I loved how this was told in little vignettes. Plus Paris. #LetterP #AlphabetGame
I loved how this was told in little vignettes. Plus Paris. #LetterP #AlphabetGame
Cute story or account of her family move to Paris for a year. I liked the snippets of information and family anecdotes but did have in mind how privileged she, or they, were.
I rather liked the chocolate descriptions!
Bit self grandiosity in the writing but I needed something less intense and with little need to think too much about what I'm reading. If that makes sense! I like the short paragraphs which she uses to describe a particular moment in her visit.
1. Beautiful day today, 80s and sunny. Blue sky, fluffy clouds.
2. Not at all.
3. Tagged book, because she was in Paris.
4. Coffee and FoodTV.
I adored this book. The sweet, lovely little vignettes told the story of a year in Paris in a rather charming way. #Paris
I was completely charmed by this book. Filled with beautiful moments, delicious treats, and unexpected bursts of laughter.
#Booked2020 Made you LOL
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Here are my #Bookspin stacks for June. (1-10 in stack one and 11-20 in the second stack). I‘m going to aim for #DoubleSpin again. I have finished several from my #BookspinBonanza and I have hopes of possibly finishing a couple more.
For #WorldBookDay my armchair travel themed reading list. I‘m hoping to read some of these while real life travel isn‘t happening. Some of these may end up on my #BookSpinBonanza list. I‘m still thinking it over.
A slender but charming memoir relating the romance writer‘s year she and her family lived in the 9th arrondissement. A few essays and FB posts (no pix in the ebook version) describe details of shops, fashion, food and weather in sometimes poetic fashion.
It surprisingly made me “homesick” for France in ways other books about other places I have visited have not.
Got half way through and gave up cos I was bored. I think a lot of people will find this an enjoyable light read, especially with its anecdotal style, but I just couldn't get into it.
#AnglophileApril Being an expat myself and moving #SoFarAway I chuckled & snorted my way through author @EloisaJames year living in Paris as she dealt with sometimes miserable children, language barriers and culinary disasters! I totally related to the obscene amount of visitors she hosted & the idea that her family "grew into a very small tribe (population: four)." This was a fun book.
Stack 6/12 for the #BlindDateWithABook Display @BookBabe and I are working on. 😁
Shout-out to the legendary and spectacular @EloisaJames on this one! 😎🙌🏻
Have you read any of these?!
#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays
So good! She describes her family‘s year in Paris in essays and observations that made me wish I was there.
1. Clean the bathrooms. Ugh.
2. Christmas party, Cincinnati Pops concert, historic homes tour. Ugh I didn‘t realize I was that busy!
3. Chocolate Scotcheroos - Rice Krispie treats with butterscotch, peanut butter, & chocolate.
4. The tagged book. It‘s so good!
5. I‘ll tag @EloisaJames since I‘m reading her book!
Thanks for the tags, @Karkar & @howjessreads !
What to read when in Paris???
A friend and I decided to have lunch in the Parliamentary Dining room. The legislature isn‘t in session. I‘m enjoying dipping into this great memoir of a year in France. Author Eloisa James moves her family, husband and 2 kids, to live in an apartment in Paris.
Starting a new read over lunch. Wishing I was in Paris
Congratulations @Librarybelle on your 75k Litfluence!! 👏🏻💗 Paris, as well as London are my favorites. Thank you for sponsoring this wonderful #paris75kgiveaway
My weekend reading is planned. There‘s a snow storm coming tomorrow and I‘m okay with that. Throwing my own #LitsyPartyOfOne! 😍🤓
#WantToGoToParis? Yes! But in the meantime I have these books. #heartsandhardcovers @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
A good memoir of a year in Paris, but also a little odd to read about a year's adventures one one-liner at a time. While it made it easy to read a few "stories" at a sitting, it made the book as a whole a little less contiguous. I do enjoy the authors sense of humor and the details observed in everyday events.
What a delicious book. Reading this was like experiencing Paris first hand. With her family in tow, the author and fellow Litten shares bits and pieces of real life (all the ups and downs as a mother, wife and woman) while living in the beautiful city of Paris. This was such a fun and enjoyable read that I'll definitely be scooping up her 2017 latest released novel, Wilde In Love. 🧀🥖🍮🍇🥂🍾
#eloisajames #nonfictionnovember
Finishing up #litsypartyofone with this little gem I've been excited to read.
Thank you @Ambrosnazzy for hosting our party, goodnight all. 💗
#nonfictionnovember #eloisajames
So this is the book I wrote after recovering from breast cancer. My husband and I sold the house and cars, grabbed the kids, rented an apartment in the internet, and fled to Paris. It was a wonderful year! I learned how to waste time...what a great lesson. $1.99 at the moment and includes a list of my favorite chocolate shops! #paris
@EloisaJames' memoir about her time in Paris is a Kindle deal for just 1.99usd!🗼 I've heard nothing but good things about this book so of course, I one clicked it. Paris was the first European city I ever visited and it will always have a special place in my heart.💕 I'm sure I'll enjoy reading about Paris from Eloisa's POV!
#bookandcoffee #Kindledeals #memoir
What a lovely delightful read?Told in small snippets author @EloisaJames recalls her year long sabbatical living in France. I chuckled & snorted my way through her year as she dealt with sometimes miserable children, language barriers and culinary disasters! I totally related to the obscene amount of visitors she hosted & the idea that her family "grew into a very small tribe (population: four)." I really enjoyed this #TravelMemoir #ReadHarder
Just started this #TravelMemoir as part of my #ReadHarderChallege2017 ❤️it's really resonating with me as I can relate/ sympathize with @EloisaJames as she navigates living in a foreign country 🍷🍷🍷#expatelife 😊 Yay for #OverDrive
Lisa: We should use this for the Great Escapes program for grownup storytime!
Me: Great idea! Let's pick passages.
L: ...
Me: Welp, we have basically every page flagged. Let's just get the library to buy another copy.
And they did, so I get to spend my last 30 minutes using my sparkly highlighters to flag passages. #librarylife
Got to read this delightful memoir about living in Paris after a cancer scare by the delightful Eloisa James for my internship! What a joy to read.
http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/inspirational-stories/g4263/women-in-the-ar... Way to go @EloisaJames influential woman in the arts.
Had a harder time than I imagined finding love titles. I have lots with "death" or "murder in the title though! #feistyfeb #lovetitles
That joyful feeling when the risotto fattens up and the starch begins to thicken the rice ... quickly followed by terror that I might overcook it! This batch, though? Perfect. #bookanddinner
Homeward bound with plenty of reading space.
Having the horrifying thought had some of my clients probably do this too. "But, Doctor, he just CAN'T seem to lose weight!" ?
My entire collection on Paris. 18/55 unread. Not too shabby. 😀
This was a fun and interesting read. I wanted to pack up and leave for Paris for a year. It showed how you can truly become who you really are when you leave the familiar.
Not my typical genre, but I enjoyed the light/easy read. It surprisingly got me out of my months long reading slump.
The format of this travel memoir kept me from really enjoying it's content. The social media posts kept me at a distance, whereas the essays beginning each chapter would really draw me in. If reading about Paris is your jam, give it a try and it might work for you!