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Schatten des Wolfes
Schatten des Wolfes: Alpha & Omega 1 - Roman | Patricia Briggs
Gefhrliche Liebe Bis Anna berfallen und gebissen wurde, wusste sie nicht, dass sie existieren: Werwlfe. Nun ist sie selbst einer, und nach drei harten Jahren unter diesen unberechenbaren Wesen wei sie, wie man der Gefahr aus dem Weg geht. Doch dann begegnet ihr Charles Cornick, Sohn und Erbe des mchtigsten Werwolfs Amerikas. Charles will die schne junge Frau als seine Gefhrtin, denn er hat ihr Geheimnis entdeckt: Anna ist eine der wenigen Omega-Werwlfe, und nur mit ihrer Hilfe kann er einen dunklen Widersacher vernichten ...
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Soooo happy to have this series now that I finished all of Mercy‘s book. Love Anna and Charles dynamic together and getting see more of Bran and Charles with their on POV was such a treat. Very excited to binge this series 🙂

dabbe Hello, adorably sleepy kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
thegreensofa Puss looks like he is in a land of bliss! 😻 11mo
Catsandbooks Adorable kitty! ❤️ 11mo
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Beach + book = 😍

dabbe 🖤💙🩵 11mo
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I haven‘t read the Mercy Thompson series, but it didn‘t seem to cause me any issues. They reference Mercy but I wasn‘t confused or lost.

This starts right where the novella left off. Charles is shot and his dad brings him and Anna home to Montana. She‘s introduced to the pack and helps Charles handle a rogue werewolf in the mountains.

I really liked this book (except for the issue at the beginning) and will continue the series.


Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 14mo
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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1. Work
2. I hold myself and others to a high standard
3. Probably cry wolf
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963

Eggs Thanks for playing 📚👏🏻✅ 3y
audraelizabeth @Eggs No problem 3y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

#doublespin @TheAromaofBooks
#stackingtheseries level 1
@Andrew65 #24in4 I ended up with 14 hours, 45 minutes which is close to my personal record.
I knew from having read other books in the series that certain things wouldn't happen. I loved learning more of Asil's history and it makes why he's such a curmudgeon more understandable. I still don't like Leah and probably never will.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
Andrew65 That‘s fantastic 👏👏👏🙌🍾🥂🍾🥂🎉🥳 Thanks for playing along. 3y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I watched MIB I & II and then started the tagged audiobook while working on this puzzle. This is a Ravensburger escape puzzle—The Witch‘s Kitchen.

I love Mercy a slight bit more, but I enjoy this series too. Anna & Charles make a good team. And I love how it‘s in the same world as Mercy.

#screamathon & #scarathlon #teamharkness

10hrs for #littenlisten #votedeartlyreadathon & several other readathons on IG

AkashaVampie Love the puzzle. I will have to see if I can find it. Its beautiful 4y
Palimpsest Beautiful puzzle! 4y
BethM Such a cool puzzle! 4y
Gissy So beautiful! 🖤🖤🖤 4y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Book 26 of the year

Another one I don't specifically remember. But I like the rest of this series so it gets the benifits of the doubt in my rating.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I got up on the wrong foot today. The radio said it's not my fault though, there's a "Föhnwind", a warm wind coming down the mountains, and us Bavarians tend to be grumpy people anyway ?
So now I'll have hot chocolate, gingerbread cookies (my mum made them) and a good book. Let's see if that gets me over the grumpiness

julesG Hope your mood improves. 5y
Deifio @julesG Thanks! ❤️ The hot chocolate and cookies already helped a bit 5y
ljuliel I‘m living in the wrong place ! I should be over there and I‘d fit right in. I‘m pretty grumpy myself. I hope tomorrow you get up on the right side of the bed. 5y
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Deifio @ljuliel thanks! You can always come and visit Bavaria to see if you'd fit in. The waitresses and "customer service" here can be a bit challenging ? 5y
ljuliel It sounds like it‘d be an interesting place to visit.. I‘d probably have fun , because the older I get, the more I just say what I think. Some of those waitresses might dread seeing me come through the door. 😂 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty photo ❤️ 5y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

I chose the so-so option on this book because it seemed repetitive at times. Other than that it‘s a pretty good book.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Book 53 of the year finished July 9, audio

I really enjoyed this. It definitely felt like I was being dropped into the middle of an already established world, which was disorienting and some parts were a bit hard to follow. But it wasn't bad enough for me to drop it from a Pick to a So-so, but if there was an option in between I'd definitely select that one.

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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This was so much not for me that I even don't want to enumerate all the reasons for it. Enough to say that I won't be following this series even if I got the first three books quite cheap in a library sale.😒😥

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I got these three in the library sale for 20 cents each. Jackpot! #libraryhaul

jenreads7 Great deal! 5y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Taking a wee break from Mercy's misadventures to visit Charles and Anna. Really enjoying their story arc so far, however, I was pretty annoyed that the ending of the graphic novel verison of Cry Wolf was changed. It was like, "we're running out of pages, take this out and make everything work out right away and everyone is happy!" ?

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Anne is so pure!

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Read a lot of good things about this series but was let down by the first book. I didn't read the mercy thompson series and so felt out of the loop on the background of the world. There also were major events and plot that seemed to have taken place already; I kept checking that this was the first book which it was - very disorienting. Not compelling enough to keep reading

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Anna is a strong character. To go through what she did and not have any hatred or sustain for men is amazing. That she still has her sweet and calming nature is proof of her strength.
#werewolves #survivor

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Thanks for the chance at this #giveaway @Endowarrior21

If I had to pick, my favorite book of all time is probably Cry Wolf. Great start to a great series with wonderful characters.

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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#readingresolutions day 11 #bookishmountain @jess7

I bought this small mountain of books from my library book sale more years than I care to admit ago, and only read 3 from it. 😣

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs

Enjoyable read~ there is a novella before book one that gives some background info. Otherwise you‘ll be confused for the first 2-3 chapters~ Overall a quick and fun read & I enjoyed the magic system!

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Comfort reading on this snowy day.

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Totally wrapped up in this one today. Probably will finish it in a hour or so!

Lauren_reading Patricia Briggs ❤️❤️ 7y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I can't get enough of #PatriciaBriggs' wolves! 4 Books into my Mercy/Anna reread and enjoying every single page! To me, no one does UF better!

LibrarianJen These have been on my TBR forever! 7y
Bookartbookmarks Love them! 7y
the.bookish.valkyrie @LibrarianJen Read them! Ask @Babiesandbooks they are amazing! Also, if you want to read both series together in the Mercy-verse chronology, go to the Patty's website! http://www.patriciabriggs.com/books/timeline.shtml and you can find all of the short stories for this world in her collection, (edited) 7y
iread2much I love her books and think she's totally UF royalty, but I think Ilona Andrews is better...😅 7y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Double challenge points!
#HairThereAndEverywhere #AndItsAugust
#IndependentWomen #AugustGrrrl

Question-Do you think werewolves moult? 🤔

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Although not you traditional romance, this novel was one that kept me hooked. For those of you interested in reading this, be sure to read the prequel from the "On The Prowl" bundle. It can be read without, it just gives you a better understanding of what happened and who was the true villain towards Anna. I'm interested in seeing her heal even more and become more trusting of the characters around her.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Maybe I was a little under-ambitious with my reading challenge this year....

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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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As I'm back in Patricia Briggs' world I decided to make a bookmark to help me remember the order. Can this world really exist? I would say yes to a werewolf mate 😍😉.
#werewolves #patriciabriggs #alphaomega #mercythompson #pleasebereal

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I was in the mood for a werewolf story.

this is my first patricia briggs novel and I enjoyed it. the world she made was interesting. I'll definitely check out the rest of the series and most probably the mercy thompson books too. 😁

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I was looking for a light read and I got it. This was decent, although I do prefer her Mercy Thompson series. I love her writing! There are no unnecessary repetitive phrases or adverbs, which is one of my biggest pet peeves. Does anyone have any recommendations for adult fantasy like this? I like the main characters to be older than teens and at having a harder time finding some.

Redqueen13 Simon R. Green is a great urban fantasy author and his books are definitely for adults. His books tend to be a bit darker than those of Patricia Briggs. If you haven't ready any of Jim Butcher's, he is the king of urban fantasy. There is also Kim Harrison's The Hollows series. All are worth the read if you like urban fantasy. 7y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Bit of advice is to read the prequel book Alpha & Omega is it helps set up this book, and make it a little easy to understand.

Interesting take on the werewolf world, especially with the raking and the role of the Omega in a pack. I don't want to give an spoiler but I will say there was a nice twist in the book that made me read the book into the night to finish it.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Sometimes I have the urge to conquer large parts of Europe.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Spring Term begins tomorrow. So tonight, we escape reality just a bit.

Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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The pack always sounds so nice to be a part of. ❤️

I love this author. She just writes such beautiful relationships between all her characters. Filled with action and a very sweet romance between Anna and Charles.
Reading the anthology Shifting Shadows before this book however, helped massively as it gave me background to major plot points I might have ordinarily missed!

#bookisholympics #bookthree #packlife

Bookworm54 @Skiles YES! 😍 8y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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This book is so good and I'm struggling to concentrate on work because I just want to keep reading!
Damn you Charles and Anna!

#bookisholympics #werewolves

AmandaL Love them. 8y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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Carrying on with Patricia Briggs for book three of #bookisholympics
Love the Mercy Thompson books, but this will be my first foray into the Alpha and Omega series ☺️
307 pages.

Rebekaaah I love Charles & Anna just as much as Mercy 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
Bookworm54 @Rebekaaah great! I was waiting until I had read alpha and omega, and after starting this I am very glad I did! 8y
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Cry Wolf | Patricia Briggs
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I come back to this series over and over. Werewolves and romance, cheesy but so fun. #spinecrackersbookclub #augustofpages #day2

TheSpinecrackersBookClub Ooh sounds like a worthy combo. 8y
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