchy to read this one!!! I think I'll have to put aside my #WomensPrize reading to pick this one up tonight :) 5mo
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squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m so glad to have read this along with the #europacollective. 5mo
squirrelbrain @TheKidUpstairs - once I started it, it overtook *all* of my Women‘s Prize reading. 5mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain from what everyone has said, I feel like even though it's a chunkster, I'll still whip through it in a couple days! 5mo
Gleefulreader @squirrelbrain @TheKidUpstairs it is a super fast read despite its size - and well worth it. 5mo
jlhammar Yes to all of that! Awesome review. 5mo
tpixie @Gleefulreader great review! This was an awesome pick @jlhammar 💗💗💗 5mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful review. And yes, it comes so close to how it must feel to be a descendant of the holocaust 💔 (edited) 5mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs echoing @squirrelbrain and @Gleefulreader it is a quick read and so worth it. I‘d read it before continuing the WP longlist! 5mo
Aimeesue Excellent review! An exceptional book, indeed. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I‘m not certain if you can access this article. I‘ll copy a few parts I thought were interesting about the author and her Great Gma. This photo shows something that amused me. I was trying not to look up all these addresses in the book and then the authors character also mentioned she did not need all the street addresses. Her mom Said they were all important though. 👇


tpixie Berest co-founded a small publishing house, Porte-plume, “to write biographies of old people for their families,” she said. “We did the interviews, wrote them up, and published them in micro-editions.” 5mo
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tpixie In 2017, she wrote “Gabriële,” a joint biography written with her sister Claire Berest of their maternal great-grandmother, Gabriële Buffet-Picabia. Gabriële was an art critic & intellectual engine of the early-twentieth-century Parisian avant-garde. 5mo
tpixie Gabriële, A close friend of Guillaume Apollinaire & a lover of Marcel Duchamp, she had studied musical composition in Paris & Berlin before marrying Francis Picabia, then a successful post-Impressionist painter, at twenty-seven.
tpixie “Gabriële” ends in 1919, well before what may have been the most dramatic chapter in its heroine‘s long life—when she was in her sixties during the Second World War and became an active member of a Resistance network known as Gloria SMH, alongside Samuel Beckett and others. These activities, touched upon in “The Postcard,” will be the subject of a future volume by the two sisters, who remain close. 5mo
Deblovestoread Thank you for the article! I appreciate the rounding out of information. 💜 5mo
tpixie @Deblovestoread so many newspaper Internet sites won‘t let you read their articles unless you pay for a subscription. I was at the “ Last time you can view this newspaper without paying for it” so I thought I better cut and paste some parts of the article!! 5mo
BarbaraBB Thank you for sharing this. Very interesting 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve just ordered this…. 5mo
jlhammar Thanks so much for sharing. 5mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain exciting!! I decided I wanted to try some of her other books if they were translated!! 5mo
tpixie @BarbaraBB @jlhammar yes!! 😀🦋📘 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘ve read that a fair few times @tpixie - in both English and French! 🇫🇷😃 5mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain oh! So great you can read in French! I lost my ability. I‘m working on it but it‘s slow. I did find the book in English in Apple Books. I think I‘ll read this and then Saigon. Of course, I just bought 10 books at an author event & am skipping over them! https://books.apple.com/us/book/bonjour-tristesse-and-a-certain-smile/id15082815... 5mo
squirrelbrain It‘s a while since I read in French - I‘d probably have to look up a lot of words these days! 5mo
squirrelbrain And… 10 books?! Exciting! 5mo
tpixie @squirrelbrain 😀 yes, I went overboard at a 12 Author event. 5mo
Aimeesue I both love and hate this post, as it is very informative and interesting, yet I suspect it will dramatically increase my TBR pile! 5mo
tpixie @Aimeesue lol I know how that feels!! 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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The first 45% of this book was read a few chapters a day but yesterday I couldn‘t put it down. Whether it‘s due to the power of the book or a change in my slumpy status remains to be seen. But the book is powerful. It fleshed out some of France‘s history for me and gave me more understanding of what it means to be Jewish not just the history of the holocaust. On page 462 it talks about how “1925 and 1950 weren‘t so very far apart” and how ⬇️

Deblovestoread ⬆️ “1950 and 1985 weren‘t so very far apart”. Today feels not that very far apart from the beginning of that history. It is unfathomable to me. #Neverforget 5mo
squirrelbrain That part about the years not being so far apart was really powerful. 5mo
BarbaraBB So true. What an insightful review. #NeverForget 5mo
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tpixie That was another poignant message in this book. 5mo
AllDebooks Wonderful review. I hope to start this weekend 5mo
jlhammar It really is powerful. I am currently listening to When Paris Went Dark (nonfiction-history) and it is turning out to be a good companion read. 5mo
Deblovestoread @jlhammar thanks for the recommendation 💜 5mo
tpixie @jlhammar ooo thanks 😊 5mo
Aimeesue Unfortunately, all too true. A lot of this book resonates today. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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Quite simply the best WWII novel I‘ve read. This book is compelling and emotional while firmly rooted in the place and time it is set, both in occupied France and the present-day narrative. I loved the way the author handled the generational impact of the trauma suffered by the Jewish community both as a result of the Holocaust and how antisemitism continues to this day.

BarbaraBB Great review. I think I agree about it being the best WWII book. One of the best without a doubt. 5mo
jlhammar Yes, so compelling! Especially so given that it is autobiographical, what Berest calls “a true novel.” I also love that Noémie‘s photo is the book cover. Wonderful review. 5mo
tpixie @Chelsea.Poole great review! I agree this is World War II book. It also shows how relevant and current this is with the descendants of Jewish victims & generational trauma. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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#ItTakesAllKinds Day 7: #War is just about to happen in this story and I feel a sense of impending doom. The foreshadowing here is strong. Loving our #EuropaCollective pick for the month.

mcctrish Those churros ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Lovely photo! ❤️ 5mo
BarbaraBB Glad you‘re loving it too 🩷 5mo
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squirrelbrain This is the really tough bit of the book. 5mo
emz711 Omg where is this deliciousness! 5mo
jlhammar I want what you‘re having! So glad you‘re loving it so far. I was so caught up in the mystery of the postcard. I loved how it ended, but I‘m a bit sad to have finished. 5mo
Eggs Brilliant 👌🏼 5mo
tpixie There definitely are tough parts to read. The whole of the story is so moving and well written. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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“I carry within me, inscribed in the very cells of my body, the memory of an experience of danger so violent that sometimes I think I really lived it myself, or that I‘ll be forced to relive it one day. To me, death always feels near…I am the daughter, and the granddaughter, of survivors.”

Powerful storytelling. All-consuming and profoundly moving. Wholeheartedly recommend.


BarbaraBB Gorgeous quote. One of many 💔❤️ 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻❤️ 5mo
squirrelbrain Great review, and a terrible but beautiful quote. 5mo
tpixie This was a wonderful, moving quote! And yes! A fantastic book!!! 5mo
Aimeesue Powerful quote 💙 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I‘m engrossed in The Postcard!

squirrelbrain It‘s so good, even though it‘s tough. There will be a point where you need to take a break. 5mo
kspenmoll Me too! 5mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain noted 👍🏻 5mo
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TrishB @kspenmoll it‘s so good 👍🏻 5mo
jlhammar Yes! So engrossing. I‘m almost finished. 5mo
Hooked_on_books I put in a hold for this one on the strength of Helen‘s review. @squirrelbrain 5mo
BarbaraBB Such a fantastic book. And that ending ❤️💔 5mo
TrishB @jlhammar hoping to finish today. 5mo
TrishB @Hooked_on_books I was having a very bad day earlier in the week and messaged Helen and said I‘m buying a book (as that always fixes it!) and she said this one 😁 so of course I did. 5mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB 😢 not there yet! I‘ll be ready, sort of. 5mo
BarbaraBB It‘s kind of beautiful ❤️ 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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1) I just left Auschwitz, devastated.
2) Right now The Shire, green and peaceful.

@Eggs Thanks for the tag! 💜

Want to play @mcctrish @bthegood @staci.reads

mcctrish That‘s a good balance 5mo
Eggs Thank you for playing and sharing 🤗🥰 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I cannot put this book down! Life keeps getting in the way of my reading! We are waiting for our food to come at the Thai restaurant and I‘m sneaking in a few sentences. 🤫 My family is not impressed 😝 #europacollective

jlhammar Same here about life getting in the way! All I want to do is read this book. And yum to Thai food! 5mo
tpixie Yum Thai!! our families need to understand sometimes books come first! 😀 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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I‘m reading at least 5 other books at the same time, but they were all immediately forgotten once I started this, and I read it in only a few hours.

It‘s not an easy read, particularly the first third of the book, but I loved the writing style. The links between ‘then‘ and now were incredibly compelling, and very worrying.

I‘m sure this will be up there with my favourite books of 2024.

charl08 Yea the first third was grim. Didn't feel too long though, all necessary, which I don't always feel like with books this substantial. 5mo
LeeRHarry Definitely moving up towards the top of my TBR list! I think I have requested this from the library… 🤞 5mo
mcctrish I check my library holds every day to see where I am in the queue 5mo
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Cathythoughts Great !! I can‘t wait ( even more now ) My copy is in the post. ❤️👍🏻 5mo
Gleefulreader Fantastic review! My weekend was busy so I only had an opportunity to read a little bit but setting aside time this week to finish it. 5mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I felt the same. And I am sure it will be one of this year‘s favorites as well! 5mo
Tamra 💙 5mo
jlhammar That passage really stood out for me as well. Wonderful review! Can‘t wait to get back to it this evening. 5mo
lauraisntwilder I'm not done yet, but that passage is one of the best parts so far. 5mo
Chelsea.Poole I also had to abandon all other reads for this book! Really enjoying it! (edited) 5mo
kspenmoll Such a perfect quote that always resonates in this world of ours! 5mo
TheKidUpstairs I'm eagerly awaiting my library hold! 5mo
Hooked_on_books Do you think this will be on the women‘s prize list, or would it have been eligible last year? 5mo
tpixie It will be a favorite of mine as well. That quote was so profound. I shared it to my family text thread. (edited) 5mo
julieclair That quote is so convicting! 5mo
batsy All the positive reviews and the comments here suggest that I definitely need to move this up the list 👍🏾 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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#EuropaCollective - just received my copy for the March pick, and only a few pages in, but seems truly promising. It‘s a serious chunkster though.

mcctrish This looks delightful on all the levels ❤️❤️ 5mo
squirrelbrain I couldn‘t put it down once I‘d started it. 5mo
BarbaraBB It seems a chunkster but it is a fast read! 5mo
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jlhammar Yay! It‘s really good so far (I‘m up to Chapter 31) and the pages fly by. Eager to get back to it this evening. 5mo
CSeydel It went fast for me. I read it on kindle and I was surprised when someone told me it was 500 pages - it didn‘t feel like it! 5mo
tpixie @CSeydel oh wow! I didn‘t know it was that long of a book!! I listened to it. It was so moving. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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tpixie So glad you are enjoying it!! I find the true history just astonishing, and she weaves a good story within it. 5mo
jlhammar Same! I was swept up in the story from the get-go. I‘m up to Chapter 25. Can‘t wait to get back to it. Looks like a cozy reading spot. 5mo
julieclair Can‘t wait to start this! 5mo
squirrelbrain I just started it too, and I‘m already up to chapter 19. 5mo
Cathythoughts I must start it soon. 👍🏻❤️ 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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ALWAYS, always,there is new formation to learn.In all my years of studying history,reading & discussing WWII nonfiction and fiction,I have not come across anything regarding this Parisian exhibit, THE JEW AND FRANCE, (9/5/1941 to 9/15/1942) during the German occupation of France.A film version of the exhibition came out in French cinemas in 10/1941. https://perspectives.ushmm.org/item/film-of-france-and-the-jew-exhibition #europacollective

jlhammar Wow, thanks for sharing. And yes, so true about there always being more to learn. 5mo
Aimeesue Thanks for the link! Awful to watch, but good to be aware of. 5mo
tpixie Thanks for the link. I hadn‘t heard of that either! 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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“Luminous and gripping” (book sleeve) perfect description of the book‘s effect and its writing, and I am only on page 15. #europacollective #TBR

jlhammar I think so too. I read the first five chapters last night and didn‘t want to stop. 5mo
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The Postcard | Anne Berest
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#BookReport 10/24

I had an excellent week. I loved the tagged book, which combines the holocaust with the mystery of a postcard, sent years later. I also enjoyed Happiness Falls and Snow Road Station. The only disappointment was one I had high expectations of: O Caledonia.

squirrelbrain Sounds like a great week! I‘m looking forward to starting The Postcard - sounds like another fabulous #europacollective pick. 5mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain It absolutely is. I guess it will be one of my favorite books of the year! 5mo
quietlycuriouskate @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB The Postcard has received so many ringing endorsements on here that I had to look it up in the library catalogue: pleasantly surprised to find I am only fourth in the queue! 🙂 5mo
Tamra Oh shoot, you didn‘t like Caledonia - it wasn‘t perfect for me, but I enjoyed the gothic atmosphere. 5mo
Suet624 I listened to The Postcard which I think ruined the experience for me. I feel as if I should pick up the paper copy of the book and read it again. 5mo
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