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Calendar Mysteries #4: April Adventure
Calendar Mysteries #4: April Adventure | Ron Roy
19 posts | 6 read
It's a mystery every month from popular A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy! With the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries kids! April is for Adventure... In the fourth book of the Calendar Mysteries - an early chapter book mystery series - it's springtime in Green Lawn, and Bradley, Brian, Lucy, and Nate are on an Easter egg hunt. They search high and law and find lots of eggs. But soon it's clear that some of the eggs aren't just well hidden. They're gone! Who would steal Easter eggs? It's up to the four kids to crack this eggs-cellent case. Parents, teachers, and librarians agree that these highly collectible chapter books are perfect for emerging readers and any kid who loves mysteries!
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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I read 9 books during April. I still need to finish 2 books to complete my O.W.L.s, need to read triplespin book for April & finish Little women. I will read those before I start Asian Readathon. Little Women will be completed during May.I will read at least 2 books for SpinBonanza. There is no way I can read 20 books in a month. At the end we all want to enjoy our readings and read more books from our tbr, that is what really matters!📚🤗

Avanders Wow that‘s a lot of reading!! 💃🏽💃🏽 4y
BookishMe Saw your comments about the earthquake... Hope you are staying safe ❣️ 4y
Gissy @BookishMe Yes, we experienced a quake of 5.2 early in the morning. They said 5.5 but then corrected the information.The south part of the island suffered serious damages, they are still in the process to recover from the last earthquake that occurred on January 7.That area is still experiencing quakes (small one most of the time) everyday. 50 families were removed to another area. But no human lost.It was scary. Thanks for the comment we are ok. 4y
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Chrissyreadit OMG!!! I just saw this!! Your poor Island can‘t catch a break!!! How are you all doing with Covid? How are you doing specifically? 4y
Gissy @Chrissyreadit ok. This week we started phase 1 which means that some business related with construction, financial matters and other government services opened. We are allow to do exercises until 3:00 pm. Curfew continues from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am and Sunday is only to buy food to go, gas station, pharmacy (prescription only) are open.Everything else is closed. Let see what happened. Some countries opened but not everyone is following instructions 4y
Gissy The quake was strong in the south side of the island until now, 50 families were relocated due to damages to their homes. Not damages in this part of the island where I live but I felt it, so strong! Scary! 4y
Suet624 You read a lot of books!!! 4y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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A few books carried over from last month but there are so many good books that keep coming out.

#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great list!!! 4y
RainyDayReading I loved The Black God‘s Drums! One of my favorites from last year 😁 4y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Books read: 12
Pages read: 3,897
DNF: 0
Women authors: 15 (one book had 3 authors)
POC authors: 3
Best: The Marriage of Opposites
Worst: Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now
Longest: The Kingdom of Copper - 621 pages
⭐️: 1
⭐️⭐️: 1
⭐️⭐️⭐️: 6
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: 4
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: 0

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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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- 13 books, including five 5⭐ reads and seven 4⭐ reads
- 11 female authors (and the two male are PoC)
- Goodreads: 58/100
- #booked2019: 2/6 (total 9/12)
- #litsyatoz: 1/26 (total 14/26 - female authors)

Favourite read: Sadie - it was absolutely amazing! But I also really liked On The Come Up.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego A great month! 📖💖 5y
Cinfhen So many 4 & 5 star reads❣️❣️❣️❣️👍🏻 5y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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April wrap up:
27 books
#BookishBingo: 16/24 with 4 bingos
#MagicalReadathon: 5/5 O.W.L.s needed for librarian track

#Pop19: 36/50
#ISpy: 39/50
2019: 105

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Here‘s my projected April reading! The bottom three are for book groups of various sorts, then there‘s that V.E. Schwab impulse library checkout. There are a couple of in-progress reads (Ship of Magic and Inspired) and two that I‘ve already finished (Felicity 💜 and The Shepherd‘s Crown 💜😭).

Another audiobook or two will probably also sneak in, as well as hopefully something else from the TBR.

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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April's #BookishBingo.

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Heatherfeather Look at you, all statistics fancy!!!😁 6y
NotLiketheRoad I love this! I totally don‘t have the patience to do it myself though 6y
knittedgnome Oh I love this!! What a nice visual! 6y
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Reviewsbylola Good job! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
asiriusreader Love this visual! 6y
introvertedbooks Love this!!! Such a cool way to log your stats 6y
Mdargusch Great journal page! 6y
MuddyPuddle So much info in such a creative way! Love it. 6y
Vikkiha Love your book bullet journal. It must be great to look back on them all. 🤩 6y
tracey38 This looks so good. I especially like the way you marked the days you read each book. 6y
coffees Oh wow this looks great! :D 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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I read more books than I thought I would be able this month. I had some hits and a couple of misses. I was able to apply these to some of my challenges, which made me happy. I hope I can read plenty in May, but it is the last month of school and should be hectic. Happy May reading everyone 😊

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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A very poor month 😔 not helped by the fact I‘m training for a 30 mile walk in June and preparing to move house 🙈 definitely need to try out audio books or this is only going to get worse

rockpools Definitely worth trying audiobooks for walk-training! You might need to try a few before you work out what works for you - but the recommendations on here really help. And TKOLT sounds great 👍 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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I have read several really good books in April, but top spot is shared between an old all-time favourite (Earthsea), and a book that might very well become an all-time favourite. The narrator on the audible version of Kavalier and Clay is also seriously top notch. And at 25h20min that's a lot of audiobook for your credits. Just saying.

larah17 Earthsea has been on my TBR for years and years! I love seeing when people enjoy books that I have on my TBR, gives me something to look forward to 😁🌟 (edited) 6y
Leniverse @larah17 The first Earthsea book has a special place in my heart because I first read it as a child and rereading it I recapture the sense of wonder and dread. That said, adult me thinks the books get subsequently better. They also seem to get better every time I read them! 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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I read these for my #FreakyFriday swap. @Librarybelle had such a great list that I'm sure I will read more of her choices. I'm in the midst of The Last Tudor already! I read a few other books that were either library holds or book club, but this was the focus of my month. Thanks to @monalyisha and @Clwojick for putting together such a fun project. I would definitely do it again! Destiny of the Republic was my favorite.

Librarybelle So glad you had fun reading the list! 6y
MallenNC @Librarybelle I did! And it also helped keep me focused during a very busy month. 6y
Librarybelle I am really bummed I didn‘t get through more on your list this month but have every intention to continue reading. May is probably the best month to read Royal We. 😉 6y
MallenNC @Librarybelle It's hard when other books come in with deadlines! May is a great time to read The Royal We. It was based on Will and Kate but now it's fun that a prince really is marrying an American. 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Not a bad tally. I hope May is as productive because I have a ton of ARCs to read.

Lindy 🎉🎉🎉 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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This is my April #WrapUp for #HopIntoSpring. It‘s been a pretty good reading month - I might finish one more today but not sure yet! I absolutely loved I‘ll Be Gone in the Dark, The Wicked Deep and Circe.
Also thank you so much to @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @vkois88 for another really fun month of prompts. It‘s so kind of you both to take the time to put these together and you are both so lovely to everyone! ♥️💛♥️

Sarah83 Wonderful illustrated 😘💖 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!!! Circe 5 stars?! I‘m on the fence because this isn‘t my normal genre... thoughts?? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
ReadZenRites Such gorgeous handwriting ‘💕💕 6y
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Christine11 @Sarah83 Thank you! ♥️♥️ 6y
Christine11 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you! Circe was really amazing so I would definitely give it a shot! But maybe borrow it from someone to see if you like the style before buying it! 😘💙😘 6y
Christine11 @ReadZenRites Thank you so much! ♥️😊♥️ 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Kind of a slow month for me book wise... but summer is coming soon and I will kick it into high gear then!!! #aprilstats #readingresolutions @Jess7

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Excited about my #AprilTBR list. The Count of Monte Cristo feels like a big task, but there‘s some fun reading in there to help me along. Also, I‘m forcing myself to go through Brazen really slowly, but it is fantastic for anyone who has been debating whether or not to pick it up! #ReadingResolutions

MinDea I have the broken girls and beartown and my tbr too! 6y
emilyhaldi Talk about a #chunkster!!! 6y
Mdargusch Ambitious! 6y
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JamieArc @emilyhaldi I know... 😳 6y
JamieArc @MinDea I‘m guessing you‘re doing the LitsyBuddyRead, right? Let me know if you get to The Broken Girls and maybe we can read it around the same time. I‘m guessing it‘s going to be a quick read. 6y
JamieArc @Mdargusch I‘m sure it‘s going to take me more than a month to read The Count! I‘m thinking my total book count for the month will only be around 5 books. 6y
AmyER I‘m reading Waking Up White with my mom right now! 6y
JamieArc @AmyER I wish I were reading it with others! I‘m about half way through. 6y
AmyER @JamieArc let‘s post talking points and discuss!! 6y
JamieArc @AmyER I‘d be up for that! Where are you at in the book? 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Hello April!! Happy Easter everyone!! Go check out my blog post for my April #tbr list.. it‘s small right now but we‘ll see how it goes.. #april

April Adventure | Ron Roy
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Happy Easter/April Fool‘s Day!

Ddzmini I love Bitmojis 😝🤣 6y
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April Adventure | Ron Roy
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I always enjoy @Jess7 ‘s #readingresolutions photo challenge! #april

Jess7 Thanks for sharing!! 🤗🤗🤗 I always enjoy seeing the posts! 6y
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