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The Eden Test: A Novel | Adam Sternbergh
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I am sorry Meg, but I am with Cindy on this one 🤷🏻‍♀️

The premise was good and I enjoyed The Blinds so I was looking forward to a new Sternbergh. But I found the plot non-plausible and unbelievable and the characters to me felt flat and stereotype. I did want to finish it, to see where it went with this couple doing a week long kind of challenge in a cabin in the woods of upstate NY to test their marriage, but I finished it rolling my eyes.

Cinfhen Your photo is BEAUTIFUL and I 💯 agree with your review!! 12mo
Megabooks Can‘t win ‘em all! 🤷🏻‍♀️ lovely photo!!! 🤩 12mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Doesn‘t happen to often though, that you and I don‘t agree on our books! It as about time I suppose 😂 12mo
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BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Yes, your review could have been mine. A book to forget about soon! 12mo
CatMS I liked it, not as good as the Spademan series but entertaining. 12mo
swishandflick I love watching where the 3 of you fall on the same book 😆 @Cinfhen @Megabooks 12mo
Hooked_on_books Gorgeous photo! I didn‘t like The Blinds at all, so it‘s good to know I won‘t miss anything by skipping this one. 12mo
Cinfhen @swishandflick hahaha 😂😂I find it entertaining as well 😂Has Aardvark dropped any clues yet??? #InquiringMinds 12mo
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I have so many questions for Litsy readers...

•What do you like to read?
•How do you like to read? paper books or digital? Both?
•If both, how do you decide which type to buy?
•Do you find you retain audiobooks the same way you would if you had read it instead of listened?
•Do you keep all your BOTM books or sell/trade them?

#100questions #books #reading #inquiringminds #bookofthemonth #botm #bookhoader #bookworm

Branwen I much rather prefer physical books over digital copies. I love smelling and holding a book in my hands! 😍💕📚 I also keep all my BOTM books, unless it's one I really didn't like, but that's rarely the case! 3y
♠️I‘ll read just about any genre but I especially love psychological thrillers & horror
♠️paper books all the way
♠️I have actually never listened to an audiobook before but thanks for reminding me that I should try it one day
♠️What are BOTM books?
Hhhjjjnsjehdhwjd @Branwen Smelling a book & holding a book are one of the BEST simple pleasures in life🌻📚 3y
TheBookHippie Classical Literature- physical hardbacks - no audio- BOTM I keep my favorites the rest I put in the teachers lounge for others 🤍 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Does anyone else flip between physical books and ebooks? The physical three I own, but the three ebooks are library. Anyone? Bueller?

#mounttbrreadathon #inquiringminds

Eggs I do it all the time. "Nine times, Mrs Bueller, nine times" 6y
CoffeeNBooks Yep, I'm always reading both physical books and books on my phone - that way I can switch back and forth depending on where I am and what I'm in the mood to read. 6y
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Redwritinghood All the time. 6y
HKGirl Yep, and audiobooks too! That's part of how I can keep multiple books going--it helps that they're different formats. 6y
CouronneDhiver All the time! All my print books are hardcover... so if I‘m on the go, or laying in bed and the ebook (from my library) is more convenient, I go with it 6y
Jayhawk_In_Texas I always have 1 print book, 1 ebook and 1 audiobook going at the same time. 6y
FantasyChick Always. I have so many books that I have physical and digital copies of just so I can do that. My Kobo is just more convenient in bed and if I'm really into a book, I don't want to have to stop reading just because I don't have the ecopy lol 6y
Winkelbel All the time. It helps to satisfy whatever mood I happen to be in and I don‘t feel deprived. 6y
ladyonequestion Me too, I still buy physical books and I'm still an avid library user even though I use Kindle a great deal. I'm even mad enough to carry a physical book along with my tablet! 6y
SaraBeagle Yes. I usually read print during the day and read ebooks before bed to read myself to sleep. And if I‘m out and about caught waiting somewhere, I‘ll pull up an ebook on my phone. I don‘t buy ebooks anymore- I just stick with Overdrive. 6y
Beatlefan129 I do. It just depends which I can get from the library faster. 6y
Janmah I alway download a sample onto my Kindle before I buy a physical book. It‘s been a while since I read a whole ebook. I like having my Kindle app on my iPad, especially when traveling. 6y
Megabooks @Eggs 😂😂😂 love it!!! 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
Megabooks @Jayhawk_In_Texas I alway end up off somehow! 😂😂 6y
bookishbunny Yep, all the time. (edited) 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Well if I ever needed an excuse to stay in and read on a Saturday, last night's snow storm came through. There's enough snow in my parking lot that I'm snowed in until our plow comes to let me out. He can take his time! Going to have a coffee, get caught up on my #buddyread and maybe start the #losersclub book! Happy Saturday ☃❄😊

BookishTrish What is this #loserclub of which you speak? #inquiringminds 6y
FantasyChick It's a forever long SK #buddyread @BookishTrish. This month is Carrie 😊 @TricksyTails hosts it. I believe we are going through his works by publication order? 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Yay! #bookmail Thanks @cobwebmoth for my #blinddatewithabook package. Now to find out what it is... how I love the suspense.

BookishTrish Have you opened it yet? I'm really curious about what book is inside 6y
Christyco125 I did. It was In the Dark, Dark Wood and A Study in Scarlet. 6y
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Percy Jackson: The Ultimate Guide | Rick Riordan, Mary-Jane Knight
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For our district #Halloween party, we've decided to do a Camp Half Blood theme for our school room. Unfortunately, I'm out of my element on this one so I'll have to binge watch the films and get to the books later. #PercyJackson fans, what elements should we include in our displays? #InquiringMinds

TobeyTheScavengerMonk If the Harry Potter books are cozy tea and scones, the Percy Jackson books are greasy cheeseburgers and fries! Lean in to the camp aesthetic because Camp Half-Blood is a summer camp for the half-human children of promiscuous deities. All the kids of Hermes bunk together, everybody is pretty in Aphrodite's cabin, Ares' kids are the bullies, etc. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Fair warning: The movies are garbage. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Also there's a theme of blue candy. Percy's mom works at a candy shop and brings home blue jelly beans, suckers, etc. 7y
IamIamIam @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Glad I asked!!! I thoughtI could get quick visuals from the movies but I know better than to put too much faith in them. We have 7 weeks to pull it all together but I'm not sure my "creative director" is feeling the theme for elementary school kids. We might be reworking our initial concept. Thanks for the tips!!!! 7y
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Well, gee, there's no need to be condescending 🙄. How slow are we talking here? Like a sloth slow? Or more of a turtle? I guess if fast children were at play it would make some kind of difference 🤔?

PatriciaU 😂😂😂👏👏👏👏 my husband hates these signs. There was one at the head of the street he grew up on, and the kids on his street used to get teased unmercifully about that sign! (edited) 7y
Hooked_on_books 😂Maybe it's actually an enticement for target practice? (I'm so bad) 7y
Alfoster And seriously, how hard can it be to insert punctuation??? 7y
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Alfoster @Hooked__on__books That's hilarious!😳😳😳 7y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂 7y
OrangeMooseReads I always thought the same thing when I saw those signs 7y
AlaMich Signs like this always made for a fun mini-lesson when I taught English as a Second Language to adults. 😊 7y
Bookgirl Arguing at the moment on FB with a journalist about the Oxford comma, so this is timely! 7y
Craftylikefox Thank you!! I'm not the only one!! 7y
NovelGirl82 @Bookgirl Are you pro or con? #inquiringminds I have this argument often, as I am a proofreader. 7y
theshrinkette Ugh that's an awful sign. 7y
ReadingRover 😜 7y
Bookgirl @NovelGirl82 I am pro. Journalists use AP style, which dismisses the Oxford comma. I vote it's often needed for clarity, as commas are! 7y
NovelGirl82 @Bookgirl I agree! I am very pro! 7y
Texreader @Alfoster You are so right!! 7y
Texreader @Bookgirl @NovelGirl82 I am so pro Oxford comma!! Happy to join your ranks. Why is it so hard to add a comma to make something so much easier to understand? 7y
MyNamesParadise Omg I literally LOL'ed when I saw this. My local signs aren't phrased like that- at least not where it's gotten my attention like that! And omg ALWAYS THE OXFORD COMMA!!!!!!!! 7y
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Lindbergh | A. Scott Berg
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King George: "Now tell me, Captain Lindbergh. There is one thing I long to know. How did you pee?"

thec0zy Somebody has to ask the pragmatic questions, right? 😂 8y
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