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Beyond Magenta
Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out | Susan Kuklin
37 posts | 31 read | 48 to read
Shares insights into the teen transgender experience, tracing six individual's emotional and physical journey as it was shaped by family dynamics, living situations, and the transition each teen made during the personal journey.
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6 essays based on interviews with trans, gender queer and intersex teens and their families. Each essay is written mostly in the voice of the subject themselves, but includes sections in the author‘s own voice. The subjects are all in their late teens or early 20s, and all have an interest in educating the public about their community, but they have very little else in common.

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It's hard to give this one a rating. I'd say the content is definitely eye-opening; to hear about the experiences of young trans men and women has given me a bit better of an understanding of the gender umbrella. Writing-wise, the book wasn't anything overly special; written from interviews and not really organized in any particular way. Worth a read for the content and insight alone.

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My stepson has recently come out as trans. Trying to gain a better understanding of LGBTQ+ issues to be able to provide the best form of love, support, and empathy. 💙💗🤍💗💙

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"once we get to know individuals who may be different from ourselves, it is less likely we will be wary of them."
And with that I finish my Challenge of reading anything I hadn't read on this year‘s @AmericanLibraryAssociation List. ✊
#bannendbooksweek #top10challengedbooks
#rebelreader #ireadbannedbooks #mymotherwouldnotapprove
#septemberstats #mymonthinchallenges

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OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Much like these Rebel Spider Lilies who jumped the fence; I don't like being told what to do. So I'm always excited for Banned Books Week. Celebrate The Freedom to Read Sep 27 - Oct 3. I'll be rereading my favorite #3 and finishing up my #top10challengedbooks by reading #2 Beyond Magenta. ✊
#bannendbooksweek #2020 #freedomtoread
#donttellmewhattoread #ireadbannedbooks #rebelreader #mymotherwouldnotapprove

GingerAntics Both of those books look really good. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m happy to know what these are called! I have some and I love them 💞 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Crinoline_Laphroaig thank you!! They come and go so quickly!! 4y
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I couldn‘t. After my last post I tried another story. It was better but still just couldn‘t really do this one..


I‘m having a hard time getting into this book. I get that they are teens but it reads so disjointed at times. Like I feel if they used quotes but told a story it would be easier. I skipped one story all together because it was difficult following and I was losing interest. This might turn into a DNF but I‘m gonna keep trying.

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I downloaded this as a ebook so I could read at work. Another #bannednook for #bannedbookweek

The stats
Year: 2015
Reason: Offensive language, homosexuality, sex education, political and religious viewpoints, anti-family, unsuited to age group
Source: 35 Most Frequently Banned Books of the Past 5 Years

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This is maybe the best part of the whole book.

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Great first-person accounts.

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It's small book of mini-memoirs but it packs a big punch! Mostly uplifting, always honest and open, it's a unvarnished look into the lives of 6 transgendered teens. I wish there where more copies of this book in schools, for the kids who need to know that #itgetsbetter, for the bullies who need to step into someone else's shoes to be more accepting, and for the teachers who can make a huge difference with a little love and support.


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Glad this book exists and shows just some of the varying experiences of being trans.

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Doing a bit of reading for my presentation on gender identity next week in #inls530.

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My Leadership students are so close to getting a great collection of LGBTQA books for the resource center they're creating and running! We have no resources for our middle schoolers, so my students are pulling this resource center together from nothing.

Any little bit helps: https://www.donorschoose.org/project/fight-hate-with-a-middle-school-lgbtqa-r/27...

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Post 3/3 of #TransBooks to learn about trans* and gender identity issues. If you know of any other books to recommend, especially by trans* or non-binary poc, please let me know. 🏳️‍🌈

Also, take note of the tagged book since I ran out of room in my collages. It's a great one on trans teens speaking out.

#StandWithGavin #GenderIdentity #LGBTbooks #NonBinary

Vikz Interesting, and timely, Thanks for post 8y
Soubhiville By the famous Lady Chablis, not the same I know but related and a good read. 8y
BookishFeminist @Soubhiville Thanks! I'll add it anyway bc so many people confuse drag with being trans or non-binary and it leads to so much transphobia within those communities. 8y
See All 35 Comments
BookishFeminist @Vikz Of course! The personal is always political ❤️ 8y
Soubhiville I have read some of these but you just grew my TBR by a lot! Thank you! 8y
BookishFeminist @Soubhiville I grew my own too 😂 it's beyond the point of return. I've also read several of these but there's always more! 8y
Chessa Dreadnought is a great #ownvoices YA superhero story with a trans MC (and author)! 8y
Bibliogeekery More poetry 8y
Bibliogeekery Even more poetry (all trans authors) 8y
Bibliogeekery Great book by gender non-conforming artists 8y
Bibliogeekery Fairytale with a trans princess 8y
Bibliogeekery Another great book by and about a transwoman 8y
Bibliogeekery Those are the ones I can see in my shelves from where I lie nursing my flu. Great post #transbooks 8y
rockpools Not out for a long while, but Trans: a British History just got fully crowdfunded today https://tinyurl.com/z4f753r 8y
BookishFeminist @Chessa Oh that looks great!! 8y
BookishFeminist @Bibliogeekery yes! I almost tagged you bc I knew you'd have bunch. Thanks for so many great recs, and please recover quickly from the flu! 😘 8y
BookishFeminist @RachelO That's great news!! I'll have to keep an eye on it to see when it goes to print 8y
Bibliogeekery Thx! 😷😘🤒 8y
ohyeahthatgirl Bornstein has a really great voice and you get some more good Scientology stories. 8y
ReadingEnvy I've wanted to read 8y
GatheringBooks this one is definitely a book you should check out 8y
Yellowpigeon Not sure how to classify this one but it sort of fits 8y
AbstractMonica I loved Middlesex so much 8y
KazD Non-fiction, the story of Billy Tipton, Big Band Leader and club pianist in the 40's and 50's - liv3d as a man, married and adopted children. A fascinating individual. 8y
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Beyond Magenta, marked for quite a bit on the #bannedbooks library rack. The 'supposedly anti-family' bothers me, well imagining that most cases strive to work everything out with family, while distances as may be just have no fault. That's where harsh misunderstanding labels. - I hear this book of one-on-one youth discussions gets right down to what needs to be said. This is another #queerbooks #transbooks TBR. 🏳️‍🌈

Weaponxgirl It's also scary to see political/ religious viewpoints with no context given whatsoever. Shouldn't books make you think? I can only ever think of hate speech being where I draw the line. Glad the books in the library though, people need to read experiences different than their own, might make them more empathetic. 8y
Dan_SpiderCrafts @Weaponxgirl I heartily agree, reading on different experiences to gain more empathy, while getting to know others with various views. The world is better with books, as I imagine those calling for these bans will rarely read. 8y
Weaponxgirl I think the people who call for bans know that books can change people and that's why they're so scared of them. It takes a lot of self delusion to think your "right " all the time and it's a very unstable stance to take. Better to get rid of anything that means you don't hold all the power in a argument so you can falsely make your stance stronger 8y
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A quick read that shares the stories of trans teens from various backgrounds and circumstances. #readharder

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This was only a so-so for me. It wasn't the subject matter, it was the style. The book is basically a transcribed interview with transgender teens, and while I appreciate that the author wanted their voices to be their own, it could have used a lot of editing in my opinion. I may be too old for this book, too. I feel like a teen might really like the kids voices.

BookishMarginalia We didn't let me the style either. 8y
readinginthedark I felt the same way. 8y
ReadingEnvy I saw it as a gentle way to introduce the ideas to young readers. I liked how it included a gender neutral story because I find many people understand that least. I truly feel if it had been any more academic in tone many teens wouldn't have gotten very far. 8y
Soubhiville @ReadingEnvy I think you're right. 8y
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I started this on Audio yesterday, and unfortunately the narration isn't doing it for me. I'm afraid I'm going to have to put it down until I can get my hands on a print copy 😢. It's not the subject or the writing, so hopefully it will come across better when read in my head.

christineandbooks This is a very photo-heavy book and the photos really help the stories of these young people come alive. I'd definitely recommend reading it in paper. It is worth it. 8y
Bibliogeekery I agree with @christineandbooks - can't imagine this on audio because it's so image based. #transbooks 8y
Soubhiville @christineandbooks and @Bibliogeekery , thanks for your input, that's very helpful to know!! 8y
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The best books about a group you might have little knowledge or understanding of, is a book that let's you sit and have a conversation with them about how they think, feel, what works for them and what doesn't. This book with one-on-one conversions with trans teens from different parts of the gender identity spectrum is a great place to start putting real faces and stories to the experiences of others. Worth the read! #WNDB #ManyStoriesMonday

Riveted_Reader_Melissa @8little_paws Looks good, I added it. I also added Being Jazz after reading this one. 8y
johnnie_cakes You should also check out The Other Boy, it's middle grade fiction featuring a trans character. 8y
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becausetrains I love that quote. Exploring one's gender is pretty much a universal part of our lives from youth onward, even more so than our sexuality. Boys try on girls' clothes and vice versa, to see what rings true. Sometimes the parts don't match the thoughts, and that's been consistent for a subset of people over thousands of years of recorded history. In other words, there is a whole bunch of gray area between purely male and purely female. 8y
LauraJ Yep, some people have brain wiring that doesn't match the genitalia they were born with. V.S. Ramachandran does a great job explaining this. 8y
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Great note from the author on this book!
#WNDB #ManyStoriesMonday #MulticulturalMonday #DiversityMonday

JSW True story. 8y
Suet624 Just seems so obvious, doesn't it?? 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 It does.... but lately I'm finding that what I thought of as obvious (common sense) needs to be said out loud for many people. 8y
Suet624 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I completely agree that folks have lost some common decency and compassion. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 Yep... so I'm making an effort to say the obvious out loud more often. Maybe if it's heard more often it might become the 'it' thing again. 8y
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Thanks to @WordWaller for reminding me of Beyond Magenta! Such a great book that was very instrumental in helping my niece understand that she's transgender. #transbooks

I agree so much with this protester at an anti-Trump rally. We HAVE to protect our trans youth!!

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Dyed my hair and now onto the next library book! (Note the pouting cat in the background who I won't play with). ❤️💛💚💙💜

Bibliogeekery Love this book! #transbooks 8y
WordWaller @Riveted_Reader_Melissa he's throwing a pity party and licking himself sadly. He was doing great with his toy only moments ago but it's like picking up a book gives him naughty ideas and he started scratching all my laundry! 😼😼😼 Crazy cat. 8y
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WordWaller @bibliogeekery thanks for the tag, I forgot! #LGBTbooks #queerbooks #booksfighthate #overthis #diversebooks I'm loving it so far!! 8y
Bibliogeekery This book was very instrumental in helping my niece understand that she is transgender. I have such a warm spot in my heart for it! 💓💓💓 8y
becausetrains @WordWaller definitely read that as "dyed my cat" ???? also - thank you for coming up with such good diverse books. 8y
ReadingEnvy I read this one during banned books week. Such an important book that gets removed from school libraries sometimes. (Or never ordered at all....) 8y
WordWaller @bibliogeekery aww, that's so great! ❤️ 8y
WordWaller @becausetrains bahahha so my Andy was like "WHAT IF you dyed Gil" and i of course shot that down on, ya know, pet abuse even though he was kidding but yeah ? and you're welcome! I think this one is a #blameLitsy although I used to showcase this one when I maintained the gender studies aisle at my store ??? 8y
WordWaller @readingEnvy that's so crazy and sad. I agree, this book is so important!! 8y
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This is an awesome collection of the stories of six #transgender people, mostly in their own words, curated by the photographer/author and shared with photographs - or not - that help tell their stories. #weneeddiversebooks #lgbtqbooks

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Today is National Coming Out Day, and we're celebrating by showcasing all LGBTQ voices: bit.ly/2dU0g2q ❤️💛💚💙💜

read_diverse_books Thank you! 💙💚💜💛❤️👬👫👭 8y
Kitta 🏳️‍🌈 8y
[DELETED] 2852984487 I am so happy to be part of such an open-minded community. 8y
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Today is #NationalComingOutDay! To celebrate the queer experience I'm featuring #queerbooks. Here's some great ones! 🌈

What Belongs to You is one of the best books I've read this year. It's about a gay man who grew up in the American south but is now living in Bulgaria when he meets a male prostitute. It's well written & heartbreaking.

Beyond Magenta is amazing—it is full of real-life trans* teens' stories. It's important! 💕


WhatDeeReads OMG! Such a great list. JTAB is one of my top three this year to date. 8y
Vikz Thank you for sharing. There are some interesting books on this list 8y
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Bibliogeekery Reading Beyond Magenta with my niece helped her realize she was trans. Such an important book! 8y
TheLudicReader LOVED Aristotle and Dante soooo much on sooo many levels. Everyone should read that book. 8y
WordWaller Ugh, Garth Greenwell is the nicest person!! I'm so sad I didn't buy his book when I met him this year. 💖❤️💛💚💙💜 8y
BookishFeminist @Lucky_Ladee Awesome!! That's one of the few in here i haven't read yet. I have it though & can't wait to get to it! 8y
BookishFeminist @Vikz No problem! I hope you enjoy some of them! 😀 8y
BookishFeminist @Bibliogeekery 💞💞 Stories like that are the reason we need better representation in books. So glad you and your niece were able to enjoy this book together. 8y
BookishFeminist @TheLudicReader Agreed, such a great book! 8y
BookishFeminist @WordWaller So jealous you got to meet him! Definitely read his book if you haven't yet- one of my favorites this year. I'll take the next opportunity I get to meet him. 😀 8y
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This book of photos and interviews captures the spectrum of transgender - intersex - gender fluid - gender neutral - from a teenage perspective for a YA audience. I started this for #bannedbooksweek and recommend it to you on #diversitymonday

Bibliogeekery Great book! One of my trans niece's favourite #transbooks. 8y
ReadingEnvy @Bibliogeekery yes! I loved how the people were flawed and still searching too, a lot to identify there for anyone. 8y
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In my classroom library for my transgender students. I try to find books for everyone so they don't feel alone.

Bibliogeekery I look at this book with my gender fluid nephew all the time! 8y
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This is a collection of interviews/oral histories of personal experiences surrounding transgender & transition experiences. It could be a useful primer for people looking to learn more about these issues. Reading my way through ALA's Top 10 Most Challenged books of '15. This is #4. Read it on audio.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa That's a great list to pick and work through! I'll have to look it up. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hooray indeed! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Looking down through the lists of what were the top challenged for past years is very interesting! 8y
Ellsbeth Indeed, it is! It is interesting to see the trends. 8y
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