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Angels' Blood
Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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FIRST IN THE GUILD HUNTER SERIES from a major new talent (CHRISTINE FEEHAN). View our feature on Nalini Singhs Angels' Blood. Nalini Singh introduces readers to a world of beauty and bloodlust, where angels hold sway over vampires. Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux is hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael. But this time, its not a wayward vamp she has to track. Its an archangel gone bad. The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no otherand pull her to the razors edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesnt destroy her, succumbing to Raphaels seductive touch just may. For when archangels play, mortals break.
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I liked the story and the world building, and even the characters, but the way the author focused so much on how strong and brutal Raphael was and how helpless Elena was and how that made Elena mad, was disturbing to me. It didn‘t really make sense how love could come from that for me.
Elena is guild Hunter who must learn to work with Archangels to try to stop a horror from killing more innocents.
2/5 stars, romantic logic was lacking

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
iread2much @dabbe 😊💜🐕 8mo
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Elena is the best vampire hunter in the Guild. Which is why she was chosen by Raphael, the archangel of New York, to help him track down a fellow archangel on the brink of madness and bloodlust. I loved Elena; strong, bad-ass female heroine‘s are my weakness. The world building is fantastic and I can‘t wait for the next book. This is my first by Singh, but not my last!

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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#60 of 2020
Great book. I will definitely continue this series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #nalinisingh #guildhunterseries

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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I loved this. It was funny, steamy with some mystery. Great world building, i might read the others in the series later.
#plc @AkashaVampie
#doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
Yay for finishing my spin and double spin in their respective month for the first time.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Great work!! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Raphael is an archangel, which is basically an angel on steroids (not a heavenly angel, just a separate race). This is the first in a fantastic series that I highly recommend.


Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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“Some things were worth the dance with danger.”
― Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood

Do you plan to read the rest of the series? Why or Why not? (Question)

Favorite book moment? (Question)

Come Join Us!! April‘s book is Ares by Felicity Heaton!!

#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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“He closed his eyes, dropping his forehead against hers. “You‘ll be the death of me, Elena.” She smiled. “You need a little excitement in that boring old life of yours.”
― Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood

What advice would you give to the main character? (Question)

Favorite angel meme. (Meme)

Come Join Us!! It isn‘t too late to read this month‘s book and our April book was just picked!!!

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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So finished the first book of the #24in48 #SocialDistancingReadathon and this months #ParanormalLoveCrew read.

This was a re-read for me, and I love this series! I particular like how the vampire/angel relationship is written. I need to read the most recent two in the series, but I am working on another series at the minute. Hopefully this year though!

Also how gorgeous is the tattoo in this cover? If only it wouldn‘t hurt, or cover up my other!

AkashaVampie Yay! 4y
ElizaMarie That is such a beautiful tattoo! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Doing the paranormal thing for tonight! Its gunna be a busy week for me.... YAY, NOT!!! Listening to Angels' Blood til I pass out! #PLC

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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“...his lips were pure temptation, soft, bitable, sensual in a way only a man's mouth could be.”
― Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood

What do you think of Elena? (Question)

What do you think of Raphael? (Question)

It‘s not too late to join in on the fun!!!

#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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So I am gonna say Aziraphale (Good Omens) but really I like the demon Crowley better. I mean a demon is a fallen angel right? So that should count.

My weapon of choice... My charm! Ha I will distract them and others can hunt them. Haha!

#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72

Bookworm54 Haha I love that! On a side note, Crowley is one of my favourite supernatural characters ;) 4y
AkashaVampie haha @Bookworm54 i actually said that in the group!!! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I can only get away with this when he is tired, otherwise he will eat my book!

Making a start on my #ParanormalLoveCrew #MarchPick this Sunday afternoon.
The washing is in, some chilli is in the slow cooker, and we have had a nice long walk. So perfect time for some reading ☺️

#PLC #Angels #ReadingBuddy #DogsOfLitsy

jb72 So sweet! 4y
AkashaVampie awww too cute! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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“Say what you would about the dietary requirements, vampirism sure did do great things for the skin and body.”
― Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood

Who is your favorite angel? Why? (Question)

What weapon would you use to hunt vampires? (Photo)

COME JOIN #PLC This month is about Angels and Vampire Hunters!

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I meant to post this a couple days ago... I apologize!

Come join our paranormal romance group to spice up your life. This month's book is the tagged book. Everyone is welcome!



Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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1. I have never seen the movie but I read the book and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was amazing! So my vote for best vampire hunter will be I Lincoln!

2. I've never read an angel book before (I can't think of one if I have). This months book I didn't like (started it early because of libby) and ended up DNFing it.

#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72

jb72 Lincoln was a cool vampire hunter. That book was very good! The movie was fun too. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I feel like I should look up the movie and watch it.. Or reread the book. OO #NWC maybe this would be a “historical fiction?“

Ha! #NovelWatchingCrew
@AkashaVampie , @AnansiGirl , @jb72
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jb72 @ElizaMarie Definitely historical fiction! 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 and I would love to re-read it! So maybe maybe :) 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I could reread it as well. The author did such a good job with weaving the story line into history. 4y
ElizaMarie @jb72 maybe if it isn't picked we can do a buddy read soon 4y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I‘d be up for that for sure! 4y
AkashaVampie It does sound like an interesting book. I will have to add it to the list to pick from. 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie ❤️❤️ 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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This was the kind of job that made legends out of hunters. Of course, to be a legend, you generally had to be dead.”
― Nalini Singh, Angels' Blood

Who is your favorite vampire hunter? (Photo)

What is your favorite angel book? (Question)

COME JOIN US: March‘s book is Angels‘ Blood

#ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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So I just couldn‘t anymore. Too many of these kind of parts in the book for me to get past. I am sure it gets better but I just couldn‘t anymore. Only reached 28%

#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72

AkashaVampie It's ok sweetie. At least u tried. Not everyone likes everything. 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I was kind disappointed because I have enjoyed all other #PLC books and some actually really loved! But yeah you are right, some books just aren't for me. This one is one of them!

I still plan on engaging in the conversation of this book (as much as I can with the amount I read) and am also interested in other's ideas of this one.
AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie ok hun! I still need to finish the Princess Bride before I can start this one. I will definitely let u know what I think. I'm proud of u for doing ur best with this one. 4y
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Bookworm54 You gave it a good go :) I love this series but the first book does have problematic themes. He‘s actually not bad later on. Hopefully the next one is more your thing ☺️ (edited) 4y
ElizaMarie @Bookworm54 That's what I was thinking. I am sure he is more tolerable later in the book or even in the series, but I couldn't get there.

I am looking forward to Aprils :) I can use March to catch up on my #TBRCrew books :)
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

22% : I am not liking this at all. It started off a bit interesting with the world building but... Raphael is getting to be too much of a domestic violence vibe. I mean I am all for strong male characters and I am okay with that dynamic most of the time but... maybe because he is an angel and horrible? I am not sure what it is. Maybe its the Catholic upbringing that is making this difficult to accept. (or my history with domestic abuse/violence).

ElizaMarie But I am seriously considering a DNF this book. I think if it wasn't for a book club I would have DNF it a couple chapters ago. I am really trying to give this a chance. I am giving myself till 35% to make the decision.

#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72
AkashaVampie I'm sorry to hear this sweetie! I hope it gets better for u. And I understand if u need to stop reading it. Don't push it hun! 4y
ElizaMarie @AkashaVampie I feel like if I quit now I wouldn't have given it a real shot. Thats why I am going for the 35% mark. 50% would be too long to invest in something that wouldn't work out. And well 25% gives it a chance to be a “maybe“.

But yeah. I will keep you posted whenever I decide. I am curious to see what other's thoughts are on this book.
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AkashaVampie @ElizaMarie I still need to read Princess Bride before I start this one. I don't have it on Audio yet. 4y
Bookworm54 That‘s a shame. I get what you mean though. He is an asshat in most of the first book! And most of Nalini Singh‘s male characters are ‘alpha‘ males so can be quite controlling/domineering. Not men I would want to be with in real life! They do tend to be wrapped around their mates fingers though which is a slight plus... despite this she is one of my favourite authors :) I hope it grows on you, but if not, no harm in DNFing ☺️ 4y
ElizaMarie @Bookworm54 I am usually okay with the strong male or even the shitty male characters. I mean I liked a couple of the vampire books I have read and they were strong male/dominating/controlling and didn't bother me as much as this one is. I don't know if its because he is an “angel“ that is causing me more discomfort. I am not sure... We will see though. It might grow on me. (maybe) 4y
JaimeDawn I just got this on audio. Should we start now or later in March? 4y
ElizaMarie @JaimeDawn you can start whenever. @AkashaVampie put the chapters up early so you can start now if you wanted 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Come join our paranormal romance group to spice up your life. Next month's book is the tagged book. Everyone is welcome!



AkashaVampie @angielackswings come join. We would love to have u! Right now we are reading My Life As A White Trash Zombie. Next month is Angels' Blood 4y
angielackswings Yep imma join 4y
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AkashaVampie @angielackswings all accepted sweetie! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Well yes. This world vampires are slaves so... I see how that applies.

#ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC)
@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72

hexytome I like boxes ;) 4y
ElizaMarie @hexytome I used to collect different types of boxes (I mean I still have them but and pick up cute ones when I can) but I love boxes. I just wouldn't want to live in one! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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So. This was supposed to be for March‘s book club book for #ParanormalLoveCrew (#PLC) but Libby had other ideas and my hold came 3 weeks early!!! So. Started this one last night ❤️

@AkashaVampie , @Bookworm54 , @jb72

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Excited to announce the winning book for the #ParanormalLoveCrew group for March is Angels' Blood by Nalini Singh! Get your books ready for a fun filled month of falling back in love with the paranormal. I'll be trying to come up with a challenge to do along side of the book with the help of the lovely Elizabeth (@AsYouWish). So keep a look out for that. Also anyone is welcome to still join. #PLC

Mrs_B Good choice everyone! 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Entertaining. Action-packed, interesting characters.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really liked the spin she put on the traditional mythologies. 4y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie I agree! She's quite good, actually. 4y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

The first book I ever read when I was 13, and the best

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I love it when traditional concepts of good and bad are challenged. #24in48

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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This book was so good! The first in the Guild Hunters series! This is 100% a guilty pleasure book. (With no guilt!) A paranormal romance novel with vampires, hunters, angels and archangels. I‘ve been in the mood for trashy fantasy novels and this fit the bill!

This also fits a prompt for #readingwomenchallenge - Author from New Zealand

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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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A story about a vampire hunter in a world where angel's "create" the vampires. I loved the story line. I didn't realize this was a romance, so I was more annoyed by the sexy times as I was looking for kick-ass action. Luckily there was enough action and interesting world building to keep me hooked. I'll be reading book 2.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Angels' Blood - Nalini Singh (love this series)
Ilona Andrews
Arroz con pollo


JoScho @CoffeeNBooks had the same favorite food-neat. Thanks for playing 🧡 6y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

Read this because I was looking for romance with an alpha-male trope (it‘s my fave) and his is what popped up. It was okay. I felt like some of the chemistry was forced and I don‘t know that I necessarily bought the whole angel as a superhuman sub species thing. I‘m used to JR Ward, and this was just a tad different for me.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I had some serious issues with this book (maybe alpha heroes are not for me?) BUT I really enjoyed my first time at the Romance Book Club! Maybe a tiny bit disappointed that we did not discuss the egregiously bad sex scene in this book. So. Bad.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Seriously thinking of going to this book club. Podcasts are making me so happy right now but actual humans may be even better? Could I read the book that I have not started yet by Tuesday at 6:30 pm? Probably. Overcome introvert new- thing-aversion? Maybe. 🤔 Anyone ever been to a romance book club before? #bookclub #atx

Eyelit That book club sounds cool! Did you go? I‘ve been meaning to join on of APL‘s book clubs just haven‘t found one that fits my schedule yet. Someday! 6y
shrewandsnail @Eyelit yes, I went! It was fun! June is pick your own book for LGBT Pride month. There is a library employee who leads the discussion which is good. I'll go back in June but probably miss July. Their Monday craft night looks fun but ugh... Mondays. 6y
Eyelit That‘s fab! Maybe I‘ll try and make it to the June meeting 😃 6y
shrewandsnail @Eyelit Yes, yes! 6y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

She always makes my heart pound.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Hello, Litsy! This is my reading list for April. Im a little behind, but I finished the Nalini Singh book and am reading Beverly Jenkins, plus another book not on the list - whoops!

RaimeyGallant Nice stack! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. 6y
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asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!!🎉 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
BookaholicNatty Awesome pile of books!!!!!! 📚 Welcome to Litsy!!! So glad to have you as a new book friend!! Look forward to seeing all your posts and tbr! Warning, Litsy is so fun it‘s addicting 😂❤️📚😍 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 😊 6y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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This isn't terrible but it's just not my thing. I haven't read much urban fantasy / paranormal romance so I'm not sure if this is representative or not. I just didn't feel that into it. This author was recommended to me as a great #WOCInRomance so I think I will try one of her contemporary ones instead. #Romantsy

xicanti I wasn't into this one, but I enjoyed most of her contemporary Rock Kiss series. Even when I like her stuff, though, I find she stretches the story out so it's quite a bit longer than it needs to be. 6y
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian @xicanti Great to know, thank you! The Kiss Rock series was the one I was thinking of trying. 6y
Christy2318 I‘ve read this and a couple of books in another of her series & I just don‘t love them. For urban fantasy, I 💜 Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series & Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series. 6y
Beachesnbooks I dnf'd one of this series too. I second @Christy2318 Ilona Andrews is def the best when it comes to UF! 6y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Done. Thank goodness. I like Nalini Singh‘s writing style and I enjoyed the first book of her Psy-Changeling series, but I truly abhorred the characters and storyline in this one. I hate read most of it and forced myself to finish when I only had 100 pages left. The romance wasn‘t believable and I agree with other reviewers who struggled to get past the undertones of domestic abuse. Overall, uncomfortable and unpleasant.

AceOnRoam There's no sense of relief quite like closing the book after the last page of a really crap read 😥 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I‘m completely hate-reading this one now. At page 83, I was miserable (bored, didn‘t like the characters), but said I‘d give it 20 more pages before bailing. Something happened at page 100 that intrigued me, so I kept reading. I‘m now at page 184 and I hate both of the main characters, but I‘m curious about what‘s going to happen, so I have to finish it, because not knowing will bug me. 🤬

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled That‘s commitment! 7y
Lauren_reading 😂😂 this is actually one of my favorite series! 7y
DGRachel @LaurenReads I liked the first book in her Psy-Changeling series, but unless there‘s a big shift in the second half, I don‘t think I‘ll continue this series. I like her writing, just not Elena or Raphael, which kind of kills the book. 😳 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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December #TBR update. I think this may be the first month that I complete my proposed #TBR from the first of the month. I just have one more book to go.

Eyelit Awesome!! 7y
emilyesears I love this set up!! 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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ADVICE WANTED!! I need a break from the slog that is The Alienist. I picked up both of these first-in-the-series novels by Nalini Singh from the library today. I‘ve never read anything by her. For those of you who have, which should I grab first?

melissanorr That's really hard because the two series are very different. The Psy Changeling books are more paranormal romance with each book featuring a new couple. The Guild Hunter series is a little more urban fantasy with a longer story arc featuring the same couple over several books before a one off book with a different couple. I adore both series. 7y
DGRachel @melissanorr This is perfect, thank you!! I really want something more single-book romance tonight, so I‘ll start Slave to Sensation. Thanks for taking the time to give me a summary of both series!😘 7y
melissanorr You're welcome! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 7y
Dragon I‘ve read Slave To Sensation and enjoyed it . It‘s definitely a paranormal shape shifting romance 👍 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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@Gissy It arrived! It came on Friday but I had to wait since I was leaving for my friends bachelorette! I love it! Thank you for everything!

Gissy I'm glad you like it. I have the same books. I hope these are new in your tbr. The mug has hidden drawings that they show with hot drinks. Enjoy! 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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So I read all these books and let me tell you it is addicting!!!!! The plots, the action , the drama, the sex!!! I love it 🤗

AmandaL I need to read these! I love her Psy-Changeling series. 7y
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Ein absolutes tolles Buch. 😍 Amüsant, lustig, düster, brutal und heiß. 🤗 Für mich deckt es alles ab und ich fange an mich mit dem Genre 'wohl zu fühlen' . 😂

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Hier die ersten zwei Neuzugänge. 🤗
Irgendwie steige ich hier aber noch nicht durch, ihr? 🤔

Speicher.medium So ein paar Sachen wie zb die "Punktzahlen" zb weiß ich nich nicht was es damit zutun hat ? 7y
sunshineandbooks1410 Das ist eine sehr gute Frage. 🤔 Ich weiß leider auch nicht was es damit auf sich hat. 😔 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I am seriously loving this book! Good solid story, fast paced action and some seriously lusty scenes!!

melissanorr I love that series! 7y
Bookworm54 Great series! 7y
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Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

I'd give this a 3.5 or 4 out of 5. Interesting urban fantasy world-building, in a New York where angels, archangels, vampires, and vampire hunters live amongst the humans. I didn't much like the hero for much of the book, because his cruelty and lack of human feelings. But I did enjoy how he evolves, and I do enjoy the twist at the end, so I will be reading the next book soon to see where the story goes. #romantsy

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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Going through this latest pile from the library makes me happy.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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I read this for my paranormal book club. I'm not sure if it's because I listened to the audiobook instead of reading but I was just bored with this book. I couldn't connect with the characters at all.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh

Book 1 of the Guild Hunter series, this book did not hit my buttons. I found the male lead too bullying and cruel when introduced, which left a nasty shadow of domestic abuse over the rest of the "romance". Not the right series for me.

Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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#17BookLove #AuthorILove

Nalini Singh is one of the authors I love!
Not only are her books amazing, but she keeps readers informed through newsletters, Facebook and Twitter posts (mostly from Ashwini) has a great sense of humour and is just all round awesome ☺


Angels' Blood | Nalini Singh
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When I finished reading Archangel's Heart, I decided I really wanted to go back to the beginning so I am re-reading Angel's Blood.

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