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El imperio final. Nacidos de la Bruma -Mistborn- I. (Edicin revisada)
El imperio final. Nacidos de la Bruma -Mistborn- I. (Edicin revisada): Nacidos de la Bruma I (Mistborn) | Brandon Sanderson
Durante mil aos han cado las cenizas y nada florece. Durante mil aos los skaa han sido esclavizados y viven sumidos en un miedo inevitable. Durante mil aos el Lord Legislador reina con un poder absoluto gracias al terror, a sus poderes e inmortalidad. Le ayudan obligadores e inquisidores, junto a la poderosa magia de la alomancia. Pero los nobles a menudo han tenido trato sexual con jvenes skaa y, aunque la ley lo prohbe, algunos de sus bastardos han sobrevivido y heredado los poderes alomnticos: son los nacidos de la bruma (mistborns). Ahora, Kelsier, el superviviente, el nico que ha logrado huir de los Pozos de Hathsin, ha encontrado a Vin, una pobre chica skaa con mucha suerte... Tal vez los dos, unidos a la rebelin que los skaa intentan desde hace mil aos, logren cambiar el mundo y la atroz dominacin del Lord Legislador. Sanderson es un escritor brillante. PATRICK ROTHFUSS Si te gusta la literatura fantstica, lee a Brandon Sanderson. CHICOTE El aspirante a heredero de Tolkien. JUAN GMEZ-JURADO, ABC El renovador de la fantasa, el gran reinventor de la magia. RICARD RUIZ GARZN, ELS MATINS DE TV3 Hace tiempo que George R. R. Martin tiene heredero. Solo hace falta que nos sumemos varios millones de fans ms a los cientos que ya existen para que el oficioso pase a ser, de una vez, oficial. JAVIER BLNQUEZ, EL MUNDO Sanderson es una bomba a punto de explotar. ERNEST ALS, EL PERIDICO DE CATALUNYA
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Lucas & I always do one Christmas in July gift. This is what I got for him. 😍📚

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I‘ve had a strong first half of the year in reading. If I‘m able to keep up this pace, I should be back on track to finish 100 books again this year, after a dip in my reading in 2023.

My favorite reads in 2024 so far have been:

Ruthless Vows
Bright Young Women
The Shepherd King Duology
A Letter to the Luminous Deep
Emily Wilde‘s Map of the Otherlands

PuddleJumper Amazing! 4d
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This was a huge improvement from Sanderson‘s 1st book Elantris. It starts out as a pretty typical fantasy heist story, but through the intricate plotting, extensive world building, and complex but endearing characters, the book becomes an excellent first entry into a fascinating new fantasy series. The very unique magic system is physics based, which adds a lot of dynamism to the fight scenes. There were also some genuinely surprising twists!

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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This is one of those book club books that represent the reason i joined: I wouldn‘t have picked it. Yet, it really sucked me in! Wow…just lots of fun 🙂

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Finally got around to reading a Brandon Sanderson book and I liked it. Good Fantasy, good characters and I didn‘t have to rack my brain to understand the setting. Metals as the power, loved this theory. Vin and Saze are the best. Eland you read too much!:). First in this trilogy.

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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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A few days late, but here are my November reads. I‘m kicking myself for waiting so long to listen to Sanderson‘s Mistborn series- so good! And, of course, a return visit to Shady Hollow is always welcome.


Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson

This is the book that got me back into reading after a several years long hiatus so it has a special place in my heart.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫
I‘ve been wanting to read this series for a while, and book one was not disappointing!
Very accessible & fun fantasy-heist that is just the beginning into Sanderson‘s vast Cosmere.
I‘ll definitely be continuing!

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I quite enjoyed this book. Although I was done with it when I was almost at the end, but then I had spend almost two weeks reading it.
I liked the worldbuilding and the magic. I have the other parts on my wishlist.
TBR since 22/7/2022; 647 pages.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Ash fell from the sky.


dabbe #ruhroh 😃 10mo
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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A high fantasy with a unique magic system revolving around Allomancy, the burning of metals. A crazy, epic adventure, about an impossible heist with even higher stakes, found family, likable characters, and a real underdog story. Filled with action, though it is 650 pages you will FLY through it. I was originally intimidated by the size of the books, but the prose, though written extremely well is also very simple and easy to understand. 🔽🔽

BooksNBowls Brandon explains everything eventually, trust the process. I absolutely loved this, 5 stars from me and I can‘t wait to see what‘s next! 5/5 12mo
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I‘ve gone ghost but I‘m back! It‘s been a weird last few months but I think I‘m back to my normal. Currently reading the Mistborn series; I‘m on book 2 and I‘m really enjoying the series. My first time really getting into fantasy!

TheSpineView Great series! 13mo
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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A pick, for sure, but it had some dips and slow moments throughout. For me, the book coulda been shorter, or maybe the series shoulda been longer (it‘s a trilogy). Also, the main character is very annoying. Very much so.

I‘ll read the second book but I‘m thinking I‘ll need a fairly long break.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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“Sometimes I worry that I‘m not the hero everyone thinks I am.”

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Ok, you brilliant readers. I want to give Sanderson a shot. What should I start with? I read Final Empire ages ago and recall nothing, so I'd need to reread it. Is that where I should start? Is there a definitive order to his books? Help!

Ruthiella I‘ve only read The Final Empire trilogy. @wildwoodreads @Branwen @TheSpineView Do you have suggestions? (edited) 1y
Sorceress_Of_Books I‘ve only read 3 books in The Stormlight Archives which are AMAZING! But I‘m a big fantasy fan and they are huge!! I just started Mistborn series which is very good so far. I do hear a lot of people saying to start with either Mistborn series or Warbreaker. If you go to Brandon Sanderson website he actually explains where to start 1y
Soubhiville I like Warbreaker for a stand alone to give you a taste. The Mistborn books are fantastic in my opinion as well. I only read the first of your pictures trilogy and didn‘t like it enough to go any farther. 1y
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TheSpineView I loved both the Mistborn series and the Stormlight Archives series. Mistborn is shorter. So that might be the best place to start. 1y
Traci1 @Ruthiella @Sorceress_Of_Books @Soubhiville @TheSpineView thanks, y'all. I've started a reread of the first mistborn one. I'm hoping I'll grow to love Sanderson as much as others seem to. It'd be nice to have a new to me author to wallow in for a while. 😁 1y
wildwoodreads @Ruthiella I started with the Mistborn trilogy. It definitely helped introduce me to the Cosmere without overwhelming me. I love The Stormlight Archives but it can be intimidating. 1y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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1. Vin from Mistborn Era 1, her growth and journey is just wonderful.
2. Eve from JD Robb‘s In Death series - the ultimate no nonsense detective
3. Nevada Baylor from Ilona Andrews Hidden Legacy series. She is not only physically strong but has to be the leader for her family through extreme circumstances.

Eggs Well chosen 💯🙌🏻🥰 1y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This was a lot of fun, a very interesting magic system that took me a little bit to understand and the characters were compelling. I am looking forward to the next in the series!

MicheleinPhilly That face! 😍 1y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson

I finished listening to the audiobook of this book. I enjoyed the audiobook very much. Loved the narrator and the characters. I will be continuing this series. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. I finished
this book for the #MarvellousMarchReadathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Well done, I‘m hoping to get to his books later in the year. 👏👏👏 1y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson

I really enjoyed this, as I was reading it was almost playing a film in my head so visually it was well written. The story is really and the first twist was heart wrenching. I didn't get to know as much about some of the characters as I would have liked so didn't have much feelings for them. Hopefully in the later books those characters are expanded upon a bit more.

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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson

Really need to read this, but it's fantasy (not really my thing) and it's long... wah!

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Book haul 😁

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I've never read any Sanderson but I've heard good things so I requested this through inter-library loan. I look forward to listening to this one.

bookishbitch Update: I was not a fan of the narrator so I gave it up. The other voices were fine though. I also did listen long enough to know I'm interested in the story so there is that. 1y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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It was 50° today! 😱 I had to take advantage of that and take a nice long bookish walk! 🌿📚

keys_on_fire That looks so lovely! 🥰 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This was a reread and I loved it way more this time round. The beginning to an epic series with the most unique and well crafted magic system. Such a great adventure story and I look forward to reading more of this world. 5⭐️
#bookspinbingo - bingo!

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!! 2y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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The setting of this story was very unique, with ash-covered cities, a red sun and the mist. I also thought Allomancy was a very interesting take on magic. I loved the characters, the crew and Kelsier (especially Kelsier).

The heroine Vin very loveable despite being the typical ‘starts off weak but learns she is special‘ kind of character and it was enjoyable to see her develop throughout the story.

Some parts were good but mostly it was a slog.

RaeLovesToRead Aww man. I had high hopes for this series. I'm not really loving the Stormlight Archive - it's a bit waffly, long winded and the plot is a huge tangle - but I was hoping Mistborn would be better! 😖😟 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @RaeLovesToRead Waffly, that's a great way to describe The Final Empire. 😆👌 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @RaeLovesToRead I seen an article a while ago which was basically 'Things To Read If You Enjoyed The Dark Tower by Stephen King" and Mistborn was on the list, so that's why I decided to try it, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered because I'm not really into Fantasy. 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @RaeLovesToRead It's nothing like The Dark Tower.. 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I had to read only a chapter and I knew I am going to love this book. I loved every page. Writing style was pure magic and I loved characters, world and adventure. I enjoyed immensely.

The ending wasn't what I expected it to be and there were minor anticlimactic twists but also some that I really loved.


TheNeverendingTBR I have a copy of this, I'll need to get around to reading it. 👌 2y
PageShifter Ooooo, you definitely need to do that @TheNeverendingTBR !! 2y
TheSpineView Love this series! 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @PageShifter it's my current read. 😁 2y
PageShifter Haha, yessss. You rock @TheNeverendingTBR 😂🦾 2y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I can't believe I waited this long to read this, but I was sort of intimidated by the possibility of a too complex world structure and politics.
It took some time to wrap my head around it, reminding me of a mix between Star Wars and Ocean's Elleven, but OMG was it worth it. I laughed, I cried and I enjoyed it immensely ❤️


Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This was the first Sanderson book I have read. I liked the world and the magic, but I felt nothing for the characters. That might just be me.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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#SeriesRead2022 @TheSpineView

One of my local librarians suggested I read this book. I've had it on my TBR for years and I'm thankful she finally gave me the push to start this series.

The magic system in this world is so fascinating to me and Sanderson explains it well. I was unsure about the characters at first, but they all became such well developed parts of the story that I quickly became a fan.

Great start to a great series!

TheSpineView Awesome 2y
vivastory This was the first Sanderson I read & I loved it! The rest of the trilogy gets better with each entry IMO 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I'm hoping to finish this one up in the next couple of days! I forgot how wonderful the world building is! Sanderson really is a fantasy master! 🥰💕📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #rumpel

Lreads 😻❤️ 2y
Leftcoastzen So adorable!😻 2y
RaeLovesToRead She's smiling ☺☺☺ 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This week is supposed to get grossly hot (almost 100°! 🥵) so I figured I better get my bookish walk in before it gets too bad! 💕📚🌿

CocoReads That‘s a gorgeous view. 2y
Branwen @CocoReads Thank you! I love bringing books with me to the park, I have so many great reading spots! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly That looks absolutely beautiful! What a great place to read! 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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My summer of Sanderson continues with Mistborn! I'm rereading the first book, because it's been quite awhile since I've read it and I'm sure I've forgotten many things! 🤣 I'm planning to read the whole series this time however! 🎉📚💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #rumpel

HeyT I just reread this in audio so I could finally move on to the rest of the trilogy. Only sad thing is there is a six week hold now for the next one. 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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It‘s my gaming grind fest season so I thought I‘d do a reread of this in audio. I first read this in 2016 but was surprised how much I remembered once it got going. I love heist plots so this was just as good as the first time I read it. I‘m just sad the next one is six weeks out on hold for the audio.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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If you are a Brandon Sanderson fan, you must watch this video he released. If you are a fan of authors doing shocking things, also check it out!!

julesG Still chuckling about his last sentences. 🤣🤣 2y
tealwish @julesG Yes! Great twist ending!! He had me concerned at the beginning. 2y
j9brown This was one of the most bonkers things I've ever seen an author do - in a good way! 😆 2y
tealwish @j9brown Yes!! And a brilliant marketing strategy! 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Have you heard about the Wild kickstarter Brandon Sanderson is doing? Here‘s his video:


TracyReadsBooks Have you seen the numbers?!? They are off the charts! 2y
nitalibrarian I let myself pledge for the hardbacks, but couldn't justify spending more on all the other stuff. 2y
tealwish I am so excited about this!! My bf and I shared the full package, and this will be our next 2 birthday and Christmas presents to each other. It's the only way I could justify it. 2y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I am going to be honest, I still have thirty minutes of the audiobook left. I am bored. “Mistborn” has an interesting magical system, but it has taken a couple months to get through this and I had to resort to an audiobook to finish it. Maybe if it wasn‘t suggested to me multiple times as an amazing experience I wouldn‘t have been so nonplussed. #bookspin for January! #bookjournal

wisherwishinguponastar If it is of interest… I didn‘t care so much for the ending and something about the Lord Ruler in the end just frustrated me (no spoilers). 2y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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1. Ot depends on the genre I read. For example: Thrillers need to be fast, but Fantasy can take its sweet time.

2. The Final Empire 🤩 actually all of Sanderson's books I've read this far.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @Yuki_Onna

Want to play @fredamans @bthegood @JessClark78

TheSpineView I am a big Sanderson fan! Thanks for playing! 2y
fredamans Thanks for the tag! I'm a day late to play so I'll answer it here...
I am with you on depending on the book itself and the story. I like my romances to be slowburners. As for a well-done book; Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane. Just read it and it will be hard for a book to beat it as my fave for the year. It was epic and completely plot-driven!
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Eggs ❤️📚🖤 2y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Christmas #bookhaul for this year 😂🤩😎

Andrew65 Love Night Circus ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
galueth28 @Andrew65 I loved Starless Sea, so that one is def at the top of the list. 3y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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My oldest son‘s girlfriend is an avid reader. (I am so excited by this!) She loaned me this book because it is one of her most favorite. This epic fantasy took some time to develop, but once the world building is completed, it really takes off. The story and the characters draw you in and the novel becomes unputdownable. I raced to the heart pounding conclusion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

✅First goal completed for #novelnovember ❤️📚

AvidReader25 I‘ve been curious about this one for awhile. I‘ve been reading one of his other series this year. 3y
Elizabeth2 This is the first of his that I‘ve read, but my son‘s GF is a big fan of his. Even though this is the first of a series, it really could be a standalone - the story is concluded well enough. 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 🍾 3y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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#novelnovember #read #sundaymorningvibes

I must focus today and really dig into this book. I wanted to finish it by the end of the day today, but I am only 40% through. According to my Bookly app, it will take 10 hours of reading time to finish and I don‘t think that‘s going to happen today. The story is really moving now, and I am enjoying it. I‘ll enjoy it even more if I can immerse myself in it today. ❤️📚

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Got the crockpot going with dinner, the morning chores are finished, the house is quiet (for now)…it‘s time to sit down with this book. ❤️📚 It took a bit to get into, with the intricate world building (which isn‘t normally my thing), but I‘m about 100 pages in now so I‘m starting to get it and become more invested in the characters.

I hope all of my Litsy friends have a great Saturday!


TrishB You too 😁 3y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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My two oldest sons‘ GFs are readers!! (I am so excited by this!) We have shared book recommendations, and my oldest son‘s GF (a 24 year old grad student studying nursing at Johns Hopkins) recently gave me her very well loved copy of one of her most favorite books to read. I‘m excited to dive in and see why it‘s one of her favorite books. ❤️📚

TheSpineView Enjoyed this one! 3y
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The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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This sort of epic fantasy with complex world-building, political maneuvering, and a large cast of fabulous characters is, quite simply, my kind of read. It was long but didn't feel that way, because I was fascinated by every new development. The story ended in a satisfying way still leaving some threads for further books in the series, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.

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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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#BFC21 thx for hosting @wanderinglynn

Goals are to read when and as much as I can, workout 4x a week😊

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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Book haul. I confess I have never read a Sanderson book.

Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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I really enjoyed Mistborn. I'm not sure why I didn't read it sooner. The magic system was quite original. I loved Kelsier and Elend. Elend bringing his books & reading at the noblemen's balls was fantastic 💜

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