Ch 17: apparently it‘s Sydney‘s fault that she and Ronnie aren‘t hitting it off #kerrdrivesmenuts #ronnieisawetnoodle #ittakestwototango #justgivemethepastries #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17: apparently it‘s Sydney‘s fault that she and Ronnie aren‘t hitting it off #kerrdrivesmenuts #ronnieisawetnoodle #ittakestwototango #justgivemethepastries #hashtagbrigade
3 / 25
2 / 5 ⭐️
• Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how random and pointless this story seemed to me 🤨 2 / 5 ⭐️ for being Stephen King and that's probably not a good enough reason •
#pan #shortstories #StephenKing #wtf #nope #fiction #huh
So what's LibraryThing exactly? And what does that mean for Litsy?? I'm on Goodreads, is it similar??? Lemme know guys! #litsy #librarything #huh
This was probably not the book to start tonight when I'm exhausted. I do not have the brain power to figure out why these characters are talking about worms. Maybe the worms will make sense tomorrow. #worms #huh #hashtagsarehardwhenyouaretired #bedtimestoryfail