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Open: An Autobiography | Andre Agassi
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We resolved to hire the best teachers, pay them well and hold them accountable for grades and test scores. 😒

Lauram DNF‘ing with 5.5 hours to go. There‘s a lot of abuse and misery in this book. 4mo
bookishbitch I watched the Brooke Shields documentary and she described some of his anger and controling behavior. Maybe it was in response to what happened to him? 4mo
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Arby‘s-style poutine and a new book on a cold afternoon makes for an ideal Saturday.

MaGoose This book sounds fantastic. 5mo
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“River water is for moving on and seawater is for healing. Storm water is for strengthening or, if you‘re feeling ambitious, curses. Water that falls as lightning strikes will cause disaster sure as a cracked mirror or walking under a ladder.”

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“Money allows people to survive their mistakes, she knew from having observed that phenomenon from a distance, and people like her were fucked.”

This book was an unexpected delight.

mcctrish I agree, I enjoyed it so much 12mo
Lauram @mcctrish This was a potential book club selection for my group a few years ago. It‘s a shame it didn‘t win the vote, I think they would have liked it too. 12mo
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Have You Seen Her | Catherine McKenzie
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Yesterday, I went to a local Silent Book Club meeting at a local brewery. The beverages, leather couches, and company were excellent.

Unlikely Animals | Annie Hartnett
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“That‘s why we like living with animals so much; they exhibit their joy so outwardly, remind us how to be better alive.”

I agree.

CBee I LOVED this book! And your kitty is lovely 💚 14mo
Jari-chan Awwww 😻😻😻 14mo
CatLass007 Sweet kitty 😻 14mo
Lauram Thank you @CBee she‘s a special cat and I‘m so glad she‘s mine! 13mo
CBee @Lauram she looks like she‘d be a hoot 😂 13mo
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The Lost Summers of Newport: A Novel | Beatriz Williams, Karen White, Lauren Willig
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I visited a local bookstore this afternoon and found the perfect book to read while enjoying my sandy vacation patio.

Remarkably Bright Creatures | Shelby Van Pelt
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“But I do not like the hole in her heart. She only has one, not three, like me. Tova‘s heart. I will do everything I can to help her fill it.” ♥️

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My sister and I picked up this sweet girl on a busy street yesterday. While I waited to hear whether or not she was reunited with her family, I made plans to add a dog to my family and distracted myself by reading this book featuring happily ever after couples that met in NYC. Sabar wants to know what it is about NYC and public places that encourages strangers to meet and fall in love. Pup made it back to her family! 😊

AmyG I am glad she is home. You are so kind. 🙌🏻❤️ 2y
Lauram @AmyG Thanks! I would hope that someone would do the same for one of my furry family members. 2y
AmyG What gors around, comes around. I agree! 2y
BookNAround You‘re good people for helping this little sweetie get home. 2y
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Bewilderment: A Novel | Richard Powers
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I won a Facebook contest sponsored by my library- 10 signed copies of Power‘s latest novel! I have enough for my book club and will have 2 copies to share with my favorite reading community. For a chance to win (open internationally), suggest a book for my group to read the next time I host. Winners to be selected on Friday (11/4). Good luck!

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Bklover Fun!! I suggest 2y
Lauram @Bklover @WorldsOkayestStepMom You won! Email your name and address to lmelgun@gmail.com and I‘ll send the books out sometime next week! 2y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Lauram thank you! Sent you the email just now. 2y
Bklover Yay!! Thank you! Will email you right now! I can‘t wait to read this!❤️❤️ (edited) 2y
WorldsOkayestStepMom Just wondering if you've sent the books out yet as I never received the copy you said I won? Hope all is well! 2y
Lauram @WorldsOkayestStepMom thanks so much for reaching out. My dad has been very ill and I‘ve been struggling to stay caught up with everything! Fortunately, he‘s now on the road to recovery. I‘m sending out the books this week! 2y
WorldsOkayestStepMom Oh I hope your dad finds relief soon! I'm so sorry! 2y
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Bread is baked, stew is simmering, and the cats are fed. It‘s finally time to read.

The Robber Bride | Margaret Atwood
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Starting yard work and enjoying the sunshine while listening to this long audiobook.

BarbaraBB That picture 😍😍 2y
Lauram @BarbaraBB Thanks! I love my gigantic maple trees. 2y
Hooked_on_books So pretty! 🍂 2y
bthegood beautiful - 2y
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“This was a pure case of governing by intimidation, which is the essence of authoritarianism.”

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A very biblically-focused book on forming friendships. I was hoping for a more research-based approach.

The Secret Garden | F. Burnett
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My last visit to this garden was for my sister‘s wedding photos 14 years ago. We always seem to talk about books in this beautiful spot.

BookmarkTavern Wow! 😍😍 2y
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Ready to commit to October reading. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!!! 2y
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Hello, Molly!: A Memoir | Sean Wilsey, Molly Shannon
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I grew up near Molly‘s hometown and I worked at the school where her mom was a librarian. It was fun to remember the local places she mentioned that are long gone. Audiobook was the right choice for this one. Molly reads with a lot of emotion and I found myself smiling through her stories.

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Every recipe I‘ve made from this book has been great! The chocolate chip skillet cookie I prepared for book club was 5 ⭐️

Prairiegirl_reading ATK has a pecan pie recipe that is 🤌🏻. Everyone I‘ve made it for loves it. That cookie looks so good!!!🤤 (edited) 2y
Lauram @Prairiegirl_reading we LOVE the pecan pie bars! ATK has become our go-to for all new cooking. The cookie is good and my house smells amazing! 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I love ATK recipes! 2y
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The Mulberry Tree | Allison Rushby
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Today, I‘ve picked up favorite niece and nephew to visit a new library and spend some time reading with a cold drink. My favorite way to spend an afternoon has become a favorite for them too.

The Red Palace | June Hur
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My sister and I have decided to read Book Riot‘s Best Books of 2022 (so far). Jumping right in on the first available book from my library.

Chelsea.Poole I read that list this morning. I haven‘t read very many on it. 😬 2y
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I‘m surprised at the low Litsy ratings for this book. It‘s predictable, often silly, but I identified with the MC‘s journey to reconnect with the carefree, adventurous person she was before losing her mom. Losing my mom was a defining moment of my life and I often wonder what my life would be like if she were still here.

DivineDiana Sending you a big hug. ❤️ 2y
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The Royals Next Door | Karina Halle
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Representation of mental health and family caregiving made this a pick for me.

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I‘m going with a new approach now that summer break is nearly here! I‘ve replaced most books on my long-standing TBR list with rom coms perfect for evenings on my patio. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I'll look forward to your reviews - I'm always looking for happy romcoms for my TBR!! 2y
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This Side of Murder | Anna Lee Huber
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I only managed to read my #doublespin selection this month. I enjoyed most of this but was disappointed in the way the story wrapped up. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks That's a shame because I love the vintage cover!! 2y
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Work | CrimethInc, CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective
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This sounds perfect for a detail-oriented Litten!


AmyG Ha, my sister just sent me this. 2y
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Started the tagged book when this little demon woke me up at 3. I hope to survive kittenhood.

AlaMich That‘s why they‘re so cute, so you don‘t kill them!! 😻 2y
Texreader My demon (aka the cat) is more than 8 years old and she kept me up all last night. So…well …good luck… 2y
BookNAround What a precious little monster. 😉 2y
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Book Lovers | Emily Henry
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I was annoyed that work and sleep kept me from reading this in a single session. Loved it. I hope the other 135 people on the waitlist enjoy it as much as I did.

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The Wednesdays | Julie Bourbeau
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1. No, but I often dream that I‘m back in college and didn‘t attend classes for the semester and am not prepared for the midterm or final. This says a lot about my professional life.
2. I don‘t reread books.
3. Make it through the remaining days of this school year!

Thanks for the tag @bthegood and @Ddzmini 😁 #WondrousWednesday

Ddzmini Great goal and not one book you‘ve never read it a second time ? Awe you have a better memory then I do 😜📖🤣 2y
bthegood I've had the college dream before too! Thx for playing😊 2y
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Looking for travel inspiration and a little faith that my vote will do some good.

Librarybelle I love this book! I‘m not much for the outdoors, but I greatly appreciate the national parks. It makes me want to visit them. 2y
Lauram @Librarybelle I‘m glad to hear you liked this! I‘m not outdoorsy but really love the national parks I‘ve visited, want to see more, and would love to hike some of the AT.We were going to do it the last time I was out in your neck of the woods, but I‘m sorry to say we went to Utz instead. (edited) 2y
Librarybelle I don‘t blame you for visiting Utz instead! 😂 2y
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After a 2 month Bookspin hiatus, I‘m looking forward to reading again!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Penny is clearly trying to recreate the cover.

Susanita 😹😹 2y
BookNAround 😂😂😂 2y
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How Not to Die Alone | Richard Roper
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“Books are for nerds.” -unnamed 2nd grade student when I told him my lunch plans. He has no idea how happy I am to sit alone in a quiet room and escape for 30 minutes.

Jas16 I am happily a nerd then! Hope you enjoyed your break. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sounds lovely! I need to this more at work for lunch! 2y
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Not a Happy Family | Shari Lapena
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My work busy season is slowly wrapping up and I‘m excited to be reading again!

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I‘m too old for self help bloggers.

Blueberry 😆 2y
RebL Checked to confirm: My notes indicate this was my least favorite of the books I read in 2021. 2y
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Just Haven't Met You Yet | Sophie Cousens
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A pleasant diversion 3/5

EvieBee Aww! Poppy got spayed? 2y
Lauram @EvieBee Yes, she had her surgery yesterday. Poor thing is miserable with the collar but I can‘t handle her being in heat every other week! 2y
EvieBee Humphrey (the Great Dane) got neutered on Friday and he‘s still got 5 more cone days ahead. 😩 2y
Lauram We were told the cone had to stay on for a full 2 weeks! 🙁 I hope Humphrey is recovering comfortably. 2y
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Friends and Strangers | J. Courtney Sullivan
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I‘m taking advantage of a quiet afternoon to see if I can make it past chapter 5. I‘ve quit this one twice before.

A Burnable Book: A Novel | Bruce Holsinger
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Enjoying a quiet morning with hot coffee and an interesting mystery.

Trashcanman I hope you have a fantastic day 3y
Lauram @Trashcanman some of my favorite people came over to have dinner and play games tonight. I had a beautiful day and hope you did too. 💜 (edited) 3y
Trashcanman @Lauram sounds lovely, thank you ❤️ 3y
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I was thrilled to remove 3 books from my January list and replace them with other books that I‘d started over the last year. #Bookspin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Attachments | Rainbow Rowell
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I have a few issues with this book but I let them go in order to enjoy this story for what I needed last week. It was a pleasant escape from the cold, snow, and stress from work.

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I ended up liking this book more than I thought I would but wouldn‘t recommend it to any of the readers in my life. January #Bookspin #Doublespin

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I can‘t remember if this was my #bookspin or #doublespin for January. My book club selected this title sometime in the past year and I couldn‘t finish in time for the meeting because I found myself rereading the same sections. I listened to the audiobook at 1.5 and even though my attention still wandered, I still feel like I tuned into the important sections.

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I liked it. Poppy meowed through the last 3 chapters. I don‘t know her well enough to know if they were happy or unhappy meows. School Custodian found her by the dumpster yesterday and put her in his office to keep her safe from freezing temps. I hope she‘s not sick and can be integrated into our family soon. She‘s a wonderful little cat.

AmyG What a beauty!!! ❤️ 3y
Lreads She‘s such a sweetheart! 😻❤️ 3y
squirrelbrain Little cutie! 😻 3y
CoffeeAndABook Awww 😻 what a sweet little soul. Hope she settles in quickly 😌 3y
Aims42 Awwww! So glad he found her ❤️ Hoping she‘s a great addition to your family!! 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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I‘m usually a big fan of Kate Morton but this book was too long and the conclusion (while not entirely predictable) was a little too tidy for my tastes.

Jess861 I had the same thoughts. Love Kate Morton - but this is my least favourite of hers that I've read. 3y
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Settling into one of my favorite evening routines- Herbal tea, quiet house, and January‘s #bookspin.

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DNF‘d fairly quickly. It‘s just not for me.

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Fascinating look at the landmark hotel and the women who lived there. Easily one of my favorites of 2021.

Megabooks This was really interesting! 3y
Lauram @megabooks All but one of my book club ladies really liked this. We‘ve talked about arranging a literary field trip to visit all of the places in NYC that we‘ve read about. (edited) 3y
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A Curated Guide - Seoul | Robert Koehler
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My favorite library is closed to the public, so I took advantage of the curated bundles for the long weekend at home. In my request, I let the librarian know I wanted to sit in my favorite chair with a hot drink and spend a few hours getting lost in books. They understood the assignment!

ravenlee Aw, they even included a library cat! How thoughtful! 😆 3y
Hooked_on_books The Big Burn is really good! 3y
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Booked | Kwame Alexander
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In 2022, I‘m going to focus my #bookspin and #doublespin efforts on the books that are 1/2 finished and have been skipped over (for what feels like) many years! I love a list!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Good luck!!! 3y
Crazeedi What a great idea, I'm sure I have 20 to do a list, lol 3y
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The Lake House | Kate Morton
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Covid isolation day 7 and I haven‘t read a single book. Hoping to make some progress on this tonight.

Crazeedi Feel better soon! 3y
Librarybelle Hope you are doing okay! 3y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 3y
kspenmoll Get well soon! 3y
Lauram @Librarybelle @Crazeedi @kspenmoll @Megabooks Thanks! Fortunately, I‘ve been triple vaccinated and my symptoms have been mild. Only 1 more day of isolation! 3y
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I‘m looking to make some progress on the tagged audiobook and wanted to have one last peek at the fall leaves before the forecasted snow and rain moves in later today. #audiowalk

Simona Looks beautiful❣️ I couldn‘t go on my weekend hike, because it is raining since Friday … 3y
charl08 Wow, stunning! 3y
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