Released 73 years ago. Bookstr posted this graphic and I just love it so hard.
Released 73 years ago. Bookstr posted this graphic and I just love it so hard.
We finished before daycare this morning! Which Of course made us late ;) (might as well start the habit of being late bc of a book now lol) A lovely reRead- I haven‘t read these since my mom read them to me as a kid! And some of the books I‘ve never read I don‘t think. Excited to keep going on the #narniareadalong ! #book103 #1000booksbeforekindergarten
We‘re waiting on the numbing cream to take effect for a minor procedure. Good thing mom bright our book! I
My son and I are reading a chapter a day! This and audio are the only reading I‘m getting in and I feel bad about it. Hoping to spend some time snuggled up with the kiddo and a book tomorrow!
I‘m counting this as a holiday movie because 1- Santa is in it and 2- Disney plus has it in the holiday category 😂 #merryreaders #wintergames
A lovely reread, again. I still feel betrayed... that Turkish Delight is actually horrible! In my head it was like the strawberry flavoured filling in boxes of chocolate.
#Day3 #7Books7Days
This is another of my favorite series. I‘m old enough I read them in the order they were written & not the new order, that‘s based on chronological order of Time in Narnia. Someday I need to re- read them in this newer order!!! I have my Gma‘s wardrobe, I‘m still hoping to get to Narnia through there some day!!
Old school: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
New school: Magic Bites
Movies: Wizard of Oz, The Wiz
Music: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
#ManicMonday @JoScho
I had to post my #bookishtotes because I love them so much! 🙌🏼 #readingresolutions #botm
Four kids fall into a closet and don‘t come home for years after a zombie lion makes them judge, first, themselves.
Thought I should probably introduce my new friends to my cat. Littens, this is Mr. Tumnus. 😻
While C.S. Lewis and Philip Pullman had their own beliefs, if and as a topic brought up behind the stories; I'm interested in books simply being magically unique when newly discovered. - I've yet to read Narnia, but did see and enjoy this film, with Tilda Swinton awesomely as the witch. 🤘#bannedbooks
Just before I go to bed, here's my #quoteoftheday
But I'm not falling asleep yet, I'm just gonna read a couple of hundred of pages before I shut down 😄😄😄
Dream big!!!
A re-read, and I still find myself ambivalent towards it. I found the whole book underdeveloped - characters, plot, back-story - and didn't connect.
The biggest #eatmetryme moment in a book was when Edmond goes all piggy for Turkish delight... And then I tried it myself and was pretty much confused and offended 😂 #novemberland. Since I'm thinking of Narnia, the last book in this series was totally a #threwitacrosstheroom (I felt so betrayed that I felt he sacrificed the story for the moral!) though the short story (wasn't it by Gaiman?) sort of brought it home for me. #photoadaynov16
"One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again."
#Bestkids for #octphotochallenge goes to the Pevensie siblings. The kids who first helped me to fall in love with reading, especially Edmund.
Really bummed that I did not get to participate in the #readathon today. I am really enjoying everyone's updates!!
#favsiblings Peter, Susan, Edmund & Lucy.
Can you spot all the cool 1st editions? Atlantis Bookstore in Santorini Greece lived up to the hype & made the nerd in me very excited! :)