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Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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“There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.” #firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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My 72nd copy arrived via #litsylove today and believe it or not I did not have this copy ♥️😂🤯

Thanks so much @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

📸my Bronte shelves ♥️

IndoorDame ♥️🔥 Your Bronte collection is to die for! (edited) 7mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame yup I‘ve been collecting them 37 years ♥️ 7mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame and yes I love it! ♥️♥️ 7mo
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rubyslippersreads What a fabulous collection! 7mo
TheLudicReader I love that you have so many copies of this book. 7mo
TheBookHippie @TheLudicReader ♥️ a lot ppl think it‘s for the love story. It‘s not. It‘s because I so identified with Jane as a child. 🙃 7mo
TheBookHippie @rubyslippersreads ♥️♥️♥️ 7mo
dabbe This just makes my heart so happy. I finally read THE TENANT AT WILDFELL HALL and absolutely loved it! These Bronte sisters! 🤩🤩🤩 7mo
Suet624 That's amazing!!! 7mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe They got me through some tough times. 7mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 💙❄️💙 7mo
Becker Such inviting shelves. ☺️ 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh yay!!! I was hoping you didn‘t have this one!! So happy 😁 7mo
Tamra I have always thought about collecting editions of Wuthering Heights - your post is inspiring. 7mo
TheBookHippie @Tamra I have about 12- collecting the different covers is fun, I highly recommend it! 7mo
lynneamch Oh my. Love seeing your collection. My bookclub is reading this now along with 6mo
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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This is my first book by any of the Brontë sisters, how I made it this long without reading them I don‘t know. I know you aren‘t supposed to judge a book by its cover, but it is what made me buy this copy-the photo doesn‘t do it justice.
As for the book itself, I really enjoyed it. I loved how Jane gave Rochester trouble even while staying technically proper. The fact that she is talking to us as her reader helped me feel connected early on.

Liatrek My favorite book ❤️❤️ 1y
Chrys @Liatrek It is now one of mine as well💙 1y
Chrys #Jumpstart2023 Afraid I am a bit slow, but still reading on (edited) 1y
Clwojick Such a stunning cover! 😍 1y
dabbe One of my top 5; JE is probably my favorite female character of all time!❣️ The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (by Anne) is also one of my top faves. 1y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Even though I completed a degree in English literature, I managed to do everything in my power to avoid reading this one. My father rather loved it and I thought he was crazy. Fast forward seven years and I am trying to read it for the first time, and I must say, I am rather enjoying it! #classics

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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Photo of my word scramble for my final post! Thank you so much, Cassandra, seriously. We love you.
#scarathlon2022 #teamslaughter and so many ReadAThons!

Andrew65 Yes we do!!!! 2y
Andrew65 I forgot to add these points! 🙈 2y
TheSpineView Awesome 2y
Clwojick Way go to! Thank you for joining us, and all your participation! 🖤🦇 2y
DieAReader Great job💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront

“Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! - I have as much soul as you, - and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you!”

Haven‘t read this book in a while, but I just love how fiery Jane can be. Also, never underestimate a woman based on just looks and money!

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Jane Eyre
John Irving
Jerry Garcia Band
Jack Straw - Grateful Dead

#ManicMonday #LetterJ @CBee

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Finished up Jane this week as well. I absolutely loved reading this with the #Pemberlittens and enjoyed the book more than I anticipated. A slow start - I was afraid it was just going to be a big misery-fest - but once Jane got off to school things got more interesting. I really liked Jane herself, although honestly I never particularly cared for Rochester, and my least favorite part of Jane's character was her obsession with his comfort. But I ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) greatly admired Jane's strength of character, her independence, and her determination to do what is right. I absolutely loved this line - “Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour ... If at my individual convenience I might break them, what would be their worth?“ That is really fantastic writing and reveals so much about ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) who Jane is as a person. I felt like the story bogged down during the whole St John thing (and seriously, who names their child SAINT anything?!) and found it hard to believe that someone who had fled temptation so defiantly would turn around and let herself be peer-pressured. I didn't hate St John as much as a lot of my fellow readers seemed to - I found him obnoxious, but also do think he was simply obsessed and single-minded in his ⬇ 2y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) thinking, not cruel or evil. Honestly, I guess I prefer Rochester because he seemed to like Jane for who she was as a person, but I found both of them to be completely self-absorbed and annoying soooooo

Anyway, I'm getting rambly, but I really enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. I'm not sure I'll reread it time and again, but it was definitely worth the time it took to get through this classic.
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i.besteph Great review! ☺️💯 Also i love that cover! 😍😍(Much better than mine lol) 2y
IndoorDame Lovely cover! 2y
DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 2y
AnnR 👏👏👏 2y
Catsandbooks 🖤✨👻 2y
TheAromaofBooks @i.besteph @IndoorDame - Thank you!!! I think it's SO pretty!!! 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Texts between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. If you haven't read this, do check it out. It is one of the funniest literary jokes I have ever seen. https://www.thehairpin.com/2012/07/texts-from-jane-eyre/ #pemberlittens

nanuska_153 This person really captured Rochester's energy 😂 I can totally see his mannerisms with the texts about the walk and his humor with the cellar is on point 2y
LitStephanie @nanuska_153 it is really perfect. 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Jane repays Rochester's move of dressing up as a gipsy by turning up unannounced to his blind presence and start talking to him as if she was living there all along.Jealous Rochester made me LOL,I truly missed this weirdo.I felt I can breath again now that St John's is out of our dear Jane's life. Blindness and losing one hand tamed Rochester instead of making him bitter and he is kind,we can now love him without feeling guilty❤️ #Pemberlittens

BarkingMadRead This is so true, and I was so proud of her for messing with him 🤣🤣 2y
nanuska_153 @BarkingMadRun Same, Jane really came out of her shell and now she is all banter, I can only love her more for it. It is amazing, cause with the Rochester created by my imagination after reading that I laughed out loud and thought: "he really does look a bit like Vulcan" ? 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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I know I am way behind #pemberlittens, sorry! Rochester is dark and sexy and all, but can we also agree he is a serious a$$hole? For months, he tried to inspire jealousy and affection in Jane by forcing her to witness him flirting with Blanche, then toys with her by telling her she has to leave her position as he is getting married. He only has the courage to declare his own feelings when he has cruelly bullied her into revealing her own. Jerk!

nanuska_153 What really gets me, is that on top of all that, while he proposes to Jane, he says "I presented myself to see the result", excuse me pal, so not only did you went through pains to let me believe that you were going to marry another woman, you actually proposed to her, and you are only talking to me now because she rejected you? How was this a good plan to propose?! 2y
LitStephanie @nanuska_153 yes! I am not sure if he actually proposed or just visited her and her mother as if he were about to. And also, in his talking (half to himself) in that chapter, he talks about how good it is that she has no relatives. You wonder if he would have been interested if she were not all alone and unprotected in the world. 2y
nanuska_153 @LitStephanie I don't want to say too much in case you haven't read this before, but you hit into something there! 2y
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Clare-Dragonfly YES EXACTLY 2y
LitStephanie @nanuska_153 don't worry, this is my third lifetime read. 😁 2y
nanuska_153 @LitStephanie in that case, yeah, the fact that he is so happy that she is alone in the world was a clue that something was wrong, not only because any kind of abusive relationship thrives in isolation, but because there's no way he would have tried to go ahead with the wedding if she had a family to make enquiries about his past 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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3✨ I wasn‘t able to stop so I finished two days early 😅 Jane goes through a lot of heartache starting at a young age. When something is going right it will quickly turn and not work out. While things finally go her way in the end there is still many challenges to overcome. I feel like this is a true romance where things fall apart sometimes and you just have to move on and try to be stronger as time goes on. #Pemberlittens

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Oh Mr. Rochester 😂

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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This wasn‘t hard for me to think of. Picked it up from the school library in grade 8 and just fell in love with it; one of my favourites of all time. #letterj #alphabetgame

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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1) tagged (I‘ve probably read the book 5 or 6 times)
2) at a local park or at a beach
3) it really depends on where I am and the season, but one my comfort drinks for reading is the venti Black Ice Tea Lemonade with light ice from Starbucks


BookmarkTavern Oh the beach would be lovely! Thank you for sharing! 💖 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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I don‘t know why but I find it positively thrilling to read a popular quote within its original context.
Beautifully written.

vivastory Same here & I love the Penguin Clothbound Editions 💙 2y
ShyBookOwl I know exactly what you mean! And I have that edition too. It's so pretty 😍 2y
LiteraryinLawrence Me too! Which one did you find? 2y
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Shemac77 So do I! Unfortunately the paint rubs off but I refuse to not read them to keep them “pretty”. @vivastory 2y
Shemac77 It‘s so pretty! @ShyBookOwl 2y
Shemac77 I found: “I am no bird and no net ensnares me” and “reader, I married him”. @LiteraryinLawrence 2y
FeatherV So pretty! This is my all time favorite book 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#SavvySettings Attic
Going with the obvious on this one
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Eggs Love your felines! Reminiscent of Lady and the Tramp 2y
peanutnine @Eggs thanks! My grandmother gave them to me, they were her aunt's originally 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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I know this gets me kicked out of the club but I have never read either of these novels. I have tried classics in the past and always found them tedious and dull. One of my goals for 2022 is to read 2 classic novels. These two were the ones I'm most interested in. Hoping that because they're pretty I'll be more interested in reading them. 😜

Which one would you recommend to start with?

Chrissyreadit My experience with both books was more than 30 years ago, but if you like stories (well written) with dislikable characters go for Wuthering Heights, I liked Jane Eyre , better, and ultimately it led to one of my favorite books- But that book is a spoiler for Jane Eyre. 2y
Vansa Depends on which classic, there definitely are some that are unreadable-Ulysses,for instance.Between these two,Jane Eyre is more accessible,so maybe start with that? 2y
FelinesAndFelonies @Chrissyreadit @Vansa I think be forced to read Beowulf and The Odyssey in high school resulted in me detesting classics. 2y
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erzascarletbookgasm Why not read along with some of us who are doing the #WanderingThroughWutheringHeights ? There‘re discussions or random thoughts posts along the way, maybe this is a motivation for you to get to it? 2y
5feet.of.fury I read Jane Eyre, but in high school where I wasn‘t so… attentive. I‘m trying to read more classics this year, I have an audio version of it on the TBR 2y
bookaholic1 Your not the only one, I haven't read them myself. I also tried. 2y
kellock Have your tried rhe serial reader app, you get sent a small chunk everyday. I find it's the only way I can read the classics 2y
Chrissyreadit @kellock that‘s a great suggestion! I‘m a huge fan of serial reader and second it. 2y
Chrissyreadit @FelinesAndFelonies yes- I get it- there are several books I read in high school and despise from how they were taught. 2y
Deifio Hard choice! I've read both and I think I had a better time with Wuthering Heights. I think that's mostly down to Jasper Ffordes Thursday Next Series 2y
inthegreensandblues I like Jane Eyre much more myself; WH is a divisive book. But with the WH group read going on, you'd have a lot of posts to enjoy under that hashtag while you read. Either way, I hope you like the experience now; it seems that high school ruins the classics for many! 2y
FelinesAndFelonies @erzascarletbookgasm that's a great idea! I'll check it out. 2y
FelinesAndFelonies @kellock I hadn't heard of this before. Great idea! 2y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Some presents I got for myself from Book Outlet! I'm planning to reread both next year, starting with Jane Eyre. They're just so pretty! 🤩

#wrapitup #festivephotochallenge #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs

curiouserandcurioser @Linsy they are so pretty! I have the Jane Eyre edition and i love it:) 3y
BookBabe Really pretty editions! 3y
aperfectmjk Love Book Outlet! 💕 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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The last chapter is pretty much an epilogue, letting us know how things turned out for all the characters. I felt like it was a little too perfect (Rochester even gets some of his sight back??) But I'm happy for Jane, she deserves a happy ending. What are your overall thoughts of the book? It's not gonna be a new favorite of mine, but I'm glad I reread it. @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana

megnews Yes, a little too tidily wrapped up. Though I can‘t quite see how she is, if Jane‘s happy, I‘m happy for her. I hadn‘t read this in such a long time, I‘d forgotten much of it and I was much younger when I read it. It seemed more romantic then. Not so much now. Glad I reread it though. Thank you for hosting! 3y
peanutnine @megnews yes definitely not as romantic as everyone makes it out to be, imo. Rochester is too flawed for my tastes. Thanks for joining me in reading and discussing! ☺️ 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch36-37
@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana
Jane returns to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned by Bertha, who kills herself when Rochester tries to save her from the fire.
Do you think there is any significance of Bertha starting the fire in Jane's bed? What do you think of the concept of Rochester's subsequent injuries as punishment for his sins? ⬇️

peanutnine Jane reunites with Rochester and seems to love him even more now that he is vulnerable. The power dynamic has changed between them and she now has more agency in the relationship, but do you think she is sacrificing anything by being with him?
And then the mysterious voice... what do you think it's purpose is to the story? Does it add any value?
megnews Oh I definitely think Bertha knew enough of what was going on to set Jane‘s bed on fire on purpose. I don‘t really think that‘s how God works in regards to his injuries as punishment. Jane seems to be sacrificing a lot to be with Rochester in that I think she deserves better, her equal in decency. But who can tell someone they love to stop loving? No one. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong Ch34-35
Anyone else want to scream while reading these chapters? I'm interested to hear your thoughts on St John, his character and manipulation of Jane.
Why do you think she submits to his pressure as she does? She admits that obeying him took away a part of herself yet she continues to do his bidding. And she is so heartbroken when he is cruel to her after her refusals of his proposal. ⬇️

peanutnine Jane's relationship with religion has changed gradually throughout the book. How do you think her view of it now is affecting her decisions? What do you make of the voice on the wind calling for Jane? Supernatural or imagined? @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana 3y
megnews Yes! And keep them apart so he couldn‘t manipulate her. If he wants to call something sin he can call his manipulation that. I don‘t know about the voice or have any deep thoughts. I spent the two chapters too aggravated with St John. Quit prolonging your trip, sir! 3y
suvata St John and Rochester are cut from the same cloth. They both drive me crazy. 🤬 (edited) 3y
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peanutnine @suvata I mean, I'm not a fan of Rochester, and they're both manipulative, but I honestly think St John is worse. He forces Jane to change who she is to gain his approval. At least Rochester admires her for her true character 3y
peanutnine @megnews yes, just leave already! Thank goodness for Diana. She had no qualms about calling her brother an idiot and sticking up for Jane 3y
suvata @peanutnine Now, that‘s something I can agree with. Rochester is definitely the lesser of two evils. 😆 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.”

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch31-33
Jane settles into her role as a school teacher but still grieves for Rochester. St John is enamored by Rosamond Oliver, the school's benefactor, and she is equally in love with him. Jane tries to convince him to marry her but he claims she wouldn't be a suitable wife for his missionary lifestyle. Finally, he reveals to Jane that he figured out her identity because they are cousins and he was contacted to help find her ⬇️

peanutnine so she can inherit their uncle's money. She is adamant that she will split the money equally between the four cousins. @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana How do you feel about St John's attitude towards Rosamond? Would you share the inheritance if you were Jane? 3y
megnews St John might very well be right that Rosamond isn‘t cut out for the missionary life. But how can he know without talking with her? I may have split it but probably not in fourths. 3y
peanutnine @megnews yeah I hate that he acts like he knows better than her without even having that conversation. And then when he gets his part of the inheritance, he could just stay and be with her instead of being a missionary since he seems to think that life wouldn't suit her. But he wants the glory of it I guess. Rosamond deserves better 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Hitting the classics.

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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong Ch28-30
Jane wanders homeless and hungry, until she is taken in by the Rivers family. She bonds with the sisters Diana and Mary, and is puzzled by St John. He offers her a position as a school teacher in the local village that Jane accepts.
@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana
What do you make of the characters' attitudes toward poverty? Why do you think Jane keeps her identity a secret? Do you think her new job will suit her?

megnews I think there used to be an attitude or even belief that poverty was contagious and sinful and you‘d done something wrong to be poor and therefore people didn‘t want to be around it. I think this is how the housekeeper reacted. I think Jane kept her identity a secret so Rochester can‘t find her, so she can make a clean break. I think Jane would be amazing at this job. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Ch27 #eyrereadalong
Rochester finally tells Jane the whole story of his marriage to Bertha and tries to convince her to stay with him as his mistress. Jane is resolved to leave him despite his violent mood swings ? She sneaks away from Thornfield in the morning.
@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana
This is the most "romantic" chapter so far in terms of Rochester expressing how much he has always loved Jane but it's also pretty problematic

megnews I feel Jane is right to plan to leave but feel bad for Rochester doomed to loneliness. Even though the focus is Rochester, the chapter revealed more of Jane‘s character. Is it possible to be mature and naive at the same time? And then I feel for Jane, planning to leave with no plan and penniless? She‘s resilient but I worry for her. 3y
peanutnine @megnews I agree. The way she manipulates Rochester when he gets upset is pretty badass. But she definitely still acts a bit naive. I almost wish she had asked for her wages and taken more before she left but I get that it would have been a battle with Rochester to leave if he knew she was serious. 3y
suvata I agree, it is a very romantic chapter. But I still say after this far into the book, I am having a really hard time liking Mr. Rochester. His social skills are more than creepy. 3y
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peanutnine @suvata yeah, I want to like him because he obviously loves Jane and I know they'll end up together but it's just so hard to. He goes about everything in the worst ways 3y
suvata @peanutnine Yes, it‘s a difficult book for me because I love Jane but I really don‘t like Rochester not even at the end. I really can‘t put my finger on it. In Pride and Prejudice I hated Darcy in the beginning but loved him by the end. I know I am talking about two different authors and two different types of stories but I just want all my Victorian/Georgian men to be more like Mr. Darcy. LOL 3y
peanutnine @suvata 😂😂 I'm with you there! He's the epitome of great character growth 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong Ch 25-26
Jane and Rochester's wedding is stopped when it is revealed that he is already married and his wife lives in the attic at Thornfield! Bertha has been the one behind all the mysterious, sinister behavior. She is described as a madwoman who only wants to attack Rochester. He was willing to become a bigamist with Jane because he can have no real relationship with his actual wife.

peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana Do you think Rochester's behavior is acceptable? He plays himself as the victim in his marriage with Bertha. There are many theories as to what Bertha represents in relation to Jane. What are your thoughts on her character? 3y
megnews Never acceptable to commit bigamy (in Rochester‘s culture). We don‘t know the cause of Bertha‘s insanity. While we marry in sickness and health, I feel bad for Rochester to the degree he may be consigned to a life of loneliness not of his own making. He should know & respect Jane well enough to come forward with this information before now and share his dilemma. 3y
ATB Agreed @megnews she should have been informed upon hire of the situation in the house. Oh the perils of being a second son in the 18th century. 3y
suvata @peanutnine Bertha is a very complex character. Sometimes I feel like she became “mad“ because she was locked in an attic for 10 years. I don‘t know how she was when Rochester first brought her to England. Of course, I am very suspicious of Rochester. He really is not of good character. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong Ch 23-24
Jane and Rochester finally are engaged! What did you think about his proposal?
Jane is very much against being treated any differently and rebuffs his attempts to spoil her and spend all their time together. I think this says a lot about her character.

@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana

megnews I haven‘t finished yet. Will be back to answer when I have. 3y
megnews Finally finished. Meh. I don‘t care for the proposal. I agree it shows her character. Still, I wouldn‘t mind being spoiled after the austere life she‘s lived. Now on to the next two chapters! 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch21-22
Jane is called back to Gateshead! John Reed has died. Mrs. Reed has fallen ill and asks to see Jane. There is a lot of family, specifically sibling, dynamics and Mrs. Reed tells Jane her sins against her. Jane forgives her but she dies still hating Jane. Mr. Rochester is affected by Jane's leaving and absence; everyone is pleased on her return. Jane accidentally reveals a bit of her feelings to Rochester.

peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana I enjoyed these two chapters and I have a lot of thoughts but what were your first impressions of the events? 3y
megnews This is a turning point in the book for me. It seems some justice is finally done. Some wrongs righted. It wouldn‘t have felt right to not know how things end up for the Reeds. And didn‘t it all end up how you‘d imagine for each of them? It feels like Jane is unstuck now with some closure on that part of her life. 3y
peanutnine @megnews yes I definitely agree that it was nice to see how the Reeds turned out. It was satisfying knowing that no one got along with one another and they were pretty miserable. I just wish that Jane hadn't forgiven Mrs. Reed so easily, especially since she was still so cruel to her until the end 3y
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ATB I have mixed feelings about this chapter. I‘m surprised that she went running back so easily. But maybe it was because Betsy‘s husband came versus somebody else. I also find it interesting that she‘s so willing to hang out there and help the sisters on their way. I would never have been that forgiving. 3y
peanutnine @ATB ugh yes the sisters are so needy! Although I did think it interesting that in the end they liked Jane more than they did each other 3y
ATB @peanutnine great point. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch 19-20
So much happens in these chapters! Jane talks to the gypsy, who turns out to be Rochester in disguise, trying to get Jane to admit her feelings for him. That night everyone is woken by a scream. Jane is enlisted to sit with Mason as he bleeds everywhere while Rochester fetches a doctor but is not told what has happened. Then the couple has a talk outside and he keeps calling Jane his “little friend“

suvata Rochester in drag — I still think this guy is really, really creepy. 3y
peanutnine @suvata it's such a weird thing to do! 3y
megnews @suvata @peanutnine it seemed so out of character for him. Also, I can‘t stand the “beating around the bush, trying to make someone jealous” thing. He clearly is in the position of power. If he cares for her why not come out and say it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
peanutnine @megnews yes! Exactly. He wants her to admit her feelings but he's her much older boss and he has given her no signs that he loves her, just the opposite. Of course she isn't going to make herself even more vulnerable. Stop with the games! Even if he tells her he cares for her and she refuses him, he can just leave Thornfield 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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All men of talent, whether they be men of feeling or not, whether they be zealous, or aspirants, or despots — provided only they be sincere — have their sublime moments, when they subdue and rule.

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch16-18
After the fire, Jane is confused that Grace Poole is still at Thornfield, and overhears some mysterious gossip about her. Rochester has left to attend a house party and won't be back for a while or maybe at all. Jane learns he is spending time with Blanche Ingram, who is beautiful and accomplished. She tries to convince herself not to love him by comparing herself to Blanche. Then Rochester returns with the party ⬇️

peanutnine He requests that Jane spend the evenings with everyone even though she is uncomfortable and the guests are rude towards her. Rochester only talks with her once and wants to know why she is depressed. One day while he is away from the house a gypsy arrives to read all the ladies fortunes 3y
peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana There is so much confusion and internal conflict in Jane in these chapters. What do you think Rochester's motivation is bringing the party to Thornfield? 3y
megnews I wish I could figure out his motivation. I didn‘t like him at the beginning of this section. By the end perhaps a little more. Maybe he just wanted to be near Jane but he sure has a funny way of showing it by basically rubbing her nose in these rude people‘s faces. At this point I‘ll chalk it up to being socially inept. 3y
suvata Maybe he thinks helping her to come out of her shell. Maybe he‘s trying to be a nice “boss”. Maybe he thinks he‘s doing her a favor. But it bothers me that Jane keeps getting asked to do things against her will. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Ch 14-15 #eyrereadalong
Jane and Rochester start to chat more often and are both intrigued by the other. We learn about Celine Varens, Adele's mother and Rochester's former mistress. He talks a lot about his sins and wanting to change. Jane starts to feel at home now that she has Rochester's company. Then one night she hears a laugh outside her bedroom and sees smoke coming from his room. His bed is on fire, she puts it out and saves his life.

peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana How are we feeling about Rochester in these chapters? And the fact the Jane is growing increasingly fond of him? 3y
suvata It almost seems as if the closer Rochester gets to Jane the more I dislike him. I‘m probably not supposed to feel that way at this point but I do. I believe him to be very insincere. 3y
suvata I love the graphic you posted for this. (edited) 3y
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megnews @suvata I love that graphic too! I feel the same dislike. I‘m not sure I think he‘s insincere so much as extremely reserved to the point of awkwardness/rudeness that would turn most individuals off. Lucky for him Jane has no experience with men and very little with society in general. I wonder if Bronte‘s contemporaries would see him differently? 3y
peanutnine @suvata @megnews I feel like he's sincere, but only because he believes Jane will magically make him a better person. I agree that Jane is way too naive with men to truly understand his intentions. While I don't particularly like him, I will admit that his dumbfounded self was amusing at the end of the bed fire scene. 3y
peanutnine @megnews I think readers in Bronte's time would for sure have a different opinion of him because of the amount of power that men had over women 3y
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merelybookish Ducks! 💚 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Ch13 #eyrereadalong
Jane and Rochester finally sit and chat. He asks a lot of questions about her, makes her play the piano for him, and asks to see her paintings. Afterwards, Jane learns from Mrs. Fairfax more about Rochester's family and past.
How do we feel about Rochester's attitude in this scene? Personally, I think he's still being a controlling dick but I know some people consider this scene flirtation between the couple.

peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana sorry for the late post this week. Just getting settled back into life after vacation 😭 3y
suvata I definitely think he‘s flirting but I don‘t like the way he flirts. It would turn me off for sure. 3y
megnews Hope you enjoyed your vacation. Like @suvata I think he is trying to show interest but he is very bad at it. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Ch 11-12 #eyrereadalong
Jane arrives at Thornfield Hall for her new governess position. We meet a bunch of new characters including Mrs. Fairfax and Adele, her pupil. Jane is taken in with kindness and is comfortable in her new role, but soon grows discontent with her routine. When she walks to town one day she encounters a surly man and helps him when he is hurt, and we later find out he is the mysterious Mr. Rochester, owner of Thornfield ⬇️

peanutnine What do you make of the similarities between Jane and young Adele? Do you think Bronte was drawing a parallel of the two characters?
Jane spends a lot of time wandering in the gloomy attic. Why do you think she is drawn to this space?
Mr. Rochester decides to mess with Jane when he figures out who she is, knowing she does not know him. Why do you think he does this, especially when she is helping him?
@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana
megnews I do think think Bronte was drawing a parallel between them. Perhaps to show Jane she has the opportunity to help someone in the same position she had been? I also think Rochester wanted to see more of Jane‘s character before she found out who he was as a servant would of course act a certain way with the boss. I really enjoyed these chapters but looking forward to moving ahead. Need to listen to the podcast first. 3y
ATB My two cents for what it is worth…I don‘t know… Jane and Adele are motherless but in much different ways. And Jane‘s reaction to that and Adele‘s seem much different but it is hard to compare a 6 year old to a 10 year old. Bronte is establishing atmosphere with Jane exploring Hawthorn. And as for Rodchester… I do think he enjoys having the upper hand in all situations. @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @Levana 3y
suvata I‘m not real sure about the first two questions but it bothers me how Rochester teases her when they first meet. Sometimes I read his banter as flirting and other times it seems like he is taunting her. Personally, at this point I really don‘t like the man. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront

@suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana
Since the podcast did not do a normal chapter discussion episode, I'll wait until next week to post for chapters 11-12 so we can stay on the same schedule 😊

suvata Good idea 3y
megnews Sounds good. I didn‘t know as I hadn‘t had a chance to get to the podcast yet. 3y
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Ch 9-10 #eyrereadalong
Illness breaks out at Lowood. Half the girls are dying and the other half now have more to eat and time to play outside. Jane says goodbye to Helen Burns, and they have a snuggle sesh while discussing what happens when you die. Flash forward 8 years, Jane is a teacher now. Miss Temple leaves to get married and Jane no longer has a desire to stay at the school. She takes it upon herself to find a new servitude as a governess.

megnews I felt like saying “ha!” to Brocklehurst when the girls got more food but that was quelled when you consider at what cost it was available. Glad they removed him from his role but shame on them all for not knowing sooner. If Helen hadn‘t died and Miss Temple had not married would Jane have ever grown discontent in life? Knowing Jane I think she would, but perhaps it would have taken longer. 3y
peanutnine @megnews I agree. I think it would have happened eventually, but Miss Temple leaving was definitely the catalyst. 3y
ATB Takes half the school to die before an investigation occurs. Ugh! 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch5-8
Jane starts school at Lowood. The students live under terrible conditions with little food and warmth. But Jane finds friendship with Helen Burns and Miss Temple. Brocklehurst returns to shame Jane in front of the entire school and she is devastated, but Miss Temple helps to clear her name once she tells her side of the story. And Jane is happy to have a fresh start in life and earn a place of respect in class by working hard.

peanutnine @suvata @megnews @Kdgordon88 @ATB @Levana sorry this post is late, I haven't even had time to listen to the podcast yet. It's been a stressful few days 3y
megnews The thing that stood out to me the most in this section was the complete and total hypocrisy of Brocklehurst with his wife and daughters dressed and bejeweled with their hair done up. I wanted to punch him for his comments about Jane in front of the entire school. I was thankful for Miss Temple. 3y
peanutnine @megnews ugh yes he is the worst! And how he wanted the girl with the curls to cut it all off just because it was natural 😡 if he is trying to save their souls, his daughters are doomed by that logic 3y
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megnews @peanutnine exactly. He doesn‘t give a fig about their souls in my opinion 3y
megnews I‘m looking forward to hearing everyone‘s thoughts on Helen. 3y
Deblovestoread The whole idea of “Punish the body to save the soul” and to keep them in a place of want because that is all they can ever hope to know is cruel and inhuman. I have trouble with Helen‘s attitude that she believes she deserves the harsh treatment she receives. I do think she helps give Jane focus in standing up for herself. @megnews (edited) 3y
suvata @megnews That part made me really mad. The Brocklehurst women were allowed to be “gussied up“ yet he was going to cut the orphan girls‘ hair. There‘s nothing more that bugs me quite as much as hypocrisy. 3y
suvata @megnews I agree. If you ask me, it‘s all about power and control. (edited) 3y
suvata @megnews Helen was a very interesting character. It is almost like she was put there to show an opposite sides of Calvinism. The Brocklehurst and their ilk were “fire and brimstone“ preachers, whereas Helen what is the “God is love“ kind of believer. 3y
peanutnine @megnews @Kdgordon88 @suvata I didn't care for Helen at first because of her attitude about her punishment. But her character definitely seemed to influence Jane's and gave Jane the anger she needed to defend herself. The way she checked on Jane after her humiliation raised my opinion of her as well 3y
megnews @suvata @peanutnine @Kdgordon88 I didn‘t like her much at the beginning but I am glad Jane had a friend in her and she in Jane. I was glad Jane could be with her at the end. 3y
ATB Agreed… always nice to have a friend in a lonely place. I always wonder about kids with no rebellion in their soul. @meganews @peanutnine @suvata @Kdgordon88 (edited) 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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One of those books that hold a special place in my heart.
#classics #love #lovestory #janeeyre #beautifulbooks #bibliophile #lovereading

You're doing great.

RosePressedPages What a beautiful edition! 3y
damselsgotballs @MadelineMcCrae Thankyou! It feels so good to show it off😆🍻📚 3y
PickettT Rare cases where you can judge a book by its cover, I suppose! 😍 3y
damselsgotballs @PickettT I couldn't possibly agree more!😍🍻📚 3y
PickettT 🥂😍 📚 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Ch4 #eyrereadalong
Jane gets BOLD! After being exiled and ignored for months, she is summoned to meet Mr. Brocklehurst, the headmaster at the school she will be attending. He and Mrs. Reed call her deceitful and she is angry at the lie. I love the way she calls out her aunt about how she has been treated, it rattles her. Jane's relationships with the whole household changes drastically in this chapter. What do you make of this sudden shift?

megnews I think the closet and her aunt‘s comments to Brocklehurst were the final straw, the straw that broke the camels back, etc. As mentioned in the podcast she had nothing left to lose and couldn‘t live the rest of her life under the perceptions her aunt is trying to put out in the world. I was proud of Jane. She maintained composure but said what needed to be said. 3y
megnews BEST LINE EVER: what is hell? Can you tell me that?‘ ‘A pit full of fire.‘ ‘And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?‘ ‘No, sir.‘ ‘What must you do to avoid it?‘ I deliberated a moment: my answer, when it did come, was objectionable: ‘I must keep in good health, and not die.‘ 3y
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peanutnine @megnews yes! Such a snarky little answer, I loved it! 😂 And I agree, I was so proud of her for keeping her cool. You could tell she was full of nervous, angry energy but didn't let it rage 3y
Deblovestoread I agree. Knowing she was going to leave helped give her the freedom to stick up for herself. Haven't listened to this chapter's episode yet. 3y
suvata I loved this chapter. When Jane finally stood up for herself I actually yelled “yay“ out loud. She was not going to be “played” by these adults. She is showing herself to be quite the bad ass! 3y
suvata @megnews I agree. I love the snark! 3y
megnews @Kdgordon88 I wasn‘t planning on listening to the podcast at first but I find myself looking forward to it. I was even inspired to checking out Praying with Jane Eyre. Not sure yet if I‘ll stick with it but thought I‘d check it out. 3y
ATB I loved the sarcasm about how she could avoid hell. I guess I‘ll just have to not die. 3y
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Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#eyrereadalong ch2-3
We are introduced to the infamous red room. Jane thinks it is haunted by the late Mr Reed and works herself into a panic. The apothecary comes to revive her and asks her why she is miserable. It is decided that she will start attending school.
I thought it was interesting how Jane kept fighting for herself again and again now that she's broken free from trying to be a well-behaved child since it does her no good anyway.

megnews I haven‘t had a chance to listen to the podcast. I‘ll give it a listen and come back with comments. I‘m so looking forward to her leaving the Reeds. 3y
suvata All I can say is, “thank goodness for Mr. Lloyd“, someone who finally took Jane seriously. That kind of man was probably very rare at that time. I really like reading the text and then listening to the podcast. Sometimes, the podcast gives me a whole new perspective that I hadn‘t even considered. 3y
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peanutnine @suvata yes I agree! I loved how he talked to Jane without Bessy there because she kept gaslighting her, it was making me mad! 3y
megnews @suvata that kind of man probably was very rare and as the podcast pointed out as a man he held the power to assist her. I agree with you about the podcast. I wince at Jane‘s comparison to herself as a slave but it‘s very interesting to hear what the “news of the day” would have been and how she would have drawn on that. 3y
megnews I appreciate the podcast mentioning we can‘t really know that Bronte sat down and wrote the red room to symbolize menstruation. Those are the types of comparisons that drive me a little batty. I can see how people read that into it but I can‘t see the author setting about to write it like that on purpose. But who knows, maybe I‘m wrong. 3y
peanutnine @megnews totally! It is a little crazy to think Bronte wrote with that intended meaning. But I also think it's interesting to draw our own meanings and interpretations years later. That's when novels really have extra purpose when we can see parallels to our own lives 3y
suvata @megnews I know what you mean. I thought the menstruation analogy was a bit of a stretch myself. But, I guess you can read anything into it if you really tried. Maybe the old guy just really liked the color red. Maybe it made him feel like royalty. LOL 3y
Deblovestoread @suvata @megnews yes, i was quite surprised at the menstruation analogy, too. Seems far fetched but I wasn‘t there. I am very interested in the topic of classical works where the writer wrote something problematic viewed through today‘s lens and whether that lessens the value of these books. I want to acknowledge and recognize where those parts are but I don‘t want to give up loving this book. 3y
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