It is finally cooling off a bit so doing a little audiobook listening on the porch with they two nubbins.
#dogsoflitsy #mork #millhouse
Leanna you are right! This book is crazy!
It is finally cooling off a bit so doing a little audiobook listening on the porch with they two nubbins.
#dogsoflitsy #mork #millhouse
Leanna you are right! This book is crazy!
Marvelous May Day 13
This little guy right here was the best wedding present. I didn‘t know I needed a naked dog in my life but clearly I did. He is almost twelve, loves fruit and veggies, hates thunderstorms and having his picture taken and is too smart for his own good.
#marvelousmay #dogsoflitsy #millhouse #mexicanhairless
The weather is perfect so I am listening to an audiobook on the porch with three sunbathing pups. #dogsoflitsy #millhouse #church #mork
When you are reading on the couch and this face pops out from under the blanket.
#dogsoflitsy #millhouse
I have been piddling around the house this morning. I sat down on the couch to take a break while listening to my book and this is what happened to my lap. Three out of the four dogs decided they needed to curl up on me. It‘s a good time to be a dog.
#millhouse #mork #church #pandemicwithpets
I had to take like 50 pictures to get a decent one of his face. He hates having his picture taken. I have to be sneaky. He thinks it steals his soul.
#dogsoflitsy #millhouse
Dinner is in the oven so we are sitting on the porch enjoying listening to this audiobook.
#dogsoflitsy #mork #millhouse
#flashbackfun to July 2015-reading a library book with my boys 🖤
#dogsoflitsy #millhouse #mork #jazzyjune
When all your baby having friends keep sending pics of their kids in church clothes holding a chalkboard Easter sign this is how you respond.
Please excuse the unmade bed.
#dogsoflitsy #biggie #millhouse #mork