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Snagged these at #DollarTree a couple of days ago. I know a lot of you have read #FatesandFuries, but what about the others?


Samplergal Dollar tree? (Looking for my keys) 6y
britt_brooke @Samplergal Yep! But the selection definitely varies by location. I got these in my hometown in KY. My local one rarely has anything decent. 6y
emilyhaldi Excited to hear your thoughts on F&F!! I'm hoping you will be on #teamemily and LOVE it ❤️🤞🏻 6y
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BibliOphelia I just got Fates at my Winn Dixie for $3!!! 👍😂 6y
britt_brooke @emilyhaldi Uh oh, is @Reviewsbylola not a fan? Or @Cinfhen ? Or both? 😆 I have high hopes. The cover alone is so gorgeous I could stare at it all day. Have you read her new one? I‘ve heard good things about it. 6y
emilyhaldi You guess it!! @Cinfhen and @Reviewsbylola are both total haters!!! So you need to read it soon and let us know which team wins 😜 I need to check out her new one!!! 6y
Cinfhen Great snags!!! Even though I did not care for F&F (it was the author I took an irrational dislike too) the book has actually stayed with me all this time!!! I‘m no longer a HATER @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola I think the book is full of merit 😊 I‘m curious what your thoughts will be, Britt 6y
britt_brooke @emilyhaldi 😆😆😆 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen 😆 Interesting! Now, you all have me really curious. Hopefully I‘ll get to it soon. @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola 6y
Reviewsbylola Hate is a very strong word and completely conveys how I felt about F&F. 😂😂 @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi (edited) 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Oh man! I‘m scared now. 😆 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s 💯 the writing style I hate. So you may be good. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Ok, I‘ll keep that in mind. 👍🏻 Hopefully I‘ll get to it soon. 6y
zembla I didn‘t realize Dollar Tree had BOOKS. This changes things... 6y
britt_brooke @christinamcc It‘s a small section and varies by location, but I get lucky now and then! 6y
rather_be_reading fates & furies was there?! omg 6y
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#GetMovin Not sure anyone can really claim a #perfectlife but growing up Christina McDowell describes a real life fairytale 🏰castles and ponies, private planes, never ending parties and all the luxuries until the FEDS arrived at her mansion with guns blazing and they arrested her father; her knight in shining armor. It‘s a fascinating story about greed, money, want & insatiable need but I was unable to find sympathy for Christina. #ImNotEvil

TrishB I don‘t know this story 👍🏻 6y
eanderson This sounds good! 6y
Mdargusch Sounds like a good one! I‘m not familiar with this story at all. 6y
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Cinfhen @Mdargusch You can borrow it from @Reviewsbylola 💕💕 6y
Reviewsbylola Lol I still need to read it but yes @Mdargusch I have it and Cindy knows because she gifted it to me. 😂😂 6y
emilyhaldi Lol I want to read too!! @Reviewsbylola 6y
Reviewsbylola Ok I guess I better get to it then. 😂 @emilyhaldi 6y
Cinfhen I‘m curious to hear all the Dargusch thoughts on this one...I‘ll be waiting 😉 @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi 😘😘😘 6y
Reviewsbylola I started it last night. Wasn‘t feeling Hausfrau! 6y
Cinfhen I bailed on Hausfrau @Reviewsbylola 😂this is an easy read, it sucks you right in 6y
Reviewsbylola I only read 40 pages. I just couldn‘t do it. @emilyhaldi gave it five stars!! 6y
Cinfhen I remember @Reviewsbylola because we were reading at the same time and I was wondering WTF book is she reading?!?! Because my Hausfrau was slow, dark & depressing....like @shawnmooney would say “ I wanted to rip out my eyeballs “ 😂😂😂 6y
emilyhaldi @Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola I LOVE dark and depressing.. and moody!!! I thought the writing was incredible 🖤 I think I have a couple of cool littens who are on #teamemily 😉 @LauraBeth @BarbaraBB you guys loved Hausfrau too, right?! 6y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi I am definitely on #teamemily, I also love dark stories and Hausfrau was exactly how I like them! And I think @LauraBeth loved it too indeed! So, @Cinfhen and @Reviewsbylola , you may want to reconsider 😉?! 6y
LauraBeth @emilyhaldi definitely with you and @BarbaraBB on this one - dark and depressing is my jam! Loved Hausfrau! I was just thinking of re-reading it 😀 (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola I don‘t mind Dark and depressing. The writing was just too removed for me. @emilyhaldi @BarbaraBB @LauraBeth 6y
Cinfhen Yes, I think @Reviewsbylola defined my dislike better @LauraBeth @BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi the writing felt flat, too detached ~ but I may try again 6y
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I don‘t know if this can count as a #plottwist, but the narrative twist in the middle of this book had me like 😱😱


Reviewsbylola I hated this one. 😂😬 So funny because @emilyhaldi LOVED it and gave it five stars. 6y
LauraBeth I LOVED this book! 6y
Cathythoughts I loved this one 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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KarenUK @Reviewsbylola I‘m definitely on #teamemily and #teamlaurabeth with this one but I think @cinfhen is on #teamsteph ! @laurabeth @emilyhaldi 6y
Mdargusch Oh for sure! That was a big twist. 6y
emilyhaldi Yes!!! Glad to have such a solid team @LauraBeth @Cathythoughts @KarenUK I actually want to read this one again.... amazing plot twist 🙌🏻 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Interesting. Mixed reviews. Still tbr. 6y
Cinfhen As much as I hated this book, I haven‘t forgotten it at all!!! And there were a few more plot twists towards the end.... so that counts for something but I‘m definitely with @Reviewsbylola on this one🙌🏻 6y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Can I join you and @Reviewsbylola 😀?! 6y
Kalalalatja I‘m with you @emilyhaldi @LauraBeth @Cathythoughts @KarenUK I LOVED it! But somehow I‘m not surprised @Reviewsbylola, @BarbaraBB and @Cinfhen didn‘t 😄😄 @erzascarletbookgasm I can only recommend reading it! 👍 6y
Cinfhen Always room for another #Hater 🤣😂😉 @BarbaraBB 💗😘 6y
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Couldn‘t choose between these two books for today‘s prompt. Jane Austen at Home just seems obvious but I couldn‘t ignore this Persephone book about the quintessential #EnglishHouse.

Sophoclessweetheart I want them both 😍💛 6y
Traci1 Jane Austen at Home is so pretty. Beautiful photo. ❤ 6y
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Tamra 😍 6y
Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola I‘m #TeamEmily on this photo 🙌🏻and both books seem perfect ❣️❣️❣️loving today‘s prompt @Mdargusch ~ need to listen to the song 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I love everything in this photo 😍 6y
batsy So pretty! 6y
jenniferw88 I'm seeing Lucy give a talk about this book tonight! ❤ 6y
JacqMac I love watching Lucy on YouTube. I might need this book. 6y
Mdargusch Pretty! That China 💕💕💕 I should actually use it! 6y
Mdargusch Yes! It‘s a good one @Cinfhen I really like Fleet Foxes 🦊 6y
LeahBergen I love this photo! 💕💕💕 I‘m coming over for tea! 6y
Lmstraubie Such a pretty picture 😍 6y
GripLitGrl Lovley photo! 📷😍 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg so pretty. Love how he cover and the bookmark compliment one another. 6y
britt_brooke Pretty! 6y
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The Broken Girls | Simone St James
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Breakfast and a new book. I‘m getting started early on #freakyfriday because I can‘t help myself and because I‘ve been wanting to read this one!

JenlovesJT47 This book is so good!! 7y
emilyhaldi Yum! 7y
Reviewsbylola Wonder if you‘ll be #teamsteph or #teamemily. 7y
Mdargusch That remains to be seen @Reviewsbylola 7y
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Immortalists | Chloe Benjamin
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Halfway through and LOVING this book ❤️I‘m hooked by the writing and vignettes of the Gold siblings, learning their destinies and fate. I‘m surprised my friend @emilyhaldi wasn‘t a fan 😦

Kalalalatja It gives me hope if you like it! I feel like the reviews have been kind of meh... 7y
Christine11 It seems to be a real marmite book ! I wasn‘t crazy about it but I know people who loved it 😊 I‘m glad you‘re enjoying it ! 7y
Reviewsbylola Hahahaha OF COURSE you‘re loving it. 😂 Which means I‘ll probably be #teamemily. 🤣🤣 7y
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Cinfhen @britt_brooke will hate it, @BarbaraBB will like it @ElishaLovesBooks will love it BUT you @Reviewsbylola I‘m not sure 🤔 I‘m not understanding why people are so divided on this one @Christine11 @Kalalalatja I need to go back and read through the reviews. I still have 125 pages left, so it‘s possible last third is awful 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
GabriannaLikesToRead I‘m glad to hear a great review on this, have been wanting to read it! 7y
erinreads I loved this one so much! The first half is definitely stronger than the second half, but I loved it all! 7y
emilyhaldi Go figure 🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen I‘m excited!! I‘ve now heard from a few people I trust book-wise how good it is, so I‘m sure you‘re right!!! BTW, how was the wedding??! 7y
TracyReadsBooks I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an ARC last summer. Read it, loved it, and promptly passed it on. (Liked it enough I‘ll definitely need to pick up a hardcover.) 7y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I‘m sure you‘re right, haha! 😆👏🏻 I don‘t even want to read it. 😜 7y
BarbaraBB You think I will like it? Cool! It‘s on my TBR for this month! 7y
Cinfhen Wedding was lovely 😊 bride was exceptionally beautiful and my friend was so happy I flew in, which made it extra wonderful plus lots of HS friends, which is always fun @ElishaLovesBooks but my feet are killing me... 7y
Cinfhen Hope you both love it @BarbaraBB @GabriannaLikesToRead I‘m curious to see how it ends @TracyReadsBooks @erinreads 💕 7y
TracyReadsBooks I really liked the end. It‘ll be interesting to see what you think. 7y
Bklover Really??? I didn‘t care for this one. I guess I‘m with @emilyhaldi !💕💕 7y
ElishaLovesBooks @Cinfhen Sounds lovely except for the feet part😁😂 7y
Seesydneyread I just picked this up today! Excited to get into it! 7y
KarenUK I'm loving it so far.... hope you had a lovely time at the wedding 💕 7y
Centique It‘s so funny when we get to know each other‘s tastes! I think I might like it - I just struggle with contemporary, suburban psychological dramas (L Moriarty etc) plus thrillers plus true crime/horror if it‘s graphic 😳😳 But great writing overcomes everything 👍👍 7y
Cinfhen Just finished this one @KarenUK @Sydneyreads @Centique LOVED IT❣️❣️❣️ 7y
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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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WOW!!! Such a difficult, heartbreaking, ugly story but written so beautifully and tenderly!!! Five golden shiny stars ?????I don't get why you didn't love it @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi My heart was broken repeatedly but I'm somehow left feeling hopeful. "Home ain't a place" and family is what you create. @TrishB @shawnmooney READ THIS BOOK!!!

Aleida Great pic and review. I‘m gonna check it out right now... hold on... 7y
Ms_T Great review and stacked 😃 7y
Reviewsbylola So funny. I️ thought for sure you‘d be #teamemily and #teamsteph. I️ was going to give I️t four stars for the first half but I️ thought the second half was downright PAINFUL. I️ need some back up here. 🤣🤣 @emilyhaldi @britt_brooke @Booksandcooks @L_auren 7y
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bookloo Also didn‘t love it, but I totally love and respect your review! Jojo is everything. Kayla too. ❤️ 7y
L_auren @Reviewsbylola of course I‘m with you BUT I‘m not shocked to hear that @Cinfhen loved it either! Just one of those books 7y
Cinfhen I get this book is messy & nasty but real life can be that way @Reviewsbylola my heart broke a million times for JoJo & Kayla @bookloo but Pop & Mam made me believe in the beauty of this world @L_auren (edited) 7y
Cinfhen This will probably be a top 5 for me @Ms_T @Aleida but it's definitely a book that might not be for everyone!!! I totally get that ❤️ 7y
Cinfhen But me thinks @shawnmooney will swoon for the haunting writing and gut punch after gut punch (edited) 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved it!!! Her writing is phenomenal! Can‘t wait to read more!! ❤️ 7y
readordierachel Yes! I loved this one too! 7y
Reviewsbylola For me, I️t wasn‘t the plot that caused issues, I️t was the way the book was constructed. The second half of the book had a totally different feel. I️t stopped me in my tracks. And puking in books doesn‘t bother me BUT I️t was so prevalent in this one that I️ wondered wtf I️ was missing. Was I️t supposed to mean something? 7y
Reviewsbylola I️t certainly is a polarizing book! @L_auren 7y
Tamra Now I really want to find out! Love the diversity of perspectives! 7y
TrishB Not too much animal violence? I really want to read but heard there was. 7y
Cinfhen The first chapter has the killing of a goat but it's not really relevant to the story - you could easily skip that part because the rest of the book is phenomenal!! @TrishB and even the slaughtering of the goat isn't done as a violent act (edited) 7y
TrishB Sold 👍 have some b.day book tokens left..... 7y
AmyG I loved this, too. 7y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola I‘ll back you up! Once the second ghost appeared, I was out. Also, I didn‘t like how everyone‘s narrative voice sounded the same and didn‘t really seem to match the characters. There were some words that definitely would‘ve never come from Leonie‘s mouth that appeared in her thoughts. That didn‘t work for me at all. Also, the excessive puking. I panned it. @Booksandcooks @emilyhaldi @L_auren 7y
Cinfhen When I started reading negative reviews which mentioned ghosts I was sure I was going to HATE this novel but I found the “spirits” to be guides and wholly part of the story. Mam talks about how “bad deaths” can leave you in such a state and I thought that all rang true and authentic. I get your issue with the common narrative but that‘s because JW style is so distinct that all her narratives were lyrical to maybe a small fault @britt_brooke 7y
shawnmooney @Cinfhen So glad to hear you loved it! I don‘t think it‘ll be for me but I may try it. It‘d be nice to be pleasantly surprised for a change! 😘😍😘😍 7y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I can see your points. 😉😘 I liked Salvage the Bones, but this one just didn‘t work for me. 7y
Cinfhen Fair enough, don‘t want to disagree with my favorite birthday girl 😘😘😘 @britt_brooke 7y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen 😆💚😘 7y
emilyhaldi I‘m gonna back up #teamstephlaurenbritt here. I liked the first half and I actually really enjoyed the plot but those GHOSTS. They were so distracting and out of place for me that it totally ruined the good. Maybe I will try her other one! @Reviewsbylola @L_auren @britt_brooke Glad you loved it @cinfhen! It seems right in your wheelhouse 😄 7y
erzascarletbookgasm This book is on my wishlist! I‘m very curious, now that it‘s such a marmite book. But did someone say GHOSTS??! 7y
batsy Love your review, @Cinfhen. And your passion for what made you love it ❤️ I've heard many good things about Ward so I definitely need to read her soon. 7y
Megabooks So I‘m on #teamlaurenstephbrittemilymeg! It really was the ghosts that made me hate it. I get your point about difficult deaths, but I especially didn‘t like the prison ghost and even more the way that plotline was resolved. I felt it detracted from the book. The vomiting didn‘t help. Overall, the weaknesses were greater than strengths on this one. @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola @L_auren @britt_brooke Long day at work = late arrival to convo 7y
Megabooks But I‘m really glad you loved it @Cinfhen 😘 every book should get some love! 7y
Megabooks @TrishB I‘m a vet and easily bothered by animal scenes. This one in Sing was respectful and didn‘t bother me. The scene I skipped half of in Bonfire tonight, disrespectful and difficult. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My two cents! 7y
emilyhaldi @Booksandcooks didn't know you were a vet- how cool! We love animals in this fam 🐶🐱🐰🐹🐶🐱🐶🐱🐱 I️ haven‘t heard this about Bonfire yet... eek 😬 7y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi Thanks! I love being a vet. Yes, there are a couple of traumatically killed pets in Bonfire. I guess they sort of advance the plot, but honestly, I found them a bit gratuitous. It‘s a better book than I thought. The audio is good. But my expectations were pretty basement. It reminds me of All the Missing Girls, but not as interesting. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
L_auren @Booksandcooks I‘m not liking Bonfire 🔥 😂 7y
Megabooks @L_auren I think I‘m only liking it because the audio is good. The plot is terribly mediocre. (Sorry for the thread hijack Cindy.) 7y
Cinfhen Don't let those ghost comments sway you...they work as a flashback and I found them very influential to the story @erzascarletbookgasm I hope you get to this book @batsy & Jessie💚 7y
Cinfhen Chat away @Booksandcooks I love being in on good bookish conversation 💗 7y
Cinfhen I will hopefully read Bonfire via OverDrive but as of yet it's not even in their database!! @Booksandcooks and if I don't get to it I'm ok with that!! I'm just glad that I didn't let the negative reviews stop me from this one. I REALLY loved it, ghosts and all!!!! 7y
TrishB @Booksandcooks thanks 👍 I may give the other one a miss! 7y
Marchpane I'm in your camp on this one Cindy, so happy that you loved it ❤️💕❤️💕 7y
Cinfhen Yay @Marchpane glad we're on the same page ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
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Not a #bigjetplane , but what came to mind for the prompt. One of those books I had to read in school and just didn‘t care for it. But, it does impart a lot of lessons about society...#tuneintonovember

Cinfhen Well played!!! I didn't care for this one either... and I've read it several times over the years 7y
Librarybelle @Cinfhen I‘m not one for the survival of the fittest stories, so that‘s mostly why it never appealed to me. It‘s a modern classic, so I always feel really bad when I can‘t get into a book that has stood the test of time. Glad I‘m not the only one who didn‘t care for it! 7y
emilyhaldi @Librarybelle @Cinfhen I reread this book last year out of curiosity to see if I would like it and I was sooo disappointed. My husband was like, why would you read that again?! It‘s terrible!!! So you are not alone!! 😂 7y
Cinfhen Another love match for #teamEmily ❤️ @emilyhaldi @Librarybelle (edited) 7y
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The Blinds | Adam Sternbergh
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100 pages to go and I‘m definitely #teamSteph! (She liked it, right?) And given that I skimmed the end last night, I‘ll probably stay there. Hopefully, I won‘t get distracted and will finish soon.

L_auren I liked it too! Not love, but like 7y
BarbaraBB Skimmed the end 😲😀??! 7y
TheLibrariansSuggest Ah!! Can't wait to read this. Jade loved his first two novels. :) 7y
emilyhaldi You're definitely not #teamemily 😂 7y
Reviewsbylola Lmao! Like I said before, I loved it. I don‘t think it will rank among my favorite BOTM for 2017 but I was so entertained. 7y
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