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Month in the Country
Month in the Country | J L Carr
113 posts | 76 read | 1 reading | 90 to read
In J. L. Carr's deeply charged poetic novel, Tom Birkin, a veteran of the Great War and a broken marriage, arrives in the remote Yorkshire village of Oxgodby where he is to restore a recently discovered medieval mural in the local church. Living in the bell tower, surrounded by the resplendent countryside of high summer, and laboring each day to uncover an anonymous painter's depiction of the apocalypse, Birkin finds that he himself has been restored to a new, and hopeful, attachment to life. But summer ends, and with the work done, Birkin must leave. Now, long after, as he reflects on the passage of time and the power of art, he finds in his memories some consolation for all that has been lost.
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Thank you to @vivastory for recommending this book to me months ago. It was a perfect book for me to read while i was severely anxious about my sons recovery from surgery (there were post surgical complications some 2 weeks after surgery - on the mend again now!). This novella about a young returned soldier restoring a church mural in a small village tells of his own restoration through art, nature & human connection. Just a quiet joy of a book.

LeahBergen Aww, I‘m so glad it worked for you. It‘s a lovely read, isn‘t it? 4w
TrishB Hope all is well now! 4w
Centique @TrishB thank you! It finally seems to be on the right track. 4w
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Centique @LeahBergen im going to buy a copy for my shelves which is the highest praise you can give 🙌❤️ 4w
vivastory Paula, I'm so happy that everything turned out well for your family 💙 I have thought about this book often during anxious times since reading it. Truly a gem. 4w
Reggie My grandmother‘s second husband. (Her favorite) He once folded over in extreme pain from his abdomen. Later on the doctor told her when they opened him up they had never seen so many watermelon seeds in someone like that. Instead of spitting them out he had swallowed them and his intestines had ruptured. It took him 6 months to get back. I hope it‘s a lot quicker for your son. 4w
Centique @Reggie yikes! That is horrifying! Yes i think we‘re doing better now. This is week 5 i think and im hoping he can go back to school next week (even though we are getting nurse visits still to change the dressing) 🤞🤞 4w
Centique @Reggie i also feel relieved i never swallow watermelon seeds! 4w
Rissreads Sorry I‘ve missed all this Paula! Too busy to get online or really read much lately 😞 I am so happy to hear your son is now doing ok. Try to look after yourself too! X 3w
Suet624 @Reggie I thought the idea that eating watermelon seeds was bad for you had been debunked! 3w
Reggie @Suet624 I think he had diverticulitis which creates pockets on sides of the intestines. I have older coworkers who can‘t eat chili cause if one more seed gets into their linings it could cause a bowel perforation. 🤷🏽‍♂️ (edited) 2w
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A month in the country | James Lloyd Carr
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I toiled a bit through this one but it was worth it. Set in 1920, in the North of England, a soldier who survived WW1 restores a medieval painting. During his time in the country he finds people who help him start his journey of healing from the horrors of war. There was something so comforting about this story. It won the Booker in 1980. #UK

JanuarieTimewalker13 I have never really thought about what it must have been like for people to transition from horses to autos. It must have been sad in some ways. 1y
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Our young man back from the war and now to spend a month in the country. The wholesomeness of the countryside, of the food , the people, the horses, the summer in his memory. The work of art he is restoring. The tenderness of the writing , this story will haunt me. There is so much here but I find myself not wanting to over think it or pull it apart. I want to feel it gently , to mind it.
Thanks @Caroline2 , to think this book has been 👇

Cathythoughts 👇has been on my shelf and I never knew how much I would love it, just read it last night 👍❤️ (edited) 3y
Caroline2 Ahh, I‘m so glad you enjoyed it. 👍 3y
batsy Lovely review, Cathy! "to feel it gently"—that's how I felt reading it ? 3y
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Cathythoughts @Caroline2 Thanks, I really did ❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @batsy Thanks X Such a beautiful book. One to remember 👍 3y
TrishB This was a lovely read ❤️ There is an Amazon parcel arriving at yours in the next couple of days Cathy! It‘s for your birthday 😁 3y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Ahh , thanks Trish! I will look forward to that x 3y
rockpools Gorgeous review Cathy. Happy Sunday! 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review❤️. I hope to get to this soon. 😊 3y
Cathythoughts @rockpools Thanks Rachel X have a lovely Sunday too 3y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks ♥️ I imagine you will love it 👍 3y
squirrelbrain Sounds wonderful! 3y
Dodi What a beautiful review! 3y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain It‘s good ! 3y
Cathythoughts @Dodi Thankyou X ♥️ 3y
tpixie It was a good quiet book, similar to another author‘s books. I also watched the movie with Colin Firth 3y
youneverarrived Lovely review 🤍 I loved it too. 3y
LeahBergen Ahh, lovely review! It‘s such a good book. ❤️ 3y
BarbaraBB A lovely little book! 3y
Cathythoughts @tpixie I love the sound of that movie 👍❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB I didn‘t know it would be so wonderful… I was blown away 💫 3y
CarolynM I've never read the book, but I liked the film with the young Kenneth Branagh and Colin Firth. 3y
Cathythoughts @CarolynM The young Kenneth and Colin and this story … I don‘t know if I‘d be able for all that beauty ❤️❤️❤️😁 3y
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My #ReadingStats for January include 10 completed books and good progress on my long reads. My favorite turned out to be my first read of the year, the tagged A Year in the Country.

#MonthlyStats #BookSpinBingo

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Lovely, atmospheric, and deceptively simplistic, this is a beautiful story about restoration. My 2nd of @Liz_M 's recommendations for #NewYearWhoDis is another gem. @monalyisha

Liz_M You are tearing through the books! Seems like a perfect weekend. 😊 3y
staci.reads @Liz_M Well, I tested positive for Covid 3 days ago, so I'm stuck at home for a bit 🤷‍♀️😬 Books are my best friend right now. 3y
Daisey I started the year with this book and enjoyed it so much! 3y
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MrsMalaprop Oh no (re Covid) 😩. Wishing you a speedy recovery, & lots of good books in the meantime 🤞. 3y
BarbaraBB You have COVID too! Probably from your husband. I hope it‘s mild. Wishing you the best! 3y
staci.reads @BarbaraBB Yes, I'm definitely blaming him 🤣 It's been mild the 2nd time around, nothing like the first time, thank goodness. I'll give the vaccine credit for that. 3y
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This is my first read of 2022, and I enjoyed it more than expected. It‘s a quiet and reflective story of a signalman returned from WWI to a rural English village, which was a perfectly described setting. He has been hired to uncover a medieval painting in the local church. As he works, he gets to know the local people, comes to his own conclusions about the original artist, and finds at least some relief from the trauma of the war.

Daisey @JazzFeathers This is another one that I think might interest you in the way it speaks of the impact of WWI. 3y
Tamra Great read! 3y
JazzFeathers Oh, that sounds so much up my alley @Daisey Thanks so much for mentioning it 😊 3y
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I enjoyed this one - it was gentle and warm and thoughtful; it reminded me of my Grandpa & my degree🌻

And that's another book read for the #WinterGames2021! #TeamGameSleighers


I haven't done much by way of the #WinterGames2021 this week; I've just been focussing on getting through and to this weekend tbh haha

I'm now back home with my parents for Christmas and am feeling happier & festive😍🌲

I watched Love Hard on Netflix earlier & it was so good; would recommend! I'm going to finish A Month In The Country tonight too and start Eight White Nights ❄


2689 points for #Week2! #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

I've been so grateful for the WG this week; even when I have been too anxious to read, I've enjoyed looking through all the posts!

I still managed to get a fair bit of reading done too! I finished Let It Snow & Glass Town, & am about halfway through A Month In The Country😍

I watched the #TeamMovie & found lots of words for the #WGWordSearch & the #Week2Game too🙌

StayCurious Hope things get a bit better for you soon! 3y
Moll @StayCurious Thank you!! Currently feeling a fair bit better😊 3y
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Sweet, poetic novella about a post-war vet who spends a summer in a rural English village restoring a recently-discovered medieval mural. The reading experience felt like a lazy summer day, flecked with humor.

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A really delicate and considered novel about Tom Birkin, returned from the horrors of the front, as he simultaneously restores an unusual medieval fresco in a rural English church and his own fragile psyche. It reminded me of Steinbeck in style but with more humour. Beautiful. 7/10

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This lovely book arrived yesterday evening.. I had to wait till the morning light to take a picture ... please who sent this to me ? ❤️

rockpools How lovely! 3y
TrishB Oh book surprises ♥️ the best! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww it‘s your lucky 🍀 month!! (edited) 3y
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Liz_M Whoever sent it has good taste! 3y
BarbaraBB Exciting, this mysterious parcel! But indeed a sender with good taste 🌺 3y
Cathythoughts @rockpools @TrishB 👍🏻👍🏻❤️ the best 3y
Cathythoughts @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It seems to be be ❤️👍🏻 3y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Book looks good 👍🏻❤️ 3y
LeahBergen It‘s a lovely read! 3y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen oh good to hear 👏🏻 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely book surprises are pouring in! 😘🥳 3y
Caroline2 Oh that was me!! 😆 Sorry, it wouldn‘t let me add a message but I hope you have a lovely birthday! 😘 3y
Cathythoughts @Caroline2 Oh thanks so much !! I‘m thrilled with it & looking forward to it. Lots of great reviews here on Litsy. Thanks for thinking of me ❤️💕❤️ 3y
Caroline2 You‘re welcome, enjoy! 😉 👍 3y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 6/6:

What are the similarities of the original painter and Birkin? How are they connected to each other?

merelybookish I guess they are both outsiders and artists. One of my favorite aspects of this book was the depiction of Tom's craft, how that kind of immersive, attentive work was conveyed as good and worthwhile. 4y
vivastory I agree with @merelybookish Again despite their religious differences I think it was more about finding common interests-in their case art 4y
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Liz_M @vivastory The painter might not have been religious. And I think Birkin found hints of religious skepticism in the painter in the not-so-pious depictions of the various people in the painting -- they were individualized, given expressions not usually seen in religious paintings. 4y
vivastory @Liz_M That's true. I was wondering about that, esp as he kept comparing the style to Bruegel 4y
sarahbarnes @merelybookish I like that. And also in some ways under-appreciated for their craft (although maybe that‘s true of many artists). But no one hesitated to cover over the painting in the church. And then some folks in the story don‘t seem to understand how much talent Birkin has - why he can‘t just rush through the project and finish. 4y
Billypar To be honest, this was the part I understood the least, even at a basic comprehension level. At first I thought the artist committed suicide and the discovery of the body on the grounds might mean the figure with the crescent was a self -portrait, maybe the suicide was due to feeling ostracized/ judged. But then..am I making waaay too many assumptions? The artist just knew the crescent figure and fell accidentally? Can someone enlighten me? 😅 4y
GatheringBooks This q reminded me of this quote: “But she‘d put the ax to the very roots of my self-esteem: surely we shouldn‘t be required, even by worthy Ellerbecks, to justify the ethic of our labor? Our jobs are our private fantasies, our disguises, the cloak we can creep inside to hide.” Perhaps like the painter, Tom took refuge in his occupation, his means of avoiding the drama and war-torn nature of his life. 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks That quote jumped out at me too 4y
quietjenn I think it's difficult, since we know so little about the original artist and what we think we know is really the characters speculating! Do you actually know the artist, through their work (and/or their grave)? 🤷‍♀️ 4y
youneverarrived Good question! Maybe I‘m not thinking deep enough but I can‘t think of many similarities other than they both worked on the same painting with real attention to detail. I think Birkin felt a real connection to the painter, and made assumptions about him based on the painting but like @quietjenn says, it‘s difficult to say because we don‘t really know anything about the artist. It‘s all Birkins idea of him. 4y
KVanRead @Liz_M @vivastory I wondered about that too and like @Billypar about the connection with crescent in the tomb and on the mirror. I agree with @merelybookish and accidentally already commented on this idea over on question 5, but think there‘s something interesting going on emotionally with Tom in his resistance to considering himself an artist and his hours alone on the scaffold with ancient artist start to ‘un-numb‘ him and break down that⤵️ 4y
KVanRead ...resistance. 4y
batsy Nicely put @merelybookish and @KVanRead. I also wonder if part of that connection is simply the feeling of comradeship he felt through the ages with this artist, whose work is the thing that gave Tom a sense of grounding and a place from which to recover. In that sense, he perhaps simply felt a sense of communion with the artist. 4y
Billypar And now it's after 1 am and I seem to not be able to stop thinking about this @KVanRead @batsy @merelybookish 😂 I think he did feel a sense of comradery with the artist, maybe because he learned about the idea of a private hell of harboring a secret through the artist and what we find out about Moon. The reason has to do with a new theory I have about the artist's identity. I'll lay it out in the next post Bear with me... 4y
Billypar 1) The body they find at the end is Piers Hebron who Moon was hired to find and who was excommunicated. 2) Piers Hebron is the falling man in the portrait with the crescent scar. Moon identifies the necklace as his converting to become a Muslim, the reason he was excommunicated. 3) This is more of a guess: Piers was the artist. If the artist just knew Piers, his painting him in the picture would be a judgment on him, so why... 4y
Billypar would the rest of the church paint over just that figure before the rest? They were all judging him too. 4) Piers committed suicide by falling off the scaffold. After returning from his expedition and converting, he was excommunicated, and his last act of despair was to paint himself falling to hell before actually 'falling' off the scaffolding to his death. 5) After the rest of the church found him, they saw what he painted and painted over it 4y
Billypar If you've read this far - thanks for humoring me 😁 The one other thing that occurred to me is Moon's name and Piers' crescent are connected because they were both harboring painful secrets. Birkins never really considered these hidden sides of people before but by the end felt more connected to Moon and the artist, and considered that his job wasn't just a technical career - art contains stories buried inside it. Whew - ok, I'm done, I swear! 4y
KVanRead @Billypar intriguing!! I need to think on it some more but you may be onto something there. I really like the connection between Moon and the crescent- seems obvious now but I totally missed it. Also many of the characters seem to have a secret that is their private hell. Moon says sex is hell, Alice seems to have a secret about her marriage that is her hell, and her husband too we‘re told is not how he seems - he has a secret that makes things ⤵️ 4y
KVanRead ...difficult for him. I actually considered that perhaps he might also be gay but that might just be me trying too hard to connect the dots. I do like that so much is left for us to ponder on our own. (edited) 4y
batsy @Billypar I did not make that connection between the name Moon and the crescent, and now I'm intrigued. I also find the manner of the artist's death interesting and do wonder if we were meant to think about that a bit more or just accept the "fall" (but the meaning of the fall, in scriptural and life terms, adds another layer...) 4y
Billypar @KVanRead It's true that there's a sense of mystery regarding the Keaches that could be more than just a bad marriage. This makes me want to do a full reread! 4y
Billypar @batsy Yeah, the Biblical "fall" imagery does fit. Part of me wondered why Birkin was so convinced it was a fall - surely there are any number of things that could quickly kill him in medieval times without the brush strokes being affected. He does note that he had to use a stool, so maybe that's why? If it was accidental, it could still be the case that the church noticed the hidden portrait later and painted it over. 4y
Billypar @batsy @KVanRead I also noticed on rereading that the hairs Birkin found on the portrait indicated the artist was 'fair-headed' and earlier he described the falling man saying "his bright hair streamed like a torch." So even if that's not proof positive that the artist was Pier, I think Carr wants us to consider that possibility. 4y
merelybookish @Billypar I feel you are finding the ambiguity you were craving. 🤓 I think I did assume by the end Piers was the artist. I don't know why exactly. I will write more later. Time for a Zoom meeting. 🙁 4y
Billypar @merelybookish Ha, I certainly did! ☺ 4y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 5/6:

A transformation of the main character takes place over the span of the novel. What was Tom Birkin like when he arrived in Oxgodby? How does he change and what causes these changes?

merelybookish Well, I can't help but view Tom through a trauma lens. When he arrives in Oxgoodby, he is still struggling with the effects of trauma. What he finds there are all the things that we know help people heal: nature, community, purpose, art. 4y
sarahbarnes @merelybookish I agree with that. When he arrives he seems closed up, closed off and protecting himself. He comes looking forward to solitude. But by the end he has let the people he meets there into his life, and he allows himself to appreciate the experience of being there. In a different way than he originally intended I think. 4y
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vivastory When Birkin first arrived he was suffering from shell shock & seemed uncertain. Although the effects of shell shock had not entirely left by the time he had left, they had been greatly reduced. He seemed much more sure of the future, even if he didn't know what it would be for him. 4y
vivastory @sarahbarnes Completely agree. I really appreciated how Carr didn't have Birkin leaving Oxgodby after a month magically cured either. This felt like a genuine look at trauma to me. 4y
GatheringBooks @merelybookish love this view of Tom from a “trauma lens.” More than anything, he struck me as removed from his experience, like an outsider to his own life even. I wonder if he truly allowed people into his life, too @sarahbarnes with all the missed opportunities as captured in this quote: “for a few of us there will always be a tugging at the heart—knowing a precious moment gone and we not there” (edited) 4y
arubabookwoman I think Tom was changed, and the healing was beginning. In some ways he didn‘t recognize this himself, and needed Moon to point it out to him. 4y
quietjenn The trauma is so important. I'm not quite sure how to say it without sounding very hokey, but I feel like Tom is on a healing journey, trying to figure out how to exist again in the normal, not-at-war world and process the changes that have happened within himself. And his time in the country doesn't cure all, but it helps him take the steps he needs to take at this moment. 4y
readordierachel @arubabookwoman Yes, and I think that's very true to life. Others see us better than we see ourselves. It makes sense that the change would be more obvious to Moon 4y
readordierachel @quietjenn Yes, exactly. And I don't think that sounds hokey :) 4y
Leftcoastzen He definitely arrived closed off , the trauma lens is a good way to look at what is going on in the novel.The slow progression of the task and his connecting with others, and seeing humor in situations lead you to believe he‘s healing and could make a life for himself. 4y
youneverarrived @quietjenn exactly this. The trauma is an undercurrent running through the story. It felt like a healing journey/novel to me. 4y
KVanRead @merelybookish “nature, community, purpose, art”—that‘s beautiful and sums it up perfectly and also what I really love about the book. @vivastory @sarahbarnes I also really appreciated how it‘s not all wrapped up at the end. I did quite like the way his relationship with the ancient artist is somewhat resolved. All the way through he outwardly refuses to identify himself as an artist- he‘s a workman, a professional- but he keeps having these⤵️ 4y
KVanRead ...moments of deep connection with the ancient artist, and yet at the end he still tries to hold fast to this notion that it‘s no different from a pile of bricks but then “the numbness went” and he goes back and allows himself to feel a kinship with the artist. I think there‘s a great metaphor in there for his emotional journey through the book. He has been numb and has slowly begun to allow himself to feel. 4y
vivastory @KVanRead Very well stated! It really was an epiphany, but much like the rest of the book it was handled so well & nuanced 4y
KVanRead @vivastory Yes he conveys so much with so little and it‘s also such a pleasure to read! 4y
Billypar @KVanRead You captured his progression perfectly - I completely agree! 4y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 4/6:

Carr titles the novel, A Month in the Country. What is the importance of the country in the story? Why do you think Carr sets the story where he does?

vivastory I really liked @billypar idea that the month is a sort of heaven for Birkin. It's restorative for him after his war experience, although not completely & it is of course transitory. 4y
Liz_M The idea of country is the opposite of war. It is quiet and empty, surrounded by nature. And there is an idea of country people as being more friendly, open and accepting aaaaannd inquisitive. It would be too easy to hide in the city - both anonymity as one person amongst many other strangers and hiding from oneself amid the hustle and bustle of a city. (edited) 4y
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sarahbarnes Yes, agree with all of this. Birkin couldn‘t have had this restorative experience in another type of place where staying busy and distracted means he could avoid the healing he did here. 4y
vivastory @Liz_M Brilliant point, Liz! I didn't think about the inquisitiveness! The forced sociability of villages made Birkin connect with people again which was def beneficial 4y
merelybookish Carr wrote this in 1978 and I definitely felt nostalgia for an English countryside that is no more. Another loss in a way. Another place to which you cannot return. 4y
vivastory @merelybookish I smiled a bit when I reached the final page because he finished it the month/year I was born 4y
youneverarrived It‘s a place where he knows nobody and has no past experiences there so he can basically retreat (while doing his work on the painting). I can‘t imagine it being set in a busy city. The setting is a huge part of the novel; he finds a sort of peace and happiness in the surroundings and in the people he meets. 4y
youneverarrived @merelybookish that‘s an excellent point. 4y
GatheringBooks @sarahbarnes i love the notion of the title as being “restorative” and “healing.” One of the quotes I highlighted in the ebook I borrowed from Overdrive was this: “This is what I need, I thought—a new start and, afterwards, maybe I won‘t be a casualty anymore.
Well, we live by hope.” The fact that his wife also left him may have made him regard the month in the country as more than just an occupation, but a respite from everything else.
sarahbarnes @GatheringBooks I love that - that this was more about respite from everything he‘d been through and less about the job he went there to do. 4y
vivastory @sarahbarnes @gatherinbooks A lesser writer would have def bogged down the narrative with technical details of wall painting restoration. I feel like Carr provided just enough details. 4y
readordierachel @Liz_M Great point! It's funny that with more space there is less room for him to hide from people. And it ends up engaging him in ways he probably wouldn't have in a different setting 4y
arubabookwoman I connected the country with the side of judgement paintings showing the “saved,” those who will be admitted to Heaven. They are often shown in a beautiful pastoral setting, greenery, trees and flowers, surrounded by beautiful angels. 4y
quietjenn @Liz_M yes - country as the complete antithesis to what he experienced in the war. And that "forced sociability" that @vivastory notes - he is Dresden back into life almost accidentally and in spite of himself just by way of being there. 4y
Leftcoastzen I love everyone‘s comments! In a sense I wonder irl the loneliness/ self imposed isolation in a city can lead to self medicating. There are just enough inquisitive people around to let him become himself again. A task like art restoration does have a quiet zen like quality that could be therapeutic.The country is quiet/beautiful/ slower paced. (edited) 4y
sarahbarnes @vivastory that‘s such a great observation. I almost kept thinking that would happen when I was reading it. And it reinforces @GatheringBooks point that the work is secondary to the restorative experience. 4y
KVanRead Love all these comments! @Liz_M that‘s brilliant about how the country people draw him out and force him to connect with others. @Leftcoastzen I definitely thought a lot about the healing meditative aspect of his job. Two other things struck me: the nature and the quiet especially as he mentions being distance even from country noises way up in his belfry. What a contrast that would be to the noise of the battlefield and also the brutal⤵️ 4y
KVanRead ...destruction of nature by man that war produces. He spends a lot of this slim volume describing natural beauty. While still having nightmares of drowning in the mud, I can see how nature and art would be a balm. 4y
KVanRead @vivastory that‘s so cool about your birthday. I love those kind of reading coincidences. @arubabookwoman thanks so much for explaining more of the connections to the art. I am going to have to Google some of those! 4y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 3/6:

Many critics have described A Month in the Country as a quiet novel. What do you think of when you hear that term? Is it accurate for Carr's book?

vivastory I think it was completely accurate. When I think of the term quiet novel I usually think of a book where as far as plot not much happens, but something emotionally & psychologically significant occurs for the characters by the end of the book. I feel like I know characters better in books that are described as quiet. 4y
Billypar The short answer for me us 'yes', but it's the kind of quiet that comes after a lot of noise given its proximity to the war. If the same events happened to a different character, it wouldn't feel the same, I think? Like they wouldn't have even remembered this month to begin with. 4y
merelybookish @vivastory Well said! Calling a book 'quiet' makes me want to read it! I like books about ordinary characters where not much happens. So yes, I do think this book is quiet and that is why I liked it so much. 🙂 4y
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sarahbarnes Yes! Nicely put @vivastory - you described the type of book I gravitate toward for sure. I think that‘s why I enjoyed this one so much. 4y
vivastory @sarahbarnes @merelybookish I feel like Quiet Novels is a LitHub list waiting to happen 4y
youneverarrived Same @merelybookish. It‘s the type of book I gravitate towards. 4y
sarahbarnes @vivastory yes!! 🎉 I think it‘s also why when I love a book I read and someone inevitably asks me what it‘s “about” I always struggle a bit and end up just saying, it‘s about [insert character name]. 😂 4y
LeahBergen I‘m with @merelybookish here - I love a quiet novel. I loved this book when I read it a couple of years ago and was hoping I‘d be able to reread it this month. Alas, no, but I sure am enjoying revisiting it through all your comments here! 4y
LeahBergen And your definition of a quiet novel is spot on for me, @vivastory 👌🏻 4y
Liz_M @Billypar builds excellently on @vivastory point above -- it is Birkin's experiences in the war and troubles at home that allow for the significant emotional and psychological growth. (edited) 4y
Liz_M Are quiet novels also about what doesn't happen? Tingled with nostalgia and regret? 4y
vivastory @Liz_M I think quiet novels def have at least a sprinkling of nostalgia & regret for sure. 4y
Billypar @Liz_M That's true - I think this captured the feeling of nostalgia perfectly without becoming sentimental. And he couldn't have done that as well if not for the quiet I think. 4y
Billypar @Liz_M @vivastory The aspect of regret is interesting. The romantic aspect didn't have the all-consuming focus that it takes on in most novels. Like maybe he regretted not acting on his feelings, but it wasn't a tragedy and it didn't affect his memory of this time as a happy one. 4y
vivastory @Billypar @Liz_M Exactly. It wasn't a “My one true love lost forever“ narrative. It was that he met someone memorable at a special place & during an important time in his life. It felt very true to life in that way. 4y
GatheringBooks @Liz_M great Q. If quiet novels are about what doesn‘t happen - then this description is spot on with this book where the very core/essence is grounded on what-might-have-beens. I like quiet novels, too, @vivastory. While my eyes usually glaze over largely-plot-driven novels, the quiet-slow-burn ones generally sustain my interest more and make me think long after I have finished reading the book. I like the lingering aftertaste of the story. 4y
vivastory @GatheringBooks “Lingering aftertaste“ Well said! They really do stick with me longer, & I tend to remember more about them, than the more plot-driven stories. 4y
quietjenn Ha, I have to smike at this, because my original Goodreads review of the book is "quiet and lovely," so safe to say I would agree! For me, quiet novels are ones that are more about character and settng, as opposed to action, which is certainly the case here. They are also probably my favorite type of novels. 4y
quietjenn @vivastory I would be all over that listicle! 4y
Leftcoastzen There are so many subtle aspects of this novel , I tend to think Carr was rolling it around in his mind for a long time .NYRB seems to publish lots of quiet novels. Thought of 4y
readordierachel @Billypar That's a great point re the contrast of the quiet after the noise of the war. It's quiet, yes, but that's something the character really needs. 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen No list of Quiet novels would be complete without Stoner 4y
KVanRead @vivastory @Billypar @Liz_M you‘ve built a great description of a quiet novel and this one in particular! Quiet on the surface but very noisy underneath, tinged with nostalgia and regret. I also love the way he uses the quiet at time to lull you along and smack you with a sudden shift from quiet narrative to profound and somewhat shocking statements. 4y
KVanRead Like the little meditation he goes in after the first scene with Colonel where he tells you btw, this guys not important: “he might just as well have gone round the corner and died” and that‘s true for most of us with most people. Dark. Bit of a velvet hammer he wields from time to time. Love it. 😍 4y
vivastory @KVanRead Def a velvet hammer. What a great description!! Yes, there are a lot of great psychological insights in this rural setting 4y
emilyhaldi I love @vivastory ‘s description of a quiet novel! I agree this is exactly that- which is why I loved it 💙 I enjoy books where the every day interactions and thoughts are where the “action” happen. 4y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 2/6:

Class is briefly explored when Birkin accompanies the Ellerbecks & Mr. Dowthwaite to shop for a new pipe-organ. Should Carr have explored class more?

vivastory I don't feel like it was nec. to explore class more. I loved this scene. I thought it was hilarious. I think that a lot of class commentary would have felt a bit forced. 4y
Billypar For such a short novel, I thought there were enough examples of class differences to provide that kind of context. I do wonder if the snobbishness about the thick dialect of the uneducated townspeople is just the characters or if Carr shares that perspective. 4y
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merelybookish Class difference is there, it's present and it affects relationships. Carr acknowledges that with subtlety but I don't think he needed to do more. Much like Moss being gay, another brief acknowledgement of difference that is introduced in the novel. It can influence how we relate and understand one another, and yet, none the characters in the novel are reduced to merely their class, sexual orientation, or occupation. 4y
vivastory @Billypar I DO wish he had explored a bit more the antagonism between the different provinces. Another part that I thought was very amusing was when he first arrived at Oxgodby & he was talking about carelessly stepping on their shoes 4y
vivastory @merelybookish Yes, well said! He doesn't gloss over the intolerance that they face but he shows them as full characters. It's really remarkable. 4y
Liz_M No, I think focusing on class more would have been a different novel. As an outsider to the town, in someways Birkin is outside of class, outside of society as whole, not just rubbing up against particular class boundaries. 4y
youneverarrived No, I don‘t think it would have added much to the novel. @Billypar I think Carr was a Yorkshireman himself so he might have had a similar thick accent. (edited) 4y
vivastory @youneverarrived Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you live in Yorkshire? 4y
Billypar @youneverarrived That would be interesting if he did. I feel like some people avoid picking up their local accents based on the company they keep - i.e. educated people hang out with educated folks and have similar accents, whether they're rich or poor. But based on the Holroyd's intro, seems like Carr valued hanging out with all kinds of people - I liked what he said about his funeral and no one recognizing anyone else. 4y
Leftcoastzen It was a great scene! I think Carr wanted a little scene like that in there , but didn‘t want to focus too much on class.You can almost see salespersons eye roll, here‘s some hicks from the sticks who have no money. 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen Right?! When he went back over & started yelling 😂 Such a vivid humorous scene 4y
Billypar Speaking of that introduction...I'm curious what people thought. There was some reference to class by his adoption of a butcher's persona to bestow a fake literary prize (how bizarre was that just in general btw? 😅). And his personality as a teacher kind of reminded me of Robin Williams' character in Dead Poet's Society. 4y
vivastory @Billypar Hahaha! Have you listened to the Backlisted episode they did about him? They talk more about some of the strange antics he pulled. I def thought about DPS reading the intro 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory I do! In York. Not many people speak thick Yorkshire like in the book though, it‘s definitely an older generation/rural thing. @Billypar that‘s true. From the intro it seemed like parts of his life went into the novel. 4y
Billypar @vivastory I haven't, but they sounds fantastic: I'll have to give it a listen! 4y
vivastory @Billypar I think you'd really like them. The Carr episode is the inaugural episode & although it took them a couple of episodes to really kind of find their feet it's def worth checking out. It's pretty well done. 4y
GatheringBooks @Liz_M great point about Birkin being an outsider - and also outside of class issues actively experienced by the townsfolk. I am also in agreement with everyone else that the portrayal of class and even sexuality as @merelybookish also astutely mentioned was just right. Hence, it didn‘t struck me as an issue or themed-laden novel busy with its own sense of self-importance. It simply told a story that was riveting in its own right. 4y
quietjenn I really appreciate that class issues were acknowledged, without necessarily being the focus. I thought this scene was hilarious. 4y
quietjenn The dialect question is interesting and I sort of wonder about the moments when it was used, since I assumed other characters had accents (less strong?) that weren''t explicitly depicted, just like the stutter is mentioned but not written into the text. 4y
arubabookwoman I don‘t think the book as a whole should have focused on class. He was just presenting the world as it was, so class issues come through. I enjoyed the scene with the snooty organ salesman-I mean how much does an organ salesman have to be snobby about. I could see the same scene taking place today in a shop on Rodeo Drive if a scruffy-looking customer walked through the door. 4y
Billypar @vivastory I always confuse Backlisted with another one... Maybe Overdue? I've listened to one episode about We Have Always Lived in the Castle - I remember it being good. I read Dud Avocado and Bloody Chamber last year, so I'll of course have to try those too, in addition to this one's! 4y
KVanRead I agree with @merelybookish It‘s there well beyond that one scene but he weaves it in with nuance ans subtlety like so much else in this book. He‘s a real master of the show don‘t tell school. I actually thought class was all over the place: in the accents, the homes, jobs, the rhythms of daily life, especially in the difference between Church and Chapel — who preaches, and their relationship with their flock. It really comes out in how the town⤵️ 4y
KVanRead ...views the Keaches, how they don‘t fit in. Having said all that, I also loved this scene, very funny and charming but also kind of poignant. (edited) 4y
merelybookish @Billypar @vivastory I am a total Backlisted convert (and generally don't like literary podcasts much). The episode on A Month in the Country wasn't as good as some others I've heard but it had lots of interesting info on Carr. 4y
batsy @Billypar I read the Penguin edition that didn't have an introduction, sadly. But Carr's Wikipedia page has an anecdote interviewing for a teaching job and saying he wanted the job because being a teacher "gives you time to do other things". (He didn't get that job.) 4y
batsy I didn't feel like it was necessary to include more class context because I do agree with the others in how it was woven in neatly into the narrative. The characters are all richly drawn and their interactions with each other are delicately observed, so you can see the role it plays in subtle ways. 4y
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#NYRBBookClub A Month in the Country Discussion

Question 1/6:

Do you think that Carr was effective at comparing & contrasting the religious hell depicted on the wall painting & the hell that Birkin endured in WWI?

vivastory I think he was. I don't think it was explored in depth, but it kind of lingered in the background. 4y
Billypar Maybe he was, but not in the usual way you'd expect. That comparison is noted explicitly by Birkin, but the entire novella strikes me as a description of what a certain kind of heaven is like. When the war is referenced you almost get a sense that it's the complete antithesis to what Birkin is currently experiencing, without actual hearing much of it described. The painting references that stark contrast between heaven and hell. 4y
vivastory @Billypar That's really interesting re: that it's like the idea of heaven. Like an atheist's idea of heaven. The painting does seem so alien to what his own idea of hell was, his own experiences were I'm sure in some ways much more grim. I think that the battle that Birkin survived was when mustard gas was first used 4y
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merelybookish Like other aspects of this book, I felt religion and religious belief was handled with such nuance. Birken has experienced hell on earth and it's easy to appreciate why he has lost faith (if he ever was a believer.) Somehow uncovering the painting and its depiction of hell helps him process his own trauma without, as @billyparr said, being totally explicit about it. 4y
Leftcoastzen It was kind of lingering in the background, I thought he may have been recognizing his submerged feelings while uncovering the work.It was definitely an era where men who saw & survived such horrible things they questioned or abandoned faith if they ever had it. 4y
youneverarrived If I remember rightly doesn‘t Birkin say that his hell was nothing like that depicted in the painting? Or something along those lines? I just got a sense that he didn‘t really believe in the religious type of hell after experiencing what he did. Like @vivastory said the idea is there, but not explored in depth. 4y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I think that uncovering the art also allowed him to communicate his experience in a way that wasn't really socially acceptable at the time 4y
youneverarrived @Billypar yeah, I agree with this. His life in the village is depicted as idyllic (heavenly) and the snippets we get of his time in the war are hellish. 4y
vivastory @youneverarrived I think you're right. He refused the comforts of religion after his war experience & it seems like he wanted to say that the religious hell & the hell he had suffered were distinct. But I wonder if he was still able to take comfort in it. I think he was also excited by the painting artistically because he realized the importance of it 4y
Liz_M Yes, I think Carr effectively contrasted religious and real-world hell, fairly explicitly -- Alice asks Tom if he believes in hell @youneverarrived I liked Tom's answer: “Hell's different things to different people and different things to the same person at different times.“ (p. 95 of nyrb edition) (edited) 4y
vivastory @Liz_M @youneverarrived Yes! I've had the same thought, just not in such memorable phrasing 4y
Billypar @youneverarrived You're right - I just found that part. Moon draws the comparison to a battle in France, and Birkin recalls "I didn't see it like that. No doubt I didn't want to." At times it seems like he tries to emphasize the professional aspects of the painting if it's too painful to contemplate what the hellish images might bring up for him. 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory totally agree ! It was the era of stiff upper lip you survived it so just move on. (edited) 4y
youneverarrived @Liz_M I loved that quote. So true. 4y
GatheringBooks The question made me revisit aspects of the book that didn‘t even occur to me as significant. Like what everyone else said, there was great subtlety in the way the war was referenced that it almost catches the reader off guard. The link to the painting and what Birkin endured during the war, whether explicit or otherwise, was not something I even noticed nor paid attention to. It was def alluded to, but not fully realized as everyone else noted. 4y
GatheringBooks @Liz_M great capture of this quote. 👌🏽💕👏🏼 4y
arubabookwoman I‘ve been studying art history with friends for several years, and we recently spent about 6 weeks on Fra Angelico, who painted several “Judgements.” The hell portion of medieval/renaissance Judgements frequently resembles Hieronymous Bosch paintings—demons inflicting torture, flames of hell, monsters. 4y
quietjenn I think so, and very much like what @Billypar and @merelybookish note - that the exploration is done in a way that is nuanced and unexpected. I feel like he makes a lot of points and comparisons throughout the novel, without then being Points and Comparisons. 4y
quietjenn @youneverarrived idyllic is the exact right word choice for it! 4y
arubabookwoman I‘ve recently been studying the paintings of Fra Angelico, who did several Judgement paintings. The hell depicted by many medieval/renaissance artists often resembled the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch-demons and monsters and flames and all kinds of torture. But the people suffering were also usually depicted as evil and deserving of this treatment. I was being too literal and just thinking of these paintings rather than the WW I battlefields.👇🏻 4y
vivastory @quietjenn Yes, def not heavy handed at all 4y
arubabookwoman While the battlefields were Hell, I don‘t think of Birkin or any particular soldier of deserving that hell. Also, we can think of the life afterwards, remembering the horrors, as Hell. I also think of the one particular victim in the painting with the scar on his face that Birkin seemed to identify with, wondering whether the medieval artist was depicting a real person the paintings viewers would recognize. 4y
vivastory @arubabookwoman That's a good point that life after war can be a type of hell too & I think that's where the trauma of Birkin plays out. I really appreciated how Carr handled this issue 4y
KVanRead Spot on @Billypar Oxgodby really is a kind of heaven for him and I think that‘s underlined by the ending- the whole book has an aspect of longing reminiscence for a moment in time you wish you could return to but of course you never can it‘s perfect because it‘s preserved in time, like the painting was behind its lime wash. 4y
KVanRead On the hell side, I was also quite struck by how subtly he introduced a third kind of hell, not of religion, nor of battlefield but one which Alice seems to spend time in, the hell of a bad marriage, or life, or maybe of the mind/anxiety/depression...”But even as I spoke, I knew she wasn‘t answered. It was neither that nor a bible hell had made her ask.” 4y
KVanRead @arubabookwoman that‘s so interesting about the judgment paintings. That idea of deserved punishment really highlights the contrast and maybe reinforces him as a non believer because yes nobody deserves the hell of war so how to makes sense of biblical hell after experiencing that. 4y
youneverarrived @KVanRead yes, I‘d forgotten about that part. There‘s lots of subtlety like that scattered throughout the book which I really admired. We‘re never shown or told exactly what the Keachs‘ marriage is like, we only have hints and glimpses like that. 4y
KVanRead @youneverarrived yes, I love how he says more with less by these hints and glimpses 4y
Billypar @youneverarrived @KVanRead I thought the part where she compliments Birkin's listening skills was a really good way of dramatizing what she was missing in her own marriage. It seems like a universal quality of bad relationships, just as relevant in 1920, 1980, or 2021. 4y
KVanRead @Billypar That‘s an excellent point. She does seem to relate a lot to his aloneness perhaps because she doesn‘t feel much seen or heard in her marriage or the village for that matter. 4y
youneverarrived @Billypar yeah I picked up on that too. @KVanRead that‘s a good point aswell, and maybe because he was an outsider she felt she could talk to him/gravitated towards him. 4y
KVanRead @youneverarrived Yah, I think so too. 4y
Suet624 @Billypar @vivastory What a beautiful way of describing this. I agree. I actually didn't compare and contrast the painting with what Birkin had experienced - my bad. But what Birkin experienced during his time with the painting was restorative and the surroundings that he lived in were heavenly. Even I felt the euphoria of the summer spent there. :) 4y
Suet624 @KVanRead Really good point about the hell of a bad marriage being a third possibility within the book. 4y
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For our #NYRBBookClub this month we read the tagged book. The edition I read was not a NYRB edition, but was from a British publisher. It was illustrated with lovely pen and ink drawings like the above, which enhanced my reading, I think. This depicts the wagon ride to the church picnic.

charl08 That looks really lovely! 4y
merelybookish How lovely! It seems like a book that should have illustrations! 4y
batsy I agree with @merelybookish it's a book that deserves illustrations! So pretty. 4y
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Carr created a world that I truly enjoyed being inside. An old church in the English countryside with a medieval painting being restored? It was like an incredible vacation. I savored the descriptions and the characters were so richly developed that they seemed like friends. But my sense of curiosity began fading after Birkin's routine was established. I wanted more mystery or ambiguity, but I don't think it was that kind of book.

Billypar I might be the odd one out not giving it a pick, but there was lots to appreciate about the writing: I'm looking forward to the discussion! @catebutler @vivastory 4y
vivastory I can appreciate wanting a bit more ambiguity. Nice review. 4y
catebutler I too was swept up in the story of the painting, I do wish there would have been more to it as well. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the discussion. 4y
arubabookwoman I would probably put it in the so-so category, or just a bit above. It‘s one I had been anticipating immensely, and I‘d heard great things about it. But I never felt fully engaged with it; It was competent, had some good parts, but I didn‘t find it special. I agree with @catebutler & wanted more to the story—with the art or perhaps even with the relationship with Alice. (edited) 4y
Billypar @vivastory @catebutler @arubabookwoman I may have to up my rating - I kept thinking about the painting and posted a new idea that occurred to me in question 6. I feel like Carr buried a clever mystery in this that I didn't consider until now. That's why I love these discussions - I would have otherwise just set this aside and not even thought about it again! 4y
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I read the majority of this Saturday night and what a lovely way to spend it. Summer in a little Yorkshire village back in 1920, unveiling a wall painting, talks with a fellow war veteran, the happiness that can follow great sadness and the passing of time that brings it. It says a lot about art and healing in an understated, compelling way. #nyrbbookclub ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

emilyhaldi Nice review ✨ 4y
youneverarrived @emilyhaldi thank you! 💕 4y
vivastory I love this pic. Great review, you really captured it well! 4y
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merelybookish Healing! Such a good word for the book! 4y
youneverarrived @vivastory thank you 😊 4y
catebutler Such a lovely review and so well said! I think this one will stay with me for quite some time. 4y
youneverarrived @catebutler thank you 🤍 same! I love books that are deceptively simple. 4y
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This small gem of a novel is filled with beauty and profundity. I'm not sure how J.L. Carr conveyed so much about the restorative powers of art, love, contentment, and community with an economy of language. There isn't a wasted sentence, much less a wasted word. Underlying the novel's gentle charm is the bittersweet acknowledgement that nothing ever lasts: "We can ask and ask but we can't have again what once seemed ours for ever". #nyrbbookclub

Liz_M Wonderful review! 4y
kspenmoll Wonderful review! 4y
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youneverarrived You put it so well! 🤍 4y
Leftcoastzen Beautiful review. 4y
emilyhaldi I loved that line as well! 💙 4y
Come-read-with-me Great review! 4y
Moray_Reads Loved this book. Love this cover 4y
vivastory I think this is the only time where I have pref another cover over the NYRB edition. Stunning! Thoughtful review, as always. You're right. He really does capture life's transitory moments so concisely & memorably. 4y
readordierachel Lovely review and a lovely edition 💕 4y
merelybookish Well said! So much within a mere 120 pages. 4y
LeahBergen Ooo, pretty edition! 4y
batsy @emilyhaldi It was so simply and elegantly stated 💙 4y
batsy @vivastory @Moray_Reads @LeahBergen The Penguin Essentials covers are delightful 😍 4y
RohitSawant Wonderful review! 4y
batsy @rohit-sawant Thank you! 4y
rubyslippersreads So much prettier than the NYRB cover. 😍 4y
charl08 So many beautiful covers for this book! 4y
batsy @charl08 It lends itself to lovely covers, doesn't it. A small gem ✨ 4y
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#nyrbbookclub was a great reason revisit this one, which I first read a few years ago. It's so lovely and transporting.

BarbaraBB You reread it! Now I feel sorry I didn‘t. 4y
quietjenn @BarbaraBB Oh, no! Not my intention! And I probably wouldn't have done so if it were a longer book or one I liked less 😏 4y
BarbaraBB I hear so many good things that I am a bit sorry so didn‘t reread! 4y
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🌟The Flatshare and We Keep the Dead Close
🌟 The tagged book
🌟 Tie: The Thursday Murder Club and We Run the Tides

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This book is an absolutely delightful way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


Suet624 You‘re absolutely right. 4y
catebutler I loved this quote! 4y
Leftcoastzen I loved this quote too.I had to pause and savor it! 4y
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BarbaraBB Gorgeous quote 🤍 4y
merelybookish Great quote! One of many in this book! 4y
batsy One of the many excellent passages in this book ❤️ 4y
youneverarrived Love this quote. I read the majority of it last night and I was transported. 4y
vivastory I loved this quote. Just so truthful without being too saccharine 4y
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Wow, loved this #NYRBbookclub pick.Tom Birkin comes to Yorkshire, a veteran of the Great War, he is in Oxgodby to uncover & restore a work of art.The question quietly answered is if restoring a painting just might restore his soul.Beautiful passages abound in this short novel as he swaps war stories with fellow vet Moon , interacts with villagers, & finds beauty in the simplicity of the day to day .

Suet624 Another wonderful book from NYRB. 4y
catebutler So pleased you enjoyed this one! Can‘t wait to discuss tomorrow!! 4y
youneverarrived Great review! 🤍 4y
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"We can ask and ask but we can't have again what once seemed ours forever...They've gone and you can only wait for the pain to pass."

A lovely, gentle read about a veteran who spends a summer restoring a mural in a quiet English village. I liked it very much.

batsy Nicely put and love the choice of quote. I'm towards the end and liking it very much, too. 4y
catebutler Great quote! There were so many throughout. Can‘t wait to discuss! 4y
vivastory Looking forward to the discussion. Glad that this one worked for you! 4y
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We loved it! So much depth, beauty, and humanity in this slim volume.
@catebutler @vivastory #nyrbbookclub

Lcsmcat Such a sweet kitty face! 😻 4y
Bookzombie 💕🐈‍⬛ 4y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4y
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BarbaraBB Lovely pic! 4y
LeahBergen Kitty! 🥰🥰 4y
batsy 😻 4y
merelybookish @Lcsmcat @Bookzombie @rubyslippersreads @BarbaraBB @LeahBergen @batsy He was sleeping on the back of the chair as I read so couldn't resist a good kitty shot.n 4y
youneverarrived How gorgeous is your cat 😻😻 4y
merelybookish @youneverarrived Oh he is well aware how handsome he is! 🐱 4y
catebutler I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! And your cat is gorgeous!! (edited) 4y
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Oh this book! 😭 One that requires some underlining of passages and a moment at the end to really soak it in. Poignant ✨


vivastory Lovely flowers! I agree, it's a short but memorable read! 4y
catebutler I‘m so glad you enjoyed it! I can‘t wait to discuss on Sunday!! 4y
LeahBergen Right? 😭 4y
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Come-read-with-me Sounds like a good read! Stacked! Love the tulips. They seem fitting for a poignant story. 4y
BarbaraBB Wonderful pic. I read this book so long ago I unfortunately remember hardly anything anymore 4y
Tamra It‘s definitely a keeper! 4y
batsy Gorgeous photo 😍 4y
Reviewsbylola I think I‘m going to start this tonight. 4y
catebutler Yes, I agree completely with your comments. ☺️ 4y
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Phew! 😅 I feel like the author read my mind. There's only so much stone description I can handle. 😆
#nyrbbookclub @vivastory @catebutler

vivastory Same. Same. 😂 4y
catebutler This made me laugh! 😄 4y
sarahbarnes 😂😂😂 4y
batsy I had the same reaction 😆 4y
merelybookish @vivastory @catebutler @sarahbarnes @batsy No stone fanciers amongst us? 🤣 4y
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Taking a little break from my #tob reading list to get to this month‘s NYRBBookClub pick 😊

Maria514626 This sounds amazing! 4y
kspenmoll Lovely cover! 4y
vivastory I hope you like this one! 4y
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#NYRBbookclub I never know if I should say yay or 😳💸 to this!

vivastory So tempting😈📚😈📚 4y
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What a lovely read this was! Funny and warm, with a twinge of sadness here and there. It was nice to spend some time in summer during this weather. ❄️ Looking forward to discussing this one! #nyrbbookclub

vivastory Glad that you enjoyed this one! Looking forward to the discussion. 4y
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“Aren‘t you supposed to be great supporters of nose-to-the grindstone? Yet here you are, in a public place, recommending malingering.”

😂 Loving this book so far!

vivastory I am a big supporter of malingering 😂 4y
Sparklemn As am I! 🙃 4y
sarahbarnes @vivastory @Sparklemn @batsy so glad to hear that as a malingerer I‘m in good company. 😂 4y
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A fantastic book to read in the depths of winter. They say this is a story of lost love. For me, it was a story of awakening to life again after serious trauma, of the smell of the flowers, of the heat of the August sun, of dew on the grass, the mystery of art, the rhythms of the summer season experienced while living in the country, of a lost opportunity. A quick and lovely read that pulled me out of my snowbound world. #NYRBbookclub

vivastory What a lovely review, Sue! I'm really looking forward into diving into this one in a couple of days. 4y
Suet624 @vivastory Thanks, Scott. I think you‘ll like it. Another terrific NYRB club selection. (edited) 4y
Lindy Beautiful review. I love this book too. 😊🌞 4y
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Suet624 @Lindy thank you. I can definitely see this book being an annual winter read. It puts you smack dab in the middle of summer. 4y
batsy Lovely review 🌻 I'm really looking forward to it! 4y
BarbaraBB Fab review. I read the book a long time ago but remember the feeling and the smells of summer throughout the book! 4y
Suet624 @batsy enjoy!! 4y
Suet624 @BarbaraBB thank you. I‘ll definitely read this one again. 4y
sarahbarnes Lovely review! Starting this today! I‘m excited. 😊 4y
LeahBergen I loved it, too, when I read it a couple of years ago. I‘m hoping to have a quick reread before our discussion. 😊 4y
Suet624 @sarahbarnes I hope you enjoy it. 💕💕 4y
Suet624 @LeahBergen it felt like a great way to dip into the peace of the countryside. 4y
kspenmoll Sounds just the tonic needed in depths of winter. 4y
Hamlet Lovely review & right on target (as I see it). 4y
Suet624 @kspenmoll it was indeed. 😁 4y
Suet624 @Hamlet thank you! 4y
emilyhaldi Lovely review ✨ 4y
Suet624 @emilyhaldi 💕💕 Thank you. 4y
catebutler Great review! I look forward to discussing next week!! 4y
youneverarrived If I wasn‘t going to read this already you would have sold me. Lovely review! 🤍 4y
Suet624 @catebutler thank you! I look forward to the discussion as well! 4y
Suet624 @youneverarrived thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the book. 4y
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Need to start this one for the #NYRBbookclub
So glad my library does curbside pickup! I love this publishing program but I can‘t buy them all.

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“Well, we all see things with different eyes, and it gets you nowhere hoping that even one in a thousand will see things your way.”
What a wonderful read this is turning out to be, for some reason it‘s bringing out a lot of nostalgia in me, and I guess that‘s what great literature does, it touches upon certain feelings that are common to all. Many thanks to @vivastory for bringing this book into my awareness :)

vivastory I'm glad you're enjoying it. I agree re: great lit. Looking forward to diving into this one. 4y
BarbaraBB You can participate in the discussion about this book in the last weekend of February if you like! 4y
Faibka @vivastory I hope you enjoy it too! :) 4y
Faibka @BarbaraBB sounds great, thank you! :) 4y
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Thank you all for a great kick-off of our second season. You smart people add so many new ways to look at the The True Deceiver and I loved our discussion as much as the book. Thanks for having me as your co-host Scott!

Our February choice I read in 2012. I don‘t remember much about it, but apparently it was a 4-star read for me! It might be time for a reread! Thanks all!

LeahBergen I came late to the discussion today and I‘m still reading through all of the comments. What an amazing bunch of commentary! And what a book club we have. ❤️❤️ Thanks for hosting this month! 😘😘 4y
vivastory I believe this was one of the first titles published by NYRB. You must have read it when it was first published! 4y
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BarbaraBB @vivastory I‘m such an early adopter 😉 4y
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen It really was such an enlightening discussion, I feel proud of our book club too! 4y
sisilia I read this last year, and am going to read it again for my IRL bookclub in June... this can be my annual summer read, and True Deceiver annual winter read 😄 4y
batsy This has been a crazy day and I haven't been able to really gather my thoughts yet to answer all of the questions, but I've read through some of the responses and it's so enlightening 🙌🏽 Thank you both for hosting a great discussion 💜 @vivastory 4y
Suet624 Thank you Barbara for a wonderful set of questions. It was quite the discussion! So rich. 4y
BarbaraBB @sisilia You could do worse 😉 4y
BarbaraBB @batsy @Suet624 It was a great discussion. I am so happy to be part of this awesome book club! 4y
Billypar Thanks to you and @vivastory for facilitating such a fantastic discussion to a great novel! It would have been a shame to read this one and have no one to talk to afterwards, so I'm thankful #nyrbbookclub exists 🙂 4y
quietjenn Thank you for co-hosting and asking such provoking and thoughtful questions. I really appreciate this book club and all the members. 4y
BarbaraBB @Billypar @quietjenn We‘re lucky to have you! 🤍 4y
emilyhaldi Thank you for hosting!! I‘ve been distracted the past couple of weeks... finally finished the book on Sunday but didn‘t make it to the discussion. After reading the comments though I have to agree with you- wow! Such amazing insights from this group 🤩 4y
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At only 85 pages long, I've found an even shorter book on my TBR... I've been promised that this book is absolutely lovely so I'm happy to boost it up for the 2021 challenge.

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#bookreport & #weeklyforecast
Not much time for reading this week, but LOVED both I finished, and am loving my In progress #ARC.

- The #NYRB tagged book was sad and hopeful and beautifully written, and The Secret Garden audio was delightful!
-The Orchard is shaping up to have a ‘Jewish Secret History‘ vibe as reported.
- Eileen was a gift from lovely @Cathythoughts and is my #bookspin and Harpy is next to be released from my NetGalley queue.

Cinfhen I started The Orchard last week, I‘m really underwhelmed. It feels very unpolished...it‘s probably me. 4y
KarenUK I‘m only 18% in and liking it so far.... we‘ll see... 🤷‍♀️💕 @cinfhen 4y
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1. No different from previous years. I don‘t have children and I stopped handing out candy a few years ago. 🎃

2. I‘m grateful for my sister. She‘s the best! ❤️

Thanks for the tag @Klou ! 😀


Cosmos_Moon Thanks for joining in 🎃 4y
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Posting a couple of days late.... but here‘s my progress with #readwithmrbook ....

Had the tagged #NYRB #onTBRforever but it was well worth the wait.... Loved it! 💕

MrBook Awesome!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗 4y
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12 books including 2 re-reads for bookclubs (Queenie and My Sister the Serial Killer)

Loved Monogamy, a Month in the Country & Girl, Woman, Other .....💕
A rare DNF for Broken Girls, some summer fluff for #popsugarsummer and 3 NetGalley reads, True Story easily being the best of the three....