My #Roll100 pick for January was my favorite read of the month. I enjoyed "Twelfth Night" immensely and can't believe I haven't read it before, but I've seen the movie "She's the Man" like twenty times. #ReadingBracket2025 @CSeydel
My #Roll100 pick for January was my favorite read of the month. I enjoyed "Twelfth Night" immensely and can't believe I haven't read it before, but I've seen the movie "She's the Man" like twenty times. #ReadingBracket2025 @CSeydel
My January #Roll100 picks. I think I'm going to start with the tagged book, as I think my Shakespeare knowledge is lacking. Maybe I should've started a Shakespeare book club instead of the one I currently run lol. #Roll100 @PuddleJumper
Saw this play at the park this afternoon!
An amazing performance to be sure: clear dialogue, we‘ll acted, the fool had a good singing voice, facial expressions emotive, and the innuendo was really played into.
And it doesn‘t hurt that it was pirate edition! 🏴☠️
A local MetroDetroit outdoor Shakespeare theatre company is putting on Twelfth Night this month!
Book Club girls and I will be attending!
I loved reading this because I loved She‘s the Man and it was based off of this play. I never got a chance to read it before and it was really fun to see where the movie came from and to notice how well they did with remaking this classic into something modern.
The only thing better than reading Shakespeare is the opportunity to see it performed live. Enjoying this production which is set the Caribbean and is full of music and laughter.
Kinda silly but at least it was a super fast read. Amanda bynes did it better tho #justiceformalvolio
Thanks to #pop22 I picked up this audio from #Hoopla about Tiger Woods and was quite riveted!! It covers Tiger‘s early rise to golf stardom as well as his father‘s humble beginnings & drive to see his son succeed. Starting with Tiger‘s infamous accident on Thanksgiving 2009 & ending with his public apology in January of 2010 this book has right amount of scandal and fact. I‘d like to learn more as this book is somewhat outdated. #TigerInTitle
Played Sir Andrew Aguecheek my sophomore year in my college‘s production. One of the best and most educational experiences of my life.
Decided to go ahead and read my free space book for #averymerrybingo! Gotta love some Shakespeare every now and then @Jadams1776
#QuotsyJul21 Day 9: #Great
#CuriousCovers Day 18: Green
Another day, another set of Shakespeare editions - this time in green. Also featured are my high school and college diplomas in the background - both of my schools had the same colors (green and gold).
I've been working my way through a box set of Shakespeare's comedies and just love the clever word plays, sharp banter and all of the disguises, mixed identities and plot surprises. It maybe just me, but I can see the cast of the carry on films doing these plays-Sid James, Frankie Howerd, Kenneth Williams, Hattie Jacques-which roles would you cast them in?
Look at this beast! #shakespeareinayear
Drinking out of my biggest coffee cup today, which happens to be covered in Shakespearean insults 🥰
This popped up in my memories today, so I thought I‘d share it with people who would appreciate it.
Rap/Hip-hop Othello with music by Elton John.
#shakespeareperformancegenerator #generator
The first selection in the #Shakespeare2020Project was “Twelfth Night“ or “What You Will“. TBH, I've never cared for the Bard's comedies, but I found myself smiling on this read-through! But even better was watching the play with Mark Rylance as Olivia and Stephen Fry as Malvolio. Directed by Tim Carroll, this was literally LOL-funny! Truly a fun rom-com :-)
I was planning on reading Shakespeare's tragedies this year and when I went googling for the chronological & publishing orders, I stumbled across the #Shakespeare2020Project. It's rather ambitious-- all of Shakespeare's works scheduled to be read over the course of this year! The blog is static but the 3000+ member FB group is healthy and strong! Ian Doescher is hosting this with The Folger Library
Interesting article about the riddle of MOAI in Twelfth Night.
A recipe for Twelfth Night Cake from The Folger Shakespeare Library. Should I make it?
I see you what you are: you are too proud; But, if you were the devil, you are #fair. My lord and master loves you. O, such love Could be but recompens'd though you were crown'd The nonpareil of beauty! #QuotsyJan20
Twins. Mistaken identities. This play made me laugh out loud.
I read this along with the Arkangel Shakespeare audio performance. I am going to have to go back a read it slower as I especially love Feste's lines. So clever and witty often having double meaning.
I now get why this is referred to as a mature comedy, there is quite a bit of bawdiness especially in his innuendos and punnery.
Great start to my year of Shakespeare.
Starting this now - the idea of reading all of Shakespeare‘s work in one year seems ambitious but the schedule is totally doable. So. Here we go!
For info and resources- here is the link. https://iandoescher.com/shakespeare/introducing-shakespeare-2020/
Ian Doescher (of Shakespeare's Star Wars fame) helped develop a plan to read all of Shakespeare in 2020. It's mostly chronological but some of the plays align with the calendar (Twelfth Night on Twelfth Night, Julius Caear in mid-March, etc).
Info: https://shakespeareandbeyond.folger.edu/2019/12/06/shakespeare-2020-project-read...
Schedule: https://iandoescher.com/shakespeare/schedule/
This is definitely a silly and fun little romp, and I think the use of a Fool in this play is better than other appearances. There‘s also some good ol‘ Shakespearean innuendo to enjoy. I admit the concluding scenes are a bit hard to follow; I had to reread the summary a few times to keep all of the misdirection straight. Definitely one I‘d want to see a performance of, in order to really get the full measure of it. 4/5 ⭐️
Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun; it shines everywhere.
[Ain‘t that the truth!]
I do I know not what, and fear to find
Mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind.
Fate, show thy force. Ourselves we do not owe.
What is decreed must be, and be this so.
My Shakespeare pick for this month! This is one I haven‘t read before, but I know it‘s a fun one 🎭 #nowreading
Saw a wonderful performance of Twelfth Night this evening at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival in Boulder with @sarahbarnes
I was worried when I learned the show was 160 mins long but I thoroughly enjoyed it. And it confirmed my suspicion that the comedies are better on stage than on the page.
I fell in love with Shakespeare at the Delacorte Theatre in the 88-93 performances. Lines began to form on the great lawn in the early morning. Our group brought a days picnic. While half the group stayed on line we alternated with visits to Belvedere Castle and the Metro Museum of Art. #castleonahill #wanderingjune
Thank you Christine!!! I‘m hoping this will help with The English Wife!! Found it in my front porch this morning!! I‘ve had a terrible migraine since yesterday afternoon, 🙏🏻 it gets better so I can catch up! 😵
Discussion Sunday At 1pm CST !!! Everyone welcome!!
“Look then to be well edified when the fool delivers the madman.”
A bouquet of humor charged with twins and then loaded with innuendos, practical jokes, sharp wits, clever fools, frivolous love and plot conveniences. Fun silly stuff.
This is one of Shakespeare‘s most light-hearted comedies, full of mistaken identities, misdirected love, cross-dressing, drunken revelry and witty word-play. Oh, and poor Malvolio. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5