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Giant Days Vol. 1
Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
Whats to Love: John Allisons daily webcomics Bad Machinery and Scary Go Round are hilarious, the kind of strips where every panel makes you laugh out loud. As a result, John has earned a large, loyal following of readers that have followed his work daily for the past 12 years. Giant Days is an entertaining, slice-of-life look at three friends away at university, and is a series fans of things like Scott Pilgrim and Friends with Boys will not want to miss! What It Is: Susan, Esther, and Daisy started at university three weeks ago and became fast friends. Now, away from home for the first time, all three want to reinvent themselves. But in the face of handwringing boys, "personal experimentation," influenza, mystery mold, nuchauvinism, and the willful, unwanted intrusion of "academia," they may be lucky just to make it to spring alive. Collects issues #1-4.
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Different library branch, same Giant Days pushing agenda

Giant Days, Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I'm revisiting Giant Days - I only ever read volume one, so starting a full read-through from the beginning makes sense.

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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This was an entertaining and fast read. The art style of the comic is lovely and the characters were interesting. I also really liked that the characters were just starting university! I would definitely like to read more stories about characters in university or in that age range and I‘ll be sure to pick up the next volume of this as well.

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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3.5-4 stars

Have seen people talking about this series for a while now and decided I'd give it a try. Volume 1 down and I think I liked it. It's pretty humorous.

Giant Days | | John Allison
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Did a thing... Never read Giant Days before and only read the first The Woods, so this should be fun! 😁📚

EclecticBookLover ❤ Giant Days!!! 3y
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Giant Days | | John Allison
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Very proud of this very subtle Giant Days display... 😉

CBee 😍😍😍😍😍 3y
julesG 😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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2.5 to 3. I‘m not a comic fan but thought I‘d try it as it has good reviews. Either not my genre or not my humor. Not sure which. The drawings were very good and I felt some of the writing was witty - just not my style. This is second book on my bingo card neither of which is the the spin or double spin. Lol @TheAromaofBooks also #bookspinbingo.

TheAromaofBooks I also seem to be checking off other boxes first 😂 3y
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Giant Days, Vol. 1 | John Allison

Well, that was fast and addictive! I‘m happy to say I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I was uncertain, as I‘ve had a really rocky history with graphic novels and really didn‘t like Lumberjanes, but this one worked for me. Yet another series starter for #SeriesRead2021 - I really am going to finish a series at some point instead of just starting more! 🤦🏻‍♀️

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
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Giant Days, Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I‘m going in!

LiteraryinLawrence I loooooove this series! 3y
Leftcoastzen Yay!So good! 3y
Kenyazero One of my favorites! I hope you enjoy it! 3y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I loved it and I want moorrreeeeee @Bookgoil 😍😍😍

Bookgoil Who is your fave girl so far?!? Haha 😆 they‘re all such fun personalities - also there‘s quite a lot out right now 😂😂 (edited) 4y
CBee @Bookgoil I need to read more before I decide! I love them all right now 😂😂 4y
Bookgoil @CBee yes I don‘t think I could really choose a full on fave but I love the goth girl I‘m forgetting names right now cause I‘m so tired 😂 up way too late again. 4y
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CBee @Bookgoil Esther! And I love Daisy and her baby birds 😂😂 4y
Bookgoil @CBee yes oh they both change so much from book 1 I forget lol 😂 4y
CBee @Bookgoil I‘ve got the next three volumes waiting for me on Hoopla 😀😀😀 4y
Bookgoil @CBee yay ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Giant Days #10 | John Allison
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I needed to jump start my reading, I‘m kinda bogged down in various titles that are long.It‘s not that I don‘t like them , I find my mind is often not able to focus , I feel the stresses of our current situation with the pandemic,the election, etc .Reading Giant Days is such a fun read , no matter how far away your college days are , the pain, the joys, of negotiating young adulthood are present.Enjoy the art & spirit of this series so much.⬇️

LiteraryinLawrence I agree that focusing on reading has been tough lately for all the reasons you mentioned. Giant Days is perfect to hook you into a fast moving story! 4y
Leftcoastzen Oops , I was meaning Volume 10 not issue 10 .🙄🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 4y
Eggbeater I feel stressed out about everything too. I am going to need (more) therapy after this. 4y
Leftcoastzen @Eggbeater I try to count the blessings, but we are all suffering through all this ...feels damn cruddy. 4y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Only two comics on my pull list today—The Ludocrats #4 and Decorum #4. Since it was such a light #NCBD I decided to start the tagged series which I somehow haven‘t already read...the store staff said I‘m in for a treat so I‘m excited to dive in.

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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A cute and fun start to this series about British university students and their misadventures. I'll definitely be reading more!

Giant Days | | John Allison
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Gah - I love this series (even when it stereotypes Australians brutally 😬🙄😂)

Giant Days | | John Allison
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Super excited to complete this series :)

#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge


Giant Days | | John Allison
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So I really enjoyed this one! I am looking forward to read the other volumes too! A lot of it made me feel nostalgic and laugh a little :)

Book 8 of 8 for #BFC28
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge

wanderinglynn Book goal CRUSHED! 🙌🏻🎉 4y
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Giant Days | | John Allison
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Haha I thought I was the only one!

Giant Days | | John Allison
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So this was free on Kindle (I am sure it won't be the same without the color but.. It looks super cute so I am gonna try it out)

ElizaMarie Ooo I just found out that I can see the color one using the Kindle app on my phone! So yeah! that works out well! 4y
LiteraryinLawrence I am a biiiiig fan of Giant Days! Hope you like it! 4y
ElizaMarie @LiteraryinLititz So far its super cute! I already placed Volume 2 on hold so that I can check it out soon :) 4y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Finally home, errands done, laundry folded, groceries put away, lunch eaten. Time to nest. First up is a Giant Days marathon! I love this graphic novel series about British Uni students. It's hilarious and fresh and real. #stayathome24in48

Giant Days #11 | John Allison
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My spouse is figuring out how to teach algebra online, and I can‘t stop thinking of Ann Purd‘s campaign slogan! My preschool is closed for at least two weeks, and we can‘t do that online so.. reading time? My library just announced it was closing too, but we can still pick up holds, so hopefully I can burn through a few more cozys. Flipping through my collection reminded me how dang good #GiantDays was, so maybe a reread is in order. Wild times.

Giant Days, Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Omg. This is definitely a new top favorite comic series. Yayyyyyy 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Leftcoastzen It‘s really fun. 4y
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Giant Days | | John Allison
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1. The tagged book. The whole series.
2. I was born with the new people and my father.
3. Winter
4. Still 'meeting' people on here.

Giant Days | | John Allison
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The last book for my Giant Days catch-up! I feel like this series might be winding down as they are starting to go their own ways and college can only last so long. I think it speaks well to be 11 volumes in and still going strong, though! Another fun one!

#ollietheoctopus #octopusoflitsy

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I love this graphic novel. It's a very cute exploration of college life, personal identity growth, and friendship, and the characters and art are wonderful. There are awesome Easter eggs scattered throughout as well. #comic #college #friendship #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtcharacter

Giant Days | John Allison, Whitney Cogar
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I'm definitely a fan now of this series. 😁

Fun story following 3 girls who just met at school. The artwork is bright and engaging and the story is very entertaining. I'm glad I picked this one up.

vivastory I keep meaning to check this one out 4y
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Giant Days | | John Allison
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Also finished volume 11 of giant days which featured a chapter at Christmas... so maybe a #holidayread? Love this series! #wintergames #teamnutcracker

Bookworm54 Sure! 21 points :) 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I was 5 books behind on my GR reading challenge 😱, so time to break out some graphic novels. This was cute! It felt a little disjointed and ended kind of abruptly, but I‘ll just have to get the next one.

I‘m going to have to lower my reading goal next year... anyone else struggling?

MicheleinPhilly The last few years I‘ve only set mine at 50 because I hated seeing that “You are X books behind.” I hit that in May/June and then I don‘t have to worry about it. 5y
cariashley @MicheleinPhilly I‘m definitely doing that next year - it‘s stressing me out and making me not want to pick up longer or denser books. 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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didn‘t really manage to do a proper #readathon last weekend so here I am, with my pile of Giant Days, attempting my own mini readathon! Readathon snack of homemade matcha kasutera or green tea castella cake. Made this for the first time yesterday!
The castella cake is a fat-less sponge cake (no oil no butter) and no raising agents (you have to whisk the eggs to get the volume) and was brought to Japan by the Portuguese in the 16th century

Giant Days | | John Allison
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This is volume 11, which the tag doesn't actually say. The group goes through Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine's Day, and Ed spends a week in Australia with Nina and her family. I cannot put into words just how much I love this series.

#BookishBingo: Set on Halloween

Giant Days | | John Allison
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Post pumpkin patch trip to our favorite comic book store yielded these purchases. As a 45 year old woman, I usually don‘t buy myself stuffed animals. But, I could not pass up this plush cup of hot chocolate. 😁

LauraJ Cute! 5y
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Giant Days #7 | John Allison
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I love this series. I am up to Volume 9, and that‘s where my library‘s supply ends. I foresee a trip to the comic book store in my future....:

Giant Days | | John Allison
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I love this series so much! So glad to take some time to catch up on it. I‘ll keep on with these after I make some breakfast. Read in issues.

Giant Days #6 | John Allison
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Electricity outage in our area so just chilling at the bar, charging phones, & getting through my #tbrpile. Isn‘t that tiny bucket the cutest??? 🍹🍹🍹

Catchme_Ridingnerdy I love Giant Days! It‘s one of my favorites series. 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Ahhhhh, college! This was a fun read! I‘m definitely looking forward to continuing this series! ❤️💛🧡

KarenUK Love this series.... it‘s the only graphic novel series I‘ve stuck with! I Pre-order every installment! (edited) 5y
GypsyKat @KarenUK It‘s so cute! I think I‘m going to start the next one right away! 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I‘ve been up and down so much today, so I haven‘t gotten much reading done on my main read. I can‘t keep the book in my hands all the time while chasing around the puppy. But my phone is almost always with me, so I‘ve started this one on my ComiXology app. This series has actually been on my TBR for a couple years now. Yay for technology! 📱

Esmerelda1rm I love this series! It makes me nostalgic for college again. You should try LumberJanes, that‘s an excellent comic series as well 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Dipped into the first volume of Giant Days during breakfast to take a small break from ADWD. Loving it so far!

GypsyKat I have these and have been meaning to read them forever! 5y
alisiakae @GypsyKat I downloaded the first few volumes from Hoopla, they may become a new favorite series! I‘ve read the first 3 issues and love it so far. (edited) 5y
Leftcoastzen @4thhouseontheleft I have read the first 3 as well , enjoying them a lot! 5y
alisiakae @Leftcoastzen It's definitely a #blameLitsy read for me, one of the many reasons I love Litsy! 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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A great start to a new comic series.

I like that the characters are college age and the dialogue is really funny and has me turning the pages.


KarenUK I love this series.... it‘s the only one I‘ve stuck with! 5y
Leftcoastzen I‘m on volume 3 , really loving the series. 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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This was such a fun read!

Cute comic. Amusing and refreshing, with great artwork and a snappy pace.

Giant Days | John Allison, Whitney Cogar
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I enjoyed these short snippets of college life, but it kind of feels like it‘s lacking an overall arc. It‘s amusing and easy to read, but I‘m not sure I‘ll continue with the series.

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Well that was fun! I am reading several #chunksters right now so slipping in a graphic novel lets me finish something! I think though technology has changed, many of the issues, friendships ,and challenges of young people going off to university are relatable to readers of many ages .Wanting to read this finally made me get Hoopla!

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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Love these characters. The plot left a bit to be desired, but the characters are so darn real and likable that it almost doesn‘t matter.

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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. I'll probably try the next one to see if I can get into it.

#Pop19: Set on a college/university campus

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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I really liked this! Fun stories about three girls in their first semester at university. Lighthearted but still touches on some really important topics while making me laugh!


I‘m up to 13 hours and 41 mins for the #readathon! Hoping I can last for a few more hours at least!

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Gosh! This series is so good! 😍

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Reading Envy Podcast 146: Complicated, Crazy, and Loud with Karen!
Karen comes for a visit and once our dogs get along, we run off to record a podcast episode about books!

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Oh my gosh, I need volume 2 ASAP. Loved it. 💜

Bookgoil Best series ever 😍 5y
callielafleur It's sooooo good!! 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 an absolute gem of a book! Excited to get my hands on volume 2 🤓🤗💎

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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That is 💯 percent how I react to all things germ spreading. Keep your coughs, sneezes, sniffles, deep breathing, threat clearing noises away from me 😂🙅

Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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What a delightful start to this series! Looking forward to reading the rest now through Hoopla. Probably how I‘ll be spending my Sunday tomorrow! 🙌🏻

KarenUK So glad you loved it! 💕 5y
Leftcoastzen 😂😂😂❤️ 5y
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Giant Days Vol. 1 | John Allison
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Oh wow, I LOVED this! Such brilliant characters! This collection of the first 4 issues actually made me laugh out loud a few times, including these frames of Esther venturing out in her gothic regalia whilst nursing a nasty bout of fresher‘s flu.
Annoyingly, my local library only has this first collection. 😡

Bookzombie Do you have access to Hoopla? I think they are all on there. 5y
LoveToReadLiveToRead @Bookzombie Afraid not, I tried that earlier but you seem to need a local library to be using it and ours doesn‘t. Thanks though! 5y
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