One of my favorite Christmas gifts to date arrived just on time 🖤
One of my favorite Christmas gifts to date arrived just on time 🖤
Whosoever speaketh of Cthulhu shall remember that he but seemeth dead; he sleeps, and yet he does not sleep; he has died, and yet he is not dead; asleep and dead though he is, he shall rise again. Again, it should be shown that: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange eons even death may die.
So I opened up my bag and @hannah-leeloo may have hidden something for me to find thank you very very much in love with this bool
“I am writing this under an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more.”
Well, that‘s depressing.
Is it strange that this is my preferred choice for a bedtime audiobook to lull me to sleep?
I didn‘t think so. 😅
Excellent collection of Lovecraft's stories, you've got most of his best ones in this collection; but it's such a big and somewhat cumbersome book.
My favourite stories in Necronomicon were..
'The Rats in the Walls'
'The Tomb'
'The Dunwich Horror'
'The Shunned House'
'At the Mountains of Madness'
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3855924607 ↩ check out my full review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I got an early Christmas present!! Major brownie points for my son‘s boyfriend, this edition is gorgeous! Hardback and illustrated, I recommend it for Lovecraft fans
And, no trip to London is complete without us wandering through Waterstones. My guy quickly disappears and can easily be found in the Sci-Fi or Comics section. #london
Here‘s my new bookish pin I got this weekend. The Necronomicon from Evil Dead urging you to read banned books yay! Also I thought my Ash figure here at work would pair nicely.
At 896 pages, this is a big book. A collection of horror short stories, novellas and novels.
I've read a big chunk of it, I read a bit then leave it for a while and go back to it; what I've read do far I've liked.
His writing style is different to anyone I've read, first he uses a lot of obscure words; I've got to sit with a dictionary. 😂 ...but also because his writing is more imagery based and less about characters.
Love a bit of Lovecraft, there's no author that comes close to his brilliance. 🐙☇
The Night Gaunts “... if only they would make some sound, or wear a face where faces should be found!”
A quick pick of my favourite bookcase... need to sort the rest of them out, and probably get another! 😂 this ones the only in alphabetical order, and even then it's overflowing 🤗 challenge for the month maybe? #ReadingResolutions #Shelfie #ShelfieSaturday @Jess7
“Apropos of sleep, that sinister adventure of all our nights, we may say that men go to bed daily with an audacity that would be incomprehensible if we did not know that it is the result of ignorance of the danger.” - Baudelaire -
Epigraph of Hypnos, Necronomicon
What is scarier? The unknown or knowing too much? The father of cosmic horror, Lovecraft tells us how insignificantly little and blissfully ignorant we are. He describes perfectly the dreadful, loneliness and the ugly. #horror
First post, a kind of presentation: hello, I'm Alessia in childhood a big reader, not so big currently for times reasons. But I'm recovering. This is my current reading, and I'm in love with the style of writing of Lovecraft. Generally I read historical or political essays, fantasy/fantascientific novels, and I'm a lover of the classics.
✨I started college classes this week and I‘m getting ready for my poetry book to be self published. On top of everything else in my life, I‘m a bit overwhelmed at the moment. lol. I‘m ready for this weekend. How about you all? Anyone have fun plans for this weekend? I‘m hoping to get some reading in for sure and hopefully some blogging!!✨
I'm not even a Lovecraft fun, but l mean... 😍
Reading through this today like I do every year! Happy Halloween!! 🎃 #halloween #HPLovecraft #tradition
Today‘s #riotgrams is #BigBooks ! Who doesn‘t like a big book?!
Yep, I just bought this too. I predict some creepy stories in my future.
I think I'm out of credits now.
Wow, this is a chunker! It's a little over 800 pages, and it contains most of H.P.L's most well known stories and a few poems. I wouldn't recommend this collection to anyone who is just starting to get into Lovecraft. I would suggest that you start with a smaller volume or of you have the Serial Reader app, read the stories available there. His style takes some getting used to👇
I feel like I need to Litsy super hard today to make this number go away. Or else this just means I am Satan.
Loved it. Although some may say Lovecraft goes purple with prose, the serious reader will find even his most grotesque insinuations to be poetic and beautiful. Listening to the audio of this took me to another world.
This this is scaring "The things I shall not speak of" out of me.
I have one day to read this tome for my book club... it's 800 pages. Oops. #bookclubwoes
I love HP Lovecraft!! I read this whole chunkster a few years back and really enjoyed it. I need to read it again soon!
I'm 1/3 of the way thru the audio for Necronomicon. It's an interesting listen. I can see why he's such a historical force in horror/fantasy, but I can also see why he's heavily criticized for his racism (it's a little much even for his time). Super excited for the lit themed brewery though!!
I read this big chunkster a few years ago and I really loved it. I can't wait to read it again sometime!