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Und damit fing es an
Und damit fing es an: Roman | Rose Tremain
Manchmal geschehen Dinge eben erst spt im Leben. Gustav Perle ist ein zurckhaltender Mann. Er wuchs in den 1940er-Jahren allein bei seiner Mutter Emilie in rmlichen Verhltnissen im schweizerischen Matzlingen auf und schon damals hat er gelernt, nicht zu viel vom Leben zu wollen. Als Anton in seine Klasse kommt, ein Junge aus einer kultivierten jdischen Familie, hlt mit ihm auch das Schne in Gustavs Leben Einzug. Anton spielt Klavier, und seine Familie nimmt Gustav sonntags mit zum Eislaufen. Emilie sieht das nicht gerne, lebt sie doch in der berzeugung, dass die Bereitschaft ihres verstorbenen Mannes, jdischen Flchtlingen zu helfen, letztlich ihr gemeinsames Leben ruiniert hat. Doch Anton ist alles, was Gustav braucht, um glcklich zu sein. Umso hrter trifft es ihn, als Anton beide sind lngst erwachsen Matzlingen verlsst, weil er seine groe Chance als Pianist wittert. Gustav widmet sich seinem Hotel Perle, das er inzwischen mit Erfolg fhrt doch er ist einsam und versprt eine groe Leere in seinem Leben. Bis Anton, gescheitert, zurckkehrt und beide erkennen, dass das Glck vielleicht schon immer direkt vor ihnen lag. Ein zarter, bewegender Roman, der davon erzhlt, dass es manchmal fast ein ganzes Leben dauert, bis man das Glck findet in dem einen Menschen, den man zum Leben braucht.
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Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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It was such a emotionally complex story. I could not blame anyone what they did because they were forced by their emotions. And I am so glad it was a happy ending I was so afraid it won't be.

The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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I loved this book! I thought it was going to be a music book and a WWII book. It is sort of both of those things, but more than that it‘s a love story. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

jlhammar Me too! So good. 2y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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What a touching book! This was my first Tremain, even though I've heard about her before. Now I get why she's so wellloved. This book is a perfect mixture of a character based story and historical background. We learn about Switzerland during WWII, we read about how the people we love affect us, and how life choices are made. Beautifully written, her characters came alive to me. Even those that are hard to like.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Read in September 2020 ...
#suvataStats #SeptemberReads #Bookstagram

britt_brooke Excellent month!! 4y
suvata @britt_brooke Too much spare time on my hands. I love it. 4y
britt_brooke @suvata A fun problem to have! 😁 4y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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My first Rose Tremain book and, boy, is she good. This book had such depth, compassion and raw feeling that I hung on her every word. Her flawed characters were stable and her stable characters were flawed. Sound familiar? It does to me. Sounds just like life. Sometimes you can just sit back and enjoy the ride and sometimes the ride destroys you. I have added all the rest of her books to my TBR.

erzascarletbookgasm I loved this too. 👍 Plan to read more of her. 4y
Cinfhen This was excellent! 4y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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#readingeurope2020 #switzerland

I loved this book and couldn‘t put it down (I read it in a day yesterday) and since then I can‘t stop thinking about it. However, since then I‘ve started to get more angry at the way everyone treated poor Gustav and took advantage of his nature. None of the other characters come out of it well....

Still, I think it must be an indication of a great novel that it has affected me so much.

Librarybelle So true...when a book sticks with you and makes you think about it long after reading it, it‘s definitely a pick! 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This was a good one! My first Tremain - have you read others by her? 4y
Cathythoughts I remember it , and details of that tin train , with the people painted on the windows “‘master yourselves “ .... it has always stayed with me ... such a good book 👍🏻✨ 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm A good one, I loved it too. 👍 4y
squirrelbrain I don‘t recall ever reading any others @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled - so probably my first too! I have this one on my physical TBR shelf.... 4y
Ruthiella Tremain is one of those authors from whom I‘ve not read anything but I really need to remedy that! 4y
Caroline2 Glad you liked it. I loved the first half but I remember getting annoyed at the second half. Beautiful writing. I‘ve read one of her other books, The Colour I think it‘s called and that was bleak!!! 4y
squirrelbrain Maybe that‘s her style @Caroline2 - I‘ll have to try another one soon and see what I think.... 4y
Caroline2 @squirrelbrain Yep, I think you‘re right. I‘ll be interested to hear what you think of The Road Home as that‘s her most well known book I think. It‘s won awards and stuff. 4y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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I loved this book, a tale of intense friendship between two men - Gustav Perle who grows up in a small town in Switzerland, and a Jewish boy, Anton Zweibel, a talented #concert pianist.


Cathythoughts That little train was my favorite part... beautiful illustration 5y
OriginalCyn620 That illustration is amazing! 5y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Heartbreakingly moving. Two boys growing up, learning about love and friendship.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I read this not long ago and loved it! My first by this author 5y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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#MayMovieMagic #IceDance I read this a couple of weeks ago on hols ... very good ♥️👍🏻

LeahBergen I have this sitting on my shelf! I‘ve loved a few other Tremain novels. 5y
TrishB I enjoyed this one too 👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen it‘s the only one I read ( on kindle ) I have The Road Home on my shelf, looking forward to it ♥️👍🏻 5y
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squirrelbrain I have this one and The Road Home on my TBR shelf! 5y
Cinfhen I thought of this book and cover too when I saw the prompt. Excellent story. Sad 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this 👍 5y
RohitSawant I stacked this one a while back after all the Litsy love for it. 5y
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I really liked this one ... maybe a little too much melancholy. Too many jumbled images. I think my most enduring memory / image from this book will be the small Gustav playing with his one toy , a tin train with passengers painted on the windows & Gustav whispering to passengers as he plays “ master yourselves “ ♥️💔

TrishB I loved this ❤️ but like a bit of melancholy. 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB I did really like it .. just prefer a different kind of sadness .. hard to explain.. 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB I felt at times it was a bit over- laboured 5y
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This was painfully, beautifully sad. A boy brought up in poverty in Switzerland in the aftermath of war, taught to “master himself” to be neutral and controlled as his country has been, to cope even when cold and hungry - and the talented, precocious and fragile friend he cares for so deeply. Through his story and that of his parents we see the legacy of bitterness vs the potential that might remain for hope and passion. 5 stars.

Cathythoughts Beautiful review! This sounds really good 😍 I have The Road Home now & am l looking forward to it. I also got a couple more of hers on kindle recently... I think I have this one too. I know @erzascarletbookgasm is a fan too. I must give her a read soon. 5y
Centique @Cathythoughts thanks Cathy! I‘m going to have to read her other books now too 😍 5y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 I loved this book too. 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review! I loved this book, three! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts I hope you‘ll get to read this beautiful book. I have The Road Home waiting for me too! 😊 5y
RohitSawant Wonderful review! 5y
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Probably one of the last sunny days out on the water. (no filter) This book is So Good. I have to take a break to clear the lump in my throat though - 😢

CarolynM I'm glad you're enjoying this - I have a copy of it in my iBooks library. I'll get around to it one day🙂 5y
TrishB I enjoyed this book too 👍🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this book! 5y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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More covers with #sky . These from my read shelves, all I‘ve enjoyed very much.

Kaye Very good choices ! I have yet to read any of these but do have BearTown. (edited) 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻💙💙 6y
madamereadsalot1 Shirley Jackson! 🙌 The Lottery is a great short story. I want that collection. 6y
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Pricel101 Love Jane Harper! Great choices, but I‘m a bit reluctant to try Beartown 🤔 6y
Kaye Hi Jessie Thought I‘d drop in and say hello. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @kaye 👋 Julie, thanks for thinking of me. 😘 I need to catch up on my Litsy scrolling! 😄 6y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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This was a #blameitonlitsy and I loved it. Beautiful story about a friendship between two boys in post WWII Switzerland. Looking forward to reading more by this author.

erzascarletbookgasm 🙌 I loved this too! 6y
gradcat I wonder if someone might be willing to explain what a #blameitonlitsy is. 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @gradcat It‘s just a way to show that you discovered something because of a post, or added books to your TBR because of Litsy recommendations, that kind of thing! 😁 6y
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gradcat Thank you very much for explaining it to me ❤️❤️ 6y
LeahBergen Oh, good. This one‘s waiting on the shelf. 👍🏻 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @LeahBergen It‘s a quick read, too! Enjoy! 6y
TrishB Loved this one too 👍🏻 6y
Centique Good to hear 😊👍This one‘s on my TBR - should get to it in a few months! 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Centique I just got another Rose Tremain added to me TBR. I had never read her before - I was missing out! 6y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Some #bluebooks that I‘ve enjoyed / loved.

TrishB Great pic 👍🏻 6y
Cathythoughts Very good 💙. I enjoyed a few of those too 👍🏻 6y
ephemeralwaltz 😍💙 6y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Started this last night. So far I'm enjoying. I don't think I've read anything based in Switzerland before.

Notafraidofwords Gosh. Love this book. 6y
rachaich @Notafraidofwords - it is very good so far :) 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I started this yesterday! I‘m really enjoying it so far. 6y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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When you visit a village fete and leave with a pile of books!
Quite looking forward to reading these...

Libby1 Great finds. I see Moomins in the background, too! 💙 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved the tagged book! Enjoy! 6y
rachaich @libby1 - love the Moomins :) 6y
rachaich @erzascarletbookgasm - that's a good recommendation, thank you :) 6y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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#TBRtemptation post 6! Gustave grows up in a small Swiss town. An only child, he lives with his anti-Semitic mother who treats him with severity. He'll intensely befriend a talented Jewish boy, Anton, a budding pianist. The novel will work back through the WWII years and ahead through their adult years. We'll watch as a friendship lost, transformed, and regained despite whatever calamities and people interrupt it. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Andrew65 Loved this book! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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#allthebooksof2017 #newtoyoufavoriteauthors

These are six of my favourite authors I discovered this year.
Kent Haruf, Daphne du Maurier, Rose Tremain, Sarah Winman, Jane Harper, Margaret Atwood. 🤘

Miss_Kim Great choices! 7y
Cathythoughts Margaret Atwood ❤️❤️❤️ did you like The Dry ( just purchased) (edited) 7y
TheKidUpstairs Yay Atwood! Which of her books did you read this year? She's one of my absolute faves. 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm @Miss_Kim 💕makes me want to read all their books - backlist or future! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts I did! I look forward to read her second book. :) 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @TheKidUpstairs I chose Alias Grace over The Handmaid‘s Tale. It was really good. I‘ll probably read the latter not so soonish because I‘m unenthusiastic about currently-hyped or over-hyped books, though judging by the reviews, it should be a great read. 7y
TheKidUpstairs @erzascarletbookgasm Alias Grace is one of my favourites! Handmaid's Tale is definitely a worthwhile read, but I understand your point about hype. She has so many other great books, though! If you like speculative fiction, the MaddAddam trilogy (Oryx and Crake is the first) is fantastic. For more realistic literary fiction, I loved The Robber Bride and Cat's Eye. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @TheKidUpstairs thank you! I prefer literary fictions, so, writing down all these recommendations 📝 7y
Kalalalatja Ooooh you have discovered some great ones! 👏👏👏 7y
Andrew65 Could easily have added Rose Tremain to my list! (edited) 7y
batsy I haven't read Handmaid's Tale for the same reason. Excessive hype always makes me nervous, though I'm sure it's worthy of it. BTW if you're still looking for a copy Kino is having 25% off on its website for the very pretty new black hardcover with the sprayed edges 😈 7y
sprainedbrain Kent Haruf! I should have put him on my list. I just loved Plainsong. ❤️ 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the info, @batsy I own a copy already. On a look out for her other novels, hopefully they turn up at Bookxcess 😁 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @sprainedbrain I‘ve read that and Our Souls at Night. Looking forward to read his others. I heard this this is good, have you read? 7y
sprainedbrain @erzascarletbookgasm I haven‘t... just discovered Plainsong a couple of months ago, but I plan to read many more! 7y
Gezemice I discovered Atwood two years ago and it was love at first read. ❤❤❤ 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Loved this 💟 was so happy with the ending too.
A lovely Sunday afternoon read.

charl08 A fan here too. 7y
Andrew65 I loved this three. 7y
Abailliekaras Love Rose Tremain! Stacked. 😊 7y
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Notafraidofwords That ending !!! 7y
TrishB @charl08 @Andrew65 @Abailliekaras not read any others but will be checking them out👍 7y
Andrew65 @TrishB Me either but I do own 7y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this! I keep saying I‘ll look out her other books...but so many other authors I need to check out! 😆 #booknerdproblems 7y
Balibee146 Read Restoration and Merivel and started The Cupboard but got sidetracked. 👍👍 7y
TrishB @Balibee146 will be checking them out! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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#🎼 #EmojiNov Loved this book set in Switzerland about relationships and with a musical connection. @RealLifeReading

Miss_Kim I just got “Merivel: A Man of His Time” by Rose Tremain from our library today. She‘s a terrific writer! 7y
Andrew65 @Miss_Kim This is the only one I've read by her, but do want to read more. 7y
Miss_Kim I really loved Music and Silence. I‘ll look for this one next 😊 7y
Andrew65 @Miss_Kim Thanks, I will check that out, I own a copy of The Colour but not read it yet. 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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This was beautiful, and heartbreaking. I loved it. I'm definitely going to seek out more Rose Tremain after this.

JillR Couldn't get the annoying sticker off without marks! 7y
Andrew65 I loved this too, and agree - why do they put those stickers on books, even if you get it off the book is all sticky! 7y
elliemcc11 Loved it as well 😊 7y
erzascarletbookgasm I loved this too 🙂 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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New book night. I see this one has lots of good Litsy reviews...

erzascarletbookgasm Ooo, I loved this. I've been meaning to read more of her works. 7y
shawnmooney I loved it too! 😍 7y
Andrew65 I also loved this. 7y
Notafraidofwords Loved it 7y
JillR I think yours was one of the reviews I'd read @shawnmooney 😊. Glad to see this gets so much love ❤️ 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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This arrived yesterday from Book Depository. I think I heard about it from Simon at Savage Reads. Excited to get to this.

Jen2 I love Simon!! 7y
rmaclean4 He is one of my favorites on Booktube. 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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67 ~ The Gustav Sonata by Rose Tremain (Paperback📖) ~ Started: 24.06.17 ~ Finished: 01.07.17
Rating: 5/5📚

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Time for book club!

SilversReviews Love book club time. :) 7y
RobinGustafson Always! :-) 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Book 19: Soared through this one - a well crafted story, powered with music and memory and the secrets history hopes to keep hidden. Travelling through time with our two protagonists, we move from pre-WW2 on the Swiss border to modern day, with all its ghosts. But family skeletons have a tendency to emerge in unlikely ways...History sometimes gives its own perfomance. #readwomen #baileysprize

The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Book one of my recent haul 😇 On a side note, that sticker mark is very annoying.

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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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I liked this very much. If every novelist, at some point in their career, needs to confront the Holocaust, then this was an original and sideways way to go about it. Broken people living broken lives and managing the best ways they can. Searching for love and occasionally finding it. No one here was particularly remarkable, but there was a surfeit of compassion and loyalty and a genuine emotional payoff.

The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Started this on the plane this morning, after finishing up Eveningland by Michael Knight, which I loved. #planereading #travel

The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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I've never read this author before, but am really enjoying this delightful book about the lives of two boys in post Second World War Switzerland. Not sure where it is heading or what has happened prior to the book starting but absolutely loving the journey. I'm reading this as an audiobook and Mark Meadows is doing an excellent job. I agree with the Observers review, 'remarkable and moving novel'. Now off to find out what happens next. #audiobooks

Bambolina_81 I've heard lots of good things about this one. I look forward to hearing your thoughts 😊 7y
Andrew65 @Bambolina_81 It is an enjoyable read. 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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My original plan was to go back and forth between the audio and the hardcover. But while waiting for the hardcover to be ready at the library I started listening to this yesterday on my way to work. I couldn't stop; finished last night. I think Tremain just about killed me. And y'all are enablers of the highest order. Wouldn't have picked this up if it weren't so highly touted on here. #audiobook

Notafraidofwords I loved this ending. 7y
dylanisreading @Notafraidofwords Me too. It was nearly perfect. Not what I expected but fit so well. 7y
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Started listening this morning. So good. #audiobook

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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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This was my first novel by Tremain: assuredly, not my last. A deep connection between two Swiss men from boyhood on into late middle-age, neither of them sure what to make of it; a haunting backstory about one set of parents in jittery neutral Switzerland amid World War II. The novel moves from quiet moment to quiet moment, punctuated by the most incredible, explosive twists of emotion and sexuality. Just wow!

Cinfhen Great review @shawnmooney I'm so happy it was a pick and not a #bail ❤️😍 7y
shawnmooney @Cinfhen Was it EVER a pick! I can only feel that it's being awarded the prize in memory of your beloved friend was a fitting tribute to him! 😘😘 7y
Cinfhen Yes! Absolutely!!!! JJ had the biggest heart and always saw the best in everyone. He was such an amazing person 💔 7y
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shawnmooney @Cinfhen 😢💔❤️ 7y
dylanisreading And sold! Now I can't wait to read this. 7y
LeahBergen Oh, good!!! I was hoping you liked Rose Tremain. 👏🏻 7y
Cortg I can't wait! I have it checked out, it's in the line-up! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Cinfhen Oh, your graphics are on point today!!!! 7y
Suet624 Yikes! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Oh my

Bibliogeekery I love Rose Tremain ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen ?? All I can think of is Wayne's World. "Schwii-iing!" 7y
Hooked_on_books Looks very homoerotic. That's awesome! 😂 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen 😂 Now there's an association! 7y
ReadingEnvy I believe on the podcast I pronounced it scVingfest hehe 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Cinfhen Loved this passage, when I read the book 😂 7y
Bambolina_81 Haha 😂 I'm sure his mother has never done that either 😂 7y
DeborahSmall 😂❤️️ made me lol or snort out loud i should say (edited) 7y
Suet624 💕💕💕 7y
LeahBergen Haha!! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Reggie I enjoyed the poscast!!!! You guys made me wanna read this one and Idaho. 7y
shawnmooney @Reggie Thanks! I am enjoying The Gustav Sonata a lot, and Idaho just blew me away! 7y
Cinfhen I agree with @Reggie the podcast was great and it was nice to hear your voice ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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shawnmooney @Cinfhen ❤️❤️❤️And I want to make sure @ReadingEnvy gets the 85% of this love that is her due! 7y
Cinfhen Yes! Love & shoutout to @ReadingEnvy too💗 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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LeahBergen Now I want to try this. 7y
shawnmooney @LeahBergen The novel? The dessert? All of the above? 😍 7y
LeahBergen @shawnmooney The dessert. I already had the book stacked. Ha! I have loved every other book I have read by Tremain. 😍 7y
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LeahBergen Have you read much of her other stuff? 7y
shawnmooney @LeahBergen I have not but certainly want to! 7y
ReadingEnvy So many mentions of the nusstorte! I may make one on Sunday. 7y
ReadingEnvy Monday. Anyway I need to make one. 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Ok, that does it: I'm in ❤️❤️❗️

Cinfhen 😍 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Cinfhen I knew you would find all the beautiful sentences and create something gorgeous 💛 7y
shawnmooney @Cinfhen That's why they pay me the big buck$! 😍😍😍 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Fun fact: Japan is still largely the same way in 2017. The first name/last name order is reversed here, so let me use the still-too-Western terms 'Christian name' and 'surname' to make this clear: many of my young Japanese friends have forgotten, or never learned, the Christian names of most of their friends. One 30-something friend even had no idea what his sister-in-law's Christian name was!

CatchMyBookBreath Wait, so everyone goes by surnames? How does that work where you have a common surname: I'm thinking of whatever the Japanese equivalent of my own -Harris. Or Jones. How do you identify an individual? Curious minds want to know. 7y
shawnmooney @CatchMyBookBreath It's a good question, and actually I guess it would be much the same in Western culture with common Christian names, right? Lots of younger Japanese folks tend to create nicknames for their friends, usually a short form of their surname. For example, the surname of one of my best friends is Kobayashi but we all call him Koba. 7y
mcipher That is so fascinating! What an interesting world we live in. 7y
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EvieBee Wow!! 7y
ReadingEnvy Calling it Christian name is bizarre. I always say first and last but that gets confusing..family name is helpful. 7y
shawnmooney @ReadingEnvy Every available choice is bizarre, offensive, or confusing. First and last is reversed in most of Asia, and while family name or surname are clear, I have yet to hear an acceptable, clear term for the other name. :) 7y
rockpools @shawnmooney @ReadingEnvy Very late reply, but indexers tend to use "family name" and "given name" to distinguish between them. Can't decide if that would be clear in the real world! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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Why have I never read Rose Tremain until now?! This book is gorgeous!

LauraBrook I've heard the same thing about her for years, and she's still unread for me. Looks like I'll be adding her to my library list! 7y
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The Gustav Sonata | Rose Tremain
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This was a lovely bank holiday weekend read about love, friendship, betrayals, ethics, passion - fantastic - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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