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The Fountainhead
The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The grandiosity and impact of this narrative is stunning. Charles Dickens vibes.

Don‘t let the stigma of this book scare you—live some and take it on. The deep research and planning that plainly went into it has to be admired. I guess she spent like a year working in an architect‘s office. This novel brings you somewhere else completely. It‘s hypnotic, a movement, a signal from beyond. Like watching a movie and reading a book at the same time.

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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PaperbackPirate I finished Cress by Marissa Meyers today! 4mo
BoleyBooks @PaperbackPirate - 🙌 I haven‘t read anything by her yet. What‘s next on your list? 😊 4mo
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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There are relationships in the story, but I‘m not sure how they happen given how selfish everyone is. I listened to the (lllllooooonnnnngggg) audio, and tuned much of it out, as it was boring. Boring boring boring. Maybe a good thing I tuned it out because there didn‘t appear to be a single likable character, as far as I could tell, from the bits and pieces I did pay attention to. Cont in comments...

LibraryCin The first chapter (was this some kind of intro, I‘m thinking?) turned me off immediately via all the philosophy. At least after that, there was somewhat of a story, but it was also pretty slow and of course, there was plenty of philosophy sprinkled throughout. Not my thing. Add to that the selfish unlikable characters. In all honesty, half the time I missed who was in a relationship with whom. 1y
dabbe I tried and couldn't finish this one either. The arrogance of Roark and Dominique was awful--just awful. And boring? Hell yes! 🤣🤣🤣 1y
LibraryCin @dabbe i rarely give up on a book, but even if i did, i would have finished this one, as it was for my f2f book club. 1y
dabbe @LibraryCin In my older age, I give up more frequently because there are so many books out there for me to love! 😍 1y
LibraryCin @dabbe i really should do more of that! 1y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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I'm glad I've not skipped this 1000-page classic.
Indeed a novel of ideas!
Not related to objectivism or the author's philosophy in general, an idea has seemed to be haunting throughout the novel: brilliant new trends take time to be absorbed and acknowledged by the population, as the pace of the masses is not the same as the pace of a visionary, upright and uncompromising individual who eventually becomes the engine of innovation for society.

RaeLovesToRead I spy a kitty! 😁 2y
IuliaC @RaeLovesToRead Kitty is everywhere, I can't move a thing without her checking on it 😁 (edited) 2y
tokorowilliamwallace I read a collection of Rand's charming, quirky, campy early plays. Recommended. And I've only read the first 30 to 60 pages of The Fountainhead, finding it at a bookstore and reading it there while waiting to pass the time, without purchasing it. I remember the first dramatic 'speech.' I remember enjoying the grand, ambitious rhetoric of it, but hadn't picked it back up since. Probably was a decade ago or more. Might be a nice thrift find. 2y
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IuliaC @tokorowilliamwallace Thank you for letting me know about her plays, I'll try to find them. I knew nothing about this author apart from being considered a classic, I just happened to find this novel available at a library and decided to give it a try. 2y
TalesandTexts I read atlas shrugged half way and took a break. Been a few years and still haven‘t returned to it. Initially, i thought the author and I just don‘t gel well together. But thinking about going back to it now. But, maybe I should start with the fountainhead and then move onto atlas shrugged again. 2y
IuliaC @TalesandTexts I intended to read Atlas Shrugged (I saw it recommended in a list of 'books to be read'), but then I found this one first at the library and I was engrossed in the story after a couple of pages 2y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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I'm glad that I finally read this one, but I'm also glad to be finished with it.

I can definitely see the appeal, and there were parts that I thought were wonderful writing. However, after about 300 pages, the characters and the ideology become repetitive, one-dimensional, and tedious.

I might have felt differently had I read it when I was younger.

BarbaraBB I enjoyed this one a lot in my twenties but I don‘t think I would as much of today. And I never picked up 😉 2y
Addison_Reads @BarbaraBB I bought both this and Atlas in my twenties and haven't touched them. Sadly now at 40, after reading this one, I think I'll pass on Atlas and donate them. 2y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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I can‘t explain why I loved the Fountainhead when I read it. Rand completely lacks anything that could be mistaken for a sense of humor. Her heroes seem more like robots than people and her characters lack complexity. If you read a Rand book, the author shares her views in a manner that is about as subtle as repeatedly whacking you over the head with a sledgehammer. Maybe I loved this book for Rand‘s celebration of innovation and creativity.

JoeMo Heck, I had a “Howard Roark, Architect” shirt back in the day. As I‘m afraid I‘d be terribly disappointed or even annoyed by the work twenty years later, I don‘t think I‘ll ever take the risk of reading this a second time! 😂 #alphabetgame #LetterF @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (edited) 2y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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#BookSpinBingo #BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

I blacked out my Bingo board for July, but the tagged book might be what stops me in August. I've owned it since my freshman year in college, which was too long ago to admit, and I've never even tried to read it. There's no time like the present though to get it off my TBR finally. 😁

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Good luck!!! 2y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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#wondrouswednesday Thank you @Eggs for the tag!

1) I fell in love with the tagged book in high school. And then thanks to my work on the school paper and the town paper I was invited to a journalism conference north of NYC my junior year during which we had a field trip to The Strand! I was in love with NYC (even the dirty 1980s version) and The Strand ever since! The next year I started working in NY!
2) Absolutely!
3) Litsy reviews! 😉

Eggs How fun #1 - thanks for playing !! 2y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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My husband visited my work for the first time this weekend & took some pretty pictures. This is a detailed shot of the fountain in the library‘s garden.

kspenmoll How beautiful!!! 4y
Nute Wow! 4y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

"Sexual love, Peter, is a profoundly selfish emotion. And selfish emotions are not the ones that lead to happiness."


The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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#3books that I DNF‘d

CoffeeNBooks I DNF'ed The Poisonwood Bible, also. A friend gave me her copy to read, so I tried a few times to get into the story, but just couldn't. 4y
RamsFan1963 I liked The Fountainhead, but I admit it's not an easy book to enjoy 4y
krismlars @CoffeeNBooks I have read/tried three of her books and only liked one. I know a lot of people love TPB but I just couldn‘t. 4y
krismlars @RamsFan1963 I tried The Fountainhead 2 or 3 times. I think I even got so far as 75% done the last time. That was also about 20 years ago-maybe I‘d be able to appreciate it more now but I finally gave away my copy. 4y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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1. Tagged. I don't know if its underrated, but I know a lot of people don't like Ayn Rand's writing. I hated Atlas Shrugged but I loved this book.
2. Great Expectations and David Copperfield. Both are too long and too boring.
3. The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline both deserve to be genre classics.

#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern I would love to see Long Way as a science fiction classic! I loved that book! Thanks for sharing! 4y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

Finished reading the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
A book that made me think about objectivism a bit but I finally settled down on the fact that no one philosophy can perfectly work in unison with our complex minds.
Also found the book to be quite lengthy and some things didn't make sense like the fact that Howard Roark was acquitted from court in the end.

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Philosophy, architectural descriptions, society-culture commentary, heroic character, mind-fuckery and aggressive sex. What more do you want in a book?

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

One of my go-to novel.

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

My first time reading Ayn Rand. The protagonist ranks among my top five in the novels I‘ve read.

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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"Don't you know that most people take most things because that's what's given them, and they have no opinion whatever? Do you wish to be guided by what they expect you to think they think or by your own judgment?"

-- Howard Roark, the man who stands for something and stands alone ?

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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erinachu I love Roark. With all of my heart. He's so simple in that he has one goal, and his entire life is to serve that goal. No distractions, no deviations. 4y
bibliobliss @erinachu He's an incredibly attractive character for these reasons alone 👍 4y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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• Good morning, friends 🌼 Don't know when I'll get to actually settle down for #Deweys24HourReadathon today; I think we're in Hour 3-4 now. I hope to make some more progress with the tagged book, and I'll also be moderating Hours 18-19 on the official Dewey's #Goodreads page. Who's doing the RAT?! •

#books #bookcrazy #booklovers #inprogress #currentlyreading #doorstoppers #Goodreads #Deweys24HourReadathon #readathon #readharder #today

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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"Well, you see, Guy Francon -- it's only a name. He would have nothing to do with your house. It's one of those professional secrets that I shouldn't divulge, but I don't know what it is about you that makes me want to be honest. All the best buildings in our office are designed by Mr. Stengel."
"Claude Stengel. You've never heard the name, but you will, when someone has the courage to discover him." TBC in comments ⬇️


bibliobliss "You see, he does all the work, he's the real genius behind the scenes, but Francon puts his signature on it and gets all the credit. That's the way it's done everywhere." 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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"Compromise. Compromise now, because you'll have to later anyway, only then you'll have gone through things you'll wish you hadn't."

#currentlyreading #doorstoppers #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #fiction #novels #freedom #bookblurbs #blurbs

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

"Francon smiled. And Keating thought suddenly that Francon did not really believe it and knew that Keating did not believe it, and yet they were both contented, bound tighter together by a common method and a common guilt."

#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #philosophy #classicliterature #fiction #novels #blurbs #bookblurbs

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

"Others gave Keating a feeling of his own value. Roark gave him nothing."

#currentlyreading #TheFountainhead #AynRand #classicliterature #philosophy #fiction #novels #bookblurbs #blurbs

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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1. Biochemist, about to be graduate student 😁
2. Ayn Rand and Lauren Oliver
3. I have two turtles at my house and a chihuahua at my parents' house.
4. Lots of reading, but not many books 👀
5. When people say my name too much
6. Do books count? 🤪
7. Reading, Animal Crossing, pokemon
8. Paramore and Panic at the disco

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

A great man, thought the Dean, or a criminal. The Dean winced. He did not approve of either.

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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SShiney Forever changed my appreciation of architecture with this book! 5y
bibliobliss @SShiney 👍😉 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

"My dear fellow, who will let you?"
"That's not the point. The point is, who will stop me?"

#currentlyreading #currentsituation #classics #AynRand #TheFountainhead #doorstoppers #paperbacks #booksiown #bookquotes #bookblurbs

Texreader I loved this book. Fave of her books I‘ve read. 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand

For once, she expected some emotion from him; and an emotion would be the equivalent of seeing him broken. She did not know what it was about him that had always made her want to see him broken.

#currentsituation #currentlyreading #classics #AynRand #TheFountainhead #doorstoppers #paperbacks #booksiown #bookquotes #bookblurbs

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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Seems pretty relevant these days.

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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I've decided this is THE YEAR I read all these books I've been putting off. Most of these have sat sad and lonely for years and years.

What is one book you have been wanting to read but keep putting off?? 📚

Scochrane26 I have so many that have been on my shelf or kindle for a long time. I‘m trying to work through them. I haven‘t had it as long as other books but keep putting off The Great Believers. 5y
JackOBotts I have too many books in the “back log”, but I‘m focusing on the books people have loaned me...And then I go to the library with my family and come home with something else! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Whoops! 5y
Lcsmcat You have some treats in store for you! Don Quixote is one that‘s been on my shelf since the 90s that I need to finally read. 5y
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Palimpsest I love several of the books on your list, especially Jane Eyre and the Austen books. Hope you enjoy them too. I have a list as well. I hope to read Ovid‘s Metamorphoses this year. It‘s been on my to read list for far too long. 5y
Books88 @Palimpsest I love the Austen novels I've read so far so I have a feeling I will love these as well. I've started Jane Eyre several times and always put it down to finish a book from the library that is due back. Not this time Mr. Rochester! I'm determined. 5y
Books88 @Lcsmcat oh I need to read that one too!! If I finish these, I'll add that one as well 😅 5y
Books88 @JackOBotts that's exactly my predicament! My library holds take over my list. 5y
Books88 @Scochrane26 I haven't heard of that one, I will have to check it out! 5y
Scochrane26 @AJBowers I think I‘ve read 10 on your list—some were in hs. I hated Scarlet Letter in hs. People have different opinions of all the classics though, which is one reason they‘re interesting (some people love Scarlet Letter). I love all of Austen‘s books, but northanger Abbey & Persuasion are my 2 favorites besides P&P. 5y
jewright I love so many of these! 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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scripturient Hey Myra, Any sign of the package yet? 🤔 5y
GatheringBooks @scripturient i just checked online using your tracking number - it is still in germany and has not shipped yet! 😱 i find that unusual. all our dhl packages thus far have reached us within two days max in our new place. 5y
scripturient @GatheringBooks Well, it has definitely left the country on the 16th. Oftentimes with international packages tracking just gets stuck then. I‘ve had that every time I sent something to you in Singapore as well. So that‘s not too unusual. However, I think it should be getting there sometime very soon. If it‘s not there by the middle of next week I‘ll have them investigate. Sorry about this. :( 5y
scripturient @GatheringBooks In my tracking app it says that DHL Germany isn‘t connected with the computer system of the Emirates. However, Emirates Post tracking also only says no information. Then again they sometimes give international packages a new local tracking number which might explain that. 🤯 But I refuse to give up just yet. Fingers crossed it will be with you soon. 5y
GatheringBooks @scripturient still crossing my fingers, too. 📚💕🧚🏼‍♀️ 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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1. I thought this book was the WORST.
2 The Daily Show
3. Treat day - 🥯 sandwich
4. EST
5. Black Marvel ... I Am not nearly so cool as Kamala Khan (my current read is Ms. Marvel, so yeah, I don‘t think this would work).


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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Caught reading- my 17yo reading The Fountainhead at his 14yo brother‘s soccer game. We‘re in Pontiac, Michigan for a couple of days of soccer. He‘s disappointed that this is the last of Rand‘s fiction. He tackled Atlas Shrugged and Anthem last summer.

BeckyRoy Very cool 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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3 ⭐️.

Rand deserves an A+ for the writing used to preach about her philosophy, thought it didn‘t appeal to me. While I did like some of the characters and the ideals they stood for, I found some of them to be boring and therefore uninteresting and unimportant to the plot. Rand‘s writing is descriptive, sometimes to the point of being too wordy, but it did help to visualize the scenery of this era of NYC.

Overall good but would not reread.

Texreader This is my fave Rand book. I loved it when I read it (decades ago). 5y
laur89 #FountainheadBuddyRead group- I would love to know your thoughts on this book, especially focusing on its ideals and characters! Will keep an eye out for your reviews! 👀 @NovelGirl82 @thegreensofa @TheBookHippie @Literary_Siren @Elma @Reecaspieces @MellieAntoinette 5y
TheBookHippie Almost done it‘s been crazy here. I will say for all the banning and backlash it received here in my hometown I have yet to read something over the top. Or not in another book we were allowed at the time. 5y
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Literary_Siren I haven‘t started reading yet. 🥺 I suck! 5y
laur89 @TheBookHippie I think there was only one scene I would consider “rated R” but I agree, nothing that seems so extraordinary to be banned. 🤷🏻‍♀️ @Literary_Siren It‘s all good! It took me forever to get into the book, and it definitely took me a lot longer to read than I thought it would. Discussion questions will stay up for whenever you‘re ready! 😊 5y
KarouBlue Excellent so far, but I‘m way behind!!!! 5y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Ugh, Wynand is the definition of Hot Mess Express. That man needs to get his life together. I was starting to like his sense of perseverance and ambition as a young adult, but it quickly deteriorated once his backstory gave more detail into his adult life. He sounds like a spoiled, greedy child with no sense of responsibility, importance or priorities.

Thoughts? ⬇️

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Dominique is a tough character for me to understand. It feels almost like she makes choices to run away from the life she really wants to have, but won‘t allow herself the self-satisfying feeling of accepting a life with Roark. I‘d have to choose an act of cowardice.

Post your thoughts below! ⬇️

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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🗣 #FountainheadBuddyRead Part 3 discussion questions are about to be posted up! 💬💭

The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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Crime: Charged with not keeping up with this #LitsyBuddyRead.
Verdict: Guilty as charged. 🙈😬

I know I haven‘t been the best leader for #FountainheadBuddyRead. Please forgive me; this is not an easy, breezy book to get through but I‘m trying my best! 😭

Here are the updated dates for discussion posts. I love to see your thoughts as you read so please keep them coming! ❤️

Thanks to all my buddies joining me on this 🥰

NovelGirl82 This actually helps a lot! I‘ve been dealing with some personal things that have put my reading way behind! 6y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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This was my one and only audible book this month. #litsybuddyread #buddyread Stop by my blog and check out my thoughts. https://reecaspieces.com/2019/03/28/march-audible-reads-audible-audiobooks/

Lucididy Great read! The Fountainhead is definitely a influence of mine! 6y
Reecaspieces @Lucididy yes! Agreed. 6y
laur89 Ahh you beat me to it!! So thrilled you enjoyed this; looking forward to finishing it up 😊 6y
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The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand
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I haven‘t been reading much this week, but I hope I get back in my routine soon. I miss my books. For any #FountainheadBuddyRead friends, I will post up questions as soon as I get through Part 3!

This has not been an easy week for me. My grandma just passed away at 91, almost exactly 2 years after my grandpa passed.

They are back together now, after a 70 year long marriage and 2 difficult years apart. I miss them both so, so much. 💔

AmyG I am so very sorry for your loss. 😪 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So sorry for your loss 💔💔 6y
Literary_Siren I‘m sorry for your loss! I haven‘t read any of The Fountainhead as I‘m just emerging from a reading slump after moving. ☹️ 6y
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Librarybelle So sorry for your loss 6y
SomedayAlmost Sorry for your loss. 6y
JessClark78 I‘m so sorry for your loss.💔 6y
KarouBlue So sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers 💔💔💔 6y
TheSpineView So sorry... 💔 6y
dragondrool I'm so very sorry for your loss.💔 6y
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