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Fair Play
Fair Play | Tove Jansson
42 posts | 30 read | 49 to read
Fair Playis the type of love story that is rarely told, a revelatory depiction of contentment, hard-won and exhilarating.Mari is a writer and Jonna is an artist, and they live at opposite ends of a big apartment building, their studios connected by a long attic passageway. They have argued, worked, and laughed together for decades. Yet theyve never really stopped taking each other by surprise.Fair Playshows us Mari and Jonas intertwined lives as they watch Fassbinder films and Westerns, critique each others work, spend time on a solitary island (recognizable to readers of JanssonsThe Summer Book), travel through the American Southwest, and turn life into nothing less than art.
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This short novel was my #bookspin for February. I'm not sure I quite know what it is about Tove Jansson's books that appeals to me so much. These characters made me want to revisit the Moomin books. I assume that Jonna, like Too-Ticky in the Moomin stories, was based on Tuulikki Pietilä. If you like The Summer Book, I think you'd like this, too.

JuniperWilde I loved the Summer Book and agree that there is something unusually compelling about her writing. 5mo
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Artistic and deceptively simple, this is about work and creativity and love. It‘s a slim novel of interconnected short stories. This has been on my TBR shelf for a couple of years, but thanks to #BookSpin I can now move it to my Read shelf! This was my #DoubleSpin pick ✅

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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My finds today. 😊 Looking forward to them all!

LeahBergen I‘ll be starting Good Behaviour soon. It‘s this month‘s #NYRBBookClub selection (in case you didn‘t know and want to read along with us)! 2y
Tamra @LeahBergen thank you for the tip! I don‘t know if I‘ll have time, but I‘ll watch for it. 😁 (edited) 2y
LeahBergen And you can read the discussion afterwards if you do read it later. That‘s always fun. 😊 2y
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Tamra @LeahBergen for sure! 2y
merelybookish What a great stack! Turtle Diary! 💚 2y
Tamra @merelybookish I‘ve read so many good reviews! 🐢 2y
Cathythoughts Very nice indeed ♥️ 2y
Tamra @Cathythoughts I can‘t wait for you to read The Summer Book by Tove to see what you think. 😊 2y
batsy Yes, was gonna say pls join us for this month's discussion of Good Behaviour if so inclined! 😊 2y
Tamra @batsy thank you for the invite! 🥰 2y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I‘ve been wanting to try one of Tove Jansson‘s books for some time, since I see Litsy friends enjoying them.

This was a very short novella in stories about a friendship between two artists. Maybe more than friendship? The stories are little peeks at conversations about working artist‘s lives, island life, and nature.

I had to adjust to the style, as it‘s translated and didn‘t feel natural at first. But I did enjoy it.

This was my #bookspin.

LeahBergen Oh, those wrinkly little paws. 🥰 2y
CBee This is the BEST pic 🥰 2y
AmyG He looks royal. 2y
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RaeLovesToRead Hello Venkman, you gorgeous snoodle! ❤❤ 2y
Leftcoastzen He looks wise! 2y
GondorGirl Venkman seems to think that he's the real subject of this photo. 😂🥰 2y
EvieBee Something about his man cat cleavage makes me want to smooch him. Boop! Xx 2y
BarbaraBB You should read 2y
Soubhiville @BarbaraBB I‘ll look for it, thank you for the recommendation! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Smrloomis Wow look at those eyes! 🐈 2y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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My #bookspin and #doublespin books are about as different from each other as they can be this month. I‘m excited to dive into them! Thank you @TheAromaofBooks 🥰📚

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I really enjoyed Project Hail Mary. 2y
BookDadGirlDad Hail Mary is amazing!!! 2y
jlhammar Fair Play is excellent! I love Tove Jansson. Enjoy! 2y
Soubhiville @jlhammar this is actually my first by her. I‘m looking forward to it! 2y
Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks @BookDadGirlDad it‘s been on my Bookspin list for ages! I‘m glad it‘s number finally popped up 😊. I loved The Martian, so I bet I‘ll love this too. 2y
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Fair-Play | Tove Jansson
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Under promoted women from Europe

LeeRHarry Tove Jansson should say Finland. (edited) 2y
ManyWordsLater Good call! 2y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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#12booksof2021 #4thbookof2021 #April

As Ali Smith says in her introduction to this novel, “it‘s about nothing much, and yet about everything.” Lovely minimalistic prose, a semi-autobiographical story of two women, an artist and a writer, as they work and live alongside each other. To me it was a story of art and love. I‘m each vignette, small acts mean so much, and the ease and companionship of their friendship was so special. Quiet and lovely.

Cinfhen I can see why you would love this book 3y
Andrew65 Sounds wonderful. 3y
jlhammar Great pick! I kicked-off my reading year with this one and loved it. 3y
BarbaraBB Such a great read. 3y
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Fair-Play | Tove Jansson
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#midyearfaves #day6 of 10

As Ali Smith says in her beautiful introduction to this novel... “it‘s about nothing much, and yet about everything.” Lovely minimalistic prose, a semi- autobiographical story of two women, an artist and a writer, as they work and live alongside each other. To me it was a story of art and love. Small, simple acts mean so much, and the ease and companionship of their friendship was just so special. Quiet and lovely.

vivastory I couldn't agree more with your words! Jansson is hands down one of my fave authors that I read for the first time this yr. 3y
BarbaraBB Wonderful choice. And your comment says it all. 3y
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Fair-Play | Tove Jansson
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Lovely to read this quiet, contemplative book of stories on this stormy afternoon. I understand why it is a classic, a peek into to the lives of two artists that live and work together. In their time they were seen as companions but it seems so obvious that they love and care for each exceeded the false boundaries of the time. #ReadingEurope #Finland

vivastory Great review! Jansson is definitely a favorite. Have you read 3y
Gissy Beautiful cover!😍 3y
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Fair-Play | Tove Jansson
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Reading outside while I can, supposed to start raining again this afternoon. #Sweeden

Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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As Ali Smith says in her beautiful introduction to this novel... “it‘s about nothing much, and yet about everything.” Lovely minimalistic prose, a semi- autobiographical story of two women, an artist and a writer, as they work and live alongside each other. To me it was a story of art and love... in each vignette, small, simple acts mean so much, and the ease and companionship of their friendship was just so special. Quiet and lovely.

Abailliekaras I love Tove! 3y
BarbaraBB That picture is fantastic! I loved this book too. You now should read (edited) 3y
Cinfhen Lovely review 💕 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I do so admire how vividly Jansson draws characters with sparse language.

BarbaraBB She does, right? 3y
batsy That was what struck me in the True Deceiver. Such talent and skill. 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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The story of 2 women, a writer & an artist, living together for decades. Each chapter outlines just a bit of their personality and their adventures- both day to day and traveling- together. Despite it being such a short book, all the important matters are outlined. It seems to be somewhat autobiographical & from the start of this book I thought often of my great-aunt, Edith Lewis, the companion of Willa Cather for decades. An author & an editor.🔽

Suet624 Each very independent and yet entwined in artistic pursuits. Edith took care of so many things so Willa could write and Edith then spent time editing her work. Travel and adventures were commonplace. This book brought me much closer to the feeling sense of what their time together was like. (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB That is an amazing story. I loved the relationship between Tove (I presume it‘s autobiographical too) and her companion. How interesting that your great aunt was such a companion to Willa Cather! I can imagine how much this book must have meant to you! 3y
Lcsmcat Thisssounds fascinating. Stacked! 3y
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Billypar I definitely want to read more Jannson after True Deceiver. That's so cool about your great aunt! It's interesting because it's easy to think of great novels as jumping fully formed from authors' brains, whereas part of the reason they're great is probably that they have people they trust to help edit their work. 3y
vivastory Fantastic review, Sue! I found echoes of True Deceiver in FP, but it's very much it's own work. That's such a great story about your great aunt! I can only imagine the stories she could tell 3y
Suet624 @BarbaraBB I was surprised by how much I've been affected by it, actually. My mother didn't talk about her aunt much and I wish I knew why - I have some ideas, of course. But Willa and Edith had such an interesting life and I wish I had been old enough to talk with Edith about it. 3y
Suet624 @Billypar Wikipedia lists this about my great aunt: “Edith Lewis was a magazine editor at McClure's Magazine, the managing editor of Every Week Magazine, and an advertising copywriter at J. Walter Thompson Co. Lewis was Willa Cather's domestic partner and was named executor of Cather's literary estate in Willa Cather's will.“ My mother always bristled when people suggested that Willa and Edith were gay. She believed they were very good friends. (edited) 3y
Suet624 @billypar There is also information coming out now that Edith had quite a bit to do with editing Cather's books. I don't believe this is something that Edith actually wanted folks to know. I believe people are assuming it because she was an editor at several magazines. It feels as though Edith just wanted Cather's work to stand on its own and she didn't want to take any credit. 3y
Suet624 @vivastory Edith Lewis wrote a book about Willa. I have it but believe it or not I've never read the whole thing. 3y
Graywacke @Suet624 what is Edith‘s book? Nice review and thanks for the insight into Lewis and Cather. How long did they know each other? 3y
Suet624 @Graywacke The book is called Willa Cather Living. Catchy title, right? They met in 1903, moved in together in 1908, and stayed together until Cather's death in 1947. 3y
Graywacke @Suet624 thanks! 🙂 That covers the vast majority of Cather‘s career. I think we say Edith was always there. I didn‘t realize. 3y
Billypar So interesting - thanks for those details! I actually haven't read Cather, but that will change soon. I'll likely be starting My Ántonia in the next month or so. 3y
Suet624 @Billypar @graywacke has led a fascinating Cather read for quite some time now. As a result I ended up reading some that I had missed. Cather was a lovely writer. 3y
Billypar I wouldn't be surprised if seeing the Cather read posts played a role in getting me to buy My Ántonia last summer. So I may have @graywacke and the rest of you to thank! 3y
Graywacke @Billypar @Billypar glad our group is having a good influence🙂 @Suet624 it‘s a terrific group to read Cather with. 3y
Graywacke *can (the word is missing somewhere up there, from 4 days ago) 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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So true. Do you even notice those pictures you hung on the wall a year ago? You‘ve got to move those puppies around!

vivastory This was one of those works of fiction that really made me long for my pre-pandemic social life: which was mostly comprised of art museums & cinema. The above passage reminded me of several museums I'd visited in the past. 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I do miss museums so much too. And bookstores of course. And music festivals. 3y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I'm fortunate because there's a few bookstores that have opened for browsing. I really miss music events. The last one I attended was I believe a year and a half ago. 3y
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802Librarian I have a weird quirk where putting up pictures happens a couple of years after I move in. I‘ve been in my apartment since last July and I‘ve hung no art yet 🤪. I think about it, but 🤷‍♀️ 3y
Suet624 @NHLibrarian haha. Sometimes you just have to wait for the inspiration. (edited) 3y
Suet624 @vivastory @barbarabb this passage reminded me so much of my ex‘s family. They threw all sorts of artwork all together on a wall. No rhyme or reason as to what went where. A cacophony of color. 3y
Suet624 @vivastory the last concert I went to was The Who two summers ago. I guess that‘s a good one to have as my last. 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Lacking the page count of a full length novel for her tale, Jansson wisely utilized an episodic format in Fair Play to portray the relationship between friends Mari & Jonna. Mari & Jonna are both artists who spend most of their time in one another's company watching movies & reading. Although they spend plenty of time at home, their experiences together are quite varied, as is in the case of their very strange trip to Arizona or an even👇

vivastory stranger visit to a cemetery in Porto Vecchio. There's also visits from people from their past that reveals more of their background, adding new dimensions to their character & their friendship. I loved both characters & found myself rooting for both. After a splendid experience with True Deceiver & now a very positive one with Fair Play, I'm a Jansson convert.👇 3y
vivastory I have been reading a lot of great novellas lately, this moving gem of a friendship certainly ranks with the best. @BarbaraBB @Suet624 3y
BarbaraBB Great review. I loved the story about Phoenix and also what Ali Smith says about the meaning of those cemeteries. It may be obvious but I am not the best in interpreting themes. 3y
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Suet624 I‘m reading this book ridiculously slowly. I find myself looping back to earlier chapters and noticing things I hadn‘t before. Still not done reading. 😁 3y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I didn't read Ali Smith's intro. but def plan on it. Have you read other Jansson aside from True Deceiver & Fair Play?/ 3y
BarbaraBB The Summer Book but long ago. I think I‘d appreciate that one now more and am planning to reread it. Have you read Het other work? 3y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I have The Summer Book on my TBR shelves. It looks like she published 6 novels, I'm hopeful that NYRB will publish more of them. Will soon be ordering her collection of stories 3y
BarbaraBB On that one sounds so good as well. 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I can definitely appreciate Jonna‘s attitude about work. 🤣🤣🤣. @vivastory @BarbaraBB

vivastory Same, same. I'm only 23 pages in but I'm LOVING this one 3y
Suet624 @vivastory Jonna is really growing on me. 😁 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 That‘s It, they both feel so real and keep growing on you. 3y
batsy I love that! I, too, am #AgainstTheAgonyOfWork 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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The spring evenings had grown long, & it was hard to darken the room. They sat in their separate chairs & waited for Fassbinder, their silence a respectful preparation. They had waited this way for their meetings with Truffaut, Bergman, Visconti, Renoir, Wilder, & all the other honored guests that Jonna had chosen & enthroned-the finest present she could give her friend.
@BarbaraBB @Suet624

BarbaraBB Great quote. I can visualize them vividly, each in their own chair. 3y
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Fair-Play | Tove Jansson
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It takes some time to get used to the relationship between two artists, Mari and Jonna (mainly because of the sparsity of words Jansson uses) but when I did, I loved it. They have lived and worked together for so long, and are not always loving towards eachother and yet they are - so very much.
Nature, art, aging, jealousy, repetitiveness, death: each story touches upon subjects that add to their joint journey. Together apart. Or apart together.

BarbaraBB #FairPlayBR21 With just 93 pages this wasn‘t much of a buddyread. I finished the book in a few hours 🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 3y
vivastory Great review!! For some reason I didn't realize it was so slim. Today and tomorrow are going to be busy work wise. Will definitely be reading it Wednesday! 3y
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TrishB Great review 👍🏻 3y
RohitSawant Terrific review! 3y
Suet624 Insomnia has allowed me to read three chapters so far. 😁 these women are intriguing. 3y
batsy This sounds really good! Nice review. 3y
KarenUK Lovely review...... 💕 3y
Cinfhen Beautiful review 3y
Megabooks Fantastic review! 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 It gets better by each story because you start to know them. 3y
Suet624 I just reread your review. What a wonderful description of this book. 3y
BarbaraBB Thank you @Suet624 🤍 that means a lot since it is not easy for me to express myself in English. I am always doubting my vocabulary and grammar. 3y
Suet624 Barbara, I never realized English wasn't your first language. (Obviously a blindspot for me!) Your reviews are brilliant and you have such a great way with words. 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 You‘re too kind 😊😘 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I thought Jonna was pretty annoying up until this point. If this isn‘t love, what is?

TheBookDream Waiting for my copy from the library! 3y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This translated novel is such a beautiful love story between Mari and Jona that apparently has resonance with Tove Jansson and her longtime partner Tuulikki. It is written in such a stark, spare lovely way. I thoroughly enjoyed it! #queerbooks

arlenefinnigan I love this book. 5y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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3⭐️ Fair Play is the adult version of The Summer Book 😃 Both are of similar tone and atmosphere; but instead of granddaughter & grandma relationship, it‘s about two aging artists who live together - they support one another despite the on-off squabbles. This is my third Jansson, and my favorite is still The True Deceiver 🥰

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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Curling up with this sweet little book. #queerbooks

arubabookwoman I loved that book when I read it last year. I've never read The Summer Book which I think is more well-known, but hope to get to it soon. 5y
Ms.Story Beautiful view! 5y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Friday night! I want to read this tiny book... but I am sleepy 😴😅🤣

BookNAround I bought this one yesterday! 5y
sisilia @BookNAround Yay! I love the cover design 😍 5y
Lesliereads There‘s always tomorrow.....or when you wake up later in this evening feeling refreshed!✨ 5y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Day 4 of #7Days7Covers

Tagging @Michelle_mck 🤗 7 of your favorite covers each day for a week, no explanation needed. Tag a Litten each day to join in

batsy Oooh I love this one! 5y
Cathythoughts Great cover 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Tove‘s story about her relationship with Tuulikki.

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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This lovely semi-autobiographical book consists of short episodic vignettes of the lives of two older women, Jonna an artist and Mari a writer. It‘s about aging-“time running out”-and about giving the ones you love space to grow.

“They never asked,‘Were you able to work today?‘ Maybe they had 20 or 30 years earlier, but they gradually learned not to. There are empty spaces that must be respected...”

arubabookwoman On aging: “do not tire, never lose interest, never grow indifferent—lose your invaluable curiosity and you let yourself die. It‘s as simple as that. No?” 6y
Bookwomble I loved this book ❤ 6y
overtheedge Sounds amazing....adding! 6y
batsy Love that quote about aging 💜 I have the book... need to get to it! 6y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Two quotes from this lovely book:

“She began to celebrate a solitude of her own, peaceful and full of possibility. She felt something close to exhilaration, of a kind that people can permit themselves when they are blessed with love.”

“There is no silence like sitting in a fog at sea and listening.”

While the kids in NYC are at work this week we are spending a few days at the Del. shore. It‘s been foggy and quiet.

Cinfhen My friends have a place in Rehoboth - hope weather improves but quiet beaches are sooooo pleasant 🤗🤗🤗 6y
arubabookwoman @Cinfhen We are in Bethany Beach, just down the road. We will probably be retiring here in a couple of years. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s so lovely!! I‘ve been to Bethany, too!!! 6y
BarbaraBB Beautiful quotes (and view!) 6y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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It's easy to see the parallels between Tove Jansson and Ali Smith who wrote the introduction to this translation. They both build characters or of tiny, innocuous and perfectly observed moments. These vignettes are the perfect coalescence of this skill and Jansson's calm, clear often spare prose runs deep. In this intimate portrait of a relationship she reveals complexity as much through hints and absences as what is said and it's beautifully done

LeahBergen Lovely review. I‘ve been meaning to pick up a copy of this after enjoying The Summer Book so much. 6y
emilyhaldi You sold me! 6y
RohitSawant Wonderful review! 6y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I work a couple of Sundays a semester. Today is one one of them. Reference services typically aren‘t in high demand so I will get to do some reading! Should be able to finish up Fair Play 😊

rustoryhuf I‘m pulling one of my semester Sundays too. My book is my work buddy. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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These are a collection of related stories surrounding two "artist types" who have lived together for years -- little slices of life or vignettes if you will. I enjoyed it but I'm not sure if I want to read any of her other books. I already own The Summer Book so I will give that one a try before I make my final decision on my feelings about this author.

Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Finally getting around to this little book. Jansson published Rent Spel (its original Swedish title) in 1989, when she was herself in her mid-seventies.

Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This is a series of vignettes about the relationship between two women artists. Their relationship is close. They support each other and play off each other in their creative pursuits. I liked the relationship between the two women and the direct writing. 3.5 ⭐️

Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Starting this one over breakfast. Looks like it should be a quick read. I'm trying to finish up all my library books before I leave for vacation, so I hope to get through this one today.

saresmoore I took it in bits and pieces over time and enjoyed it a lot that way. It's separate vignettes, so can lend itself to short spurts of enjoyment. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Today's #libraryhaul is 🔥🔥🔥. I went to pick up two holds and found two more that were begging to go home with me.

AmandaL I can't wait to see what you think of Priestdaddy. I'll be requesting it once my other holds come in. 7y
ReadingEnvy 😍😍😍 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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I had the enormous honor and joy of recording an episode with @ReadingEnvy for her wonderful podcast. Jenny is a lovely human and we had a lot of fun discussing some great books! Give it a listen here: https://tinyurl.com/yc5lkmsj

Jess_Read_This Oh neat! I will definitely check it out! 💕📚💕 7y
Simona 👏👏👏 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I enjoyed this! Liked what you said about children's authors especially. Plus I teach a Moomin story to my 5th graders! 7y
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saresmoore @TobeyTheScavengerMonk That's very cool! I reiterate that I wish my kids could be in your class. 7y
saresmoore @Jess_Read_This Yay! I hope you enjoy it! 7y
LeahBergen Eeeee!!! I can't wait!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
andrew61 Brill ☺ 7y
vivastory I really enjoyed listening to this, you did great! The Jansson excerpts you read are wonderful. Also @ReadingEnvy I can't wait to read "Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country" 7y
ReadingEnvy @vivastory it's a really fun collection... Thanks for listening! 7y
saresmoore @vivastory Thank you! I'm also excited to read the Goth in the Country collection. I had to back away from the mic because I was laughing pretty much constantly while Jenny was reading from it! 7y
LauraBrook I just listened to this episode (thank you for making me take a walk so I didn't feel bad about just listening to a podcast, by the way), and OMG, it was amazing! It was so so so wonderful to hear both of your voices, and what you're reading and thinking about and why. Just fantastic!!!!!!! 💖 7y
vivastory @saresmoore Chavisa Woods compiled an excellent list on electric lit of her favorite rural outcasts books. It's how I heard of Klosterman's "Downtown Owl" 7y
saresmoore @LauraBrook Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!!! 😘♥️ @ReadingEnvy is so generous & peaceful—she made it a wonderful experience. 7y
saresmoore @vivastory Yep, I wanna read that whole list. I think all of it would fit in great with the weird ghosty rural kick I'm on! 7y
LauraBeth Well this just made my day! Can't wait to listen to it! 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth The best part is that my husband managed to keep the kids quiet during recording (iPad) so there's not even a trumpet blast in the background. Haha! 7y
Suet624 I can't wait to listen. What a brave soul you are. ❤️👏🏼👏🏼🤓 7y
britt_brooke Awesome! 7y
Hobbinol Finally had a chance to listen to this and you sounded great! Really! I'm very impressed! Oh and I loved it when you spoke about serendipitous concurrencies in books you're reading. ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
saresmoore @Hobbinol Thank you! The serendipitous remarks were absolutely inspired by our Litsy conversations! 😍 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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This lovely novella-in-vignettes is my choice for #HomebytheSea. Many of the stories are set in the remote island home of a pair of quirky artists. The book is centered on the idiosyncrasies of their personalities & relationship—it's a wonderful book!


Litlady I loved The Summer Book so much! This looks equally good. 📚😍 7y
saresmoore @Litlady I'm really looking forward to The Summer Book—I haven't read it yet, but it's tucked away on this shelf! Fair Play was nice to read over time, story by story. 7y
Cinfhen A few people choose Tove Jansson for today...she seems to be sea worthy 💙🌊💚I've never read her books before 🙁 7y
saresmoore @Cinfhen I can't imagine what these challenges are doing to your TBR! Don't despair, it's virtual, so it can't actually crush you... But still, I think I would find it overwhelming! 7y
Cinfhen It's ridiculous....I feel like my poor summer santa is being weighed down too! However she now has 700 books to choose from 😜 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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My nightstand queue. Three are ARCs so I have to discipline myself even though I SO want to read Fair Play right now.

Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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There is so much under the surface in these simple stories about a pair of women who've cultivated a life together and individually, loving and working. This little novel told in brief vignettes is keenly self-aware, leaning into auto-biographical. In 100 pages, Tove Jansson brought me to tears and laughter. I can't recommend this highly enough or do it justice in a review. Read it so we can discuss it!

vivastory She gets an entry in the book I'm reading "The Rough Guide to Cult Fiction." I didn't realize she's the author of the Moomin books. 7y
saresmoore @vivastory Yes! She had a pretty interesting career. I haven't read the Moomin books yet, but I'm going to get a hold of them ASAP. (I just edited this because "Moomin" corrected to "Mormon". ?) (edited) 7y
vivastory @saresmoore I'm planning on reading her work soon. It sounds fantastic. 7y
Hobbinol Sounds wonderful! I'll have to read it soon! 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney I can't remember if you've read this one, but I have a suspicion you would love it. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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"The train arrived. There he was, one of the first to alight, long and thin in a huge black coat, no hat, his white hair fluttering in the wind. Even without his carnation, Mari would have known this was Wladyslaw, such an utterly odd bird. But she was surprised at how old he was, really old. All Wladyslaw's letters seemed written with youthful intensity, full of overblown adjectives."

andrew61 My wife downloaded 'the summer book' to the kindle for her reading group, im not a big kindle reader but i may make an exception now. 7y
saresmoore @andrew61 I think I'm going to order The Summer Book today. Her writing is wonderfully nuanced and pithy. I would say it's certainly worth sampling and if you like her style as much as I did, NYRB has a lovely print edition of it. 7y
andrew61 Thanks, it is a lovely cover, i will look at nyrb website. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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Downtown with Tove this lovely morning.

GypsyKat Love that mural! 😍 7y
saresmoore @GypsyKat Isn't it gorgeous? We have tons of beautiful #streetart. 7y
GypsyKat @saresmoore Love it. That's awesome. 😊 7y
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LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
LauraBeth Beautiful! 7y
Hobbinol I stacked the book and feel like stacking the pic too!👏🏻 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen @LauraBeth @Hobbinol There's a lot of subtle attitude in this mural—a great picture of modern childhood. 7y
saresmoore @Hobbinol The book is blowing me away. Every short chapter either elicits bubbling laughter or punches me gently in the heart. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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When the introduction of the book is so good, you can't even come up with a predicate for the sentence describing it... Okay, Ali Smith, I'm in.

Lindy Tove Jansson was a literary genius. 💜 7y
saresmoore @Lindy This is the first of hers that I've read. It's such a brief book; a novel as a collection of real-life vignettes. I'm only on page 33 and she has made me laugh out loud and contemplate my own life choices and purpose at least five times. It's beautifully composed. 7y
Lindy @saresmoore Fair Play and Summer Book are my two favourites. 7y
LeahBergen I have The Summer Book waiting on my shelf. 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I think I'm going to need to get that one, as well, very soon. 7y
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Fair Play | Tove Jansson
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There is a lot of red in this stack of #coolspines. These are from my recent #nyrb order from their winter sale. I may have gone overboard, but I got a free tote bag! 😬


Simona 😍😍😍😍 Everything for free tote bag ... Well, you deserved it! 7y
LauraBrook Isn't it a nice tote bag? I really like mine, nice and sturdy. 7y
saresmoore @Simona @LauraBrook It really is a good tote bag. Lots of room for more books! 😁🙃 7y
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Suelizbeth This looks my NYRB stack from last year. 7y
saresmoore @Suelizbeth It's hard to resist such a good sale on such wonderfully unique books! Fortunately, I enlisted my husband for his accountability, so I didn't end up breaking the bank. 7y
Hobbinol 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
saresmoore @Hobbinol You can take much of the blame/credit for this! It was your Litsy post that introduced little old sheltered me to NYRB. So thank you! 😘 7y
shawnmooney Mavis Gallant!! ❤❤ I have wanted to read the Goodman memoir forever! 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney Mavis was the only one that was not a part of the winter sale, but I couldn't resist after your recommendation! 7y
batsy Oh my god I want them all 7y
saresmoore @batsy That's what I said when I was looking at the selection! This is a picture of restraint. 7y
batsy I admire (covet?) your restraint 📚📚📚 7y
AlaMich Overboard? On NYRB books? Not possible!👍 7y
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