This book is so low key dark. It affected my sleep last night. Oh the foreboding!
This book is so low key dark. It affected my sleep last night. Oh the foreboding!
Day 26 of #scarathlondailyprompts is black cat. I read this a few months ago and it was too melancholy for my taste. #TeamSlaughter #scarathlon
A weekend in the lives of Otto Bentwood, a successful lawyer and his sophisticated wife Sophie. They own both a brownstone in Brooklyn and a small country home on Long Island. They are struggling with direction in their lives. Although it was written in #1970, it feels very current. The writing is exquisite. At times,I wanted to jot down certain sentences whose beauty left me in awe. A slim book. Tense. Serious. Atmospheric. #192025
“You haven‘t explained about not answering the phone,” she said accusingly.
“Because I never hear anything on it that I want to hear any more.”
When I received an email from the New York Times, suggesting that I join their T Book Club, I responded “Yes”! Reserved the book at the Library,.
When it finally arrived, I couldn‘t remember which challenge/book group matched it! The Librarian cautioned me that it could not be renewed, as there were four holds on it. I questioned, “Isn‘t that strange? It‘s such an old book.” Then my mind jumped to the New York Times Book Club!
Should have known by the title what I was in for. I hold out more hope in life than this story and characters. I don‘t accept “quiet desperation” to be inevitable. I prefer to read dry wit rather than malaise to examine life. 3 out of 5 stars
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bentwood drew out their chairs simultaneously. #FirstLineFridays
This slim novel looks into the lives of a less than happily married couple in the pre-gentrified days of New York, 1968. Looming personal and societal changes lead to a feeling of anticipation and malaise. This is not a plot driven book but it is an interesting time and place with phenomenal prose. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"I have tried to dissuade him of this delusion, but my knowledge is no match for his ignorance”
Rainy Tuesday calls for lattes and new books! Finishing up the first Grishaverse book and then either starting the second or taking a break for one of these. It rained all day yesterday and all day today and rain tomorrow and Thursday! I‘m so happy!
My sister has convinced me that for bonding I need to watch this crazy stocker TV show that is so so good, you, and while I‘m willing to bond, so far the best of it is this potential book recommendation.
And I can appreciate the irony of my cat in the way. 🐈
This! This is why we need book clubs. I need to keep my character love alive by talking about them FOREVER. #charactersneverdie #bookclub
Hmm, I‘m not keen on books about social musings! I find them judgmental, opinionated and down right boring! The characters just come across as puppets for the author to get her views across! This was not my cup of tea!!
My focus is shot. Maybe I can regain some in the pages of my own creation. I‘ve got a minor, but important, character trying to take over my current work. Clearly he‘s going to need his own story somewhere down the line.
Intense short read. Intro by Jonathan Franzen - if you like Franzen then you will like this book. It is right up his alley. Franzen is a love/hate kind of author IMO and I loved FREEDOM and THE CORRECTIONS and this book has that kind of feel. Not for everyone maybe but I gave it 4/5.
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. We had a tie for the grand prize of #characters17 photo challenge. @Jas16 and @mrp27 each had 9 points. That means we need a tie breaker! Okay ladies, since you are both in sunny CA, and it's independence weekend, let's see your best BBQ picture tied to an appropriate book. Then we let the Littens decide. Make sure to use the #characters17 and tag me. The picture with the most likes by mail time wins.
Thoughts? I am ordering the last things for my #characters2017 prize box. What do you think would be better a graphic novel or a cook book? (Dang small screen. It was a cook book not a cool book.)
Today starts our Character Photo challenge. Remember, it's about the characters, not the books. As always there will be prizes. The grand prize is a fandom box. No, it is not Star Wars. Think green. It is unisex with one more girlish item. Appropriate for fans of all ages. Last time @LeahBergen won the Star Wars box. Will you win this time? #characters2017.
Remember you have to tag me for prizes!
Okay everyone, I am working on a line up for another CHARACTER photo challenge. I need some help. I am looking for euphemisms. Ex: scream queen, king of the world, etc. I'm about 10 short.
Reading buddy award goes to Floof! #dogsoflitsy (this was before it started raining...)
"She had only recently realized that one was old for a long time."
Starting this book that writers are all crazy about, apparently. Franzen says it's superior to any novel by her contemporaries Roth, Updike and Bellow. Ok, let's do this. #readersworkshop
My "Better Book Title" for this would be "Love in the Time of Gentrification."
Starting this one for my in person book group. A blurb by DFW makes me happy.
Even with Franzen's raving introduction, I failed to enjoy this book.