I went to the library today. 🤓
In this dual timeline novel, granddaughter Madeleine learns things she never knew about her grandmother Margie, thanks to a stash of diaries. This is a novel filled with “what if‘s” and hope and desire. And Paris. I wanted to crawl into the pages and walk the streets! Brown‘s writing left me feeling raw in part, as the main characters face disapproval at every turn. Glad I had an opportunity to read this with the #LiteraryCrew .
Did Margie make the right choice? From Litlovers.com #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
Thanks for reading this month! Cannot wait for next month‘s reading!
4. Margie wants to write, and Madeleine wants to paint. How does their art affect their lives and what happens in the story? From Litlovers.com #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
3. Think about Magnolia and Paris. Do the two cities have anything in common? Would you consider the cities characters in the novel? Adapted from Litlovers.com #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
2. What are the family patterns that are carried through the three generations of women - Margie, Simone, and Madeleine? How are they similar and how are they different? From Litlovers.com #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
It‘s time for some discussion questions for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #Buddyread !
1. What are your overall impressions of this novel? Was this your first time reading a book by Eleanor Brown? Would you read another by her?
We‘re concluding this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead for September! I‘ll post some discussion questions on the 30th, but feel free to share any impressions in the comments.
I‘ve enjoyed traveling to Paris in the 1920s and contemporary US! I‘m nearly finished...hoping to finish it tonight!
We‘re finishing the second section of reading for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead . Any thoughts to share? My impressions are in the comments section.
Taking my baby to college for the first time. Had to drive 8 hours today and will be here a couple of days so I packed road snacks and two books per day (minus move-in day itself). Here‘s to an imminent empty nest!
We‘re at the end of the first part of this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead ! Any thoughts to share? Do you like the dual timeline?
Better late than never - the September pick for the next #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead ! We‘re heading to Paris in a dual timeline novel, as a young woman discovers her grandmother‘s diary & it‘s secrets...
Wanna join us? Just comment below! We‘re a no pressure buddy read - use the schedule above as a suggestion. Read at your own pace, and I will post periodically to check in with everyone.
For the August read, I‘ll post discussion points on Monday!
Sometimes one needs to delve into some family history to gather inspiration on how to deal with a disappointing husband.
I don't get many moments like this anymore! The baby is napping, and my son is "helping" Daddy with some home repairs. Time for some peppermint tea and a book!
It might just be because purple is my favorite color, but looking at this cover makes me happy. 😊 #coverlove
George is pretty pleased with my morning read! #crazycatgeorge #catsoflitsy
May book goals!
Not the best month. 6 and 2 halves books.
I can‘t seem to keep my eyes open at night right now.
I couldn‘t put down Citizens Creek, so this is my next upstairs read.
Reorganizing my bookshelf 📚 looks like I need more purple books
What a delightful book! I enjoyed it so much. Also, it's a gorgeous day but I keep getting alerts about all the tornados Irma will bring. 😭😭 #tornadophobia
Um no. I would leave him immediately.
I am unable to sleep right now so I am reading this terrific book. I am starting to get nervous about this darn hurricane. I am worried about friends who have stayed and family who are still on the road up here. And now they are talking about it being bad here which NEVER happens. It's bizarre and weird. I am trying not to waste time worrying about a situation that might change and that I can't control.
I really didn't love this book. It was told from the perspectives of a woman in 1999 and her grandmother in 1924 and I didn't care for either of these characters unfortunately. The granddaughter in particular was a little too whiny for my taste. The saving grace for me was learning about the American Library in Paris which I found very interesting. Image is from Goodreads.
I've never been to France, although I'd like to go someday. In the meantime, I'll have to settle for visiting through good books! #setinfrance #jubilantjuly
"Margie nearly wept at the simplicity if it. This room was hers, Paris was hers, at last, her life was hers." This book was so beautiful it nearly destroyed me. A woman who has been denying her true self for years gains the confidence to make her life her own again. Truly, a wonderful book. ♡
Went on a Victorian shore mansion house tour and totally fell in love with the library! ♡ Isn't is beautiful?!?
Now that I am finished school and I have the summer off from my studies can you guess what my next project is? I am totally down with learning French so that I can (eventually) read books in French and someday take a trip to Paris! My dream is to be able to one day read Proust in French! :-)
While I'm enjoying this book overall, I am already tired of both women constantly talking and thinking about what they consider their shortcomings. I want to tell both of them to quit freakin' worrying about what other people think!
I couldn't read it, I been on page 15 for like a month, I wanted to read it but just wasn't interested, maybe it's because the small letters I don't know
It was good on what I did read lol but I noticed I got a little distracted and re read a few words
I should really start reading this, the small letters on the pages intimidate me lol but once I do read and finish will let you all know how I liked it, could be the mixed Reviews I've read that's stopping me too (gotta stop reading reviews before reading actual book lol)
#reading #currentread #currently
This book was a fun read. Nothing earth-shatteringly new, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Wow, what a great first paragraph. THE LIGHT OF PARIS. --Eleanor Brown
I feel bad bailing after two chapters, but I was so bored already. Also, the library book smells like smoke and I don't think I could stand to read it. 😩 Moving on to Ember in the Ashes that just came through from my holds list!
This was an OK book. The stories were a little predictable but at the same time OK for a light read. One thing that bugged me a little was that the character who story was in 1924 had won the Mary Oliver prize for lyric poetry. Perhaps this was not intended to reference the real poet Mary Oliver who was born in 1935 but I kind of doubt that. And little editing things like that kind of bug me in a book. #litsyatozchallenge
I love all things Paris, but I want the story about Margie STAYING in Paris, struggling through her problems, and making a life that was everything she wanted.
Also....my apologies to A Gentleman in Moscow who keeps getting set aside ( because I own it) due to all of the library books that keep coming up in my queue after months!
Started this book only two day ago and have already finished it. An inspiring read that makes the reader see that your dreams are possible and being happy is up to you, not everyone around you.
Great read! I found myself wondering the streets and bridges of Paris and wanting to visit the same places. What a different time. I wish there was more about Sebastian tho...